Giving You Forever (8 page)

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Authors: Ashley Wilcox

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Giving You Forever
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Back in my car, I power my phone back on–no cellphones in the doctor’s office. Of course, being the nervous nelly that Nolan is, I have a voicemail and a text message asking if I’m done with my appointment yet. As crazy as he can be sometimes, I love how he takes care of me and looks out for my well-being. It makes me feel loved.

“Hey, baby doll. How’d your appointment go?” Nolan picks up on the first ring.

I snicker at his eagerness.

“Good. It’s a sinus infection. She prescribed me an antibiotic, so I should be as good as new in no time,” I smile, even though I still feel like crap, and I’m silently wishing that I could just snap my fingers and be back in my bed.

“Did she call it in already?” he asks.

“Um...yeah, I think so. She said the pharmacy should have it ready by the time I get there.”

“The Rite Aid near our house?”

“Yeah,” I answer, confused and wondering why he seems so anxious to know this information.

“Alright, you get home and back in bed. I’ve got a break in between appointments right now, so I’ll stop and pick it up for you. Do you need anything else while I’m out?”

I sigh, completely in love with him. It’s like he knows how dreadfully tired I am and what is going on in my head.

“Thanks, babe, and no, I don’t need anything else,” I reply with a heartfelt grin on my face.

“K, see you in a little bit. Love you,” he adds, filling my body with a warmth of emotion from his words.

“Love you too.”

Not only did my perfect fiancé come home with my medicine, but with a stack of chick flicks from the RedBox, as well. I spent all afternoon and evening with Julia Roberts and Richard Gere in Pretty Woman, then my all-time favorite, The Notebook, and finished with the classic of all classic chick flicks, Dirty Dancing. I cried ugly tears during every single one, of course.

“How’d I know you were going to end the chick-fest with this one,” Nolan jokes, walking into our room and tilting his head towards the TV with his cute, yet sexy grin that I love.

“Gotta save the best for last,” I smile, shrugging my shoulders.

Walking over to the laundry hamper, he slides his tie loose and slips it over his head, then undoes the buttons on his shirt before taking it off. He shimmies out of his work pants and throws everything into the basket except for the briefs that he’s still wearing.

Yes, I’m drooling...and staring.

Sick or not, his body still drives my insides crazy.

My facial expression must be hinting at what my mind is thinking because he glances down at his body and then back at me with an amused, heart-throbbing smirk.

“Although it’s hard to say no to that beautiful face, I’m not having sex with you when you’re sick as hell,” he grins, pushing his underwear down and off.

“So you’re gonna tease me with
instead?” I act annoyed, pointing to his slightly erect length.

Nolan laughs and throws his briefs at me. “You’re such a horn ball and I love it, doll.” He turns toward the bathroom, showing me his perfectly rounded butt. “But we’re still not having sex.” He winks over his shoulder before continuing towards the shower.

After letting out an over dramatic humph so that he can hear me loud and clear, I fall back into the pillows, now completely turned on and all by myself.

Since when do I get turned down from sex? I hate being sick!


Christ, turning down sex from Alexa is like asking to donate my left nut…god awful! What I thought was going to be a nice long warm shower after the day of hell that I had is now an achingly cold one in an attempt to calm my cock the fuck down. How awful of a person would I be to screw my fiancé while she’s sick as hell? I so badly wanted to fuck that sexy ass smirk off of her face because, I’m not gonna lie, her hoarse voice is kind of a turn-on.

Damn, I’ve got issues.

No matter how cold the shower, picturing Alexa underneath me and screaming my name in that deep, sexy voice, is something I can’t get out of my head.
She was willing, right?
It’s not like it was my idea to have sex. She brought it up, so I’d just be fulfilling her needs.

Fuck this shit!

If my girl wants to get laid, well then she’s gonna get laid.

With my cock already raised and ready, I turn off the shower, grab my towel, then high tail back into the bedroom to give my love what she’s craving to have. Unfortunately, right as I’m about to cover her with my body, I find her curled up into the fetal position sound asleep. My body instantly relaxes, seeing my sweet angel getting her much needed rest. I quietly chuckle to myself, hearing her faintly snoring from being congested–she’d be so embarrassed if she knew.

She’s so damn beautiful!

Even though it’s earlier than I usually go to sleep, I pull down the covers and climb into bed, wrapping her body with mine. After getting the news that the gym won’t be opening up on time which put me in a pissy mood all day, this is exactly what I needed–me, my girl, and our bed.


Having yet another coughing attack, I decide to finally get up and take some Nyquil. I really didn’t want to take it because, even though it knocks me out, it makes me groggy in the morning and I’m bound and determined to go to school tomorrow. However, if I don’t get any sleep, there’s no way I’ll be able to function.

As I lift Nolan’s arm off my side to get up out of bed, I notice he’s completely naked.


He’s seriously being this cruel to me while I’m sick? Not only does he flaunt his sexy body in front of me, but he crawls into bed naked. Though, all I really want to do is take some medicine and go back to bed, I think I’ll play a little game of my own first. If he wants to tease me while withholding sex, I can do the same.

Running my hand along his chest and down the length of his body, I wrap my fingers around his limp shaft. While pressing light, delicate kisses along his neck and chest, I slowly stroke his length, making it come to life. A low moan escapes his mouth and his hand finds the back of my head, tangling his fingers in my hair. I look up to see his eyes still shut, but his mouth is now slightly cracked.

Oh yeah, baby. Does that feel good?

Gently pushing Nolan completely onto his back, I continue my kisses down his torso, making my way down to his now very erect penis. With a devious smirk on my face, I cover his length with my mouth and slowly work my magic up and down his shaft. This brings him to life, of course.

“Oh yeah, doll…”

Not on purpose, but with perfect timing, I get another itch in my throat, then lift my head up and start coughing like crazy. Nolan moves up on his elbows as I quickly dart to the bathroom to get a drink of water. My devious grin returns as I catch my breath and soothe my throat with some water.

How do you like that?

Before heading back into the bedroom, I take my Nyquil like originally planned, blow my nose, and cough one more time for dramatic purposes only.

“Sorry, babe…it doesn’t look like I can finish. Too sick,” I say sarcastically, holding my hand up to my throat and throwing a pouty lip in there, too.

With a sexy smile, Nolan shakes his head. “You do realize why I’m naked, right?” he asks.

“Because you’re a tease?” I snip back.

“Not even close, sweetheart,” he tells me, shaking his head again. Sitting up, he reaches for my hand. “Come here,” he says, sexy dripping from each word as he extends his hand for me to take.

Gently pulling me back down to my side of the bed, he leans slightly over me with his face inches from mine. “I came back to have sex with you earlier, but you were sound asleep. Now that you’re awake, though, and have woken up something else…” he glances down his body, “I’m gonna make such sweet love to you that you’re gonna forget you’re even sick.”

Swallowing hard, I make one request. “Okay, Mr. Pratt. I’ll allow you to take advantage of me, but under one condition.”

He looks at me, intrigued.

“No kissing on the lips. We don’t need you sick, too.”

After kissing my cheek and then my neck, he whispers “deal” into my ear.

“Oh, and you only get maybe ten minutes,” I add as his mouth travels down to my chest.

He looks up at me, confused with one eyebrow raised.

“I just took some Nyquil.” I smile.

Sitting back onto his heels, Nolan pulls my silk nightgown up and over my head, then yanks my panties off, throwing them both to the side.

“Guess I better get to work then,” he grins before latching his mouth over my nipple.


Chapter Eight


I quietly creep out of bed and quickly grab my clothes for work, careful not to wake Alexa. Within seconds of our midnight romp, she was out cold and didn’t make a peep, other than her adorable snoring, for the rest of the night. She already looked better last night when I got home from work, so I’m feeling confident that with one more day of rest, she’ll be feeling much better.

Just as I pour some coffee into my travel mug, I hear the stairs creek with footsteps. Shocked to hear her coming down the stairs this early, I glance over my shoulder to witness my beautiful fiancé dressed to the nines in a skirt and top.

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