Giving You Forever (17 page)

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Authors: Ashley Wilcox

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Giving You Forever
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“I met with Meg yesterday.”

Quickly glancing over at me with a smile, he answers, “Yeah?”

“Yeah, we found a venue and even put down a deposit.”

“What? Really? You found one you like, that’ll work for us?” he asks with a grin, knowing how stressful it has been searching for one.

“You’ll never believe where, babe. I
can’t believe it!”

Nolan looks at me anxious.

“The Sheraton!”

“Are you fucking kidding me? On the hill?” he asks, just as shocked as I am.

“Crazy, right? Meg has the
with the manager. They had a cancellation, so they fit us in.”

“Holy shit, doll. That’s incredible.” He looks at me with pure joy pouring from his body. “You so deserve this, baby. I’m so happy we decided to go with Meg.”

“She’s seriously amazing.” I, one hundred percent, agree.

“Squee! I’m so excited you guys are here!” Nolan’s cousin, Anna, pounces on us as soon as we step foot inside the door.

“Shit, Anna. You act like it’s been years,” Nolan jokes as she squeezes us all into a hug together.

“Well, crap, you open up a gym and forget about the rest of us. At least let us have Lex!”

“Unleash her to you whack-jobs without any protection? Not on your life,” he responds, dripping with sarcasm.

Looping her arm with mine, she pulls me in the direction of the kitchen. “Oh whatever!” Anna adds over her shoulder to Nolan.

One of our first dates together was game night with his family. Nolan coaxed me into believing it was only going to be his sister and brother in law as I was all self-conscious of my appearance, just coming from my job which, at the time, was in an ice cream stand. Moments after we arrived, though, the door swung open with a swarm of loud, overly loving cousins. It didn’t take long for my nerves to settle and to become comfortable around them. They accepted me into their family immediately, making me fit right in with their fun-loving chaotic personalities.

“Look at you, lookin’ all cute!” Kelly, Nolan’s sister, greets me as we walk into the kitchen.

looks cute,” Nolan’s other cousin, Trish adds.

“She seriously does,” another one says.

I laugh at their banter and how they all carry on as I pull a wine glass down from Kelly’s rack.

“The whites are in the wine fridge,” Kelly points out, knowing what I drink.

“Thanks, Kel,” I smile, bending down to pull a bottle out.


I jump after being slapped on the butt.

“Babe! What the heck? That hurt!” I turn around to see Nolan smiling with a big goofy grin while I held my butt where he just hit me.

“Oh…I didn’t hit you that hard.” He steps in close to me, sliding his hand over the area. “Do you want me to rub it for you, doll? I can make it feel better,” he winks with his face only inches from mine, and even though it does kinda stings where he slapped me, an ache forms between my legs, feeling his breath against my skin and getting a whiff of his masculine cologne.

A sly smirk covers his face when he sees the affect that he has over me. Bringing his mouth down to my ear he whispers, “You like being spanked, baby doll? Cause I can make it feel
good after.”

With my breath growing heavy and my panties growing damp, I swallow hard before answering, “I bet you could.”

Licking his lips with a devilish grin, he adds, “Drink up, sweetheart. Looks like date night is going to be interesting tonight,” before kissing my forehead and walking away with a cocky sway to his walk.

“Hey! No words!” Trish yells at Nolan as he tries to act something out for me to guess.

He throws his hands up in frustration and turns the card for her to see, “How the fuck do you act out milkman?”

“Act like you’re milking a cow, then point to your junk,” Dylan, his brother in law, tells Nolan like he’s speaking the obvious.

“Oh whatever! You would
have thought to do that with a damn buzzer clicking in front of your face,” Nolan waves his hand and rolls his eyes before taking a seat on the couch next to me.

“Uh oh. It’s gettin’ a little tense in here,” Anna teases.

The girls laugh while the guys huff and puff.

Did I mention his family is quite competitive?

“He’s just pissed that he’s gonna lose,” Derrick, one of the husbands, adds.

“Yeah, that’s it, fucker, because that never happens…”

Laughing, we all agree. It’s true. Nolan and I always lose. I don’t think we’ve
won, actually. Adding charades as something we’re good at will never happen. We pretty much suck at it, and that’s primarily Nolan’s fault. He gets too frustrated and ends up throwing the card when I can’t figure it out or says a clue out loud, disqualifying us.

After losing yet another round, Nolan stands, clapping his hands together.

“Well, it’s been fun,” he starts and already the females are pouting at what Nolan is about to say. Shaking his head with a smile, he continues, “but we’ve gotta get going.”

“It’s only eleven,” Dylan points out, looking at his watch. “You got a bedtime, beautiful?” he jokes. The guys are always picking on Nolan’s good looks and how he is always running his hand through his hair. I think it’s hot, but the guys think it’s feminine. Personally, I think it’s more of a jealousy issue. Nolan is hot and incredibly beautiful. No one can deny it. Not even a guy.

For exaggerated purposes only, Nolan runs his hand through his hair with a smirk, warranting a chuckle to erupt among us. With a raised eyebrow, and pulling me up next to him, he answers, “I’ve got a hot date.” He squeezes my butt.

“Ugh. T.M.I.!” Kelly shouts, rolling her eyes with a disgusted look while the guys look at us with a grin.

This used to irritate the crap out of me, notifying people about our sex life, in so many words. But I’m so used to it now that he just gets an eye roll and a look of annoyance. It’s pointless to argue. Nolan finds it humorous, so I learned a long time ago not to look mad. He’ll just elaborate, embarrassing me even more.

“Eh–you asked, sis.” He shrugs his shoulders with a cocky grin.

“Actually, I didn’t.”

“Your husband did, and he equals you, so yeah, ya did.”


“They’re married,” he argues. “They’re supposed to share everything, even a brain.”

“Um, no. That’s not how it goes,” she answers.

“Yeah, no. I don’t take responsibility either for anything that comes out of your mouth.”

“Good try, buddy,” Anna adds.

“Man, you guys are tough,” Nolan responds, sliding his hand through his hair.

“Oh, here goes goldilocks again. Running his hands through his hair,” Derrick teases Nolan.

“Yeah, that’s right, fucker. Be jealous.” Nolan raises his chin with a smirk.

“Ohhh…” they all say in unison, looking at Derrick with big smiles.

Nodding his head and chuckling, Derrick rebuttals, “Good try, Rico Suave, but I’m good.” He waves his hand, shooing Nolan away. “Now go take care of your fiancé, will ya? Your head is gettin’ bigger by the second.”

Well, that statement just fueled Nolan even more.

“Again, don’t be jealous,” Nolan winks, grabbing in between his legs.

“Okay, okay, okay…” I jump in, rolling my eyes. They act like darn kids, or maybe brothers. Either way, their age drops at least ten years when together.

They’re both laughing like two college boys as I pull Nolan towards the door. The ladies get up to say their goodbyes.

“Thanks for coming, guys,” Kelly says before bringing us in for a hug. “Don’t be such strangers.”

“Yeah, let Alexa out every once in a while. She’s really the only one we care about seeing,” Trish teases before hugging us both.

Once opening the door, we turn to wave to the guys, “See ya, fuckers!” Nolan shouts to them.

“Bye guys,” I add.

They respond to Nolan with some snarky remark after kindly saying goodbye to me.


“One of these days…” I tell Alexa like I do every time we leave game night.

Instead of answering, she lets out a cute as fuck giggle.

Someone has had a bit to drink.

Looking at her with a grin, she questions, “What?”

“Nothing,” I smile back, loving how fricken cute she is when she’s drunk. Not to mention my mind is racing with what I’m going to do to that fine little ass when we get home. Not that our sex life is lacking when we’re sober, but when Alexa has been drinking…fuck, yeah, it’s amazing.

Luckily, we maybe live a whole five minutes from my sister’s, but the thoughts consuming my head in just that little time is enough to give me a semi erection. I let her walk through the door and take off her shoes before picking her up and throwing her over my shoulder, running her up the stairs.

“Holy crap, babe,” she giggles as I take the stairs two at a time and turning the corner to our room like a man on a mission because that’s what I am; a man on a mission to get my hot ass fiancé undressed and screaming my name below me.

Throwing her down on the bed, I slowly climb above her, my eyes never leaving her. Alexa’s expression has already turned serious, ready for what I’m about to give her. Halfway up her torso, I grip the bottom of her sweater, pushing it up as I move along her body. A pleasured moan escapes her mouth as I graze both of her breasts with my mouth, nipping her peaks that are begging to be exposed. Sliding her sweater over her head, I move in close to her mouth, making her think that’s where I’m heading, but move to the side of her face and down to her neck. Running the tip of my nose gently against her skin, I breathe heatedly against her neck, moving up to the back of her ear.

Alexa’s hands slide up my back, stopping and tangling in my hair. A low whimper escapes her sweet lips as I tease the perimeter of her ear with my tongue. Nipping the bottom of her lobe, her hips push up, crashing into my hard as hell cock.

Ahh, shit!

Totally fucking turned on, I sit back on my heels, tearing her pants and panties off of her body. Her breathing hitches when I yank the front of her bra off in two, not giving a fuck if I broke it. I’ll buy her a new one.

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