Read Girls' Night Out (Bad Boys) Online

Authors: Susan Arden

Tags: #Cowboy, #Sports Romance, #New Adult Fiction, #Football Romance, #Erotic Romance, #Multicultural Romance

Girls' Night Out (Bad Boys) (36 page)

BOOK: Girls' Night Out (Bad Boys)
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“First—you’ll have to catch me.” She bracketed her slim hips with her fingers. “I’m not going back to school until tomorrow, so cowboy, it might take some roping to get me.”

“Oh. You want to play games?” he countered, keeping his focus on her. Even with a sprained ankle, he could take on his firecracker, and the more she wrangled, the more he yearned to get her beneath him. “Sugar, why didn’t you say so?”

“Bring it on,” she sang.

He glanced down the sidewalk as though something warranted his attention. “Never mind, your folks are back.”

“They probably forgot something.” She shrugged, turning to look.

He didn’t wait and bolted forward, wrapping his arms around her middle, lowering his shoulder, and then lifting her up across his back. “So easy,” he grunted, placing his palm on her bottom to keep her steady.

He could feel her suck in a breath and knew a tornado was about to set down in L.A. “Brett Gold, you put me down this instant.”

“Oh, I’m going put you down, when I’m good and ready.” He patted her bottom as he walked through the courtyard and up the front steps to her apartment. He stepped inside, refusing to set her down until he got what he needed. Entering her bedroom, he stopped in front of her closet and rifled through her belongings hanging on a peg.

He’d fantasized about this moment. He knew just what he was looking for and announced, “Bingo.”

“What are you searching for?” she asked, struggling on his shoulder.

“Stop moving. Consider yourself on a need-to-know basis.” He pulled four scarves free, then walked over to her bed. Totally girly, the white headboard and footboard he’d kicked against each night, given his height. But now her feminine decor was perfect for what he had in mind.

“Brett, what are you up to?”

He arranged her over his lap, then pulled up the hem of her dress. “Heaven help us,” he whispered, staring down at the lingerie she wore. A white garter belt and itty-bitty undies. He felt himself go hotter than a red poker.

“Please, Brett, tell me what you’re going to do.”

He sucked in a lungful of air, running his hand over her bottom, pulling up the edge of her undies and skimming his fingers over the seam of her ass, imagining the things he wanted to do with her. Before they did anything truly outrageous, he’d marry her and make her his wife.

“Cory, you drive me crazy, pushing every one of my buttons. I want our marriage sooner than later, but I can wait for you if that’s what you want. I’m giving you a pass this once. You cause me any more consternation and I promise you, I’ll smack your behind until you can’t sit down so you’ll remember who wears the pants in this relationship. I love you, and I’ll be damned if I’m going to let you do things that will hurt or harm you. We’re good together, baby. Just this once, I’m withholding. But if you play with fire, better realize from here on out, that backside of yours will get burned, but good.” He pulled the flimsy material, fisting it in his hand, and in one firm tug he tore it off her hips. Brett dropped the torn undies next to him and regarded her perfect bottom. “Here’s one to grow on and remember.”

“Just one,” she whispered. “Is that all I’m going to get?”

He ran his fingers over her firm, round ass, kneading each cheek. God, it took everything in him to keep to his word.

“Don’t push.” He laid into her with one smart smack. The pink stain to her perfect butt had him jerking in his pants. “Now, I’m going to undress you.”

Picking her up, he moved her to the bed and removed her clothes as promised then spread her lovely legs. “Tempted?” she whispered.

“Very,” he replied, but refrained from touching her beyond what was required.

He wanted them both on the brink and ready to engage in a wild fuckfest. Her scorching gaze followed him as he looped the ends of a scarf around one ankle before attaching the end to the bedpost. He walked to the other bedpost and knotted the scarf, then tied the end to her ankle, refusing to give in and caress her silken skin and plunge into her pussy with his heat-seeking missile cock. He glanced up the ‘V’ of her legs and stopped. His whole body hummed with pure unadulterated lust…and more. What he’d do to have her next to him, instead of heading over to Paris this summer. Fuck, he wanted her so bad it hurt, even his nuts ached.

“Another lesson, baby doll. Trust me?” he asked, leaning down and ghosting his fingers over the curve of her calf.

“Absolutely. All the way,” she said with certainty.

“Hold out your wrists.” His heart hammered as he tied her wrists together with one of the scarves. “You can’t imagine how I’ve fantasized about this moment.”

“If it’s anything like I’ve imagined, we’re in for it.”

Brett ran his fingers over the footboard and slowly shook his head, entranced by her. “You’re…more than beautiful. I don’t even have the words to describe how you can get me coming undone with that sassy mouth of yours. One look. Just being next to you this last week. Girl, I love you more than any man could love a woman.”

“Come to me,” she whispered, holding out her wrists that he’d tied. “I love you.”

He lowered his jeans, his cock hugging his belly, and ripped open a condom packet. Rolling it down had him grinding his back molars, heat racing up his spine by the time he climbed between her legs. She held up her arms and slipped them over his head. “God, Cory. I won’t be able to do much, you’ve got me ready to explode.”

“Me too,” she said. “Don’t hold back. I’m all better.”

“Got what you need. I’ve never been this on edge.” He pushed the head of his dick inside her, relishing the way she was so tight and gripped him. He hungered to drive himself into her, but he’d lose it. One thrust and it would be over, he was that far gone. He focused on Cory’s face, loved to watch her pupils dilate as he entered her. “You’re so wet. So fucking tight.”

She flexed her hips, bearing down on his dick. Shivers coupled with pinpricks of sweat spread over his body when he held back from thrusting fully inside her. Cory’s pussy squeezed him, but the rolling of her hips had him groaning against her neck. She whimpered his name, as he pulled her to him. Her scent surrounded him and the feel of her silky skin had him driving his length into her. He closed his eyes, thrusting all the way into her, then stopped and savored the sensation of her tightly wrapped around him. He opened his eyes and gazed down at her.

“So sweet,” he said. “I won’t be able to stop once I get going. You ready?”

“Please,” she whispered. “Don’t stop.” Her pussy felt like liquid fire around him and had him gritting his teeth.

He pushed up, caging her between his palms pressing down on either side of her shoulders on the mattress. “Want to take my time but I don’t think that’s possible.”

Brett began flexing his hips back, letting his cock slowly pull from her. Then at the moment when her eyes began rolling back, an electrical burst of pleasure erupted across his body. Fuck, this felt so perfect. She was wet and warm, and her muscles squeezed him. She had to be close. They were both almost there. So fucking there.

“Please,” Cory whimpered under him, her tied wrists around his neck and he growled, his cock poised at her entrance.

“Baby,” he breathed out, thrusting back inside her with such force his whole body shuddered. “I’m coming for you.”

Brett set the rhythm hard and fast, entering her deeper each time. She was so amazing to fuck and watch and fuck. In that order. The way she bit her lip, moaned his name, as her eyelashes fluttered had him riding the edge of bursting. For her he held back. God, he needed to feel her orgasm. The way she melted around his cock, then her muscles gripped him. He lifted her bound wrists off his neck to hold her arms above her head, grinding his hips against hers, making his cock go as deep as he could into her warm, wet pussy.

“Give me what I want,” he groaned. “All of you. Now, Cory.”

She was almost there. Squeezing around him skintight, their bodies slide over each other’s. Rocking his hips, he pumped his cock inside her. He lived for the feel of her body-hugging deliverance.

“So close. Just. Like. That,” she whispered against his skin.

Oh, he knew what that meant, and he slammed into her with a hard one-two-three pattern.

“That’s it. I love when you squeeze me. Swollen, and so slick around my cock.” He leaned on his shoulder, angling their bodies so he could hit just the right spot that made her clench tighter around him. “That’s it. I know you’re almost ready to explode. Aren’t you?”

Her eyes searched his face as he spread his palms over her tits and thumbed her nipples.

“I’m about to lose control,” Cory ground out the words, her breathy voice stoking his fire even hotter.

“Who does this to you?” he whispered, sucking the skin along her neck. He lifted his head and moved over her, capturing her face between his hands. “Beautiful, who?”

“Only you,” she moaned, her eyes nearly black with a rim of bright blue. “You do this to me.”

Damn. He nearly lost it himself. He began to hurl his body against Cory. Reaching down, he hiked up her bottom until he was lost in a woman who held the key to his heart, his mind, his soul.

They fell back against the bed, Cory wrapped within his arms, and laid together for minutes. When his breath returned, he reached over and gently untied her arms, rubbing his hands over the marks on her wrists.

“If I could, I’d marry you tomorrow,” he whispered soft and low.
I’d love you with all my heart and come home to you. Always. Never would I be unfaithful. I’d build you a home to raise our babies and be there if you wanted to travel the world. Just come back to me. You’ve managed to steal my heart and, girl, don’t you ever give it back. It’d be nice if you didn’t trample it ‘cause I don’t think it would ever heal. Not after it has you tattooed all over it.

“Baby,” he breathed out, then kissed the side of her sleeping face.

Getting out of bed, he untied one of her ankles, then the other. He went to the kitchen to get her medication and came back with a glass of water. She gazed up at him hugging her pillow.

“I love you,” she said, sitting up. The sheet fell away from her breasts. Perfect and the size that fit as though made for his palms.

“Is that because I know how to get you gone?”

“Yes and no. You’re the most amazing person I’ve met. Thank you for staying with me and taking care of me.”

He knelt down by the bedside, handing over her water glass and opened the medicine bottle, shaking out a pill onto his palm. “You gonna be all right? I can stay as long as you need me to.”

“I’ll be fine. You’ve got to get ready for playoffs.”

“Then why are you crying?”

“Because I’m a bawl-baby, is why,” she choked.

“I got you.” He rose and pulled the sheet upward and slid in next to her. “Come here.” He put his arm under her shoulders and pulled her close to him. Picking up her hand, he kissed the inside of her palm, inhaling the fragrance of her perfume. “I love your scent. It stays with me for hours. It’s like having a secret part of you with me.”

“Same with you,” Cory murmured.

He kissed the side of her head, closing his eyes, and memorizing the feel of every inch of her body, the way her voice sounded when she sighed, and her funny little habit of shaking her feet when she was nervous. He’d miss every part of her, but to tell her would do what? Make both of them more lonely and miserable. “Only a week before finals. You’ll be so busy the time will fly. Soon we’ll be together for Christmas in Texas. One more game, and I’ve two weeks free.”

She traced his mouth. “I’m sorry I won’t be able to fly out and see you play.”

“Hush. You can’t miss your mom’s last appointment and I wouldn’t want you to. Just cheer me on…” He grinned and then kissed her, going from tender and sweet, to domineering in how he took and explored her mouth, sucked her lips, and tasted her tongue. He brushed his lips over hers, whispering, “And be ready when I get back home.”






The last week back on campus and Cory flowed within her structured schedule of classes, her internship work, studying, and Skyping with Brett every night. Classified as well into the groove, Cory sat at her desk, rapidly typing up the notes from the recent slew of research she’d received from other universities. Just one day before the end of classes and she had to transform the raw data into neatly coded tables and disseminate it before winter break officially commenced. She’d envisioned sleeping late for the next three weeks. When she thought of Brett’s ability to keep her up all night, a hot blush spread on her cheeks. Quickly, she refocused on the computer file displayed on her screen instead of fantasizing about Brett’s capacity to drive her insane.

A newspaper clipping stapled to the corkboard by her desk caught her eye. A photograph of Brett, and a story about the Devils making the final round in the playoffs. Clipped and delivered by Dr. Peterson. The swarm of butterflies took flight in the pit of her stomach and she stopped staring at Brett’s photograph, taken of him catching a pass surrounded by a mob of players. Now one more game. This Sunday would determine which teams were going to the Super Bowl.

Cory clicked her computer mouse over several files, uploading them into an email. Picking up her phone, she cradled the receiver between her shoulder and cheek, punching in the number of the one person she considered her savior in making sense of all the findings that poured into the department nonstop. Jessica’s number was busy. Well, why not? Market analysis queen and Dr. Carathers’ assistant, Jessica was working on her senior project in identifying marketing trends. She and Jessica had met at the grant proposal meeting and really connected when UCLA began promoting the market survey online to all seniors. When other California universities picked up the grant program to conduct online surveys, they were cemented together in late-night work sessions.

Cory punched in Jessica’s extension again. “Good morning, Dr. Carathers’ office,” a woman’s voice answered. Cory relaxed her shoulders at the sound of Jessica’s Brooklyn accent and rapid-fire words.

“Help!” Cory croaked. “I’m sending over the files. Data is pretty raw.”

BOOK: Girls' Night Out (Bad Boys)
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