Read Girls' Night Out (Bad Boys) Online

Authors: Susan Arden

Tags: #Cowboy, #Sports Romance, #New Adult Fiction, #Football Romance, #Erotic Romance, #Multicultural Romance

Girls' Night Out (Bad Boys) (21 page)

BOOK: Girls' Night Out (Bad Boys)
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“Open those beautiful eyes and look at what I’m doing to you.”

He took her legs and put them over his shoulders, canting her body under his and entering her in just the right way to come into contact with her G-spot. He drew out each stroke, his shaft wet with her juices, and he groaned looking down between their bodies.

“Damn woman,” he grunted. “I can’t get enough of you.”

“Don’t hold back from me,” she whispered.

A muscle twitched along his jaw and he groaned. “Fine. Let’s have at it.” Brett propelled his hips faster, his muscles tensed under her hands, and he ended each stroke with a hard grind when he was balls deep inside her. His breathing sped up with the ferocity of his thrusts and his gaze consumed her each time their eyes met.

His groans and parts of words, incoherent bursts from his lips, sent shivers across her skin. She gazed at him, so powerful and commanding in how he took possession of her body. Her skin grew warm as she moved with him, keeping time to the rhythm he set with his hips, the slapping of skin against skin.

Cory raised her hips upward, capturing him, every inch he had to offer. He sank into her, going farther than he’d been before, but it was the long drag of his cock that had her coming undone, ready to scream his name and scratch her nails down his back. A coiling ripple of pleasure shot through her. Brett squeezed her breasts. He had her growing wetter and wetter with his hands palming her breasts, rolling her nipples between his fingers. Her name fell from his lips in an arduous groan as he slammed into her. He arched upward, the position had him moving against her at a sharp angle and he drove himself farther inside her.

Brett gazed down at her, directly into her eyes, and she didn’t look away from the intensity she found, no matter how vulnerable she was at that moment in his ability to possess her simply by using his body, his words, and the way he moved.

“Tell me what I want to hear.” His voice caressed her skin, it was perfect, so utterly perfect. She moaned, watching his body tense, a bow and arrow all at once. She moved her hips, pressing harder against him.

“Your cock is making me crazy. Fuck me, Brett.”

Powerfully, he thrust into her. “God, I’m going to explode. Are you about to come?”

She gripped his arms tightly. “Yes. Now.” Her pleasure detonated into a glowing cascade washing over her senses.

He fucked her through her release and on to the other side. Brett continued to thrust until a body-slamming shudder wracked him and he grunted, then loudly groaned. “Fuck. Cory.” He lowered his head, pressing his mouth to hers, and sweetly kissed her. Lifting up a few inches, he looked down at her. “You are mine,” he whispered.







“Morning,” he whispered as she got back into bed and came up next to him, warm, silky skin sliding seductively over his. He pulled her to him, rotating Cory so that they could spoon for a couple more minutes. With her ass nestled against his crotch, he hoisted his thighs and wrapped his arms around her until they were as close as two coats of paint, never mind spoons. She fit perfectly against him. This he could get used to, if he could devise a way to get her to agree. Who would have thought a random airport careen would become a razor-edged fantasy, then a fully fledged goal that tore him up.

In football, they studied the other team’s plays, moves, nuances. They worked on the idea that through replication and tweaking, they’d be ready for victory. Here in bed, there wasn’t any ‘opposing team.’ Unless he thought about what held her interest. Then that left him with proposing UCLA as his competition. Hell. No.

He wasn’t the type of man who frustrated a woman’s desire to stand on her own feet. He saw no way around this dilemma that didn’t involve long distance travel. So far, all he had going for him was a boatload of patience; all well and good when they’d spent the last few days hip to hip. No reason to act as though what he had with her was ending.

This was the beginning, and he wasn’t about to back off, not if she was willing. Picking up her hand, he traced the back of her knuckles, and pulled her body close to him.

“The wheels are turning again,” she whispered, lifting their entwined fingers and kissing the skin on his hand.

“How about coming to my game? I can get you tickets and fly you out. We’re playing in California. Not that far a distance from your school.”

“You mean the one this weekend?”

“Yep. Just need a nod of that beautiful head of yours.” He’d shown her his game schedule and his travel agent was waiting for the go ahead to get the ticket.

“I think I can. We’ve a new grant our department just received. And finals are in a couple of weeks. This is a hard spot.” She lightly bite the tip of his finger.

His gut knotted. Not exactly the enthusiastic response he’d wanted to hear. “I’ll have you back by Sunday night, right after the game. A twenty-four hour turn around.”

“Gosh, you make it impossible to say no.” She bit the corner of her mouth. “I’d love to come and see you play.”

He chuckled, kissing her shoulder and moving her over his erection that had suddenly lengthened and rubbed against her tempting ass. Damn, she had him going, all right. “I guess I have to get you back to your hotel instead of keeping you captive and making love to you again.”

“You know exactly what to do to get me to say yes,” she murmured, swaying her hips and pressing him into her. “Fuck me one more time.”

“When you talk dirty, it’s all I can to do hold back. Baby, tell me how it feels when I’ve got my cock inside you.”

He felt her intake of air. “I want to feel you so deep. Fill me, all the way up. Brett, bite me. Fuck me until I scream your name and when I say stop…don’t.”

“How do you want it?”

“Like this. You in back. Please, do me hard.” He pulled out of Cory, only to move her to the center of the mattress. Hauling her hips upward, he smacked her bottom.

“Lower your head,” he snarled, spreading apart her thighs.

He reached for a condom and swathed himself in latex, staring down at the curve of her ass, and thinking he wanted to fuck every place he could, make her think of him when they were apart. “I want you sore when you go to class. I want you to think of me tomorrow.”

He held on to the dip of her waist, just above her hipbone. Gazing down at his swollen cock, he positioned himself at her entrance. She jerked forward. Jesus, she was so fucking responsive. Pure wildcat.

“Going somewhere?” he asked. Keeping hold of her, he brought her back toward him at the same time he drove himself into her sex. Fuck, she was tight and wrapped around him in a squeezing vise. She’d milk him good if he didn’t buckle down. He reared back, his shaft glistening, then rammed himself back inside her hot center.

Cory whimpered. The sound undid him. He began to thrust into her with a hard, fast stroke. Hauling her back against him, he pounded his cock into her, groaning out words that told her how hot this felt. He slid his hand down her pussy, teasing her erect clit.

“Please,” she whispered, flexing her hips even higher.

“Like that?” he asked, sliding his finger over her.

“God, yes. Brett, I’m almost there.” Her sheen slick skin glowed, beckoning him to run his hands over body. He bowed over her, capturing her tits in his hands, and he bit down on the seductive place where her lovely neck had mesmerized him. He sucked and bit her sweet tasting skin, marking her as she’d asked.

“I’m about to shatter,” she rasped, pushing back against him.

Me too, he thought as his balls hiked up, the pressure building into an out of control vortex about to hurl him over the edge. He gripped her by the shoulders, and pumped his hips, joining their bodies in a slamming thrust. Cory arched upward, riding his cock as he buried himself root deep into her. She cried out his name, her body convulsing and her pussy clenched around him.

Fuck. He couldn’t hold back. “Sugar, come all over me. That’s it. Give it to me. Only me.”

“Now, Brett. I need you right this second.”

He didn’t stop moving. The sound of his balls slapping her ass grew louder until it felt as though a time bomb had gone off inside his head, driving electrical pleasure throughout his body. His release burst out of his cock, filling the condom. He leaned over Cory, moving her legs and coming down on his side while still embedded inside her. They stayed wrapped together, gasping and their heartbeats clattered. He inhaled the fragrance of her hair and body, closing his eyes. What he’d give to wake up to her in his bed the next morning.



Brett had taken Cory back to her hotel and was set to pick her up soon. After catching a couple of hours of sleep, he showered and downed a cup of scalding coffee. She’d get the full package introduction into the other side of his life today. Originally, he’d thought no hidden games when he’d decided to open the door to his past and his whole world. He’d let her into his life and if she stayed, then there’d be no mysteries.

Unlike his engagement, where he’d promised to marry a woman who didn’t know much about his past, what his days were like, and what he saw as his future. Danielle had met his mother, and that had gone over well enough—or so he’d thought at the time. In retrospect, he realized the polite chitchat between his mom and his ex-fiancée had lacked the chaos, warmth, and worry that went through Cory’s family. Hard to compare the interactions between his ex-fiancée and his mom with that of a large, bustling family, but he now understood, at the foundation level, it wasn’t the same. He wasn’t looking to repeat the family furnace that made up Cory’s life, but he had his eyes wide open. He knew it was reasonable to expect the woman in his life to be genuinely concerned and connected to him, and that meant to his mom, too.

“Good morning, Brett.” The greeting rang out inside the lobby. He turned to see a group of women coming toward him. He recognized Lauren from the group and waved, glancing around the lobby to see if Cory was somewhere near.

“Hey, how’s it going?” he responded.

still upstairs.” One of the other women laughed.

“Well, I’d better get up there. Don’t want to be late.”

“You’ve got time. It’s not nine yet.” Lauren said, her face serious. “Heard you were taking Cory around town.”

“Yep. You all checking out?” he asked.

“And going back home. Feels like we’ve been here a while.”

He held out his hand. “It was good meeting you all.”

The women surrounded him and Lauren pushed aside his hand. “That’s not how we say goodbye.” They all burst forward, pushing him backward with their enthusiasm. High pitched squeals, thumps to his back, and more than a few words of encouragement and good lucks were shared.

“Thanks, ladies,” he said, his head still swimming in the profusion of color and perfume.

“Don’t be a stranger. We’re not that far away from Dallas,” Lauren winked. “Cory’s a hard nut, but worth the effort.”

He grinned. “Hopefully, I’ll check out Annona sooner than later.” He didn’t mention he’d be there come tonight. Crossing the lobby, he almost stopped dead in his tracks.

“Well, look at what the cat’s dragged in.” The syrupy voice of Cory’s cousin sent a jerk of irritation up his spine. Ashley walked directly in front of him, cellphone in hand. She acted as though she’d been awarded the key to the city.

“Hello.” Guardedly, he kept his distance. He didn’t intend to trade anything more than this casual greeting. He made as if to walk past her, and shit if she didn’t reach out and curl her fingers around his arm, constricting like a viper.

“You got room for one more on your dance card?” she asked.

“Excuse me?” For a second he thought she meant coming with Cory and him today.

“I know the type of woman who can take care of your needs. My cousin isn’t the one. Here. Take my card. Call me. I can come up anytime and we can party. Ask Mike how far I’m willing to go, and with a player like you, I bet you can keep up.”

He looked down at the card she’d stuck in his hand, then up again at her. “No thanks. My
dance card is full
. One partner. You understand.”

His chest tightened by disgust. He wanted to tell her off and read her the riot act. But nothing good would come of that except retribution to Cory. He wouldn’t allow that to happen on account of him losing control. He might not have a big family, but he knew enough about burned bridges.

“Keep it. People change their minds. I know I have where you’re concerned. Who would have thought the NFL’s infamous Brett Gold was into a small-town girl like Cory? I get it. You’re cleaning up your profile. Genius.”

He fought the temptation to tell this woman exactly what he thought of her ability to twist the truth. For a second he clenched his jaw in anger, pinching the card between his fingers.

“Not even close.” His voice came out blistering cold when he spoke. “Look, I’ve got a date with the woman I intend on keeping. And I’m not going to change my mind.” He held out the card for her to take.

She laughed and turned away. “Cowboy, you’ll be calling. On that, I promise.”

He walked away and flung the card into a waste can next to the elevator. He gritted his teeth, waiting for the doors to open, then reminded himself that big families had all sorts. Obviously, that cousin of Cory’s pathetically jealous.

“Christ almighty,” he muttered to himself, moving to step through the opening elevator doors, when he realized Cory’s parents were walking out.

He stopped short to avoid colliding with the couple. That would be great—clipping them on his way to her.

“Whoa,” Mr. McLemore called out. “On your way to a fire?” He chuckled, walking next to a luggage cart piled high with all sorts of baggage. He handed the bellhop a slip of paper.

“I’ll have your car brought around, sir.” The young man wheeled the cart down the corridor into the lobby.

“Good morning, Brett. How was your night?” Mrs. McLemore asked, looking up into his face.

“Excellent,” he mumbled, fighting to suppress a heat wave climbing up his neck with the memory of Cory in his bed. Shifting gears, he focused on something different. “Are you both heading out?”

BOOK: Girls' Night Out (Bad Boys)
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