Girls from da Hood 11 (6 page)

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Authors: Nikki Turner

BOOK: Girls from da Hood 11
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Chapter Two
“Hello?” an out of breath Lenore answered the phone just in time.
“Damn, what were you were doing? Playing with yourself?” Denise chuckled.
“No bitch.” Lenore spat. “I was in the shower,” she retorted as she unraveled the towel wrapped around her body and began to dry off.
“Whatever,” Denise dismissed her response. “Anyway, how did Mike B take it?” she asked instead.
Lenore sighed. “I told you, for as long as I've been dealing with him, he's been hard to read. We didn't talk when I got in.”
“Oh, well Jeff left up out of here early to meet up with him.”
“I know. M left early too. When I woke up around eight, he was already gone.” Lenore offered.
“Jeff said he's positive Mike B is going to wig the fuck out and go ham though,” Denise rebutted. “I think so too. He loved that nigga Twan like a brother.”
Lenore grimaced as she continued drying off. She knew how Mike B felt about his younger deceased cousin. Although they did a lot together and he did a lot for her, at times, she felt he had showed his cousin more love and attention than he did her. She knew up-close and personal they were. Still, he was not a man that wore his emotions on his sleeve.
They had been together for two years, after Jeff and Denise introduced the two. They had hit it off the first day they had met. Lenore was fresh out of the hood of Englewood, California but looked and carried herself like she belonged in Hollywood. Her tall model's frame and shea butter complexion was right up Mike B's alley, which is why he wasted no time locking her down. It was then she got to know the man that everybody looked at as “the man” in the small East Coast city. The first year the two had been together, she learned that he was not only a private person, but very secretive and more of a homebody. He stayed out of the limelight and played it very low key. He concealed both the way he moved in the streets, as well as his feelings and thoughts, but spoke with his actions. By the way he lived, she could tell he had major paper, but he had never brought drugs around her or handled any business with her present. Had it not been for the gun he always toted when he stepped outside of his crib, a big time dope boy and gangster would not be what came to Lenore's mind when she thought about what he did for a living or who he was. When it came to how he felt about her, he had never really expressed his love to her verbally, but he showed it every chance he got through gifts and quality time. Outside of her, she knew there were only two other people Mike B loved and cared about: Jeff and Twan.
“Yeah, he did,” she replied to Denise's statement.
“Well, time will tell just how much he loved him.” Denise concluded.
“I'm going to handle what I need to handle this morning. I just wanted to check in and get an update from you.”
“Everything's good over here. I'll keep you posted,” answered Lenore.
“Okay, baby girl. I'll talk to you later. Love you,” Denise ended.
“Love you too. Talk to you later.”
Lenore scrolled through her phone until she found the song she was looking for in her playlist then tossed her phone onto the bed and snatched up her lotion. Nikki Minaj's voice blared through her S7 as she stood in front of the full-length mirror lotioning and massaging her breasts. Her hands slithered down past her midsection onto her inner thighs and hips. She couldn't help but admire her flawless body as she bent over to lotion her legs. At twenty-seven years old, she believed she could stand next to the best of them. She was used to turning heads of both men and women wherever she and Denise went from the malls to the gym.
As she bent over, her legs buckled as a sharp pain jolted through her left side. She grabbed hold of her side as she dropped to her knees. The excruciating pain lasted a few more seconds before it abruptly stopped. Lenore exhaled. This was the second time the pain had hit her out of nowhere, but this was the worst out of the two. The pain was enough to convince her it was time to look into what was causing it. With that in mind, Lenore decided to change her plans for the day.
Chapter Three
“How you not gonna know nothing? You be out there damn there every day.” Mike B chimed in response to Jeff telling him he had no leads or information about who murdered his cousin.
His tone was too aggressive for Jeff's taste, but he understood his friend was hurting. So, he stood there and took the venom that Mike B spat.
“Bruh, I don't give a fuck right now!” Mike B continued. “Somebody is gonna be held accountable for this shit, dead ass. I need you to go out there and press muthafuckas and find out who pushed Twan.”
Jeff nodded. He had already expected that that's what Mike B would want him to do. The two had been making moves together long enough for him to know how he wanted certain things to be handled. He practically knew him like a book.
Mike B lit up a Dutch Master filled with a gram of loud exotic weed. “Let's count this paper and inventory this product,” he said in between pulls.
“That shit stink, yo,” Jeff complained, followed by a futile attempt to fan the smoke out of his face before continuing. “Put ya li'l mans shit on. I'm tired of that shit they listening to upstairs.” Jeff screwed up his face, showing his displeasure.
Mike B chuckled and pulled up the Sound Cloud of a young artist, who was the son of one of his mans, Base. It was from an Atlanta group called, Flyght Gang Campaign. He then pulled out a half of a pint of Hennessey.
Meanwhile, Jeff retrieved the scale and some cut for the cocaine and heroin they just smuggled from upstairs. Since the tender ages of twelve, they learned how to cut coke, dope, play poker, shoot dice, sex girls, and a lot more boys their age should not have to know.
People rarely saw one without the other. Chicks they met and dudes they did business out of town thought they were brothers because of how close they were and how much they resembled each other. Not to mention, their birthdays were only eleven days apart and their parents grew up together the same way they had. Mike B and Jeff had all of the little girls turned out off of their swagger, and most of the boys despised them.
The sounds of the track “My Plug” had both Mike B and Jeff head nodding while they rotated the blunt back and forth, counted and rubber banned money, and weighed up product on the triple beam scale.
“Let's hurry up and get this done so we can bag it up.”
“This some good shit,” Jeff said, wiping the mixture of cocaine and heroin off of his nose.
“Nigga, you sniffin' that shit? You crazy,” Mike B warned.
“Fuck that. This shit got me feelin' real mellow, like I ain't got a worry in the world.”
Mike B paused, glared at his partner through glossy eyes, and continued.
Mike B had never seen Jeff indulge in anything other than weed and alcohol. It caught him by surprise to see him messing with something much stronger. He was not in the mood to have a conversation about it though. His focus was on moving the rest of the work he had in the street and avenging his cousin's death. He made a mental note to question Jeff on his new extra activity. An hour later, their task was complete.
“We got two hundred and fifty bricks of dope, and sixty bands worth of coke packaged up. Cash wise, we got the one-fifty for re-up money and thirty-three for the kitty, plus whatever we got left,” Jeff concluded.
“Not bad for a couple of hood niggas,” Mike B informed. He scooped up the thirty-three and tossed ten of it back to Jeff.
“Good looks.” Jeff thanked. “Oh, and that ain't including our weed flow and the dough we're already stackin',” Jeff added.
“That's w'assup, but now that we got this out the way, I wanna take it to this joker out here. Like I said, every nigga we ever had problems with, I want you to—” He paused. “Matter fact, we pulling up on muthafuckas, you feel me?”
Jeff gave an agreeing head nod.
“So later, we ridin', my nigga,” Mike B announced.
“Say less.”
“A'ight after we clean this shit up I'm going to transform and chill with baby girl for the time being.”
“Yeah, I gotta put time in with Denise my damn self.”
“Y'all stay beef, my gee.” Mike B shook his head. “How sis doing anyway?”
“She good. And we not beefin',” Jeff corrected. “Like you said, I just been out in these streets, for us, my nigga. A lot of the time, I know my ass should be in the house.”
Mike B looked at him oddly. “Bruh, I thought you was out there like that 'cause you wanted to be, not because you thought or feel you gotta be. Nigga, you after this shit right here, you can chill back any time for however long you want. You still gonna eat.”
It was now Jeff's turn to have a distorted look on his face.
“Good lookin' for that, bruh. I really didn't know it was like that. But now I do.”
“Come on, my dude, you my bruh. We fam.”
They gave each other a pound and hug.
“Let's knock this shit out so we can get up outta here.” Mike B was the first to break the bear hug.
They rapidly cleaned up and stashed their material. Ten minutes later, they were out the door, pulling off in different directions.
Chapter Four
Mike B and Lenore laid snuggled up under each other like Siamese twins after a hearty meal and great, yet exhausting sex. Occasionally, the sharp pain she had felt previously would resurface causing a little discomfort, but nothing major to complain about. She was actually a freak for pain. When she went to the emergency room, they refused to see her because she had no medical insurance or New Jersey I.D. After going ham on them, she abandoned the idea of spending the day in a doctor's office and put it off. She chalked it up as a sign not to delay what she had initially set out to do. The quality time felt good to her. It almost made her forget about the tough choices she had to make earlier that day. She nestled up under Mike B as he pushed play on the next episode of
The Walking Dead
. Just as the show was about to start, the sound of Kendrick Lamar echoed from below the bed. The sucking of Lenore's teeth illuminated in Mike B's ear.
“Come on with that” babe. You already knew ahead of time I was going to have to leave back out.
“I know,” she replied dryly.
Mike B shook his head as he raised up and leaned over. He scooped up his jeans. When he pulled his phone out of the clip, he saw Jeff's name plastered across it. He replied to the text and then flung the covers off of himself.
“Babe, I gotta go.”
He had already slipped his right leg into his jeans.
Lenore stared at him with wide eyes. “Be careful.”
“Thanks, baby. But it's them niggas that should've been careful,” he snarled.
Lenore didn't respond. She could see in his eyes, he meant business. It was times like this that made her realize who her man really was in the streets. She climbed out of bed and walked over toward him. She pressed her body up against his and looped her arms up under his.
“Just be safe.”
Mike B spun around. He loved the way she concerned herself about his well-being. He didn't trust many, but she was on that small list.
“I will.” He kissed her on the forehead and then wrapped his arms around her waist. “I promise,” he added, and then he was out the door.
Chapter Five
Mike B cruised down West Fourth Street until he reached Plainfield Avenue. He waited for the red light to turn green, then made a right headed toward West Front Street. He felt invisible as he and Jeff cruised through the town like two Grim Reapers, in his black on black Range. Mike B leisurely blazed up a blunt as he cruised up the block.
He glanced at his watch. It was just thirty minutes shy of being the evening. The sun would be going down soon and Mike B wondered if he would still be alive by then. At the rate he and Jeff were going, he knew it was a possibility that they could get caught slipping, but he wasn't thinking straight, so he didn't care.
He stopped at the red light on Front and Madison, better known as the, Spanish Harlem, of Plainfield. Passing Jeff the blunt, he scanned the flow of bodies through the limo tint. Papis and Mamis dominated the hood, holding down their territory with fierce pride, controlling all of the drug traffic within a five block radius.
Mike B watched as several Spanish men openly made drug transactions in front of McDonald's and pushed up on nearly every attractive female that passed by. They laughed and joked as if they didn't have a care in the world.
“Look at these bean eatin' muthafuckas!” Jeff cursed. “They think shit sweet.”
He continued. “I been trying to tell you that nigga Juan was the nigga behind that shit!” he spat, referring to Twan's death.
Mike B shook his head. He was not as sure as Jeff was. He wasn't even sure that anybody they ran down on had anything to do with Twan's murder. The only reason he was riding on Juan and his squad was because of the information they came across about him pulling out a gun on his cousin in the Mickey D's parking lot.
It surprised Mike B that people were even outside, with all the chaos and bloodshed that was happening. Since the death of Twan, he and Jeff had been on a rampage in the city. Since the streets weren't talking, they decided to force them to. Any block they had beef or a problem with, they ran down on. After being called every name in the book by his younger cousin's mother, right before she fainted, Mike B was out for blood. It was surprising that the police hadn't linked the random shooting to them, with all of the snitching going on in the city.
Mike B bent the corner as the light turned green.
A thick Spanish chick came strolling by in skin tight jeans, switching the fat ass that God had blessed her with. As she crossed the street, she and Mike B's eyes met and locked onto each other. Jeff blew her a kiss. She put her open palm up, then closed it into a fist as if she caught his kiss, then seductively flipped him the bird.
Jeff was just about to tell her where she could put her finger, when a bullet tore through the windshield, slamming into Mike B's stereo system in his Range Rover. Not even a second later another bullet struck his driver's side head rest just as he managed to duck. Both he and Jeff spilled out of the SUV at the same time, with guns blazing. They had heard that the Papis were on point when it came to strange vehicles patrolling their area and heard stories how they popped off at the drop of a dime, but they didn't expect that.
Within minutes, Madison Avenue turned into the Wild Wild West. Seeing the Spanish shooters running for cover built Mike B and Jeff's confidence up. Jeff took it to them like he was returning a football punt while Mike B scurried over to the Range and followed.
* * *
From afar, Juan sat in his six-four, sipping on lean, while looking on as his plan began to unfold. In a matter of minutes, his block erupted into gun battle. He had spotted the black Range Rover the first time it came through the area. This is why he sent the pretty Spanish girl to squat on its return and walk past it when she saw it. Juan hadn't met a man yet that could resist the side of Camillah's natural, perfect, heart-shaped ass. He had a feeling Mike B and Jeff would be coming his way, once the word got out about Twan's death. It was no secret that there was bad blood between him and Twan, so it was only right the finger be pointed at him and his team, since whoever was responsible for Twan's death was a mystery. Although he was from El Salvador, his roots were in Plainfield. So he knew enough about dudes in the streets to know that they suited up for war when one of theirs fell, and if they didn't know who did it, they would go off halfcocked, accusing any and everybody.
Juan reached for his .45 automatic from up under the seat and made an attempt to cock his gun and exit his candy coated six-four. Unsuccessful at cocking his weapon back the first go around, Juan realized the Sprite and cough syrup had begun to take an effect on him. The shattering of the glass of his driver's window made him realize just how zoomed he was. He ducked for cover and mashed down onto the gas pedal. The tires spun out for a full three seconds before they gripped the pavement and the six-four shot forward.
Juan ducked down low as Jeff continued to unload on the fleeing car. Within seconds, he was through the red light and nearly four blocks up the street on Madison.
“Yo, let's get the fuck outta here,” Mike B yelled as he pulled up on Jeff.
Jeff hopped in the SUV with his smoking gun, and moments later, they too had vanished into thin air. Sirens could be heard wailing in the air as they escaped. As they neared the light, two more Papis appeared out of nowhere and began unloading in their direction. Mike B slammed on the brakes, grabbed his other piece and began returning fire out of the half cracked window, making them dive for cover. The 59 bus had stopped in the middle of the intersection, blocking Mike B's way. He knew staying put would be the death of him and the SUV would soon become his coffin. So he whipped in front of the bus and shot wildly down the narrow street of Madison Avenue.
* * *
After dropping Jeff off for the night, Mike B cruised down Seventh Street, observing his surroundings. He hooked a left on Berkman and took the back route to his crib. Nothing out of the ordinary today, but then why should there be. Mike B calculated each step down to a flawless precision. Especially when it came to being around Lenore. He knew his only vulnerable weakness, was her. If he was to be defeated, it was through her, but he was convinced that she was a true rider so that was the least of his worries.
He stopped four houses short of his and checked the leaves behind the gate. Everything was in place, no trespassers.
Mike B, with the help of Jeff, had been putting in work around their city like a thief in the night. Mike B strategically came up with ways of running down on potential guilty parties, but still they were no closer to getting any answers about the murder of his cousin. By now, with hitting blocks up and taking it to dudes full throttle, Mike B was surprised they hadn't gotten the wire on who the shooter was.
Today though, Mike B was focused on seeing the source of his being. He entered the house through the basement. Hearing the shower water running, he decided to take advantage of the situation. He searched through the boxes for the candles and went to work upstairs.
After he set up the bedroom, he snuck into the bathroom. He was greeted by Lenore's lovely voice. The shower made her sound like Alicia Keys. He pulled back the curtains and was staring down the barrel of a .38 Special.
“Boy!” a startled, wide-eyed Lenore gasped. In her hand was a .38 Special that Mike B had kept stashed in the bathroom for protection. “I almost pulled the trigger.”
Mike B smiled at the pistol gripped in her hand. “Stop sneaking up on me like that.”
Lenore lifted the soap tray and put the gun back. For some reason, that gun in her hand aroused Mike B even more.
“How did you know where that was?” Mike B knew most of his stashes were found already. Half the time when he went to clean his guns, they were already cleaned.
“Please, you got more guns than an army in here.”
Mike B responded by entering the shower fully clothed. Lenore laughed and started to undress him.
“It's good you're here. Now you can help me soap up.”
Lenore was saying that as she was pulling Mike B's boxers down. Mike B's dick bounced up and down as it flicked off the elastic of the boxers. Lenore smiled and affectionately gave his balls a kiss. “Is this how he is all day?” she joked.
“Only when he around you.”
He smiled and pulled her closer and gave her a long wet kiss. He stroked her hair out of her face and let the water soak it. He continued kissing as the water passed over their faces and mouths. He stroked her hair down to her ass and started caressing it, gradually lifting her so she stared at him. Her pussy was warm, wet, and inviting. It was as if it reached out and devoured his dick. Mike B kept his motions to a slow grinding affect, savoring the delicious sensation. It was as if she was a life force and filling him up through her gateway of energy. It amazed Mike B how her breast pressed against his chest, ass filling his palms, breathing in her breath through kisses and being in her gateway heightened his senses to a super natural ability. To smell a scent as well as he smelled her, and breath in an air purer than her breath. The enjoyment of the thoughts made his actions over anxious and soon enough, it looked like Lenore was galloping on a horse. This was just what the doctor ordered. In a week's time, he had seen more blood than he had seen his entire span in the game. He needed something soft and tender.
Lenore doubted there was a pleasure or sensation purer than her love making with Mike B. Since pulling off his shirt all wet and stuck to his body, she felt her groins heat up. There wasn't a time when his simple gaze couldn't turn her on. Now as she stared down at his chest, she felt every sensation from her nipples rubbing up against him. Further down, the sight of his thick muscle filling and exiting her had her on a roller coaster. Each sight of exit filled her with anticipation and with pleasure. She was glad he was holding her up with his hard hand on her ass cheeks because she was sure to fall under her own weight, the excitement was too overwhelming. As Lenore's breathing quickened and sensations built up, she felt Mike B's boy turn solid and shift to a grinding movement once again. The heat of Mike B's cum filling her melted every muscle and nerve in her body. They stood motionless in the same position for a few seconds, speaking through kisses and showing the pleasure of their orgasm in their posture.
Mike B put her down and switched the water from the shower to the faucet. He stopped the drain and sat against the wall as the tub filled. After getting done in the shower and drying off, Mike B opened the door for Lenore. The direct sight of the bed made her all mushy on the inside again. The room was pitch black except for the candles illuminating the bed and the light for the stereo playing Sade. The closer she got to the bed, she saw the oils, lotions and incense for Mike B's set up. He hugged her from behind and kissed her on the neck. He unwrapped the towel and laid her down on her back, he fluffed up the pillow and placed it behind her head. After lighting the incense, he filled his hand with oil and rubbed her whole body down. He watched the flickers of the candle flames reflect off the shine of her body. He started out rubbing her temples and jaw bones before moving down to her neck and shoulders. He paid special attention to each bicep, forearm, and hand, then reapplied some lotion to her chest and stomach. He gently caressed it into her skin and worked his way down to her legs. He kissed the little hairy patch between her legs and got an inviting thrust from her hips. He smiled as he descended and concentrated on her thighs, rubbing the knots and tension out of them before going down to her shins and feet. He passed up and down her legs in a chopping motion before flipping her over to concentrate on her back and enjoy the sight of her voluptuous ass. He made sure he took his time on the back of her neck, back arms, and back. He was anxious to rub on her ass and didn't want to speed past any muscle. When he got to her ass he applied extra amounts of lotion and oil all up and down her calves. He'd bunch up her ass cheeks in his hand and keep mushing it around and continued that process all the way down to the bottom of her calve and up to her ass cheeks again. Then he'd smooth her ass cheeks out with open palms and squeeze her thigh while splitting the muscle with his thumbs pressed together applying pressure. Again passing the back of her knees to her calves and back up again. Each time his hand brushed past her inner thigh and her wet pussy, he came away with her juices on his hand.
Lenore couldn't contain herself it was all too perfect, What she needed was Mike B to fill her up to make it complete. She was too relaxed to move, so she just parted her legs and remained on her stomach. Mike B filled her up with long slow strokes, massaging her pussy with his dick. He came around with his hand and rubbed her clit at the same time, kissing and sucking on her neck and back. Lenore's body was asking for this for so long that it wasn't long before she was feeling her nerves go numb and if it was possible, her body reaching a level of relaxation that made her feel like she was melting. Mike B wasn't selfish. He eased back and let Lenore dictate the rhythm she preferred, letting her get the full pleasure out of her orgasm.
They continued at it for the next few hours. Kissing, sucking, scratching, and most of all cumming. They resembled a couple trying to squeeze into each other and become one. In Mike B's mind, that was the overall goal. He wished he could've been attached to Lenore forever.
Mike B lay in bed watching the rhythm of Lenore's breathing rise and fall. She was wrapped all over him so he couldn't sneak out like he had been doing nearly every night.
She was the only thing that reminded him that he was not the monster he was acting like out in the streets. He looked down at her. At that moment, he felt like the luckiest man alive. He threw his free hand behind his head and stared up at the ceiling. An image of his cousin appeared on the off white ceiling. Mike B closed and opened his eyes. When he did, the image still rested over top of him. He slammed his lids shut for a second time. He could hear his cousin Twan's voice in his head.
Get them muthafuckas for me, cuz
, echoed in his mind. Mike B's eyes shot back open. He looked down at Lenore for a second time.

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