GirlNextDoor (18 page)

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Authors: Lyra Marlowe

BOOK: GirlNextDoor
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“Do you want Lucy?” Nolan suggested softly.


“Lucy.” Without waiting for an answer, he called, “Lucy!”

She was there before John could put words to his startled
protest. He looked over his shoulder and she was standing beside the bed,
smiling softly at the two of them.

“I— But,” John sputtered. Lucy peeled off her shirt and
slipped into bed next to him.

In a small, loud corner of John’s mind, a boy whose mother
had taken him to Sunday school screamed in protest. He was mostly naked and
fully aroused, in bed between a woman and his best friend. This was against all
laws of nature, it was sick, it was sick, it was…

John rolled toward Lucy and her tongue slipped between his
teeth, familiar, fiery, welcome. He turned away, to Nolan, a new tongue,
different, bigger, stronger, new and enticing, welcoming. Hands were all over
him, too many to keep track of, to sort out, hands on his ass, on his cock, his
nipples, his face, his hair, a fingertip in his mouth.

John Krulak
, the loud voice said in his mind,
are completely out of your league.
Then the voice fell silent, overwhelmed
by erotic sensation.

John’s own hands seemed useless. He didn’t know where to put
them, who to touch or where or how. “I’m sorry,” he cried. “I don’t know what
to do.”

Mouths, on his mouth, his throat, his ear. “Shh, John, be
easy.” Lucy.

“We know what to do.” Nolan.

“You don’t have to do anything but give yourself to us.”

“You want to, don’t you?”

“Don’t you?”

“God yes!”

He gave up then completely, gave himself over entirely to
the pleasure. His cock felt diamond hard. His whole body thrummed with edgy
desire. Whatever they wanted, however they wanted him. He wanted them.
“Please,” he whispered, “please take me.”

The snap of a bottle cap. Hands on his back, on his ass,
slippery warm fingers caressing, probing. Other hands were cupping John’s
balls, stroking his cock, his trembling abs. A tongue danced around his ear,
another teased his nipple. John groaned. He thought he was going to die from the
pleasure, die and go straight to hell, and he did not care.

The rustle of foil, a condom wrapper. Hands guiding him now,
onto his side, top leg bent at the knee, ankle braced behind his other knee.
Fingers probed again, slippery, and he grabbed them, squeezed, let them go.
More, more.

A mouth on his cock. Sharp little teeth, no danger. His
balls ached with the need for release. Fingers tightened into a ring at the
base of his cock. Painfully sweet control.

Now, finally, the head of a cock was at the opening of
John’s ass, pressing gently for entry. It pressed and slipped in and waited, so
careful. Nolan’s arm was across John’s chest, his breath hot on his lover’s

The mouth was moving again, long slow strokes, a mild
distraction, enough to permit the cock another inch. John gasped, wanting it
all, now. “Please,” he managed to groan. “Please, now.”

Instant gratification. The cock eased home, dwelt deep a
moment, then pulled back a little and thrust again. The mouth drew and sucked
in exact time to the motion. John tensed, his whole body electric, near
convulsion as the flesh bondage of his cock prevented his orgasm.

“Let him go,” Nolan said softly. The fingers opened and John
came in a great wave, thrusting against the mouth and back against the cock,
his body a great spasm of climax, clutching and releasing until the wave
finally passed.

Nolan was still deep inside him, still wonderfully hard.

Releasing John’s cock from her mouth, Lucy slid hands-first
up John’s body, and leaned past him to kiss Nolan. John realized that she
hadn’t swallowed. Her mouth was still full of his semen, which she lovingly
transferred tongue to tongue to Nolan’s mouth. Nolan came then, convulsing deep
inside John as he swallowed.

They lay quietly, the three of them, a tangle of arms and
legs, catching their collective breath. It seemed to John that he had never
been more satisfied, more content. There was nothing more perfect than to be
here between his lovers, nothing more natural and nowhere he’d rather be.

Lucy moved first, sliding off the bed and onto her feet.

Dazed, John watched her slender ass, still confined in
jeans, as she left the room. She was bare from the waist up. Somehow he’d
thought she was naked. He wondered if she was mad at him, at them. But she
leaned and kissed them both gently. Sweetly. Everything was exactly how it
should be, that kiss promised. “I love you guys,” she whispered. Then she
picked up her shirt and left.

“Geep,” John said, and Nolan chuckled warmly.

Eventually they shifted around, threw out the condom and
settled back down face-to-face, in each other’s arms.

“Are you all right?” Nolan asked quietly.



John shifted. He loved this, being here against Nolan’s warm
skin, his friend’s fingers in his hair. “I’m sure. Are you?”

“Oh yes.”


“She’ll be fine.”

“I didn’t mean for you to call her. I mean, I didn’t…that
was… Holy shit, that was kinky.”

Nolan frowned. “I’m sorry,” he said sincerely. “I totally
misunderstood, I should have clarified.”

John sat up halfway, one elbow propping his head. “Nolan,
I’m fine. It was… God, it was the best sex I ever had. To be with the two of
you, it was perfect. I wouldn’t have changed anything. But I didn’t want you to
think, I don’t want you to think, that you’re not enough. You are. You totally
are.” He ran out of words. “I’m sorry, you know I’m no good with this feeling

The relief on Nolan’s face was radiant.

“You were really worried,” John said.

Nolan nodded. “About a lot of things. I wanted this to be
right for you.”

“It was,” John assured him. “It is.” A new thought occurred
to him. “We can do this again, can’t we?”

“As often as you want. But Lucy’s going home tomorrow.”

“It’s not Lucy I want.” John frowned. “I mean, I
want her, but not…you know what I mean, right?”

“I know.” Nolan kissed him sweetly. “Before,” he said after
they snuggled back down together, “something bothered you.”

“Did it?” John couldn’t remember. “Oh yeah. Kevin.”


“He was probably better than me. I mean, he knew what he was
doing, at least.”

Nolan kissed him quiet. “It’s not Kevin I want.”

And that was all that needed to be said.

Chapter Fourteen


What felt like a long time later, John woke, aware that
Nolan was moving away from him. “What’s wrong?”

Nolan smiled reassuringly. “Nothing. Pizza’s here. You

John looked him up and down, his brand new lover standing
naked beside the bed. “Ravenous. But let’s have some pizza first.”

They dressed and went to the kitchen. Fresh beers, an
extra-large pizza with onions, hot peppers, extra garlic and cheese. Beside it,
a small one with mushrooms and pepperoni. It was half gone.

They took the food back to the living room, where Lucy was
watching some TV movie with zombies in it.

Nolan sat beside her and kissed her on the cheek. “Thank

John sat on the other side, kissed the other cheek. “What he

She beamed at both of them. “Yeah,” she sighed, “but I’m
leaving tomorrow and you won’t even miss me.”

“We will miss you horribly,” Nolan protested.

“You owe me thirty bucks for the pizza,” she answered.

“Over-tip much?”

“I offered to show him my tits instead, but he wasn’t

“He has no idea what he missed,” John said gallantly.

Lucy beamed. “Everybody happy?”

“God yes,” Nolan promised.

“Told you so.” She finished off her beer. “My work here is
done.” She looked over at Krulak. “John? You sure you’re okay?”

“I dunno.” His pizza was halfway to his mouth, but his arm
seemed to be frozen. He took a quick mental inventory. He’d admitted his
feelings for Nolan—mostly. He’d had sex with a man for the first time.
Actually, with a man and a woman. He had pizza and beer and some movie full of
monsters. He was happy, he decided. Just a little overwhelmed. Stunned.

And through his confusion, there was something else. “You
two,” he said slowly. He managed to put his pizza back on his plate. “You’ve
done this before.”

“Once,” Lucy answered.

“College,” Nolan confirmed.

John thought about it. “When you slept together.”

“Yes.” Nolan shrugged. “When I decided I was really and
truly gay, we, uh…”

“Enlisted a bartender to complete the weekend,” Lucy
supplied brightly.

“You seduced a bartender,” John said vaguely. He looked at
Nolan. “
seduced a bartender.”

“Well, it was her mostly,” Nolan admitted. “But I didn’t
protest any.”

“He was hot,” Lucy added. “Plus there was free liquor.”

“I keep thinking,” John said, “that I’m the great sexual
adventurer. And you two—you’ve done it all before.”


“I’m okay. I’m okay. Just a little… I’ve got a lot to think
about it.”

Lucy stood. “I’m gonna let you guys talk.”

“Sit down,” John said. “You’re part of this too. A big

Lucy shook her head. “Nope. I’m just the hit-and-run

“You’re more than that,” Nolan said. He touched her hand and
she sat back down, but she perched at the front of the couch, ready to flee.

She’s scared
, John realized.
She feels it too, and
she’s more scared than I am. No, than I used to be.
“Nolan loves you,” he

“This isn’t about me,” she protested quickly.

“It is,” Nolan said. “We want you to stay.”

Lucy popped to her feet again. “No, guys, this is about you
two. I’m leaving tomorrow.”

“You’re scared,” John said. He took her hand firmly. “I know
all about that, remember? It’s okay that Nolan loves you, but you’re scared to
death that I might be falling in love with you too.”

She looked at him. Her eyes were wide, her lips slightly
parted. “You’re wrong, John. You and me, it’s just sex. Good sex, but nothing
more than sex.”

“And me?” Nolan asked. He took her other hand. “What am I?”

“You know I love you,” she protested. “But I do have a job,
you know.”

“Get a transfer,” John said logically. “They’re always
looking for experienced drug reps around here.”

“Yeah, but I can’t just…” She stopped, drew her hands away
from them both. “You’re using me to avoid dealing with each other.”

“Yeah,” Nolan agreed. “’Cause we’re scared to deal with each

“Idiots,” Lucy said lightly. “You love each other. Stop
fussing and just go with it.” She stepped past John’s legs, retrieved her pizza
and stomped into the bedroom. She closed the door behind her, not quietly.

“Damn,” John said softly. “I didn’t mean to chase her off.”

“She’ll be back,” Nolan said. “She gets scared like that,
she just needs a little time to think.” He considered. “She’s right, you know.
We’re using her to avoid…us.”

John met his partner’s—his lover’s—eyes. “She was right
after that.”

“That we love each other?”

“Yeah. I just, I…”

“John.” Nolan moved closer, put his hand firmly on John’s
shoulder. “You’ve spent your whole life with women, and your whole life
avoiding commitment. I don’t expect that to change in one night.”

“It’s not one night,” John assured him. “It’s been a long
time coming. And when you almost died under that truck…”

“I didn’t almost die,” Nolan protested.

“You almost died,” Krulak repeated. “You scared the shit out
of me. And I knew I couldn’t, you know, wait anymore. Just in case. You know?”

A funny smile played around Nolan’s mouth. “You’re telling
me we made love tonight because either of us might not come home tomorrow?”

“Hey, I grew up on World War II movies, what do you want?”
John grinned. “Yeah, I know. The thing is, without Lucy, I never would have had
the nerve to act.”

“I know. Me too.”

John leaned his head back. “Two things?”


“Just give me a little time to get used to all this, okay?
Don’t think I don’t…because I can’t say things right yet. It doesn’t mean I
don’t feel it, I just can’t always find the words.”

“I know, John. Take all the time you need. What’s the other

“Don’t let me be an asshole.”

Nolan grinned. “You aren’t—”

“I can be and we both know it. Don’t let me get away with
it. Just smack me upside the head when I need it.”

“Like I usually do?”

“Yeah, exactly like you usually do.” John thought a minute
and slowly grinned. “Damn, it’s gonna be weird working with you now. Chief
Waldron’s going to have a cow.”

“He can’t find out,” Nolan said quickly. “No one can find

John frowned. “Nolan, I’m freaked out by this, but I’m not
ashamed of it.”

“They won’t let us work together, John.”

Krulak stopped dead. “Shit.” He should have thought of that
for himself. “Shit,” he said again.

“And what’s worse,” Nolan continued, “one of us will end up
partnered with Bennett.”

“Oh hell no.”

“We’ve got to keep it quiet then,” Nolan said simply.

“Well, shit.” John pondered this for a long moment. “Shit,”
he said one more time.

Nolan shrugged. “I don’t want them all knowing our business
anyhow.” He chuckled. “I mean, I know you’re used to bragging about your
conquests and all, but not this one.”

“But this is the best one,” John protested.

“Aww, you’re sweet.”

John sat up and took another bite of pizza. “So how do we do

“We sneak around, of course.”

“Well, that does sound like fun. And what do we do about

Nolan shook his head. “We give her some time. I don’t think
we have any choice. It’s not like we can just tie her up and toss her in the
back of the van.”

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