Girl Trouble (13 page)

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Authors: Miranda Baker

BOOK: Girl Trouble
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In the picture, he was behind her, fucking her. His arms were wrapped underneath her breasts. While Eric buried his face against her neck, she looked right at the lens.

She made an inarticulate moan. “Christ, yes. Lord, look at your arms.”

“What?” He could barely see them beyond the plump rise of her tits.

She folded both hands around his upper arm. “This. Your body is flat-out sick.” Petting, she slid over the caps of his shoulders, down his forearms and along the veins that stood out there. “How much work do you put in yourself?”

He lifted his eyebrows. “I could ask the same of you.”

“Skinny doesn’t mean in shape. I couldn’t do a chin-up to save my life.”

Devious. There was no other word to describe the feeling that took over. He felt absolutely devious.

After gripping her ribs, he picked her up and spun their bodies. She squealed as he lifted her toward the chin-up bar. She grabbed it as if by reflex. The dark blue robe came open, displaying a creamy expanse of skin that remained slightly pink from the shower.

“Don’t you dare let me go,” she said on another squealing laugh. “So help me God, if you do…”

“You’ll what?” He pushed away the robe with his nose and nuzzled the inside curve of her breast. Those two pert nipples were irresistible. He sucked one tip into his mouth, then nibbled and licked.

Her legs curled around his waist. “This doesn’t much seem like any chin-up I’ve ever heard of.”

He smiled against her skin. “If you went to a gym, no man would ever leave.”

“I’m pretty sure that’s a compliment.” Her legs tightened at his waist as she released one hand. She steadied herself with a hand at the back of his head, sending tingles down his skin—until she smoothed around to the edge of the scars on his face. “You can’t let me go, though. Promise me.”

Offering silent encouragement, he grabbed her hand and lifted it toward the bar. He liked when she extended her lithe body, with her breasts rising to his mouth.

He also liked her
touching his scars.

He slipped his hand under her thigh and hitched her knee over his elbow. She was wide open for him—a tempting bit of wiry determination. Her pussy was already wet.

Teasing done. They were both ready.

He kissed her. Took her mouth. Stroked his tongue along hers, harder, more urgently, as their lips pushed and slid.

She threw her head back, inviting him to graze his teeth over her skin. He palmed her ass and positioned her wet cleft over his cock. “You still think I’m going to drop you, showgirl?”

Girl Trouble




Miranda Baker





There are no safe words for love.


Come Again, Book 4

Bonita Pritchard has tried everything to get over the one woman she can’t have, movie star and secret lover Kat St. James. Yoga, tantra, psychotherapy, even BDSM. Nothing has helped for long.

Hanging on the thinnest thread of denied desire, Bonita heads for Hollywood to get her Kat fix, fully intending to return straight home to her sex-toy boutique, Come Again. Until she sees the surprise Kat has in store for her.

Playing the talented bad girl kick-started Kat’s career twelve years ago. Now she’s famous, filthy rich…and totally miserable. Leaving Bonita in Norton was a mistake, and she’s planning one last attempt to fix it—by transforming her king-sized closet into a dungeon. And using her training as a Domme to satisfy her lover’s latest kink.

Soon, their white-hot need for each other transcends their desire to protect Kat’s heterosexual screen-siren image. But when compromising pictures surface, Kat realizes there’s only one way to beat the tabloid gossip that’s tearing them apart. Fight fire with fire…


Warning: This book contains kink in the closet, sexy games in an SUV, and D/s in the middle of the living room. And love strong enough to break all bonds.

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They cannot be sold, shared or given away as it is an infringement on the copyright of this work.


This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locale or organizations is entirely coincidental.


Samhain Publishing, Ltd.

11821 Mason Montgomery Road Suite 4B

Cincinnati OH 45249


Girl Trouble

Copyright © 2014 by Miranda Baker

ISBN: 978-1-61922-082-9

Edited by Jennifer Miller

Cover by Angela Waters


All Rights Are Reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.


Samhain Publishing, Ltd.
electronic publication: March 2014

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