Girl on the Run (13 page)

Read Girl on the Run Online

Authors: Rhoda Baxter

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Mystery; Thriller & Suspense, #Thrillers, #Legal, #Romance, #Contemporary

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Marsh pulled away, grinning.
‘You're sure?’

Jane sighed and laid her head against him.
‘Yes. It's getting late. I should go.’

He wrapped his arms around her and hugged.
‘See you tomorrow then. I shall do my best to pretend I haven't seen you since Friday.’

* * *

From: Valerie, To: Sally, Indra

I think there's something going on between Marsh and Jane. I just went into his office and you could feel the pheromones crackling. Not that they were doing anything, I hasten to add. It was just the way they were so jumpy


From: Sally, To: Valerie

Well, it would be about time Marsh found someone, wouldn't it? Jane seems nice enough. Certainly better suited to Marsh than Dominique
 I imagine Marsh would be a bit quiet after the Northern boys she must be used to.


From: Valerie, To: Sally

Maybe she had her bit of rough and fancies going for the quiet, reliable type for a change. You don't get much more reliable than Marsh
 I think he likes her. I tried to quiz him about Jane, but he changed the subject really fast and the tips of his ears went red, you know, like they do when he's embarrassed. On the other hand, he's worried about his little sister. Do you remember little Stevie? She worked in the post room a couple of years back before she went to uni.Apparently, Marsh doesn't like her new boyfriend. Poor boy. Having to look after his sister has really messed with his perspective
 It can't have been easy working, studying for his exams and looking after a teenager. You've got to admire him for managing to pass his exams!


From: Sally, To: Valerie

Oh, I admire him for a lot more than that, especially when he's in his little running shorts. Why do you think I come in so early?


From: Valerie
, To: Sally

Stop it. He's young enough to be your son. You have furniture older than him.


Indra, To: Valerie

I overheard Eric talking to Keith and I'm worried that they're up to their old tricks again. I hope Keith's not after Jane
– she's the only new girl I can think of
 I'll try and think of a way to remind Eric that he's been warned against that sort of thing before

Chapter Seventeen


From: Aunty Caroline

To: Marshall Winfield

Dear Marshall
, I had an email from Stevie asking me for money from the trust fund. Since you normally deal with the fund and I just sign the relevant bits of paper, I was a bit surprised to hear from her directly
 I hope you two haven't fallen out? Is there anything I can do to help
 We haven't seen you two in ages. I hope you are both well. You must come and visit us. We always have plenty of space – especially in the winter, when the tourists aren't around. I'm sure you could do with a break from all that work and pollution in the city
 Uncle Frank sends his love
 Aunty Caroline.


From: Marshall, To: Aunty Caroline

Oh dear. Thanks for letting me know. She's lent money to her boyfriend and it seems he's not going to pay it back in a hurry. I'll sort something out
 How much did she ask for? Just so that I've got an idea of how much this guy is taking from her
 I'm fine. So is Stevie. Hope the B&B side of things is going well and the cows are behaving themselves. We'll try and sort out a time to come visit when it's Stevie's holidays. It would be great to see you again and get some fresh air
 Love to you both


From: James, To: Marshall

Explain to me again, on what evidence do you base your theory about Stevie's boyfriend?


From: Marshall, To: James

He owes Stevie money. Has done for
three months. No sign of him paying it back. They came down to London. Stevie paid. They went to a concert. Stevie paid
 They had food. I paid
 He looked round the flat with great interest and quizzed me about what it was worth
 Stevie is now asking Aunt Caroline to release some money from the trust fund. I've just paid for her MOT, so I don't know what other expenses she has that her allowance won't cover. All I can think of isthat subsidising Buzz is making her spend extra
 On a personal level, I dislike the guy anyway. He scorned my


From: James, To: Marshall

I scorn your


From: Marshall, To: James

Well, you're ginger. That sort of thing is bound to have repercussions.


From: James
, To: Marshall

. Gingeristcomments are beneath you Marshall
 Anyway, it may have escaped your notice, but Stevie is a grown up now. She will have to learn grown up lessons by herself. You can't protect her forever, you know. Much as you'd like to.


From: Marshall, To: James

I know that
 But, no matter how old she gets, she'll still be the little kid who used to come to my room in the middle of the night to check that I was still breathing. She was so afraid I'd die too and leave her all alone
 I know I should let her make her own mistakes and stop interfering in her life, but I just can't help myself. You'll know what I mean when Molly and the boys are older. Trust me. Marsh.


From: James, To: Marshall

Did she really do that? Jesus, that's the most
heartbreaking thing I've ever heard.


Text from: James, To: Louise

Lou, I love you. And I love the kids
 I know I don't say it often enough, but I do
 Just so you know x


From: Terence Wattley
To: Discipline Subcommittee

 Intra-office relationship

In the matter of the complaint made against Mr Marshall Winfield and Ms Jane Porter. Whilst intra
-office relationships, especially between qualified fee earners and trainees, are undesirable from the point of view of company morale and image, there is no real way to prevent such relationships between consenting adults. The best we can hope for is to for one of the senior partners to have a word with the offending pair about discretion
 In light of the fact that Mr Winfield and Ms Porter have so far conducted their relationship out of office hours and have in no way embarrassed the company, I believe no further action is necessary
 However, as Mr Winfield appears to be prone to these liaisons – ref. Ms Dominique DeVale – it should be borne in mind when considering his possible appointment as a partner

Wattley on behalf of the discipline sub-committee.


From: Human Resources

Memo: On behalf of the partner

Dear everyone

Staff members are reminded that we are all responsible for the company image. It is expected that everyone will maintain a professional demeanour within the work environment and keep private and professional life appropriately segregated

Human Resources


From: Marshall, To: James

Did you see the email from HR? That's the same one they sent out after they hauled me over the coals because of Dominique's theatrics
 I'm not sure what to think now. Jane and I have been as discreet as we could possibly be. We barely look at each other when we're at work – which is not an easy thing to do, incidentally
 Yours in shit, Marsh.


From: James, To: Marshall

I did some snooping for you. Rumour has it that our favourite junior partner ratted on you to Susan and Terry. He asked to remain anonymous as he was making
an 'informal observation' rather than a formal complaint. He's a nasty piece of work. He REALLY doesn't like you. I'd watch your back if I were you, mate
 Have you heard from Terry or discipline committee yet


From: Marshall, To: James

No, not heard anything
– yet
 That's a good thing, I suppose. Although, they're bound to consider it when they discuss the new partners on Wednesday
 I hate Keith, I really do. I don't know what I've done to annoy him so much. What a complete git to go to Susan and Terry. And how does he know about me and Janeanyway??


From: James, To: Marshall

How does he know about you and Jane? For a clever bloke, you do ask some stupid questions. He works in the same team as you. He'd be blind not to figure out what's going on
 He's probably tried asking Jane out – like he does with most new blood around here. She probably turned him down. I know you and Jane try not to talk to each other, but the tension between you when you're in the same room could cause fires … or friction burns ;-

Chapter Eighteen


From: Keith, To: Susan

 I've just had a call to say my mum's been taken to hospital. I'm going over there as soon as possible
 I have an opposition hearing the day after tomorrow, which I obviously will not be able to attend.I shall brief Marshall on it so that he can go in my place. He did some earlier work on the case
 I don't think there's anything else urgent


From: Susan, To: Keith

That's fine Keith. Take as long as you need. I hope your mother is


From: Marshall, To: Valerie

Val, can you book me in for flights and overnight accommodation for the hearing in Munich. Details below. If you can transfer Keith's booking across, so much the better
 If you need me, I'll be in Keith's office

* * *

Marsh phoned before he went to bed. They had been together almost a week now and already the evening phone calls were the highlight of her night. It meant that she fell asleep thinking about him. It made for very vivid dreams.

When the phone rang, Jane dropped the novel she hadn't been able to concentrate on and pounced on it. Sometimes, she found it funny how excited she got at the thought of talking to him. Had she been this giddy when she'd first got together with Ashby? It was like being a teenager again. It would have been silly, if it wasn't so much fun.

‘Hi.’ He sounded less upbeat than usual.

Hello, you. What's the matter?’

Sorry, is it that obvious? I'm standing in for Keith in Munich. He only briefed me very quickly before he shot off to see his mum, so I've had to read the whole opposition file to get up to speed.’ He paused, as though trying to decide whether to carry on with what he was saying.

And …?’

And I think I'm going to lose tomorrow.’

You don't know that. I'm sure it's all in the way you argue it.’

Normally, yes, but I think our arguments are quite weak. We're claiming they have no inventive step. If the representative for the other side is any good, they'll walk all over us. Keith must be quite glad to get rid of the case.’ There was a short silence before he added, ‘I'm not suggesting that he would prefer for his mum to be ill, obviously. Just …’

I know what you meant,’ said Jane. ‘Are you sure it's that bad? What was Keith's feeling on the case?’

You know what Keith is like. He's all bluster.’

That fitted in neatly with Jane's theory that Keith was over-compensating for his shyness by being gregarious.

‘So he thinks you
win it.’

He didn't say that.’

Well, all you can do is try your best.’

Marsh sighed again.
‘You're right. It's just a shame that this happened so close to the partner's meeting. All they're going to remember is that I lost a case.’

And that you stepped in at the last minute to help out a colleague.’

Yeah-ah.’ He sounded unconvinced.

Cheer up, Marsh. At least you've got some good news on the stuff you're doing for Susan.’

Yes, thanks to you.’

I just got lucky. If I'd taken the second half of that list instead of the first, you'd have found it.’

And that would have been awful,’ he said, with a little laugh.

Why awful?’

Well, you wouldn't have got all excited and rushed round to my office …’

Jane's mind filled in the blanks. They wouldn't have had that first breathless kiss and things would never have gone anywhere. She would still be wondering if he liked her or not and agoni
sing over how to talk to him. The very memory of that night made her body tingle.

I wish you were here,’ said Marsh, his voice low. ‘Right now. In my bed.’

I know. I wish I was with you too. But you've got an early flight to catch. You should get some sleep.’

That's true. And if you were here, I certainly wouldn't get that.’

Jane blushed, even though there was no one around to hear.
‘Stop it.’

His low laugh made her tingle down to her toes. For one mad moment she considered getting her coat and going across town to his flat. Common sense made her dismiss the idea.
‘I'll see you tomorrow.’

I'll see you tomorrow night. My flight gets in around eight. Do you want me to come round to your place?’

She still hadn't had him to Polly's flat. Despite how comfortable she felt with him, letting him meet Polly would be a major step. Besides, she had very little privacy at Polly's, whereas they could have Marshall's place all to themselves.
‘No. Call me when you're at the airport and I'll head over to yours. I'll even pick up dinner en route.’

That sounds wonderful. You can help me take my mind off my defeat.’

Now, now. Be positive.’

Oh I am positive. You can take my mind off work. Definitely.’

Jane giggled.
‘Night-night Marsh.’

Night, Jane. I … miss you.’

Me too.’

* * *

From: Eric, To: Keith

tells me that your mother is unwell. I hope it's nothing serious. Wish her a speedy recovery


From: Keith, To: Eric

I'm back in the office today.
Too late to go the hearing in Munich
 Mum's fine. It was just a ruse to get Marsh to go to the hearing in my place. With him out of the picture, I can spend a bit of quality time with Jane. It was a lousy case anyway. We were bound to lose. This way it'll be Marsh that loses this one. Not me. Bonus. K.


From: Eric, To: Keith

That is low. I know you and Marshall don't get on, but I don't think sabotaging his career is called for. I don't want to be involved in your little shenanigans. The bet is off. I'm pulling out


From: Keith, To: Eric

Ha! So, you forfeit the bet. Which means you owe me dinner at the club
 Don't come over all straight-laced with me. In my position you'd have done the same. It's called keeping your eye on the prize. Besides, it's not like I've done Marshall any harm. It'll be a valuable learning experience for him.

* * *

Jane was trying to draft a response to an examination report and constantly had to rein in her thoughts as they drifted towards Marshall. She had expected it to be easier for her to concentrate with him out of the office, but it seemed to have the opposite effect. At least when she could hear him next door, she knew where he was. Now, all she could do was daydream.

She was wondering how he was getting on with his opposition hearing when Keith knocked on the door.

‘I thought you were at home. How's your mum?’

She's Ok. On the mend,’ he said. ‘It was a false alarm.’

Ruth looked up from her work.
‘That's a relief.’

Keith gave her a quick glance.
‘Yes. It is. Jane, can I speak to you for a moment?’ He indicated that she should step outside.

Puzzled, Jane went out into the corridor.

‘I was wondering,’ Keith said in a low voice. ‘Do you fancy a drink after work? I … need to talk to someone and you're a friend …’

Jane felt a wave of sympathy. For
all his bluff exterior, Keith was quite a sweet man at heart. ‘Of course. What time?’

How about I come and get you around five-thirty-ish?’

That would be fine. I'll see you then.’

Great!’ His voice returned to its normal volume. ‘Thanks.’

She couldn't help feeling sorry for Keith. Clearly, his mother's illness had affected him deeply, but he still felt he had to maintain his confident persona. He reminded her a bit of Ashby, who could be feeling dreadful, but would still manage to perform when he needed to. She wished she could be as cool and collected. She tended to show her emotions too easily. She sighed and went back to work.

Her desk phone rang.

Hi Jane, it's Marsh.’

Hey. Where are you?’

I'm still in Munich.’ He sounded breathless. ‘I won!’

What? Wow. Well done! I told you you would!’ For a moment she forgot that Ruth was in the room and that she and Marsh were keeping their relationship a secret.

Yeah. The other guy was awful. I don't know where they found him. I can't believe we won. It should have been a complete disaster.’

Ruth's shoulders had stiffened. Her head was still bent over her work, but Jane could tell she was listening. She dropped her voice a little.
‘Are you coming back on an earlier flight?’

No, there isn't one. I've got to kill a few hours. I'm going to see if I can get some work done. I've got to go. I just wanted to tell you the news myself.’

Thank you. And congratulations!’

Thanks. I'll speak to you this evening.’ She could hear the smile in his voice.

She hung up, and was wondering whether to make something up about the phone call to allay any suspicions Ruth might have, when there was a shout from outside.

Val rushed in. ‘He won! He wasn't confident when he left, but he won.’ Seeing Ruth's confused expression, she added, ‘Marsh just texted me. He won the opposition.’

Not wanting to reveal that Marsh had just phoned to tell her in person, Jane said nothing.

‘Yes. Isn't that brilliant! I bet Keith wishes he'd gone after all.’

I'm sure he'd have gone if he could,’ said Jane.

Ruth coughed. Val gave Jane a surprised look.



Keith took Jane to a pub off Fleet Street and found a quiet nook for them to sit in. Jane made herself comfortable while Keith was fetching the drinks. She glanced at her watch. Marshall would be flying over Europe about now. When Keith returned, he placed her glass of white wine in front of her and slid into the seat opposite. He took a sip of his pint and sighed.

‘Long day?’ said Jane.

Something like that.’

Have you heard from your mum today?’

Yes. She's definitely feeling better.’ He ran a hand over his eyes. ‘It was quite scary, you know. The ride home that day, when I thought I might never see her again.’

Jane nodded. She had nothing to compare it to but the journey home after realising that Ashby had been lying to her. She had felt broken, as though her life had been cracking from that one bullet-hole revelation outwards, just waiting to shatter. But her pain then would be nothing compared to what Keith had been through when he thought hi
s mother was dying. Unable to think of a suitable response, she reached across the table and laid her hand on his.

He looked at their hands and the corners of hi
s mouth moved upwards, just a bit.

He was grateful for her sympathy, she decided. She gave his hand a squeeze and withdrew hers.

‘Thanks,’ he said. ‘It's nice to stop pretending. I try and keep my personal life away from work. It's not professional otherwise, is it?’

Jane thought about her own predicament. Her private life catching up with her work one was the thing that she dreaded the most.
‘I know what you mean.’

Keith contemplated his drink.
‘She's a fighter, my mum. I guess you'd have to be to put up with Dad for so many years.’ He appeared to be looking at something far away. ‘Do you know how they met?’

Jane shook her head.

‘She was campaigning for women's rights of some sort and was lobbying my dad, who was already an MP. He was one of the youngest people in the Cabinet. He said he'd support her cause if she slept with him.’

Jane couldn't help being shocked at the mercenary nature of the proposal.
‘Didn't that contradict her feminist principles?’

Keith shrugged.
‘They've been married for thirty-six years. I guess sometimes it's worth compromising your principles. She's an incredible woman.’

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