Gill Man's Girl (3 page)

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Authors: Carolina Connor

BOOK: Gill Man's Girl
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She took a breath and exhaled it. "I'm not so sure, yet, but...but maybe."

He ran his webbed hands, deceptively spongy and warm, over her arms to her hips. “Mine.”

It made her smile again. She'd truly never felt so protected and cherished. “Really?”

He made the same gesture again, this time his hands went to her stomach and thighs. “Mine.”

She looked into his large, expressive eyes. Expressive? Yes. What other scientists, other people, would see as frog-like and repulsive, she found strangely satisfying when they gazed upon her. She licked her lips and gave him a nod. The fin-like appendages flexed and she grinned a little. Then he pulled her close to him. He could have crushed her with his powerful arms in a second, snapping her spine or constricting her lungs. But she knew he never would. She smiled, more to herself this time and closed her eyes, listening against his alligator-like chest to the heart beating for her beneath and ran her hands along the olive colored ridges. After the demanding orgasm marathon, it wasn’t long till she dozed off, not caring for the moment if she woke with slime on her or not. Her limbs were heavy, lethargic, and she didn’t fight the overwhelming desire to sleep.




When she felt a tremor go through Myyne, concern forced her to see what had attracted his attention. She pried open her eyes as he rose and twisted around. Two creatures like him, one slightly shorter, the other similar in build but a much darker green, came from opposite tunnels. He growled a warning, but they had obviously come with a purpose. It was with dread she realized that ‘purpose’ was her. Suddenly, comprehension flooded her.

Mating season.

This place must draw the males and females, and the scents, the pheromones made everyone it called to absolutely crazy. These two newcomers smelled sex and, by appearances, she was an untaken female to be gained. She swallowed her alarm and withdrew as much behind Myyne as she could.

He stood to his full height, arms outstretched and slightly raised, again giving the newcomers a chance to retreat before a fight broke out. But the heady scent of a fresh female had already taken over their thinking. The short one flicked out his tongue, tasting her fragrance. The larger lunged at Myyne, who met the blow and clenched his arms about its neck, snarling the entire time.

“Myyne! Look out!”

The short one took advantage of the diversion and sprang at Myyne, catching him around the waist. The other staggered back, while Shorty impossibly raised Myyne over his head, with the intent of breaking his back on a stalagmite. His ‘friend’ turned to Lita, the creature’s cock growing out from beneath its belly scales. She met his stare, something she knew instinctively she shouldn't do in a territorial battle. But her eyes were drawn to a thin, dark article at his shoulder. A ribbon? A bowtie ribbon? Oh God, had this creature killed Dr. Moreno?  She screamed at him in fury, even as she shrank away from his advancement.

Her gaze sought out Myyne. Shorty had tossed him over its shoulder, against the side of the cave. Myyne wrenched catlike to land unharmed on his hip. In the next heartbeat, he was on his feet, rushing the creature closest to Lita, smashing it and himself into the far wall. He brought his talons across the interloper's throat, slashing three bloody slices along it. The creature shrieked and clutched its neck. Wailing in defeat, it hobbled toward the pool and escape.

Shorty should have taken the moment to retreat as well, but apparently Lita's proximity was too much to resist. Myyne stood between the two of them. There was a moment when it seemed to consider its options. Time slowed down and Lita held her breath. She could see the rise and fall of its chest, the glance between her and Mynne, the green-blue glisten of each scale when it shifted its weight. The missing piece of one of its head-fins.  In a flurry of blurred movements, time caught back up. Shorty charged, again diving at Myyne's waist. This time Myyne was prepared. He picked Shorty up and heaved him across the dark, still pool to the small forest of stalagmites on the other side. There was a sickening crack and another shrieking of pain. Lita watched in stunned alarm as the last creature rose, its leg obviously broken in more than one place, and dragged itself out of their cave.

Myyne came to her and checked her over with his huge eyes and padded hands, but she was doing the same to him. Dark, nearly black blood oozed from several nicks to his armor, but nothing she would consider life-threatening. She breathed out his name in relief and held him close. Strangely, the fear that shook her was not for herself.

“I'm glad you're okay,” she said. She looked up into his features, finding nothing there less than caring and kinship. “I don't want anything to happen to you. To this place. Ever I think.” She brought her lips to his, stroking her mouth over each lip, feeling their softness, their warmth; feeling them respond to her breath, and then kissing them softly. She smiled.

He smiled back.




She awoke to aching pressure in her abdomen and a heady scent in her nostrils. Instinctively taking a deep breath filled her with a lust intense enough to drench her pussy between heartbeats. She moaned, her hand moving between her legs to relieve the demanding tension. She looked down and stopped in shock. Her legs were covered in broad light blue-green scales, ending in wide webbed feet. There was only a few seconds to process the sight—this…occurrence—before the current in her blood intensified and she groaned, sitting up and pressing her hand against her mound. Another breath and the desire hammered through her. Her need was worse than a gnawing hunger. It gripped her without release so that every tiny movement, every breath was intolerable.

“Myyne?” she called tentatively. After what he had accomplished with his thick, pulsing, clawed pads, no amount of stroking with her skinny fingers would do. “Myyne? Some-something’s happened.”

And then he was there, lifting her in his arms, rumbling in his chest, as if a catfish could purr. She swallowed what fear had manifested and stared into his eyes as they watched her, reassuring her with just an expression. His nearness, his touch made her lightheaded. Her clit throbbed.

He moved into the pool in the center of the grotto, and with her, stepped into the water. As soon as they both were mostly submerged, he put his hand over her cunt and she shuddered, arching into him. Without hesitation he rubbed and she gasped. “Yes. Ooh, yes. I - I need...”

He thrust his thick finger into her and the heat that consumed her stole her breath for several long, delicious moments. Time changed, slowed, stopped. When she breathed out it was a low, luxurious moan. All she could feel, all she could sense, came down to her succulent core, the walls clutching and re-clutching around his finger. His pad rotated inside her, sliding on all sides as well as back and forth. All she was able to do was cling to him and try to breathe, until the coiling unraveled and she came in a pounding crescendo. Her cries were musical in the shallow grotto, reverberating with his encouraging rumbles and echoing against the obsidian walls. The vibration fed back into her, her skin prickly and uncomfortable, her clit scorching between her thighs.

She breathed heavily, feeling too hot and confined even in the pool. Instead of being satiated, the release was rejuvenating. There was more, and she was compelled to find it. Her hips squirmed against him. Her stomach and shoulders ached from exertion but there was no satisfaction, not yet; no completion. Her cunt ached and each time she came in contact with his skin, she gave a shivery lurch, undulating the water that lapped at them with ripples of ongoing indifference.

“More. Fuck, oh, fuck, more.” She struggled to catch her breath, wondering if she could possibly survive whatever had overtaken her. It was luscious. It was agonizing. It was overwhelming need. It was impossible to contain. “I need more,” she hissed out, her teeth clenched. “Fuck me. Fuck ME.”

His breathing was nearly as labored as hers, but he maneuvered himself beneath her, submerged almost entirely, while her head and shoulders bobbed above the surface. He had the strength to easily hold her, giving her control of when and how deeply she took him. Almost certainly from the changes her anatomy had taken, it wasn't as difficult as it should have been. Her opening accepted his pulsing tip and as soon as that connection was made, she gripped his shoulders and pulled herself down, taking him. There was a stretching, a bright burning that stole her breath, but it was gone in heartbeats, replaced by slick molten heat and welcoming, thorough, fulfilling strokes. Her moans were long and glorious, coming from her very essence.

“Yes, yes,” she gasped for air, finding a rhythm on the huge cock sliding in and out. “More, more, more,” she chanted. He complied carefully at first, and still she came with a loud, hoarse cry, riding him until her muscles burned. He gripped her hips as she plunged down onto his throbbing shaft. He groaned and, incredibly, she felt his cock expand inside her, stretching the walls of her pussy further. He began to pump into her, incredibly gentle for his size, as if intently aware of her fragility next to him. His hips twisted, his cock reaching deeper and deeper inside her, touching places she didn’t think were possible. The sensation of being filled completely was almost more than she could bear.

He nuzzled her breasts, and she arched into him. Mynne started to pull away but Lita would have nothing of it. She pleaded with him with her body and he plunged into her again, a muted growl torn from his chest. Soft trembling rippled over her body. She closed her eyes, panting in time with his captivating rhythm. His tongue flicked out to lick her lips. She moaned, her tongue darting out to find his, which had by then located her nipples. She whined and the trembling became intense as she bore herself into him, needing him deeper, needing him fully inside her.       

“God, again!” Tears leaked from her eyes and she held on to his shoulders while he lost his control, pounding her from beneath. “Oh, Myyne,” she whined. “Right there. Ah yes, please don’t stop.” Her pussy throbbed faster with her racing heart, accepting each stroke with the plea for another until Mynne jerked and his body went into spasms, his bulging cock exploded its seed into her womb. And then she was within a world-shattering orgasm. She cried out, a long, low keening as the release came from everywhere at once.

The world swam around her and she slumped forward. He embraced her, holding her against him just at the surface of the water. Gradually, her heartbeat and breathing slowed and she roused. At some point he had pulled his monstrous cock from her.

She looked up at him. “I think I may get used to your mating season,” she said feebly. “Tell me it comes more than once a year.”

His ear fins twitched. He held up two finlike fingers.

“Twice? A year?” she said in obvious disappointment.

He made a burbling noise from his throat.

She opened her mouth. “Once every

He nodded his head.

The duration seemed daunting. “But we can practice the rest of the time,” she asked, “right?”

He nodded.

She sighed. “Well, I guess the point of mating is to keep the species going. Not kill them off in ecstasy.” She could almost feel the tremors already of new life fluttering inside her abdomen.

He purred and fondled her pale blue-green belly scales lovingly. It may be her new home, exotic, unheard of, alien until just a week ago, but there was nowhere else she needed—she wanted—to be.




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