Gilded Wings (18 page)

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Authors: Cameo Renae

BOOK: Gilded Wings
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THE HOUSE SUDDENLY SHOOK VIOLENTLY, like we were in the middle of a major earthquake, jolting everyone from sleep.

“Shit,” Kade cursed glancing outside. My heart sunk watching the sky darken as the sun set.

“Get up boys,” Dom yelled.

A loud boom shook the house again. From Kade’s window there wasn’t much happening, but as soon as we opened his door and looked out the front windows… All Hell had broken loose.

We watched in horror as three Grimlock stood side by side, bashing the same area of the barrier. Every blow felt like a bomb was going off. The barrier’s cracks extended longer than they had before, webbing out across the whole front of it.

There was a lot of movement outside, and as my eyes started to focus, I saw Darkling inside the barrier, crawling around the house, but they weren’t trying to get in.

Not yet.

“It’s not gonna hold much longer!” Malachi yelled.

“Well boys, this is our time to shine,” Dom called his brothers to arms.

Everything that followed happened so fast.

I watched in complete horror as one of the Grimlock offered his blow, shattering what was left of the barrier. Brilliant white and blue sparks rained down around the perimeter as our protection finally gave, and disintegrated around us.

It was the beginning of the end.

The front door exploded like a bomb. Like a rocket, Lucian came crashing through the side wall like it was made of straw, tumbling into the foyer directly below us.

He stood, tall and muscular, slowly dusting himself off. His eyes were pitch black, just like his heart. His white hair wasn’t drawn back like how I remembered. It was long, stringy, and hung down to his shoulders making him look even more brutal.

Lucian held his arms out to his sides, calling his majestic, raven-black wings, and they immediately appeared behind his back.

His head snapped up toward us, and a wicked grin swept across his face, sending a menacing, hair-raising chill down my spine.

Chaos and terror erupted all around us as Darkling and Fallen forced their way in, shattering all the windows as they crashed through.

But something happened. Something no one, including Lucian, could have expected. A half a dozen Hellhounds charge through the opening, and began attacking the Darkling. Screams of agony erupted as the ravage red eyes and razor sharp teeth pounced on their stinky prey and began ripping them to shreds.

“No!” Lucian roared, as the Hellhounds took out half his army in a short amount of time.

He cursed at the top of his lungs, then began to speak in a loud angelic voice which reverberated of the walls all around us.

The Hellhounds started to yelp in pain and then dropped to the ground. In seconds they were lifeless; their bodies torched and turned to ash.

Lucian killed half the power he came with and we didn’t have to lift a finger.

Rage burned bright in his eyes.

Ethon was nowhere to be seen, and neither was Lucifer. I had a crushing feeling they would abandon us and leave us to die. How easy it would be to have one enemy take out the other.

With a wave of his hand, Lucian sent his Fallen forward.

Our Guardians didn’t hesitate. Every one of them readied their weapons and charged forward without fear or trepidation, knowing full well they were brutally outnumbered.

I watched Alaine rush out from the hallway. She had been ready, dressed in her black combat outfit with her sword in hand. Her hair was pulled back, her eyes narrowed, and her face hard-set as she immediately engaged with one of the Fallen. His tall muscular frame towered over hers by at least two feet.

I gasped in horror as he lifted his gargantuan sword over his head, quickly thrusting it down at her. Alaine twirled to the side, barely missing it.

I exhaled. That was too close.

The Fallen raised his weapon again and attempted a second strike, but Alaine disappeared. I watched her reappear directly behind him, quickly pushing her blade into his back. He immediately swung around, knocking her backwards.

I knew whenever she disappeared, it drained her. I prayed to God that she would have enough strength to survive.

Kade grabbed me by the arms and yanked me backward down the hallway.

“No!” I yelled, trying to break free, but he held me tight. In an instant, he threw me over his shoulder and I was being carried quickly toward my bedroom. “We can’t leave them,” I cried.

“We have to. They are fighting for you, Emma. For your safety,” he implored, carrying me away.

I screamed.

I watched in horror as Malachi and Dominic jumped from the second balcony, directly into the middle of danger below. Swords clashed and echoed through the house as they fought bravely, but they were surrounded and would be quickly outnumbered.

I screamed as the Fallen closed in on them. Kade ran down the hall, kicked open my door, dropped me to my feet and locked the door behind us. He ran and pulled the chair from the desk and secured the door with it.

“Get your garment on. Now!” he urged.

There was a charge in his eyes, and the seriousness of his voice had me grabbing the duffle and bolting for the closet. I threw open the door and immediately threw off my jeans and T-shirt as I entered. I pulled the garment from my duffle, trying to unzip it, but my body was trembling much too fiercely.

A loud boom on the door shook the entire room.

“Shit. Hurry, Emma!” Kade yelled.

I finally unzipped the suit and quickly slipped it on, then grabbed the dagger and fastened it to my waist.

Another thundering boom against the door sent a jolt of fear through me. If Kade wasn’t pushing the door shut, it already would have flown off the hinges. There was no way he could hold it shut for much longer, if whoever or whatever kept trying to bash it in. I rushed to his side and threw my weight against the door.

“Do you have your dagger?” he asked.

“Yes,” I said, unsheathing it.

“Whatever happens, fight. You need to stay alive. We are all here to protect you. If you die, then all of this was all for nothing. Do you hear me? It doesn’t matter
is in trouble around you, take care of yourself first,” he said, his eyes were narrowed on me, filled with overwhelming concern.

“I understand.” I twisted myself, moving to the front of him, placing both hands on either side of him, still pushing against the door. I pressed my body tightly against his, and then, I kissed him.

“I love you,” I breathed.

“And I love you,” he whispered. “So much so that it aches. I would willingly give my life for you.”

“I know you would. But I need you. So, you have to stay alive.”

A grin graced his beautiful lips. “I’ll try.”

“You’ll need to do better than that,” I said, and he smiled.

The next blast felt like an explosion, and sent the top hinge of the door flying off.

“Emma, each of us needs to take a side. You go right, so when the door opens you’ll be protected. Once whatever is out there comes through, you stay put and let me deal with it.”

“Okay,” I answered without thought, my heart and pulse racing.

“You should go invisible now.”

“Wait,” I answered. “We can both be invisible. I just need to touch you.”

He pondered the offer, then he grabbed my waist. “Alright, let’s do this. But when I attack, you let go and stay hidden.”

“Alright,” I said, knowing full well if I could help him, I would.

He pivoted with me in his arms, and pushed us to the right side of the door. I called upon my invisibility, and we immediately disappeared.

“Whoa,” he whispered.


“This is my first time,” he said, still holding me tight.

“It is?” I questioned. “I thought—” Then I realized it had been Ethon I was with.

“Nope, invisible virgin here.”

“Well, not a virgin anymore,” I noted.

“That’s true,” he said. “Are you ready?”

“Ready,” I answered.

He moved me to the side, and I kept my hands on him, running them up his back and placing them on his shoulders.

ready?” I asked.

“As ready as I’ll ever be,” he said.

The door burst open, flying off the last hinge, tumbling and slamming into the opposite wall. A rumbling growl filled the room, rattling my knees with fear. A huge leg attached to a large torso stomped inside.

My breath seized.

I was expecting one of the Fallen, but this was no Fallen.

It was a Grimlock.

Fear encompassed me, knowing they used their smell as their sight. Being invisible didn’t matter anymore. The Grimlock would be able to pinpoint us no matter where we were.

Kade stayed still, waiting for the creature to enter. I wanted to tell him he shouldn’t wait, but didn’t want to risk making noise.

I wondered if he knew, but I couldn’t take a chance. I had to move before the Grimlock entered the room.

Jumping in front of Kade, I lifted my dagger and thrust it deep into the Grimlock’s chest. The Grimlock roared, and swung its large arm at me, sending me flying backward, crashing against my desk. As soon as I let go of Kade, he became visible.

The blade was still embedded in the creature’s chest, but it wasn’t going down. The Grimlock lifted his huge spiked weapon and swung it directly at Kade.

Kade dove, just under the blade, and used his sword to slash its leg.

“The neck. Aim for its neck!” I yelled.

Kade quickly raised his blade, but before he could complete his swing, the Grimlock raised his leg, kicking him backward. He flew back, crashing and hitting the side of my bed.

“Kade,” I screamed.

“I’m okay,” he assured.

The Grimlock became enraged, and barged in, stomping toward Kade. His lethal weapon swung back and forth heading directly at him. He didn’t have protection, and the bed was keeping him from moving backward.

Without hesitation, I shot up. Using the bed to propel me forward, I timed my move. As soon as the beast was mid-swing, I jumped on the bed and thrust myself forward, feet first, aiming at the dagger. As soon as my feet hit the blade, it pushed it deep into its chest.

It halted, its hand frantically grasped at its chest, but there was nothing for it to hold on to. It crashed down onto its knees, then after a loud gurgling exhale, its eyes rolled back and it dropped forward.

Kade shot up. “Emma,” he exhaled.

“I had to. I’m sorry,” I said.

“Don’t be sorry,” he said, hugging me tight. “You saved us. I’m just thankful you didn’t get hurt.”

“Come on, we have to get you to the safe room.”

He grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the room.

As we turned into the hallway, it was blocked. Dom was fighting two Fallen, and I was overjoyed to see he was still alive.

“Second floor should be free,” Dom yelled, right after he did an awesome flying twist, using both of his sharp blades to behead one of the Fallen.

“Thanks, man,” Kade yelled back.

“Emma, I can see you,” he called out while dodging another blade swung at his head.

“Not the face,” he shouted, pushing the Fallen back into one of the rooms. “No one comes near this face. It’s my money maker!”

I held onto Kade’s hand and giggled, calling upon my invisibility. We instantly disappeared and I was surprised at how fast and easy it was becoming. Maybe invisibility would be my gift too.

But I wondered why I didn’t get tired like Alaine did after she went invisible. Maybe it was the suit.






WE BOTH STARTED DOWN THE stairs to the second level. When we reached the balcony I stopped Kade. Below us was devastation and death. There were two Grimlock inside, swinging their weapons, absolutely destroying Alaine’s home.

Two more Grimlock lay lifeless on the ground. One of them was headless, and the other was on its back with its large tongue hanging to the side of its mouth. It had an obvious wound to its chest.

The battle was raging. Guardians against Fallen, and it seemed as if our guys were holding their own.

My heart twisted as I saw Samuel, fighting side by side with Alaine. They moved so naturally together, like each of them knew what the other’s next move would be. Samuel used his wings as his weapon, and was slaughtering Fallen after Fallen. Alaine let him lead, but fought just as hard and just as bravely.

“Lucifer’s Fallen aren’t as skilled as most, probably because they haven’t been in battle for a while. They seem sluggish,” Kade noted.

“That’s good,” I exhaled. “It works to our advantage.”

James, Thomas, and Alex were fighting on the lowest level, close to Alaine and Samuel. They all looked drained.

“Emma,” Kade said, tugging at my hand.

“Wait. Where’s Malachi?” I asked, concerned. I quickly scouted all of the lifeless bodies on the ground, but didn’t spot his.

“Maybe he chased one outside. There seems to be a lot of commotion going on out there.”

“I hope so.”

Then I watched as Lucian stalked toward the Guardians. The one nearest him was Alex.

“Kade,” I wailed, almost letting go of him. “Alex is in danger!”

He held me back, probably thinking I would jump to his aid.

Alex did not see Lucian coming. He was too engaged with another Fallen to notice.

“Alex!” I screamed. “Alex, behind you!”

Alex paused for a split second, and when he turned around, Lucian was already right behind him, his black eyes locked onto his target. Lucian lifted his arm and shoved his sword right into Alex’s midsection.

“No!” I screamed.

Thomas rushed to his aid, and drop kicked Lucian backward, just enough to free the blade from Alex’s stomach. He grabbed Alex’s arm and swung him away, while thrusting out his blade, decapitating an oncoming Fallen. Alex dropped to his knees, his sword fell from his hands as he leaned forward examining his wound.

“Shit!” he bellowed.

Thomas fought bravely next to him, keeping the others away.

“We need to save him,” I cried.

“You are the one who needs to be saved. We need to go. The others will take care of him.”

“He’s dying,” I wailed, watching Alex try to get up, but he collapsed.

“Lucifer failed us, and so did Ethon,” I sobbed, watching helplessly as more Fallen and another Grimlock crashed through the house.

“Emma. We need to go.
,” he urged.

“They’re gonna die. They’re all gonna die because of me.”

“That’s not true.”

“It is true, and I can’t stand here and let it happen. It’s not fair. They shouldn’t have to die for me.”

“That’s what Guardians do. They watch over those they’ve been assigned. It’s their duty to fight, and even die to protect those appointed to them. It’s what we were created for.”

“It’s not fair,” I said, falling into his arms.

A thunderous boom shook the whole house. The large chandelier above the foyer came crashing down, along with the beautiful stained glass skylight. Crystal shards and glass exploded all across the floor.

A loud screeching caw echoed around us, and as I looked up, I saw Ash circling outside. A shot of adrenaline and hope surged through my veins.

In the confusion, Thomas picked Alex up and hurriedly carried him down the hall toward Alaine’s room.

Through the gaping hole in the ceiling, a black, smoky mist slowly crept in. It rapidly began to swirl like a whirlwind and then took form. Everyone in the room, angels and beasts alike, paused and watched in utter awe as Lucifer stood in their midst.

Huge raven wings spread out and folded across his back. His body had transformed from normal to almost beast-like. Muscles and veins bulged from his bare chest and arms. In one hand he held a very long, very sharp sword. The other was empty, but his fist was tightly balled shut. His eyes were blood red, flickering with flames of rage and destruction, and they were narrowed on Lucian.

“Lucifer,” Lucian scoffed. “I’m shocked to see you here. Were you invited or did you merely crash the party?”

“Disloyal traitor,” Lucifer growled, his words thundered through the house, shaking the ground and sending debris falling from above.

Lucian smirked. “I knew one day we would run in to each other. I just didn’t think it would be here.”

“The girl is mine. She is bonded to my son,” Lucifer snarled.

“I see you are still living up to your name, Deceiver. The girl is not immortal, therefore cannot be bonded. She is Nephilim, and she is mine.”

Two beings from the beginning of time stood confronting one another. Once allies, now archenemies. The two squared off; Lucian slowly unfurled his wings, knowing what was to come. This would be the battle of all battles.

I could see it in Lucifer’s eyes. The century old feud was about to be dealt with head on. He was face to face with the very one to whom he entrusted his Fallen army. The one he put in charge of all of his executions, including his own brother. The one whose pride overcame him, making him think he could do a much better job of ruling the Underworld.

“You will die before this day is done,” Lucifer threatened.

“Not if I kill you first,” Lucian answered.

Lucifer flew at Lucian, their swords collided and sparks rained down around them. Each engaged moving effortlessly around the other, using their wings and swords as weapons. Lucifer took to the air spinning, his wings outspread. Lucian managed to avoid the deadly attack, but four unsuspecting Fallen did not. Two of them were instantly decapitated, one was sliced in half, and the other lost an arm.

When he stopped, Lucian attacked. With a flap of his wings he shot forward, his blade missing Lucifer by inches. As the momentum carried him forward, he wrapped his arm around Lucifer’s legs, yanking him downward. Both went crashing and tumbling in a massive heap. Black feathers filled the air around them, gracefully and silently floating down.

Lucifer kicked Lucian in the gut, throwing him backward, but Lucian spread his wings and stopped the momentum. With a loud swoosh, Lucifer flew at him one more time, and swords crashed together repeatedly.

By this time, most of the room had emptied out.

They looked as if they were dancing, but this dance was deadly and as old as they were, they were moving unbelievably fast. Their strikes were so hard, it was almost ear piercing. Each attack was given with a centuries worth of hate, resentment, and revenge.

Everyone watched these two ancient warriors engage from a safe distance. Even the blind Grimlock made their way outside to avoid the bloodthirsty battle unfolding before them.

Then a team of Lucifer’s Fallen descended from the hole in the ceiling. I saw the remainder land around the perimeter outside, some engaging immediately with Lucian’s Fallen.

Alaine had disappeared, probably to help Alex, and Samuel had made his way up the stairs to the third level. I still didn’t see Malachi, and hoped he was alright.

Lucifer kept his part of the deal, but it was something he already wanted from the beginning. He was waiting for his moment to confront Lucian, and we were simply the means for him to do so.

The battle was raging, and war was all around us.

“Emma, let’s go,” Kade said.

I gasped as a familiar rush of tingles overcame me, making me dizzy.

Ethon was near.

As I glanced up, Ethon appeared floating gracefully down from the hole in the ceiling. After pausing briefly, he flew toward the stairway.

“Emma,” he called. “I know you’re here. I’ve come for you.”

Kade held tight to my hand. “Don’t,” he said. “Why would he want you to come to him in the midst of danger?”

“Emma, we have to seal the bond before it’s too late,” he announced. “Come to me, let me keep you safe and take you away from this danger.”

Ethon stood in the stairwell, between the second and third level. He left his wings visible but folded them behind his back. He had on a black shirt with black jeans. Through one hand, he raked his raven black hair away from his crimson eyes, and in the other he held his long, sharp sword.

“Emma,” he called again.

The bond acted as a magnet, pulling me away from Kade. As much as I wanted to stay with him, the bond seemed like it was getting stronger. It weakened me and caused my heart to yearn after Ethon. I had to go. The bond was forcing me to.

“I’m sorry. I have to go,” I said.

Kade didn’t say a word, but loosened his grip on my hand. He knew time was running out, and if Lucifer lived, he would use my oath against me.

As soon as I was free from him, I found myself running toward Ethon. My body was on autopilot. I didn’t have as much control over myself as before, and I could feel my inner-self fading to the will of the bond.

I willed visibility and as soon as I did, Ethon sheathed his sword and held out his arms to me, a wide smile filled his face. “There you are, my love.”

From the side, I saw a large figure shooting toward him. In a flash, Lucian had escaped from Lucifer. His face was hard-set, and his blackened eyes were narrowed and set on his new target.

“Ethon!” I screamed, a few yards away. He turned and ducked under Lucian’s sword. Behind him, Lucifer caught up to him, grabbing his leg.

What happened next played out in slow motion, and I had a front row seat; an unwilling witness to every horrific and terrorizing detail. 

As Lucian was being thrown backward by Lucifer, he resisted. His face hardened as he twisted, thrusting his right wing outward at the exact moment Ethon stood to unsheathe his sword.

I cried out helplessly, watching the tip of Lucian’s wing impale Ethon’s chest, exiting out his back.

A reverberating, earth shattering roar exploded from Lucifer, rattling the entire house as he watched the assault on his son. His rage quickly overpowered Lucian. As he slammed him backward into the ground, sending a shockwave of rubble, Lucian’s wing ripped from Ethon’s chest.

Enraged with a fire in his eyes I’d not yet witnessed, Lucifer pounced on him, hammering down on his face and body with such force it was sickening. Lucian was broken, barely moving, and hardly recognizable. But Lucifer continued, showing no mercy. He finally stood above him, his eyes filled with wicked intent, kicking him over to his stomach. He then took his wings, and with his sword, severed each one and tossed them to the side like they were trash.

Lucian wailed in agony as Lucifer kicked him back over to face him.

“Now… you die,” Lucifer hissed.

He lifted his sword and then slammed it down right through Lucian’s chest. Lucian wailed and clawed at the metal, struggling to remove it. The sounds of his last cries were nauseating.

With one final twist of his blade, Lucifer ended Lucian’s life. But his revenge had not ended. He grabbed Lucian’s hair, pulling his body upward, and then severed his head. He stood and raised it above his head, showing Lucian’s Fallen what became of their leader.

During Lucian’s extermination, Ethon dropped to the ground, grasping the wound in his chest.

!” I screamed, running to his side. I fell down next to him, bringing his head to rest on my lap. Blood was pouring from the wound, pooling around and under him. His crimson eyes were becoming dim and dark; his breaths were raspy and shallow.

“Ethon. You can heal, right? You just need to rest. You’re an immortal.”

He looked at me, his eyes glossed over. “I’m sorry, Emma. Fate got the best of me,” he said softly.

“No,” I wailed. “Can’t you heal yourself?”

My heart felt like barbed wire was being tightly wound around it. Throbbing in agony, I could barely breathe.

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