Gift for the Boss: Billionaire Romance Christmas Novella (2 page)

Read Gift for the Boss: Billionaire Romance Christmas Novella Online

Authors: Lexy Timms

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Holidays, #New Adult & College, #Two Hours or More (65-100 Pages)

BOOK: Gift for the Boss: Billionaire Romance Christmas Novella
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Chapter 2




The ride to the tree farm was quick and comfortable, the silence between them not needing to be filled by idle chatter. He parked the truck on the snow-covered grass and turned the engine off.

"You ready?" The excitement in his face was almost palpable.

"I am. Are you always this excited at Christmas time?" She opened her door and got out.

He walked around to her side and shut her door before pressing her against the side of the truck with his body. "No. It's the first year I have someone to celebrate with. I can't help this feeling inside of me that keeps bubbling up."

"I love it." She stretched onto her toes and gave him a sweet kiss.

"Yeah, well, I love you." He pressed his hips forward and kissed her once more, deepening it a little before pressing his forehead to hers and panting softly. "I want you. It feels like forever since I've been buried inside you."

"It was this morning before we left for work, horny man," she giggled and pushed at his chest.

"That was forever ago. I want more." He chased after her as she jogged toward the opening to the tree farm. "Gimme!"

"All yours, but behave for the next hour, and I'll warm you up on the way back to the house."

He stopped beside her and took her hand. "I like the sound of that."

"Good." Jamie let out a soft exhale, loving the smoky manifestation of her breath. It was freezing cold out, which was fun for a while, but they'd have to hurry, or freezing their asses off would be the least of their worries. Fingers usually went first, and Alex was too talented with his to chance it.

"Alright. Let's get the biggest tree we can find." He walked to the counter and pulled out his wallet.

Jamie let him talk with the owner about where the large trees were located, and walked around, looking at the beautiful evergreens that lined the large lot ahead of her in thick rows.

He walked up beside her a few minutes later with an ax over his shoulder. "How do I look?"

She glanced over at him and lifted her hand to her mouth, laughing loudly. "Like a hot, sexy lumberjack.” She couldn’t keep a straight face. “Are we really supposed to chop down the tree with an ax?"

"I don't know. I'm new to this. Maybe it's a newbie joke the old guy is pulling. He offered me a chainsaw, but said that real men chop their trees down with this." He smirked.

"Oh, for Pete’s sake! You men and your need to prove your manhood.” She rolled her eyes, but couldn’t hide her smile. “Did he give you a number to call for him to deliver the chainsaw when you've had enough of chopping?"

"Hey! Stop attacking my manhood." He reached for her hand.

"Oh, baby... I've not even started to attack your manhood. That's for the truck ride home."

He over-exaggerated swallowing. "Let's get this big-ass tree and get the hell out of here."

"You know the ceilings are high at the house, but not as tall as the sky. Let’s make sure we get a tree that's going to fit." Jamie pointed toward the medium-sized trees. "Something like that."

"What? No. We need something huge. You're a girl. You don't know how to measure stuff just by looking at it."

"Sure do." She tugged her hand from his. "Eight inches is something I've got down well."

"You bad thing." He popped her butt and moved toward a huge evergreen. "I want this one for us."

"That's too big, Alex. Seriously." She walked around the tree and took a deep breath. The familiar smell brought back a slew of childhood memories, good and bad.

"It's perfect. Alright... how do we do this?" He leaned down as if hitting a golf ball, and smacked the ax into the side of the tree. Snow flew off the tree and covered them as a bird flew from the center of the tree. It had Jamie running in one direction and Alex in the other.

She turned and burst into laughter, her eyes filling with tears at the wild look on his face.

"What?" He smirked. "It scared you too."

"That was priceless." She walked back toward the tree and pulled out her phone. "What's the number for the guy at the front? We don't have all day for this."

"Sure we do. I'll cut it some, and then you can too, Miss Eight Inches."

She shook her head and motioned for him to have at it.

He got on his knees and started to swing the ax at the trunk, never once hitting the same cut mark. A few minutes later he glanced up, sweaty and exhausted. "Right. Call the guy. Fuck this." He rolled onto his side and then his back, breathing deeply as he panted from working hard and attaining nothing.

Jamie laughed at him for a second, and then called the owner. She dropped down beside Alex as they waited and pressed her hand to his chest. "Real men don't cut down their own trees. You know that, right?"

"No? Shit! Why didn't someone tell me that from the start?"

"Because it was too much fun to watch you." She yelped as he pulled her down and rolled over in the snow with her, pressing his body on top of hers.

"I’ve a lot of other things I'd rather you watch me do." He wagged his eyebrows, but pulled back at the sound of a little boy's voice.

"Daddy. What’re they doing in the snow? I thought you said I couldn't play in it, or my fingers would freeze off." The tyke couldn't have been more than eight. “Are they trying to make snow angels?”

Alex got up and pulled Jamie up with him.

The dad smiled and nodded, ignoring the boy's question. "You guys need help?"

"We sure do." Alex pulled out his wallet. "The owner was coming over here to do it, but I'd rather pay you guys if you're willing to help us."

"No need for that." The older man smiled and cranked up his chainsaw.

Jamie snuggled against Alex as they watched the tree come down moments later. It was too cute to watch the father and son team helping people at the tree farm together.

"There you go. Want us to help you drag it back to the car?" The boy brushed his hands on his little legs.

"I sure do." Alex smiled and moved up, grabbing a handful of the tree alongside the boy and his father. Jamie jogged to the truck and opened the tailgate, only helping when they reached the truck.

Alex slipped the dad a few hundred dollars, and gave one to the kid as well. The little boy’s eyes grew wide and he started to jump up and down.

"Merry Christmas." Alex opened Jamie's door and helped her in.

She reached out and stopped him from shutting the door. "That was so sweet of you."

"I did it to impress you." He shrugged and closed her door, but the slight lifting of his lip told her he was teasing.

"You did not." She glanced over at him and touched his shoulder lovingly. "You're just a good guy, whether you admit it or not."

"Right. Well, this good guy wants his prize." He started the truck and reached for her, pulling her along the bench seat toward him. "Tell me again what I get."

Jamie slid her hand along his package, and squeezed softly as she moved up to press her lips to his ear. "Tell me what you want."

"I want anything you're giving. I want you." He turned and kissed her quickly before turning his attention back to the road.

"You’re so good with words, baby." She moved to lay down on her stomach on the bench seat and bent her knees so her shins pressed against her door. Tugging at Alex's sweater, she pulled his undershirt free and worked to release him from his jeans.

He glanced down and slid his hand into her hair as he let out a soft growl. "Fuck, I need this."

"Yeah, you do." She smiled at the delicious thickness of his cock as it sprang from his pants. A few quick strokes, and she moved up, replacing her palm with her mouth. He was warm and harder than she remembered him being that morning. He was needy, and something about being the one to offer him relief was beyond hot.

"Your mouth is so warm, baby. So wet." He spoke with a guttural slur in his words as he shifted his hips up, forcing a little more into her mouth.

She took anything he gave, and worked him to the edge of orgasm quickly. The sound of him panting loudly, mixed with the tight grip he had on her hair and his groans caused her own body to flood with lubrication.

"I'm gonna come, Jamie. Pull back, babe, and I'll finish it." He tugged at her hair as she growled loudly. "Shit. Alright. Do what you want. It's yours anyway."

He cried out as she picked up the pace, licking and sucking hard to drink him down as she knew he desired most. The tremor that ran through him left her smiling around his cock and wanting to do it all over again.

"Fuck. I love you so fucking much." He let out a long sigh and worked to get himself back into his jeans as he concentrated on the road.

"I love you, too, but just so you know..." She paused and kissed his cheek. "That tree isn't fitting in the house. I know how to make things fit into tight places, and that isn't happening."

He glanced over at her with enough heat in his gaze to burn her. "Stop being sexy, or I'll pull this truck over on the side of the road and mount you."

"Please?" She batted her eyelashes and moved back to her side of the truck while he took steady breaths.

By the time they reached the house, the color in his face had gone back to normal, and he was calm from what she could tell, almost sleepy. The billionaire business man had finally relaxed.

They stopped in front of the house, and Jamie glanced toward the back window, noticing for the first time that there were tons of bags in the backseat. "What's all this?"

He glanced back too after turning off the engine. "Decorations for the tree; I went red and green because that's the color of your decorations in your office. I thought you'd like them."

"How fun! I love it." She got out of the truck and started to get the ornaments out, but paused. There was no way the tree was fitting in the house. She could wait to get everything else out until they knew if they actually had a tree or not.

She couldn't help but chuckle to herself over how cute Alex had been when trying to get the tree down, but even more so with his innocent belief that the tree was going to fit into the house. It wasn't.

"You want to try to help me muscle this thing inside or should I call one of my guys to come help?" Alex moved to the back of the truck and let down the tailgate.

"I'll do it." Jamie ran her hand down the body of the truck, admiring it. "This is beautiful, but why white? All of your other vehicles are black or red."

"I figured it would be good for the holiday season. It's white like snow." He shrugged, quite unaware of just how adorable he was when he wasn't trying.

"I love it." She got up into the bed of the truck and moved to the back. "Just back up and we'll work it out of the truck."

It took a few minutes, but they got the large tree out of the truck and to the door before Jamie had to pause for a break. She opened the front door to the house and shook her head. "I have a bad feeling about this," she mumbled.

"What?" he yelled from behind the tree.

"Nothing. Just push... okay?" She picked up the tip of the tree and walked backwards as Alex pushed way too hard. She stumbled backward and slid across the floor as the tree made its way into the foyer.

"Are you helping at all?" he asked, his whole body hidden by the base of the tree.

"Yes." She got up and wiped her hand on her pants before walking around to the side to catch his eye. "Let's stand it up here because this is the highest the ceiling gets. It if doesn't fit, we can take it back out."

"What? No. It's going to be fine. I'm a man. I know these things." He gave her a cheeky grin, which awarded him a growl.

"Alright, but I get to say I told you so. I’m a woman." She shrugged and moved back, picking up the tree and moving on his directives. They got to the living room, both of them covered in sweat, and pushed the tree to its standing position, only it wouldn't go. It had to be two feet too tall – at least.

"What the fuck? Really? No bloody way!" Alex moved back and shook his head. "This can't be right."

Jamie lifted her eyebrow. "Right? It totally should have fit. I mean, damn... you’re a man and a lumberjack. There's no way you got this wrong."

"I'm going to spank your ass for that." He moved toward her as she took off for the master bedroom. She jumped onto the bed and rolled over onto her back as the sound of the front door slamming filled the air around her. She heard Alex kick of his boots after closing the door.

"Come get it!" she yelled and pulled off her own boots, followed by her leggings.

"Oh, I'm coming. Wicked woman." He walked into the room as he tugged off his sweater and then his shirt. Crawling up onto the bed, he covered the top of her and pressed himself against her. "How did you know it wasn't going to fit?"

"I told you it wasn't. My family has always gotten a real tree, and, even though I'm a woman... I still can mentally measure things."

He chuckled. "Alright. You win. I've got something else I want you to measure too."

She slid her hands down to the hem of her shirt before pulling it over her head. He helped her a little and then laid back down on top of her, his mouth going to her breasts above her bra.

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