Ghost Ride: A Biker Erotic Romance (3 page)

BOOK: Ghost Ride: A Biker Erotic Romance
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“That’s why,” I say before I stretch, working the kinks out with a groan. “What time is it?”


“Nearly six.”


We need to get up,” I groan, still trying to claw my way up out of sleep.


“We have a few minutes,” Shane says, as he pulls me into a snuggle.


I take a deep breath and snuggle in. “Why the hell do we have these meetings so early?” I grumble.


“Now that you are going to be the president, you can change it if you want to,” Shane says lightly. “What’s the point of power if you can’t abuse it? It can be your first official proclamation this morning after Philip swears you into office.”


I snicker. “Nothing, I guess. But the meetings have been held at eight o’clock for forever. It seems a shame to break such a long tradition,” I say. “It’s only once a month.”


“I know. I guess I can give you up for a few hours one Saturday morning a month,” Shane says with a grin. We are silent a moment, then Shane speaks to me quietly, “Mags?”


“Hmmm?” I murmur as I lie in his arms, enjoying the closeness.


“I just wanted to tell you, before we get busy this morning, how proud I am of you.”


“You’re just saying that because I’m about to be your boss,” I tease.


Shane chuckles. “No. I mean it,” he says softly. “The first woman member of the 417s. The first woman officer. And now the first woman president. That’s something to be proud of. Now look at us. Over four hundred full and associate members. We have twenty or twenty-one full women members, if I remember the count correctly. We are one of the most respected clubs in South Carolina and we go good works. Most of it is because of you. You’re the one that first started speaking to kids in school, remember? I think your dad, if he were still around, would be proud of you too.”


“You think so?”


“Yeah, I do. I know he said he didn’t want you riding bikes or joining the club, but look at what you’ve done. You’ve taken his little motorcycle repair business and made it into the most respected restoration shop on the east coast, if not the entire country. And now you are taking over the club he founded. I wish he could see you now.”


I smile. “Yeah. Me too. I just hope I’m up for this.”


Now, it’s Shane’s turn to snicker. “You run a multi-million dollar business that employs fifteen people. People ship in bikes from all over the country, just so Maggie Perry can give them her magic touch. Not to mention you are in discussions to have the
Velocity Channel
come in and make a television series about your shop. I think you can handle this. It was a unanimous vote, remember? Everyone thinks the club is in good hands.”


“With one abstention as I recall.”


“It didn’t seem kosher for me, as the sitting vice-president, to vote for my own wife. How would that look?”


I snicker, as I sit up and stretch again. “But you nominated me.”


“Well,” Shane says with a shy grin, “the club functions best when we have the best people in office.”


“Get up. I’ll get the kids up and fed while you shower. Then, you can run them over to Mom’s while I get ready. Oh, and remind me…no more chips and salsa while we are watching a late movie. I had the craziest dream last night.”


Shane snickers. “I don’t think you need the salsa for those. You’ve been having them for as long as I have known you. Since before we were married. What was it this time? Bears on motorcycles chasing you through the woods again? Or was it the working in the shop while everyone is naked and a customer arrives one?”


I giggle at Shane. He has been making me laugh since high school. “No, nothing that crazy. You were in it this time.” I slink up to him and take him into my arms. “And we were involved in some pretty crazy sex. Oh, and motorcycle racing. In the nude.” I pause and stare into his eyes for a moment. “I think after the meeting we should just leave the kids with their grandmother for a while. What do you think?”


“I think your mom would love to have the kids for the day. I know I would love to have you alone for few hours. I’ll leave some money and they can all go out for lunch.”


I grin at my husband of fifteen years, warming at the thought of some alone time with him. “Yes. I would like that, too.”



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