Gettysburg (114 page)

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Authors: Noah Andre Trudeau

BOOK: Gettysburg
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26th Pennsylvania [365/213]
   Maj. Robert L. Bodine

SECOND BRIGADE [1,837/778]

Col. William R. Brewster

70th New York [288/117]
   Col. J. Egbert Farnum

71st New York [243/91]
   Col. Henry L. Potter

72nd New York [305/114]
   Col. John S. Austin (w)
   Lieut. Col. John Leonard+

73rd New York [349/162]
   Maj. Michael W. Burns

74th New York [266/89]
   Lieut. Col. Thomas Holt

120th New York [383/203]
   Lt. Col. Cornelius D. Westbrook (w)
   Maj. John R. Tappen+

THIRD BRIGADE [1,365/513]

Col. George C. Burling

2nd New Hampshire [354/193]
   Col. Edward L. Bailey

5th New Jersey [206/94]
   Col. William J. Sewell (w)
   Capt. Thomas C. Godfrey
   Capt. Henry H. Woolsey+

6th New Jersey [207/41]
   Lieut. Col. Stephen R. Gilkyson

7th New Jersey [275/114]
   Col. Louis R. Francine (mw)
   Maj. Frederick Cooper+

8th New Jersey [170/47]
   Col. John Ramsey (w)
   Capt. John G. Langston+

115th Pennsylvania [15½4]
   Maj. John P. Dunne


Capt. George E. Randolph

Capt. A. Judson Clark+

1st New Jersey Light Artillery: 2nd Battery B [13½0]
   Capt. A. Judson Clark
   Lieut. Robert Sims+

1st New York Light Artillery: Battery D [116/18]
   Capt. George B. Winslow

New York Light Artillery: 4th Battery [126/13]
   Capt. James E. Smith

1st Rhode Island Light Artillery:

Battery E [108/30]
   Lieut. John K. Bucklyn (w)
   Lieut. Benjamin Freeborn+

4th United States Light Artillery:

Battery K [113/25]
   Lieut. Frances W. Sealey (w)
   Lieut. Robert James+

FIFTH ARMY CORPS [11,019/2,187]

Maj. Gen. George Sykes

FIRST DIVISION [3,418/904]

Brig. Gen. James Barnes


Col. William S. Tilton

18th Massachusetts [139/27]
   Col. Joseph Hayes

22nd Massachusetts [137/31]
   Lieut. Col. Thomas Sherwin Jr.

1st Michigan [145/42]
   Col. Ira C. Abbot (w)
   Lieut. Col. William A. Throop+

118th Pennsylvania [233/25]
   Lieut. Col. James Gwyn


Col. Jacob B. Sweitzer

9th Massachusetts [412/7]
   Col. Patrick R. Guiney

32nd Massachusetts [242/80]
   Col. George L. Prescott

4th Michigan [342/165]
   Col. Harrison H. Jeffords (k)
   Lieut. Col. George W. Lumbard+

62nd Pennsylvania [426/175]
   Lieut. Col. James C. Hull

THIRD BRIGADE [1,336/352]

Col. Strong Vincent (mw)

Col. James C. Rice+

20th Maine [386/125]
   Col. Joshua L. Chamberlain

16th Michigan [263/60]
   Lieut. Col. Norval E. Welch

44th New York [391/111]
   Col. James C. Rice
   Lieut. Col. Freeman Conner+

83rd Pennsylvania [295/55]
   Capt. Orpheus S. Woodward

SECOND DIVISION [4,013/1,029]

Brig. Gen. Romeyn B. Ayres

FIRST BRIGADE [1,553/382]

Col. Hannibal Day

3rd United States [300/73]
   Capt. Henry W. Freedley (w)
   Capt. Richard G. Lay+

4th United States [17¾0]
   Capt. Julius W. Adams Jr.

6th United States [150/44]
   Capt. Levi C. Bootes

12th United States [415/92]
   Capt. Thomas S. Dunn

14th United States [513/132]
   Maj. Grotius R. Giddings


Col. Sidney Burbank

2nd United States [197/67]
   Maj. Arthur T. Lee (w)
   Capt. Samuel A. McKee+

7th United States [116/59]
   Capt. David P. Hancock

10th United States [93/51]
   Capt. William Clinton

11th United States [286/120]
   Maj. DeLancey Floyd-Jones

17th United States [260/150]
   Lieut. Col. J. Durell Greene


Brig. Gen. Stephen H. Weed (k)

Col. Kenner Garrard+

140th New York [449/133]
   Col. Patrick O’Rorke (k)
   Lieut. Col. Louis Ernst+

146th New York [456/28]
   Col. Kenner Garrard
   Lieut. Col. David T. Jenkins+

91st Pennsylvania [220/19]
   Lieut. Col. Joseph H. Sinex

155th Pennsylvania [362/19]
   Lieut. Col. John H. Cain

THIRD DIVISION [2,862/210]

Brig. Gen. Samuel H. Crawford

FIRST BRIGADE [1,248/155]
   Col. William McCandless

1st Pennsylvania Reserve [379/46]
   Col. William C. Talley

2nd Pennsylvania Reserve [233/37]
   Lieut. Col. George A. Woodward

6th Pennsylvania Reserve [324/24]
   Lieut. Col. Wellington H. Ent

13th Pennsylvania Reserve [298/48]
   Col. Charles F. Taylor (k)
   Maj. William R. Hartshorne+

THIRD BRIGADE [1,609/55]

Col. Joseph W. Fisher

5th Pennsylvania Reserve [285/2]
   Lieut. Col. George Dare

9th Pennsylvania Reserve [322/5]
   Lieut. James McK. Snodgrass

10th Pennsylvania Reserve [401/5]
   Col. Adoniram J. Warner

11th Pennsylvania Reserve [327/41]
   Col. Samuel M. Jackson

12th Pennsylvania Reserve [273/2]
   Col. Martin D. Hardin


Capt. Augustus P. Martin

Massachusetts Light Artillery: 3rd

Battery C [115/6]
   Lieut. Aaron F. Walcott

1st New York Light Artillery: Battery C [62/0]
   Capt. Almont Barnes

1st Ohio Light Artillery: Battery L [113/2]
   Capt. Frank C. Gibbs

5th United States Light Artillery:

Battery D [68/13]
   Lieut. Charles E. Hazlett (k)
   Lieut. Benjamin F. Rittenhouse+

5th United States Light Artillery:

Battery I [7½2]
   Lieut. Malbone F. Watson (w)
   Lieut. Charles C. MacConnell+


Maj. Gen. John Sedgwick


Brig. Gen. Horatio G. Wright

FIRST BRIGADE [1,320/11]

Brig. Gen. Alfred T. A. Torbert

1st New Jersey [253/0]
   Lieut. Col. William Henry Jr.

2nd New Jersey [357/6]
   Lieut. Col. Charles Wiebecke

3rd New Jersey [282/2]
   Lieut. Col. Edward L. Campbell

15th New Jersey [410/3]
   Col. William H. Penrose


Brig. Gen. Joseph J. Bartlett

5th Maine [293/0]
   Col. Clark S. Edwards

121st New York [410/2]
   Col. Emory Upton

95th Pennsylvania [309/2]
   Lieut. Col. Edward Carroll

96th Pennsylvania [309/1]
   Maj. William H. Lessig


Brig. Gen. David A. Russell

6th Maine [378/0]
   Col. Hiram Burnham

49th Pennsylvania [276/0]
   Lieut. Col. Thomas L. Hulings

119th Pennsylvania [404/2]
   Col. Peter S. Ellmaker

5th Wisconsin [420/0]
   Col. Thomas S. Allen


Brig. Gen. Albion P. Howe


Col. Lewis A. Grant

2nd Vermont [444/0]
   Col. James H. Walbridge

3rd Vermont [365/0]
   Col. Thomas O. Seaver

4th Vermont [381/1]
   Col. Charles B. Stoughton

5th Vermont [295/0]
   Lieut. Col. John R. Lewis

6th Vermont [331/0]
   Col. Elisha L. Barney

THIRD BRIGADE [1,775/15]

Brig. Gen. Thomas H. Neill

7th Maine [216/6]
   Lieut. Col. Selden Connor

33rd New York [60/0]
   Capt. Henry J. Gifford

43rd New York [370/5]
   Lieut. Col. John Wilson

49th New York [359/2]
   Col. Daniel D. Bidwell

77th New York [368/0]
   Lieut. Col. Winsor B. French

61st Pennsylvania [386/2]
   Lieut. Col. George F. Smith

THIRD DIVISION [4,740/196]

Maj. Gen. John Newton
Brig. Gen. Frank Wheaton+

FIRST BRIGADE [1,770/74]

Brig. Gen. Alexander Shaler

65th New York [277/9]
   Col. Joseph E. Hamblin

67th New York [349/1]
   Col. Nelson Cross

122nd New York [396/44]
   Col. Silas Titus

23rd Pennsylvania [467/14]
   Lieut. Col. John F. Glenn

82nd Pennsylvania [278/6]
   Col. Isaac C. Bassett


Col. Henry L. Eustis

7th Massachusetts [320/6]
   Lieut. Col. Franklin P. Harlow

10th Massachusetts [361/9]
   Lieut. Col. Joseph B. Parsons

37th Massachusetts [565/47]
   Col. Oliver Edwards

2nd Rhode Island [348/7]
   Col. Horatio Rogers Jr.

THIRD BRIGADE [1,369/53]

Brig. Gen. Frank Wheaton

Col. David J. Niven+

62nd New York [237/12]
   Col. David J. Niven
   Lieut. Col. T. B. Hamilton+

93rd Pennsylvania [234/10]
   Maj. John I. Nevin

98th Pennsylvania [351/11]
   Maj. John B. Kohler

102nd Pennsylvania [103/0]
   Col. John W. Patterson

139th Pennsylvania [443/20]
   Col. Frederick H. Collier (w)
   Lieut. Col. William H. Moody+


Col. Charles H. Tompkins

Massachusetts Light Artillery:

1st Battery A [135/0]
   Capt. William H. McCartney

New York Light Artillery: 1st Battery [103/12]
   Capt. Andrew Cowan

New York Light Artillery: 3rd Battery [111/0]
   Capt. William A. Harn

1st Rhode Island Light Artillery:

Battery C [116/0]
   Capt. Richard Waterman

1st Rhode Island Light Artillery:

Battery G [126/0]
   Capt. George A. Adams

2nd United States Light Artillery:

Battery D [126/0]
   Lieut. Edward B. Williston

2nd United States Light Artillery:

Battery G [101/0]
   Lieut. John H. Butler

5th United States Light Artillery:

Battery F [116/0]
   Lieut. Leonard Martin


Maj. Gen. Oliver O. Howard+
Maj. Gen. Carl Schurz

FIRST DIVISION [2,477/1,306]

Brig. Gen. Francis C. Barlow (w)
Brig. Gen. Adelbert Ames+

FIRST BRIGADE [1,136/527]

Col. Leopold von Gilsa

41st New York [218/75]
   Lieut. Col. Detleo von Einsiedal

54th New York [189/102]
   Maj. Stephen Kovacs
   Lieut. Ernst Both+

68th New York [230/138]
   Col. Gotthilf Bourry

153rd Pennsylvania [497/211]
   Maj. John F. Frueauff

SECOND BRIGADE [1,337/778]

Brig. Gen. Adelbert Ames

Col. Andrew L. Harris+

17th Connecticut [386/197]
   Lieut. Col. Douglas Fowler (k)
   Maj. Allen G. Brady+

25th Ohio [220/184]
   Lieut. Col. Jeremiah Williams
   Capt. Nathaniel J. Manning (w)
   Lieut. William Maloney (w)
   Lieut. Israel White+

75th Ohio [269/186]
   Col. Andrew L. Harris
   Capt. George B. Fox+

107th Ohio [458/211]
   Col. Seraphim Meyer (w)
   Capt. John M. Lutz+


Brig. Gen. Adolph von Steinwehr

FIRST BRIGADE [1,217/597]

Col. Charles R. Coster

134th New York [400/252]
   Lieut. Col. Allan H. Jackson

154th New York [239/200]
   Lieut. Col. Daniel B. Allen

27th Pennsylvania [283/111]
   Lieut. Col. Lorenz Cantador

73rd Pennsylvania [290/34]
   Capt. Daniel F. Kelly

SECOND BRIGADE [1,639/348]

Col. Orland Smith

33rd Massachusetts [49¼5]
   Col. Adin B. Underwood

136th New York [482/109]
   Col. James Wood Jr.

55th Ohio [327/49]
   Col. Charles B. Gambee

73rd Ohio [338/145]
   Lieut. Col. Richard Long

THIRD DIVISION [3,109/1,476]

Maj. Gen. Carl Schurz+
Brig. Gen. Alexander Schimmelfennig

FIRST BRIGADE [1,683/807]

Brig. Gen. Alexander Schimmelfennig

Col. George von Amsberg+

82nd Illinois [316/112]
   Col. Edward S. Salomon

45th New York [375/224]
   Col. George von Amsberg
   Lieut. Col. Adolphus Dobke+

157th New York [409/307]
   Col. Philip B. Brown Jr.

61st Ohio [247/54]
   Col. Stephen J. McGroarty

74th Pennsylvania [333/110]
   Col. Adolph von Hartung (w)
   Lieut. Col. Alexander von Mitzel
   Capt. Gustav Schleiter
   Capt. Henry Krauseneck+

SECOND BRIGADE [1,420/669]

Col. Wlodzimierz Krzyzanowski

58th New York [194/20]
   Lieut. Col. August Otto
   Capt. Emil Koenig+

119th New York [262/140]
   Col. John T. Lockman (w)
   Lieut. Col. Edward F. Lloyd+

82nd Ohio [312/181]
   Col. James S. Robinson (w)
   Lieut. Col. David Thomson+

75th Pennsylvania [208/111]
   Col. Francis Mahler (k)
   Maj. August Ledig+

26th Wisconsin [443/217]
   Lieut. Col. Hans Boebel (w)
   Capt. John W. Fuchs+


Maj. Thomas W. Osborn

1st New York Light Artillery: Battery I [141/13]
   Capt. Michael Wiedrich

New York Light Artillery: 13th Battery [110/11]
   Lieut. William Wheeler

1st Ohio Light Artillery: Battery I [127/13]
   Capt. Hubert Dilger

1st Ohio Light Artillery: Battery K [110/15]
   Capt. Lewis Heckman

4th United States Light Artillery:

Battery G [115/17]
   Lieut. Bayard Wilkeson (k)
   Lieut. Eugene A. Bancroft+

TWELFTH ARMY CORPS [9,788/1,082]

Maj. Gen. Henry W. Slocum
Brig. Gen. Alpheus S. Williams+

FIRST DIVISION [5,256/533]

Brig. Gen. Alpheus S. Williams
Brig Gen. Thomas H. Ruger+

FIRST BRIGADE [1,835/80]

Col. Archibald L. McDougall

5th Connecticut [221/7]
   Col. Warren W. Packer

20th Connecticut [32½8]
   Lieut. Col. William B. Wooster

3rd Maryland [290/8]
   Col. Joseph Sudsburg

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