Getting to Her: A Sapphire Falls BONUS Novella (10 page)

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But yes, she wanted to be on her knees, with him in her mouth.

She slid to the floor in front of him.

He stepped closer, his cock in hand. Hailey’s hands went to the back of his thighs and she opened her mouth.

“God yes, just like that,” he praised, his voice rough.

He moved the head of his cock over her lips, circling her mouth.

“Tongue out, darlin’.”

She licked her bottom lip, then flicked the head of his cock.

He swore softly, then put his other thumb on her chin, encouraging her to open farther. He slid his cock along her tongue, back and forth a few times, then said, “Suck me.”

Hailey closed her lips around the tip of him, sucking softly, then harder as he moved his hand to her hair and gathered it behind her head.

“That’s it. Hard, baby.”

She sucked harder, then released him so he could press deeper. She followed along with the way he moved her head with his hand, taking him deep, then letting him slide out.

It was a slow, easy rhythm for several minutes. Hailey curled her fingers into his hard thighs and closed her eyes, absorbing the feel of him and the sounds he made deep in his throat.

Finally he pulled her back.

“Need you now.” He pulled her to her feet and turned her to face the desk. “Lean over.”

She bent at the waist, bracing her hands on the top of the desk.

“Fuck, I knew these shoes would be perfect,” he said, running his hand up her back.

Her shoes put her at the perfect height to lean over the desk and for him to line up just right. She shifted her stance to widen her legs and he ran his hand over her butt cheek, then between her legs.

His finger ran over the silk that was wet with her desire.

He gave a low chuckle. “Giving head makes you wet?”

She nodded, her hair spilling forward over her shoulder.

“Damned dream girl,” he muttered.

He ran his finger under the string of her thong and followed it down to her bare wet flesh.

“I love the waxing,” he told her, stroking over her mound.

She wiggled against his hand. “Please, Ty.”


She was. She hadn’t had sex in so long and he was making her burn from her heels to the highlights in her hair.

If she was totally honest, she’d admit that she’d hoped this would be the result of her visit today. Not just sex, but Ty. Sex with Ty. Ty making her feel worshipped and adored.

There was a harder edge to him now, he was more demanding and there were fewer flowery words, but she still felt it in the way he touched her, the way he looked at her— she was different for him somehow.

And God knew he was different for her.

She’d missed him.

“Please, yes.” She pressed back against his hand.

“You’re sure you’re ready? Because I’m not holding back once I’m fucking you, Hailey.”

She moaned and wiggled her ass, trying to entice him. “I’m ready. So ready.”

He stroked over her clit but didn’t linger. It shot sparks through her, made her toes curl in her red heels, but it wasn’t nearly enough.


“I want to be sure you’re ready for the ride,” he said, pressing a kiss to her shoulder.

Then he moved his hand
from between her legs.

She started to protest, but he grabbed one of her hands and slid it with his into the front of her thong.

“Touch yourself, Hailey. Make yourself come.”

She let her head fall forward with a groan. “Ty.”

“I want to see and hear it,” he told her, pressing her middle finger against her clit. “Come for me.”

She let him guide her finger in circles for a moment and felt the beginning tingles. But it wasn’t enough.

“Come on, Hailey,” he said against her ear.

The husky need in his voice danced down the side her neck, making her nipples bead and her pussy pulse.

He pressed his cock against her from behind as he kissed her neck.

“Play with my nipples,” she said breathlessly, moving her finger faster against her clit.

“Yes,” he whispered against her shoulder.

His hands came up to cup her breasts, kneading and lifting them, running his thumbs over the tips, then rolling them between his fingers and thumbs.

She moved her finger in the rhythm she knew would work the fastest.

Ty tugged on her nipples, then dropped a hand over hers in her panties, feeling the way she moved.

“Fuck that’s hot.”

She was breathing fast, her heart thumping, and she felt the climax gathering.

Ty slid his hand past hers and she felt him fill her with two fingers, thrusting in a rhythm that worked perfectly with her own motions. She was climbing quickly and when he pinched her nipple at the same time he said, “Come for me, dream girl,” she shot over the summit, the sensations coursing through her and making her cry out.

“That’s it.”

He pulled his hand from her and the next thing she heard was him tearing open a condom and then she felt his hands on her ass. He hadn’t asked about the condom this time and she was glad he hadn’t assumed she was still on the pill.

“Lean over, darlin’.”

He pressed her forward until her chest was against the desk. The wood was cold against her breasts, but the rest of her was burning up so she barely registered it for more than a second. Then he pulled her thong to the side and thrust into her.

The orgasm had, indeed, helped ease the way but he was still thick and hard and she was tight. She felt every inch of him as he filled her and she was already on the verge of another orgasm with his first stroke.

“Fuck yes. God that’s good,” he muttered.

She felt his fingers gripping her hips and she leaned back into him.

His hiss of pleasure told her that he was feeling everything she was.

He held onto her hips as he started to move and she could do nothing but move with him. Her hands slipped over the top of Ty’s desk and she tried to dig her heels in, but the thin stilettos didn’t have enough surface area to help her out.

Ty was totally in control.

He moved her with him as if it was nothing, the thrusts deep and sure, hard and fast, just like she liked it.

Soon, she felt another orgasm building.

“Yes, Hailey, yes.”

The sound of her name on his lips in that gravelly voice made her inner muscles tighten and that sent her into the start of her climax.

“Ty,” she gasped.

Her voice must have had the same effect on him because he started moving faster. The ripples grew and suddenly she was spiraling into an orgasm and taking Ty with her.

Ty thrust a final time, holding her tightly as he came.

Heavy breathing was the only sound in the office for nearly a minute.

Finally Ty pulled out and stepped away from her.

Hailey heard sounds of him moving around, including the zipper on his jeans, but she couldn’t seem to summon the energy to move.

She felt his hand running up and down her back again and his chuckle.

“Need help up? Not that I’d mind this view every morning.”

She finally lifted her head and laughed, pushing herself from the desk. “You do not come in here and work at your desk every morning.”

Sitting still, doing paperwork, that wasn’t Ty’s style at all. Frankly, she was surprised he had a desk. She said as much as she dressed.

“The desk came with the house,” he admitted.

That was more like it.

Hailey smoothed her hand over her hair and then down the front of her skirt.

Ty was leaning on the desk again, right where she’d been bent over a few minutes ago.

She blushed at that thought. Then was annoyed with herself and frowned.

“What’s going through that pretty head?” Ty asked.

She swallowed. “Just…that… I’m not sure.” She made herself meet his gaze. “What about you?”

“I was thinking that I’m hungry,” he said.

She blushed at that too and closed her eyes, shaking her head.

He laughed. “I was hoping maybe you’d let me take you out for dinner.”

Her eyes flew open. “What?”

kind of eating. For now.”

Hailey put her hands to her burning cheeks. “I don’t know what’s wrong with me.”

“Endorphins.” He grinned, as if very pleased with himself.

She took a deep breath and shook her head. “We can’t go to dinner.”

“Why not? I know a great Mexican place. Best enchiladas I’ve ever had.”

“We can’t…date. Or whatever.”

“Why not?”

“Um, we live five hundred miles apart.” For one thing.

“So we won’t be able to date every weekend. That doesn’t mean we can’t see each other, Hailey.”

“You think we should keep seeing each other?” But already her mind was spinning with the idea. He lived here. Five hundred miles away. That meant no weeknight dinners, no lunches, no dates in Sapphire Falls really at all. He came home maybe four times a year. If she was going to see him it would have to be here. In Denver. Far from everyone who knew them. Far from the people she governed.

“I do. I think we’re both busy enough that everyday relationships are tough anyway. Since we both become so immersed in our careers, a long-distance, once-in-a-while thing could be perfect. Like a mini vacation from the real world for both of us.”

That did sound perfect.

She’d stopped dating local men almost immediately upon returning to Sapphire Falls. They often wanted so much more than she had the time or energy for—daily phone calls, seeing each other several times a week, time spent with his family and friends. And the breakups were messy when they knew so many people in common and would continue to run into one another.

With Ty, none of that would be an issue.

And if they were in Denver, it would be Ty’s turf. He could make the plans. She could forget about her planner and her sticky notes for a couple of days. And she could have hot sex with Ty repeatedly over a forty-eight hour period.

It sounded better than perfect. It sounded like heaven.

“If I come visit you, you’re totally in charge. Of everything. I’ll spend the weekend and we can do whatever you want to do,” she said.

His eyebrows rose. “Anything?”

She studied him for a moment. This was Ty.
. The man who had been on her mind and, yes, okay, in her heart, for years now. She trusted him. She liked him. And she most definitely wanted him.


He absorbed that. “Okay. You’re all mine. For the next twenty-four hours.”

A thrill shot through her and she smiled. “I’m all yours.”

He stood quickly and came toward her, a hot, almost predatory gleam in his eyes. He bent and swept her up in his arms, heading for the door.

“Where are we going?”

Not that she really cared. She was back with Ty. It was crazy but she’d been fighting the urge to come to him, exactly as she had today, for over seven years. That night on the riverbank had been so long ago. They’d been young. And different. But it had stayed with her, haunted her, made her compare every man to Ty since. And they’d all come up lacking.

He fumbled with holding her and turning the lock and with a soft laugh, Hailey unlocked the door for him.

“My room,” he answered, striding across the foyer toward the staircase. “I have a red tie that matches your panties perfectly.”

All of the sizzling heat that had been racing up and down her body suddenly gathered low in her pelvis. She almost moaned.

“You want me to wear a tie?” she asked, knowing that wasn’t it at all.

“Yes. Around your wrists.”

She did moan then.

Halfway up the stairs, Ty paused. “Bryan!” he bellowed.

“Yeah?” came an answer from another room somewhere below.

“Get the hell out,” Ty called.

“Just one more—”


There was a paused, then Bryan called. “Fine.”

Ty continued up the stairs.

“So no dinner then?” Hailey asked as he kicked the door to his bedroom open and strode with her to the bed. Like she cared about anything but Ty.

“Your mouth is going to be busy for a while.” He tossed her onto the bed and stripped his shirt off.

Yeah it was. There were so many places she
to have her tongue.

Ty crawled up the mattress toward her.

“Well, for the record, I do love enchiladas,” she said, breathlessly.

“Then it’s a good thing they deliver.”


Sapphire Falls

Two years ago

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