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Authors: Winifred Conkling

Getting Pregnant Naturally (36 page)

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Tyler, Varro, Ph.D.
The Honest Herbal
. Binghamton, N.Y.: Pharmaceutical Products Press, 1993.

Weil, Andrew, M.D.
Health and Healing
. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1983.

Weil, Andrew, M.D.
Natural Health, Natural Medicine
. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1990.

Weiner, Michael.
The Complete Book of Homeopathy
. Garden City Park, N.Y.: Avery Publishing Group, 1989.

Weiss, Gaea and Shandor.
Growing and Using the Healing Herbs
. Emmaus, Pa.: Rodale Press, 1985.


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Page numbers in italics indicate sidebars and illustrations

American Academy of Medical Acupuncture

Academy for Guided Imagery, 137

acidophilus, 145

acupressure, 105–6

hints for using, 110–11

information sources, 189–91

meridians, 106–7

recommended reading concerning, 199–202

understanding, 106–8

see also
acupressure points; acupuncture

Acupressure Institute of America, 191

acupressure points, 108–9,
113. 114, 116. 118, 119. 121

bladder 23, 115–17

bladder 32, 117

checklist. 122

conception vessel 3, 111

conception vessel 4, 117

conception vessel 6, 117–20

governing vessel 23, 111–12

kidney 1, 115

kidney 3, 120

large intestine 4, 112

local, 106

spleen 6, 112

spleen 8, 112

spleen 10, 115

spleen 12, 120

stomach 36, 120

trigger, 106

acupuncture, 105–6, 107–8

information sources, 189–91

recommended reading concerning. 199–202

see also
acupressure; acupressure points

addictions, overcoming, information sources,

adoption, 3, 128

information sources, 179–80

recommended reading concerning, 195–96

Adoptive Families of America, 179

agnus 30c
(Agnus castus)
, 102

Agnus castus
(agnus 30c), 102

air travel, minimizing, 167

alcohol use, 160–61

Alcoholics Anonymous,

Allium sativum
(garlic), 76–77

American Academy of Medical Acupuncture (AAMA), 190

American Academy of Nutrition, 180

American Association for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine, 191

American Association of Naturopathic Physicians, 195

American Board of Hypnotherapy, 191

American Botanical Council, 183

American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, 175

American Council on Science and Health, 181

American Herbalists Guild, 182

American Holistic Health Association, 193

American Holistic Medical Association, 193

American Institute of Homeopathy, 91

American Institute of Nutrition, 181

American Lung Association, 163

American Massage Therapy Association, 132

American Oriental Bodywork Therapy Association, 132

American Self-Help Clearinghouse, 175–76

American Society for Reproductive Medicine, 176

Angelica potymorpha
(dom kwai), 70–71

Angelica sinensis
(dong quai), 70–71

antibiotics, yeast infections relationship, 145

anti-sperm antibodies, 34–35

Apothecary, 186

Apthorp Pharmacy, 186

Arctium lappa
(burdock root), 75–76

arginine, 46–47

food sources of, 47

artificial insemination,

(Withania somnifera)
, 75

Association for Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback, 130

athletic cups, importance of using, 146

aurum mariaticum 6c
(Aurum muriaticum)
, 101

Aurum muriaticum
(aurum mariaticum 6c), 101

azoospermia, 8

babies, influencing sex of,

Bailey’s Pharmacy, 186

basal body temperature, 17–20

remaining elevated after ovulation, 20

remaining same throughout cycle, 19

tapering off during second half of cycle, 19–20

beta-carotene, 41–42

“biker’s impotence,” 146

Biofeedback Certification Institute of America. 130, 192

biofeedback techniques. 129–30

black cohosh
(Cimicifuga racemosa)
, 68–69

body mass Index

body mass index (BM1), calculating, 154–55

Boericke and Tafel, Inc., 186

breastfeeding, 145–46

breathing techniques, 130–31

British Medical Journal
. 92

British National Health Service, 91

Brown, Louise, 11

Budget Pharmacy, 186

burdock root
(Arctium lappa)
, 75–76

caffeine, 143

foods containing,

Calcarea iodata
(calcarea iodata 6c), 101

calcarea iodata 6c
(Calcarea iodata)
, 101

Cambridge Insight Meditation Center, 135

Carr, Elizabeth Jordan, 11

causticum 30c
(Causticum hahnemnni)
, 99

Causticum hahnemnni
(causticum 30c), 99

Centella asiatica
(gotu kola), 71

Center for Mind-Body Medicine, 192

Center for Substance Abuse Prevention,

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 22–23, 36

cervical mucus cycle.
monitoring your, 15–16

cervix changes, 20–21

Chamaelirium luteum
(false unicorn root), 82–83

(Vitex agnus-castus)
, 69–70

chi, 107

chi shao yao
(Paeonia lactiflora)
, 70

Cimicifuga racemosa
(black cohosh), 68–69

Cocaine Anonymous,

computer safety, 165


conception-after-adoption myth, 128

conium 30c
(Conium maculatum)
, 99, 102

Conium maculatum
(conium 30c), 99, 102

Consumer Nutrition Hotline, 181

copper, 43–44

food sources of,

cottonseed oil, avoiding, 47

cough syrup, benefits of, 23

Crataegus oxyacantha
(hawthorn), 79

cycling, limiting, 146–47

(Turnera diffusa aphrodisiaca)
, 76

diabetes, managing, 149

diethylstilbestrol (DES), 11

Dioscorea villosa
(wild yam), 84

Dolisos America, Inc., 187

dom kwai
(Angelica polymorpha)
, 70–71

dong quai
(Angelica sinensis)
, 70–71

douching, avoiding, 22–23

drug use prescription and nonprescription, 162–64

recreational, 161–62

East Earth Trade Winds, 183

egg white, as vaginal lubricant, 33

Ehrhart and Karl, Inc., 187


pacing, 23–24

retrograde, 25

electromagnetic fields (EMFs), 169–72

Eleutherococcus senticosus
(Siberian ginseng), 78–79

electromagnetic fields

Emory University, 22

endorphins, release of, 107

environmental hazards, 167–72

information sources, 168–69

who is at risk concerning, 170

Environmental Protection Agency, 169

evening primrose oil, 44–45

sources of, 46

exercise, limiting. 142–43

false unicorn root (
Chamaelirium luteum)
. 82–83

fertility, 13

anti-sperm antibodies effect on, 34–35

basal body temperature and, 17–20

calculating ovulation concerning, 14–15

cervical mucus cycle and, 15–16, 17

cervix changes and, 20–21

checklist, 38

cold baths before sex benefit concerning. 24

cough syrup benefit concerning, 23

diet, 156–57

douching and, 22–23

impotence and, 26–28

intercourse under water effect on, 33

morning intercourse benefit concerning, 28–29

oral sex effect on. 32

ovulation predictor test kits concerning, 21–22

pacing ejaculations benefit concerning, 23–24

retrograde ejaculation and, 25

sex every other day benefit concerning, 29–30

sexual positions benefit concerning, 28

sexually transmitted diseases effect on, 36–37

staying on back after intercourse benefit concerning, 22

vaginal lubricants effect on, 33

see also

Fertility Resource Foundation, 176

Five Elements Center, 187

The Foreign Adoption Report
. 179

Foundation for Human Understanding, 135

fraxinus 6c
(Fraxinus americanus)
, 101

Fraxinus americanus
(fraxinus 6c), 101

gamma-linolenic acid.
evening primrose oil

(Allium sativum)
. 76–77

(Ginkgo biloba)
, 77–78

Ginkgo biloba
(ginkgo). 77–78

(Panax quinquefoliaus. P. ginseng. Eleutherococcus senticosus)
, 78–79

Glycyrrhiza glabra
(licorice), 79–80

gotu kola
(Centella asiatica
Hydrocotyle asiatica)
, 71

(graphites 30c), 102

graphites 30c
, 102

guided imagery.
visualization techniques

Hahnemann, Samuel, 89–91

Law of Infinitesimals theory, 91

Law of Similars theory, 90

Hahnemann Pharmacy, 187

Harvard Medical School, 133

(Crataegus oxyacantha)
, 79

Herb Research Foundation, 183

herbal remedies, 61–62

(Withania somnifera)
, 75

black cohosh
(Cimicifuga racemosa)
, 68–69

burdock root
(Arctium lappa)
, 75–76

catalog sources, 183–84

(Vitex agnus-castus)
, 68–69

checklist, 87

chi shao yao
(Paeonia lactiflora)
, 70

in conjunction with homeopathic remedies, 96

(Tumera diffusa aphrodisiaca)
, 76

decoctions, 65

dom kwai
(Angelica polymorphe)
, 70–71

dong quai
(Angelica sinensis)
, 70–71

dosages, 68

extracts, 65–66

false unicorn root
(Chamaelirium luteum)
, 82–83

forms of, 64–66

(Allium sativum)
, 76–77

(Ginkgo biloba)
, 77–78

(P. quinquefoliaus. P. ginseng, E. senticosus)
, 78–79

gotu kola
(Centella asiatica or Hydrocotyle asiatica)
, 71

(Crataegus oxyacantha)
, 79

information sources, 182–83

infusions, 64–65

kava kava
(Kava kava)
, 85

(Glycyrrhiza glabra)
, 79–80

(Urtica dioica)
, 72

powdered, 66

(Pygeum africanum)
, 80–81

recommended reading concerning, 199–202

red clover
(Trifolium pratense)
, 72–73

red raspberry
(Rubus idaeus
Rubus strigosus)
, 73–74

safety of, 62–63, 66–67, 68

St. John’s wort
(Hypericum perforatum)
, 85

(Smilax officinalis & Smilax febrifuga)
, 83–84

saw palmetto
(Serenoa repens)
, 81

(Scutellaria lateriflora)
, 74–75, 86

for stress management, 84–86

suggested, 67

teas, 64

tinctures, 65

using, 63–64

(Valeriana officinalis)
, 86

(Perbena officinalis)
, 86

wild yam
(Dioscorea villosa)
, 84

(Pausinystalia yohimba)
, 81–82

Herb-Pharm, 183

Holistic Health Directory and Resource Guide, 194

holistic medicine, information sources, 193–94

Homeopathic Educational Services, 185, 187

homeopathic remedies, 89–93

agnus 30c
(Agnus castus)
, 102

aurum mariaticum 6c
(Aurum muriaticum)
, 101

homeopathic remedies (Conr.)

c potencies, 95

calcarea iodata 6c
(Calcarea iodata)
, 101

catalog sources, 186–89

causticum 30c
(Causticum hahnemnni)
, 99

checklist, 104

conium 30c
(Conium maculatum)
, 99, 102

in conjunction with herbal remedies, 96

efficacy, 97–98

forms of. 94–95

fraxinus 6c (Fraxinus
, 101

graphites 30c
. 102

healing with, 93

how to take, 97

ignatia 30c
(Ignatia amara or Strychnos ignatia)
, 99

information sources, 184–85

kali iodatum 6c
(Kali iodatum)
, 101

Law of Infinitesimals theory concerning, 91

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