Getting Familiar with Your Demon: That Old Black Magic, Book 4 (8 page)

BOOK: Getting Familiar with Your Demon: That Old Black Magic, Book 4
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She attempted to jam the key into the lock, but her overworked nerves made the task impossible. Without saying a word, Sam gently nudged her aside and freed the bolt. She didn’t fail to notice the sardonic tilt of his mouth as she muttered a “Thanks” and pushed past him. The tumblers clicked, announcing Sam had secured the lock. She reached for the light switch, but he took her hand and led her away from the door. Her heart beating a chaotic mambo, she trailed along, trying not to focus on the fact he seemed to have a definite destination in mind. They pulled to a stop in the entry leading to the French Bohemian bedroom tableau, and her pulse ratcheted up several notches. She stared at the daybed before jerking her gaze to Sam. Immense heat simmered in his sin-filled eyes.

She blurted the first thing that popped into her mind. Unfortunately, it wasn’t one of her more intelligent responses. “The bed is only for display.”

Another flash of sardonic humor flickered across Sam’s face. “What kind of saleswoman would you be if you didn’t test out the merchandise?”

“I…” Ah damn. Her tongue-tied state increased a thousandfold when Sam’s hands planted on either side of her head, effectively boxing her against the wall. The way he was looking at her—as if he were mentally devouring her—caused her pulse to stutter. Sure, there’d been plenty of men who’d gazed at her with lust before the curse ultimately knocked them on their asses. Even so, those occasions didn’t hold a candle to the barely restrained hunger riding Sam’s gorgeous features.

She licked her lips and watched his pupils dilate as he tracked the motion of her tongue. “I—I don’t know.” She winced at her breathless stammer, feeling worse than a gawky moron.

Sam’s head descended until they were practically nose to nose. She stared into his eyes, mesmerized by the intensity in their depths. His irises were so dark, she’d at first assumed they were completely black, but up close, she saw they were actually a deep midnight blue.

“We can’t have you selling a bed you haven’t stamped a personal testimony on. What if the springs squeak?” His whiskey-smooth voice held an unmistakable hint of tease.

Before her brain produced a not entirely idiotic response, Sam’s mouth claimed hers. The same electric jolt of desire and apprehension she’d experienced in the ballroom slammed into her with renewed force. A moan slipped free before she could cage it. The sound must have encouraged Sam, because he re-angled his approach, his tongue delving past her lips as if it had every right to do so. She truly wished with every fiber in her being that it didn’t, but the heady pleasure Sam was delivering told a different story.

As if her arms possessed a will of their own, they circled his neck, her fingers threading through the thick softness of his hair. A part of her screamed in warning, reminding her she wasn’t supposed to be enjoying this. It was one thing to convince Sam she wanted to rip his clothes off and have her wicked way with him. She wasn’t supposed to actually
to do it.

It proved nearly impossible to keep that thought on track as Sam’s tongue glided along hers. Retreating slightly, he explored the edges of her teeth before he sucked on her bottom lip and started his lush oral treatment all over again. By the time he pulled back, her mouth felt swollen and thoroughly ravished. Her breath puffed in shallow, staccato bursts, and the soaked crotch of her panties clung to her throbbing flesh in damning proof of her insatiable desire for him.

Passion and fear warred inside her. She wanted—no,
—the wet, slick rasp of Sam’s tongue on her everywhere. Her mouth, her breasts and painfully hard nipples. Her pussy. Oh goddess. She especially hungered to feel him there. And that was wrong. So very, very wrong.

Sam’s mouth abandoned hers and slid to the slope of her neck. His beard scruff tickled her skin, inciting a host of goose bumps. He scored his teeth along the pulse point beneath her ear before sucking the tender spot. A responding beat echoed in her clit, and she whimpered. Without warning he swept her into his arms. She clung to him, as much startled by the action as his obvious strength.

Before she even thought to protest, Sam strode the short distance to the daybed and tossed her into the middle of it. Decorative throw pillows tumbled to the ground as he stretched over her. Their bodies aligned in the most delicious way. She struggled to ignore that reality, but Sam seemed determined to prove exactly how traitorous her body could be. He cupped her breasts through the flimsy fabric of her Greek goddess gown, and she arched into him, her nipples obediently pebbling under his touch. His husky chuckle mocked her. Swirling his tongue in the sensitive hollow beneath her ear, he rolled his fingertips over her nipples. She nearly shot out of her skin.

“You’re incredibly responsive considering I haven’t even gotten you naked yet.” There was no mistaking the intent in his voice. Giving a low, sexy growl, he bunched the skirt of her costume in his hands and whisked it upward. Before she’d snapped to her senses, he’d tugged the dress completely off her, leaving her with only a skimpy G-string and matching bra to hide her from his hot, hungry gaze.

Milky moonlight poured through the window, revealing Sam’s unabashed stare as it roved her body, lingering everywhere, but especially on the faint shadow of her pubic hair beneath the sheer white mesh of her panties. Her hands automatically moved to cover her groin, and he used the opportunity to free the front clasp of her bra with a deft flick of his wrist. He separated the nylon cups and stared at her breasts.

Her heart hammered, making her dizzy. She’d never been this naked with a man. The realization was both exciting and scary. She attempted to shield her exposed flesh again, but Sam gripped her wrists in one hand and pinned them above her head.

Straddling her thighs, he lifted onto his knees and reached for something overhead. She craned her neck to see what he was up to and frowned when he snagged one of the tasseled curtain tiebacks draped over the folding silk screen tucked behind the daybed. Recalling the imprisoned state of her wrists, her eyes widened. No. He wouldn’t.

The wicked sparkle in his eyes quickly shot a hole in that pathetic theory. She jerked against his hold, earning his devilish chuckle. He braced her hands on the daybed’s brass rail and looped the tieback’s velvet cord around her joined wrists, securing them to the cold metal bar as easily as if she’d been a steer at a roping contest. Not exactly the most flattering way to picture herself, to be sure. “S-Sam, let me out of this, damn it.”


“Please?” Soon as she was free, she’d kick his ass for making her beg.

“I’m not spending all night fielding your coy hiding games. For shit’s sake, you act like you’re a damn virgin or something.”

She glared at him. “Maybe I am.”

“Yeah, likely story, baby.”

She opened her mouth in order to correct him of his misassumption, but the words dried in her throat as Sam stripped out of his shirt. She’d seen him bare-chested before. It made absolutely no sense why her nipples should still tingle at the close-up view of the sleek, sculpted contours of his muscular torso and chiseled six-pack. Swallowing with great difficulty, she watched his hand trail in a lazy fashion down his washboard abs, following the thin peppering of silky hair that arrowed toward the waistband of his jeans. He released the buckle on his belt and withdrew the leather strap from the loops. His motions deliberate and slightly menacing, he anchored the belt around the top rail of the daybed.

Catching her wary look, he offered a smile that’d make a crocodile nervous. “Might need it later.”

What the hell have I agreed to?
She gulped, her mind scrambling to produce a way out of her predicament. Right now would probably be an excellent time to work on that holding spell she’d considered earlier. Being strapped half naked to a bed while trying to perform it wasn’t usual protocol, but sometimes a gal just had to make do.

Without warning, Sam’s thumb flicked her nipple, and she jolted. “Oh goddess.”

“Not exactly, sweet Bella.” A carnal gleam glinting in his eyes, Sam lowered his head and sucked the distended nub into his mouth. The wet heat and luscious friction of his tongue were enough to send every sane, rational thought in her head packing.

She moaned and unconsciously bowed her back. Sam released her nipple with a succulent
and concentrated his efforts on its mate. In less time than she cared to dwell on, he worked her into a panting, quivering wreck.

He abandoned her breasts and slid down the valley of her abdomen, his lips, teeth and tongue a maddening torment. By the time he settled between her thighs, her chest was heaving and embarrassing mewling noises escaped her throat. His mouth closed over her pussy, the tip of his tongue teasing her clit through her G-string’s soaked mesh. Her hips jerked, her body trembling. She frantically tried to concentrate on anything besides his incredibly tantalizing mouth, but that seemed as likely as remembering to breathe—a feat she was definitely having trouble with at the moment.

When he tipped his gaze toward hers again, it positively smoldered. His fingers danced along the outer seam of her G-string. “Were these expensive?” Not waiting for her answer, he tucked his thumbs into the elastic and with a simple snap, ripped the fabric in two.

She gaped at him, speechless. Holding her stare, he slid his palms beneath her butt and lifted her until his mouth hovered inches from her pussy. His warm breath caressed her, a prelude to the slick, bold stroking of his tongue along her sensitive flesh. The sensation was like nothing she could have imagined. She writhed, gasping. “Oh,

“You taste fucking sweet, Bella. Like honey.” He hummed against her clit, and stars exploded behind her eyelids. When he sucked the slippery nubbin between his lips and caressed it with his tongue, her body pulled tight, a lush warning wave cresting within her. She’d never had an orgasm by any means other than her own hand.

Well, that was all about to change. No amount of fighting it would stop the oncoming tide of her climax. It crashed into her, springing a cry from her as her body convulsed under wave after earth-shattering wave of pleasure.

Ceaseless quakes continued to tremble through her minutes later as Sam lowered her to the mattress. Weak and brain fried, she lolled her head to the side and closed her eyes, attempting to chase down her breath. That same breath lodged in her throat when Sam’s cock nudged into her. Awareness returned with alarming clarity.

There was no freaking way this should be happening. The curse—

Sam settled more heavily between her legs and thrust deeper. He didn’t get very far inside her, but it was enough to trigger the panic bells into three-alarm mode. She stared up at him, her heart pounding.
Oh goddess.

“Don’t worry. I put on a condom.”

When the hell did he do that? Then again, that wasn’t what had her freaked out at the moment. The fact that he was dangerously close to divesting her of her virginity? Yeah, pretty much the sole cause for the sweat breaking out on her forehead. “We can’t do this.”

“It’s a little late to be playing hard to get, sweets.” Despite his amused drawl, tension bracketed Sam’s mouth. “Relax. You’re tensing up on me.”

“You don’t understand. I—” She yelped as Sam bore down with his hips. A sharp stitch of pain stole her breath as his thick cock defeated the resistant barrier of her hymen.

He stopped, a flicker of surprise flashing across his face. “Holy shit. You really were a virgin.”

She met his incredulous stare and grimaced. “Yes, so you can get off of me now.”

“Not hardly. I’m nowhere near done with you.” As if to prove his point, he started moving inside her again.

The pain intensified, and she winced. This was what sex felt like? If she’d known, she certainly wouldn’t have fought so hard to lose her virginity all these years. Talk about a huge letdown.

“You look like you’re hating this.”


Determination glinted in Sam’s dark eyes. “We can’t have that.”

Oh yes they could. At least if she despised it, the guilt over giving herself to Sam would be more bearable.

He slowed his thrusts to a leisurely in-and-out plunge. Her inner walls clung to his shaft, the friction turning…pleasant. Within seconds, the pleasurable glow became delicious and consuming. Here she’d thought nothing could compare to Sam’s mouth on her pussy. Sweet goddess, she’d been dead wrong.

She bit her lip, foolishly hoping the tiny burst of pain would muffle the sensual sparks zinging through her synapses. As if he were fully aware of her internal battle, Sam leaned down and flicked her nipple with the tip of his tongue.

She groaned. “D-don’t do that.”

He rumbled a laugh. Even that vibration against her skin was a sexy torment. “Why? You damn well know you like it.” He did it again, and her breath hitched. Abandoning her nipple, he nuzzled the side of her neck. “Know what I like? How tight and slick you are around me. Your pussy was made for fucking, sweet Bella.”

His words were raw and raunchy and far more arousing than she cared to admit. Once again, Sam seemed to intuit her unwillingness to give in to her body’s treachery. He shifted, coming up onto his knees slightly, and grasped the rail behind her head with one hand. The other slid between their bodies, his fingers coasting with unerring precision over her clit. She choked on a gasp, captivated by his gaze. Unmistakable intent burned in his eyes. Come hell or high water, he was determined to make her climax again.

Damn if she’d give in that easily. She tried to distract herself with inane thoughts. Complex mathematical equations worked for a few minutes, but when she attempted to recall what the square root of pi was, that of course led to thinking about pie. Or more specifically, licking pie a la mode off Sam’s chest while she rode him.

Aw crap. This line of thinking wasn’t helping.

Hips flexing, Sam surged deeper inside her. It was as if his cock knew how to hit every one of her sweet spots in precisely the right way. She gnawed her lip until she tasted blood. Sam’s thumb rubbed insistently upon her clit, and her toes curled with the effort to resist his silent demand.

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