Getting by (A Knight's Tale) (17 page)

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Authors: Claudia Y. Burgoa

BOOK: Getting by (A Knight's Tale)
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Emma’s body fit perfectly over mine, while appreciating one of her favorite places, some old memories came back to mind and were awakened in my body. After she had indulged at the Louvre, more specifically in front of the Mona Lisa—for more than two hours, we had a mind blowing session of sex. Her excitement during the visit made me buy a membership to the museum. God, I owned a membership to a French museum. Did I cancel when I received the renewal? Of course not, I paid it instead. What was wrong with me? Emma. When I found her in front of the fountain, instinct made me move her ponytail to the side, freeing her soft neck. I slid my mouth along her delicate skin.

Emma’s body reacted to my touch and by impulse she leaned against my body. The feel of her, plus her scent, awoke my entire being and made me possess her body with my arms. Not once did she reject the approach, contrary she gave in and began to sway her hips over mine. Liam interrupted what would’ve become a reconciliation or a big mistake. The excess of baggage the girl carried weighed more than my need of her. Only need, no feelings. Emma required a man who’d love her and protect her from herself—not me.

Mom and Dad enjoyed her company. She was a fresh face and presence in the Knight family. While Mitch, I noticed, remained neutral toward her. Not because he didn’t like her, but because if he got attached to Emma, she’d become a permanent fixture in his life. That was Mitch. Contrary to me, who cut people from left and right at any time with no hesitation. Well, except Emma, she engraved her presence into my life. She branded me, bound me and did everything to make me hers.

“Are you two getting back together?” Liam asked, interrupting my thoughts. I sipped my beer and made another head count inside the pub. “The blast from the past over by the fountain gave me the impression.”

“He’s whipped,” Mitch responded with a grin, “but no, he’s not ready. And with her history…it’ll take time for the love birds to come together—if ever.” I arched my eyebrow and tried to use those laser beams Emma talked about when people annoyed her, and much like when she tried to use them, they didn’t work for me either. “Heads up, Jay, our parents love the girl.”

I never doubted my parents. They adopted friends and family and never let them go. Mitch’s attachment issues came from them—both. Liam and I escaped the friendly gene.

Before I could talk, change the subject or tell them to give it a rest, my phone buzzed and a text from one of my associates came through.

Holton: emailed report, hard case. Isn’t that your girl’s family?

Knight: yeah, thank you.

Changing from one application to the other, I access the email he sent and began to read through it. According to the report, the police responded to a 911 call made by a Mrs. Johnson right after eight in the morning on a Monday. A man driving a black Mercedes Benz with California plates opened fire inside the house across from hers. After he left, she approached the house and called out to the family. No one responded. The body of Mr. Anderson tied on a chair with multiple gunshot wounds welcomed her. She escaped to her house and called 9-1-1, with an exact description of the vehicle, plates and direction. Ten minutes later, they found the man on the highway and began to chase him.

The man opened fire while driving on the highway at ninety miles per hour, and then he crashed against the median. When he left the car, limping, he opened fire at the police, who responded by killing him during the fire exchange. His car harbored two automatic guns and ammunition, plus the body of his wife along with a map of New York, with pictures of Chloe Anderson, Emma Anderson and Anne Lynden-Anderson. His GPS was giving him directions to Emma’s school, where he planned to shoot her during her second period class.
Not my girl.

“Jake?” Dad shook me, Mitch’s voice sounded far off and under water. Liam snatched my cell phone from the tight grip of my hand. “What is it, Liam?”

Everything around me disappeared. The entire night where I half died came to mind, mixed with the knowledge that Emma barely made it. All together the thoughts hit deep in my gut. Mrs. Johnson was my new best friend, she deserved a medal. Grateful for her intervention, I decided to investigate the woman and do something to repay her for her actions.

“Jay,” Mitch said, and continued rubbing my back. “You’re with us, right? Nothing happened to Emma, she’s with Mom, having girly time. Don’t worry, Dad, his ghostly appearance is fading.”

“I’m fine.” I focused my sight on the cold glass containing the amber beer in front of me. I gripped and sipped it, steadying my breaths. Chills, heat, sweat and all the bodily reactions simmered down too. If I wasn’t driving, I’d be drinking shots of scotch until the pictures of Emma’s parents disappeared. Multiple shots, bound to furniture, or Mrs. Anderson bound from head to toe without any clothing, were images that would haunt me for a while. I needed to continue what I started. “Let me finish reading the report.”

“Nah.” Liam handed the phone to Dad. “I’ll give you the synopsis. Emma and Chloe remained alive because of the nosy neighbor, who deserves some kind of recognition. He raped the mom before he killed her, and they presumed the father witnessed everything before he died. You read about the maps and pictures. Holton sent numerous articles related to the Andersons and their homicide, the entire fraud timeline, and how he lost the money. They bashed the family, saying he cheated with every woman he met. Anna’s depression, which Holton says was a lie. He couldn’t find medical records to support the story. Plus, he sent stories about the party girl who slept with every guy in Menlo Park—Chloe. Emma’s only mentioned twice, as a promising artist who lost her family.”

Insensitive Emma, careless Emma and the fun girl who sneaked out at night when no one else saw her, made sense. She lost everything in one day. The parents she loved, the family she grew up with and the security of having someone next to her. Her uncertain future launched her into a world Emma controlled and no one would cross without permission. Fear, pain, loss, and other emotions she was unaware she showed for the past two years, had been explained in one gory email. What she had said lightly weighed more now that I had inside information. She wore armor bigger than a tank that only I penetrated, and her personal insecurities drew her to it on a daily basis.

Emma took over an entire meeting room and could convince any client to let K&W oversee their future with her ideas, but when it came to personal contact, she shied away. Hence, she stopped making art; most artists believed they shared a part of their soul with each piece they produced. I wondered how much of herself she rendered those nights she traced over my back or chest. An idiot like me wouldn’t cherish the gift she offered. Perhaps if I had…no…whatever triggered Emma’s decision to terminate ‘us’ was out of my hands. Miss Anderson’s determination made her do crazy stuff and no one stopped her or diverted her intentions.

It took me some time to calm and come to terms with myself that I had to be strong for Emma. The rest would be a work in progress, but for the next few hours I had to pretend I was strong and didn’t know what happened to her family. When I was ready, we headed toward Neiman Marcus to pick up Mom and Emma, hoping they enjoyed their time together. I doubted it, though looking inside the restaurant gave me a different picture. The meddler was talking, while Emma nodded and smiled peacefully. It was better than what I expected.

Dad asked for the check, pointing to the table where they were seated, but I paid. An entitlement I refused to lose for the day. Whatever happened tomorrow or at the end of the week didn’t matter. The next few days, Emma was part of this family, a part of me. And today she let Pretty Boy be in charge.

“Don’t give her any pity,” I warned Dad and my brothers. “She hates it.”


Chapter 21


“SWEETHEART, LET ME know when your grandma calls,” I heard Mom say while I drove to the Clement’s home. “I’ll be happy to go with you.”

I peeked in the rearview mirror, Emma’s I don’t-think-so-smile appeared.

“I bet Mom will win that one.” Mitch’s low voice made Liam laugh.

“Nah,” I responded. “She won’t, but I won’t take that bet.”

The rest of the drive I heard the multiple places Mom planned on taking Emma when she visited London. She’d stay with them, not in an impersonal hotel.
News flash, Mom, Emma stays with me.
I kept forgetting—reality was a bitch. The neighborhood where the Clements lived came into view, and more cars than yesterday blocked any available parking space. We found a spot two blocks from their home. We didn’t mind the distance, but hated the situation. My escape route had been compromised by a bunch of party goers that didn’t give a damn about their safety. Cade received Mom with a hug, but gave us a glare when he saw Emma between Dad and Liam.
I’ll be watching you,
I whispered with a fake brotherly hug.

“Too many,” Liam huffed, and Mitch chuckled when he pointed at three new lady faces. “Do we need to stay?” Mitch nodded with a childish grin and walked across the room to meet his victim.

“I do,” Emma’s deflated tone made me place an arm around her waist. “Maid of honor duty. Who’s the best man?”

“Mitch,” I answered. We both looked at him, already placing his moves. “
All night,
or do you want to leave early, Em? You can’t handle this love-fest for long. After all, you had a huge morning—headache.” I winked at her and she smiled.

Before she answered my question, Liam’s annoying cell phone rang. I was close to snatching it and flushing it down the first available toilet. “Sam.” Liam showed his phone to Emma and then me before answering. “No, she didn’t call me back either. Vacation, and this isn’t an emergency, so don’t bother me.” He rubbed his face with one hand. “You talked to Jacob. Not my problem, it’s his decision, Sam. He wasn’t going to pay. What’s the big deal? Status? That’s why you want the account.” He slapped his forehead and blew some air before continuing his call. “Jake chided me for sharing his stuff without his consent. He had a friend in mind already. Yeah, you do that. Hope you get ahold of her soon.”

“Do you still have my phone?” Emma wiggled her fingers, and the memory of Chloe’s name and my confession came to mind. I squinted my eyes. “Hand it over and…what did you do?”

“Turned it off after Sam’s calls.” She expected more.
What was I, five?
I didn’t have to report my every move. Her narrowed glare did the trick. “I saw Chloe’s name.” She gasped. “No, she didn’t call you. But, we need to talk before you talk to her, Emma. Please?”

“I—I don’t want to talk about my sister.” She went pale and lowered her gaze. “What does Sam want?”

“Why, is she still using?” Mitch interjected.

“What happened to the girls?” Emma retorted, a great strategy to avoid any personal conversation.

“Not my type.”

“Because….” She waved her hand trying to indicate he should follow his story because three words didn’t answer much.

“From here they look hot, up close they scream—marriage. Not my thing. Enough stalling. The Chloe’s still a wreck story is next, Miss Emma.”

“Women don’t scream marriage.” She crossed her arms and tilted her chin. “What do I scream?”

“Truthfully?” She nodded, squinting her eyes at me, and I shrugged. Because I had no idea what she screamed. “Attached, unavailable, as in, you’re with someone. Not on the market, taken. Shall I continue or do you want to talk about Chloe?”

“I can’t,” Emma huffed, and her nostrils flared. Defeat didn’t look good on Emma. She met her match. But this one was about to make her cry.

“Mitch, back off,” I said, my jaw tensed by the reaction Emma was having about Chloe. The second file about her sister’s life was next on my list to open.

“Sorry, I just think that girl needs help. Emma’s her family and perhaps she can do it,” Mitch added. Emma’s lips were lumped into a thin line, and she crossed her arms, as in hopes that things would move on soon. But they didn’t.

My brother told her what we knew back then about her. Not a pleasant conversation. With each word, Emma’s expression didn’t change, but her eyes turned pure green and were about to begin the water works.

Gavin lived in New York, and reconnected with Chloe sometime after he graduated from college for a year perhaps. My memory wasn’t perfect when it came to the period when I recovered from my accident. Chloe liked to party hard. She drank and used recreational drugs. Gavin not only reconnected with his high school sweetheart but he was also hooked with her partying habits. Liam, being good friends with Gavin, tried to pull him out of her grip. It was not an ideal place, when he had a brother who just came out of an emotional and physical tragedy.

Yet, the time we spent on pulling Gavin out of Chloe’s claw helped me get my head in gear and begin the security agency. Following them, investigating and shutting down some of their dealers to keep them off drugs, planted the seed of my new venture. A year of dealing with Gavin and Chloe brought me to discover she used her body to pay for her habits. Back then she was a high end escort, a piece of information not even Gavin knew. And yes, she was into very hardcore stuff too. Two guys, pain, girls, whatever needed to be done to get a fix.

“I doubt she has a job,” Mitch said. “Back me up here, she only did one year of college?”

“Two,” I responded.

“You never connected Chloe with my parents or me?” With wide eyes and an angry tone, she confronted me, “You could’ve told me two years ago.”

“No. I never searched for her past, only what she had been doing in New York since she moved from California,” I told her. The girl was extremely upset at me, but why? “I never ran a background check on you, Emma. Up until your grandfather’s accident, I swore you were a New Yorker. We never talked about your family, baby. Then I thought you were born in Connecticut. And the two of you don’t look alike at all. She is blond, petite, blue eyed and curvy, while you’re tall, willowy with hazel eyes and auburn hair. The surname Anderson is common, Em.”

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