Read Get Off Easy (Noble House, #1) Online

Authors: Sara Brookes

Tags: #Sara Brookes, #contemporary, #erotic romance, #romance, #bdsm, #submission, #dominance

Get Off Easy (Noble House, #1) (18 page)

BOOK: Get Off Easy (Noble House, #1)
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Boyce lifted his head and licked his lips. “She tastes marvelous. Sweet. Like a good girl. But hot. Like a wanton woman riding my partner’s dick.”

A quiet moan slipped between her parted lips. Agonizing pleasure swamped her. She needed to come. Needed to rid herself of this desperate longing so she wouldn’t be so distracted. In a desperate attempt to come, she squirmed.

“Be still,” Saint ordered, tightening his hold. As Boyce continued to suck on her clit and labia, Saint found a steady rhythm. He held her in place, driving up into her as the sounds spilling from her lips grew louder.


Arousal was a hot drug in her veins, racing through her muscles as Saint drove her toward orgasm. The image on the screen blurred for a second, then focused, giving her a view of what was happening in hi-def glory. Allowed her to see what she could only feel. The combination of the sight, sound, and feel of the two men, lofted her to a higher plane she’d never experienced before.

Time seemed to bend.

Yes. Yes. This. So much of this. And more.

“So fucking tight. Come on, baby,” Saint dragged out. “Come on.”

Pleasure seared through her veins with a wildness she couldn’t contain, scoring the men across her soul. Her heart. White light filled her vision as every muscle in her body released at once. She screamed, pulling against the bindings that held her tight. Boyce pinched her clit just as Saint pinched her nipples.

She screamed again, fighting the combination of pain and pleasure sweeping through her system. Saint’s roar of release sounded in her ears just as he slammed fully into her and relinquished his control.

She panted, fighting to gain her bearings again. To find a sense of order in the chaos. But her mind wouldn’t clear. She was aware of one thing—once again, her desire to have both men at the same time wasn’t going to be fulfilled tonight. They’d teased her with the idea, giving her the gift of their combined touch.

She was dimly aware of switches being flipped. Of her bindings being released. Of being lifted by a strong pair of arms that cradled her close, cosseting her and offering support.

Saint’s smile greeted her when she finally opened her eyes. Despite the euphoria swirling through her, she frowned.

Saint touched her lip. “You okay?”

“You don’t play fair.”

His booming laugh jostled her. “Playing fair is all a matter of perception.”

is that both of you aren’t playing by the rules.”

Boyce joined them just as she crossed her arms. “What’s this?”

“Grae is pouting. Very cutely too, I might add. She says we’re not playing fair. I suspect because she wants us both. And we keep denying her.”

Chapter Thirteen

really need to get home.”

Saint touched Grae’s abdomen as they lounged in the recovery area of Court. They were enjoying the quiet strains of soft, orchestrated music. After the loud pulsing music he’d pumped into their immediate area during the scene, it was a welcome relief. Her muscles jumped under his touch, her eyes fluttering closed for a brief moment.

“Those aftershocks are lovely.” He touched her again, smiling against her shoulder when she shivered. “So lovely, I’m not sure how you could even consider going home. Leaving all this.”
Leaving us.
He left the last part unsaid, afraid it would scare her off. Especially because she kept mentioning the need to go home. Yet here she was, in his arms, luxuriating in aftercare, while Boyce disconnected the equipment and cleaned up.

Aftercare had always been something he enjoyed the most. Sometimes even more than the scene itself. Reconnecting. Being supported. He always enjoyed giving and receiving aftercare. Though, through the years, he’d found he preferred giving it.

“Things still aren’t going as well as I would like. Jackson is really digging in his heels on this change.”

Her voice was heavy. An aftereffect of the pleasure he’d given her. Which meant she’d gone deep, but not quite enough. Not all the way. She was still worried about work. They’d have to work harder. Which he wasn’t opposed to, but he wanted that kind of surrender from her to happen in private. Grae wouldn’t allow herself to truly give in one hundred percent unless they were alone.

Stubborn woman

“I think he’s starting to feel the pressure of so many moneymakers that haven’t been critical successes.”

“It really does seem as though he wants to go one way and the studio another.”

“Exactly. And depending on who wins the argument is the deciding factor if I have to go re-cut the trailer. The laptop I have with me just isn’t enough to do what I need.”

“I can get you something. Loan it to you for a while.” He latched on to the bright spark of possibility. He’d been looking for a way to remind her she had the kind of job that could be done anywhere. “I’ve got enough spares around that I could have something decent for you by tomorrow. Any special programs you need? That may be the tricky part.”

Her damp hair brushed his skin as she shook her head. “My programs are all cloud based. I just need to log into my secure severs and I’m set.”

Which is exactly what he’d been hoping to hear. “Excellent. I’ll have a computer to you by tomorrow morning.”

“You two talking geek speak instead of relaxing?” Boyce came around the partition and joined them.

“I would relax if you two would play fair.”

“There’s that word again. Fair. Need I remind you that you weren’t complaining when I had you tied up? When you were screaming your climax?” That sexy pout of hers grew larger, amusing him. Pleasing him. She wasn’t pouting because she was disappointed things weren’t going along according to her plan. She pouted because they were. “Fair isn’t exactly the name of the game, sweetheart. And if your lower lip pokes out any further, I’ll put you front in center with the cameras again. Because you enjoyed that far more than you’re willing to admit.”

Grae grunted, and raised her knees to her chest as Boyce joined them on the long couch. With this position, Saint found it was the perfect angle to reach down and slide his hand between her legs. She was damp where he’d washed her, but the heat signaled her arousal. Probably wouldn’t take much to have her pleading once again.

She sounded lovely when she did.

She tried to wiggle away. He pulled her back, pressing two fingers on either side of her pussy lips. When she began to squirm, he allowed her some freedom, knowing she was just making it worse.

Or better.

“I’m supposed to be upset with you both.”

Though she whined out the words, she arched her back, grinding down against Saint’s growing erection. The way this woman made him ache was truly astounding. Trailing through her slippery folds, he slipped two fingers inside her heat. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Boyce capture her face, brought it closer, and swallowed her sigh. Saint watched them, enjoying the way her muscles tightened around his fingers as he continued to stroke her. As Boyce ravished her mouth.

“Touch him, angel,” Saint whispered in her ear.

She groaned into Boyce’s mouth as Saint pressed his finger high into her, finding her sweet spot and pushing against it to toy with the sensitive bundle of nerves he knew would send her flying. Her system was still revved.

Boyce’s quiet groan sounded through the small space, vibrating the air with his urgency. Saint continued to watch as she wrapped her hand around the tip of Boyce’s cock that was peeking between parted denim.

Saint brushed his lips against her shoulder, feeling her move as she wrapped her hand around his partner’s dick. He kept brushing against her sweet spot, giving her some of what she wanted, but not what she needed.

Exactly how he preferred.

The couch under him moved as Boyce began churning his hips in rhythm to her strokes.

They weren’t in a sceneing area, but damn if Saint cared. He’d hash out their blatant disregard for the rules with Kochran later. When it came to Grae, rules were meant to be bent.


She tore her mouth away from Boyce’s, her voice lifting in a high wail as she came around Saint’s fingers. Boyce gave a harsh groan, spilling onto her wrist and stomach as he came. They both panted, fast and hard, as their bodies basked in the afterglow.

Saint had never seen a more beautiful sight. And damn if he didn’t wanted to see it again. Over and Over. Forever. He really needed to convince her to just give up and confess. But fear kept him from unleashing the demand. Ordering her to tell the truth wouldn’t help.

“Still need to leave?” Saint murmured against her ear as she went limp in his arms. She nodded, gasping when he passed the damp washcloth against her stomach. “It’s not because of the laptop, is it?” Everything about this woman was soft. Sweet. His.
. If she would just admit it to herself, everything would be so much easier. If he could just convince her. “Tell me why, baby.”

Long minutes passed. He thought she’d fallen asleep and intended to arouse her again and again in order to extract the truth, when she sighed. “I can’t. I want to, but I can’t.”

Boyce dipped his head, nipping gently against her shoulder. “You’re safe with us, Grae. Here. With us. Tell us what’s going on inside you.”

She burrowed her face into Boyce’s shoulder. “I will.”

“When you’re ready?” Saint asked with marked disappointment. Pushing too hard. But damn it, she needed to be pushed. Needed a firm hand to get her past the barrier she’d erected around her heart.

Her soul.

But he also knew he could possibly break through the barrier at the wrong time. The wrong place. She wouldn’t allow it to happen at the club because it was too public. Even in the seclusion of a private room, it would still be too much. As right as Noble House was for many, many things, it wasn’t right for an emotional breakthrough.

“It’s all right, baby. Take the time you need.”

He just hoped that time wasn’t forever.

She nodded, and he pulled her closer as he met Boyce’s gaze. Though he still had his suspicions about what was going on he had other ideas as well. There was something holding her back. As though she could partition off pieces of herself in order to surrender to the men. Why? What was the force driving her to act that way? All questions they wouldn’t find out the answers to until Grae found the courage to tell them.

Problem was...Saint wasn’t certain she’d ever find it.

Chapter Fourteen

rae wrinkled her nose at the intense aroma of ammonia and bleach as the hospital’s sliding glass doors opened. The muted colored of the main waiting area struggled to counteract the somber mood of the building.

Though she didn’t know Kochran’s sister, she knew a smiling face meant the world to someone dealing with a terminal illness. So, when Saint and Boyce had invited her to tag along, she’d immediately agreed to join them.

The heavy weight of the hushed stillness was like a second skin.

An oppressive heaviness she would need a scalding hot shower to rid herself of.

No one spoke as they found the elevator and made their way to the fifth floor. The ride up was silent except for the quiet ding as they passed each floor. When the steel doors parted, the heavy quiet seemed to grow weightier. As though a somberness hung in the air, forever reminding visitors of the illnesses seeped in the walls of the building.

Pastel pictures of seascapes and families gathered on the beach hung on the walls of the narrow hallway. More attempts to add a touch of cheer to the air. They failed miserably. Why remind some of the patients of places they would never visit again?

“Duke said they’re transferring Tory to a hospice soon.” The weight of the moment was detectable in Boyce’s voice. “They can’t take care of her at home, but no one deserves to live out their days in this kind of atmosphere.”

Glad someone else had echoed her thoughts. And that she wasn’t the only one bothered by this visit. She imaged the men felt it more because they knew the person they were coming to see.

The pastels gave way to a white-washed hallway. The floor tiles, fixtures, and even the handrails were all the same off-white color. As though the hospital had gotten a bulk discount if they ordered everything in the same shade of white.

BOOK: Get Off Easy (Noble House, #1)
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