Georgie and Her Dragon (10 page)

Read Georgie and Her Dragon Online

Authors: Sahara Kelly

Tags: #humor, #fantasy, #sex, #dragons, #princess

BOOK: Georgie and Her Dragon
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Georgie carefully took his hand. “Come here,
you.” She drew him to the mirror on one side of the room.

, silly. You’re not a pimply-faced dweeb anymore.”

Standing behind him, Georgie watched his
face as it changed with astonishment. He rubbed one hand over his
firm jawline and then ran it down his chest to his - his - oh my!
Why hadn’t she noticed

An extremely hard cock jutted fiercely from
a nest of soft black curls, firm and solid and thick - it just
begged to be touched and sucked and fondled - it was Georgie’s turn
to drool. Then she noticed something.


He jumped. “
. It really
me.” He glanced down. “That’s me too. Who’d have thought it?”

“Yep. It’s you all right.” She slid her arms
around his waist and hugged him tight. “And I couldn’t be happier.”
She let her hands drift lower. “Now, I know you were a blue dragon
and a really nice shade of blue too. So does that explain
?” She lifted his cock delicately, exposing his balls,
which were - yes, you guessed it - quite

He laughed and turned around, reaching for
her, taking her in his arms and lifting her quite off her feet.
“Nope. That’s because I want
sweetheart. At least I
think it is. Wanting somebody for as long as I’ve wanted you kinda
does that to a guy.” He blinked. “Funny. I’m already thinking of
myself as a
not a dragon anymore.”

Georgie wrapped her legs around him, rubbing
her pussy against his groin. “You hear me complaining? I want you
too. Here. Now. Right this minute if at all possible...”

“Everything’s possible.
.” With a
joyful grin Theo tumbled them both onto Georgie’s bed. It creaked
in protest, but they ignored it.

“Lord, Theo - I want you to fuck me so

“I wanna fuck you so
babe...” He
stroked her face. “I wanna do

Firm lips descended on hers, brushing them
at first, learning them, then forcing them apart as his tongue
flickered into her mouth. Obviously being a dragon for a century or
so teaches one a thing or two about tongue work. Georgie’s head
swam with the possibilities.

He kissed her silly, returning again and
again to taste her sweetness. Finally he pulled back. “And then I
wanna do

It was the tongue thing again, but this time
her breasts received the extraordinary attention. He sucked her
fiercely then released her, licking around her nipples with joy and
enthusiasm. He coiled that amazing piece of flesh around each
sensitive bud, squeezing them, releasing them and then taking the
whole mound into his mouth once more. She damn near orgasmed just
from his skilled titty-play.

“Fuck, Theo. Where did you learn this
stuff?” Georgie rasped out the question in between little panting

“I’ve been saving it up for you, honey.”
Theo’s tongue wandered down to her navel and played there for a
while, making her eyes roll back in her head and her body twang
like a harp in the hands of an angel.

“Damn, babe. I’m so glad you did.”

It was her last coherent thought, since Theo
and his gifted tongue had found her clit. He loved it with every
ounce of skill he’d “saved up” for her, sending her brains into
meltdown and her cunt into flash flood stage. She overflowed her
banks as he strummed her, shuddering with the intensity of it.

“You taste so good - so sweet - ” Theo
purred the words against her pussy. “I’ve yearned for this, dreamed
of this, ached for this - ”

The note in his voice made tears well up in
Georgie’s eyes and she parted her legs even wider, welcoming him
home to where they both knew he belonged. Just as she was about to
surrender, he reared up above her, holding himself aloft on
strongly muscled arms.

, Georgie.
I claim
what is

And without further ado, Theobald the
Unlucky became Theobald the Amazingly Fortunate.

He sank himself into Georgie’s hot and silky
slick cunt, inch by inch, letting them both savor the unique
sensation of two ideally suited bodies fucking the daylights out of
each other.

“Ohhhh...” She groaned, feeling like the
typical romance-novel heroine being plundered by the hero. (Which,
of course, she was.)

His cock filled her, touching all the right
spots on the way in, and also touching them on the way out again -
and repeating as necessary. He had the requisite strength in his
hips and thighs to hammer into her cunt over and over, thudding
against her clit in precisely the right way so as to ensure her
maximum pleasure.

It was, all things considered, the most
magnificent orgasm that any two lovers had ever experienced in any
fairy tale -

And when it rolled over them -
simultaneously of course - they both shrieked with ecstasy,
shattering a small glass next to the bed and sending a flock of
sparrows off on an early migration.

Georgie’s body writhed out of her control,
clutching at Theo’s cock like a warrior’s fist around a sword hilt.
She drained him, milked him, pulled his come out from his balls,
his hips and probably the backs of his heels. She was drowning in
him, floating with him and loving him all at once and from the
expression she glimpsed on his face he was right there with

Little lights sparkled around the edges of
her vision and she fought for breath as the orgasms continued to
roll over her, shattering her with their strength. All good
heroines have at
two, if not more. And Theo
been waiting a hell of a long time for this one magnificent

Theo moaned and thrust again, hitting
Georgie’s G-spot perfectly and knocking her into one more

He stayed there this time, cock tucked
neatly up against her womb, snuggled so close not even their sweat
could do more than trickle weakly over them both. And he sighed - a
gust of sated happiness that brought a weak smile to the only
muscles left on Georgie that worked - her face.

“Holy fucking shit.” Theo’s head dipped and
he slowly lowered himself onto Georgie. “Holy


As far as romantic post-coital dialogue
went, it left something to be desired. But it did accurately
reflect Georgie’s state of mind at that point. She’d been screwed
to the max by the man she loved. Now that he was a man and a dragon
no more. And it had been the most stupendous moment of her life up
to now.

A thought occurred to her. “Hey Theo...”

.” He subsided weakly
and slithered off her, his cock popping free of her pussy with a
sound that was distinctly sad.

“You’re not going to become a dragon again,
are you?”

.” He nipped her
neck. “Why? You want me back as a dragon?”

“No, no, not that. I like you just the way
you are, thanks.” Thoughtfully she cupped his balls, rolling them
around absently and making Theo blink. “It’s just that if we’re
gonna get married then I figure I should know what to expect. Don’t

He watched her intensely. Fondling a guy’s
balls is a good way to make sure he’s paying attention, as Georgie
discovered at that moment.

“We’re getting married?” Her fingers
tightened a little, and Theo immediately nodded. “Of
we’re getting married. Silly me.” His brow furrowed. “Although how
the hell you’re gonna tell your father that you’re marrying a
low-born twit unlucky enough to get himself bewitched for a century
or so, I have no frickin’ clue.” He stared at her hopefully.

“Yeah.” She stared at the ceiling, idly
counting the slabs of marble. “Pity you don’t have land or
something. Father is real impressed with a good land deal.”

Theo yawned and carefully removed his balls
from her hand. “How does he feel about cash up-front?”

“Huh?” Georgie twisted her head on Theo’s
shoulder so that she could look at him.

“Cash.” He dropped a kiss on her head and
pulled some of her hair out from between his teeth. “You know. Coin
of the realm. That sort of stuff.”

“” Georgie
stuttered helplessly.

“You know, sweetheart, you have to work on
your language skills before the kids arrive. We don’t want ‘em
stuttering...” The grin he gave her would’ve melted the panties off
a stone statue - and Georgie wasn’t made of stone.

“God I love you.” She tweaked his nipple
with her lips, laughing as he groaned. “Now what’s this about

Theo tucked one arm under his head. “Dragons
receive a stipend you know. Something in the negotiated contract
that goes back donkey’s years. Of course, we can’t exactly whip
down to the mall and spend it, so it just goes into a retirement
account, 401K or whatever, and accrues interest. This year I think
it’s prime rate plus about five points or so.”

Georgie was quiet for a few moments. “So, if
I understand you correctly, you’ve been receiving money for over a
And it’s been accruing interest for over a
hundred years

“Yep.” Theo looked smug.

“Theo, if you don’t mind my asking, how much
this stipend?”

“Well...” Theo looked a bit embarrassed.
“You have to remember that this contract was negotiated back when
dragons had to put it all on the line on a daily basis. Formation
flying is risky enough, but when you throw in the bad witches,
nasty elf uprisings, a virtuous and armed saint or two and other
things dragons had to deal with - there were a lot of
in the
line of duty
type injuries. And even a few fatalities.” He
shook his head. “Compensation had to reflect the level of risk. We
had no health insurance
per se
...just a café plan.”

Georgie swallowed. “How much?”

Theo named a sum that made her head

“You’re kidding, right?”

“Nope.” He hugged her close. “I reckon by
now I should have just about enough to do what I want with. And
what I want - is you. By my side. For ever.”

“Awww.” Once more tears blurred Georgie’s
vision. “I want that too. And I want your babies. Lots of ‘em.
Maybe even a few sons.” She giggled. “That would make my father
look like a real idiot. More than he does already.”

“So you think he’ll go for cash?” Theo
sounded hopeful.

“To get rid of a daughter? He’ll probably
throw in the castle as well for that kind of money.” She snorted.
“And don’t think I’m going to let you offer all that, either. I got
an A plus in
class, ya know.”

“I know.” Theo tickled her ear with his
tongue. “I know everything you did in school. I was there with you,

“All I remember was the night you sent me to
heaven. With this...” She carefully turned her head and bit down on
his tongue.

“Aargh wffl ooo.”

“I love you too.” She sucked on it, pulling
it deeply into the cavern of her mouth and dueling with it until
Theo responded by grasping her buttocks and pulling her on top of
him. A fingertip brushed up between her cheeks, grazing her ass and
making her shiver.

Finally their lips parted and Theo grinned.
“Wanna try page fifty-seven?”

Georgie didn’t even need to look. Her answer
was immediate.





And yeah, they both lived...etcetera,

So Princess Georgiana was granted permission
to marry Theobald the Amazingly Fortunate by her father, the King.
Of course, this was
he’d discovered that Theobald’s
assets exceeded the amount currently in the Royal Treasury by a
factor of at least five.

And yes, they both lived happily ever after.
Although there was no castle, elegant estate or rose-covered
cottage with a white picket fence involved. They decided to build a
rather nice Colonial-style split-level home on a nearby hill along
with a factory, which produced small, portable devices on which
people could write their own fairy tales. And also communicate with
others, receive speedy mails, download the latest music by their
favorite minstrels and keep on top of the latest jousting

All of which made Georgie and Theo even
richer and resulted in the King finally abdicating the throne in
favor of daughter number four - the really
one -
who had married a prince from the next-Shire-but-one. He was also
gorgeous, and together they generated vast amounts of additional
tourist income simply by swanning around in court couture and
waving from moving vehicles and the occasional balcony.

The tabloid newspapers made megastars out of
them, the Princess developed her own line of perfume, and the
Prince raised a prize-winning breed of racehorses. They happily
took over the castle, converting most of it to a convention center
and gambling casino, and leaving the rest as guest rooms for the
crowds of other princesses who invariably came to visit for the

Georgie and Theo watched it all with amused
grins and happy hearts. And - after the children arrived (all five
of ‘em) - dark circles under their eyes.

And the dragons?

Well, with Theo’s vast wealth, it was quite
easy for him to purchase a nice piece of land downwind of the
villages and build a very luxurious spa designed specifically to
meet the needs of dragons.

dragons. He had the
best scientists create a moisturizer and gleam enhancer guaranteed
to work on even the roughest of scales, thus ensuring that within
months a couple of curious female dragons arrived to suss out the
new digs.

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