George's Turn [Brac Pack 8] (7 page)

Read George's Turn [Brac Pack 8] Online

Authors: Lynn Hagen

Tags: #Siren-BookStrand, #Inc.

BOOK: George's Turn [Brac Pack 8]
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“And how do I need you guys?” This should be good.

“You need us to show George what it means to be a mate.” Oliver gave him an evil grin.

“Oh, no, stay away from him, Cecil,” Tank warned.

“What?” Cecil asked innocently.

“Whatever you’re planning, don’t. He’s skittish enough without you guys getting him landed in jail or something worse.” Tank set his food down and glared at the mates. “I mean it. Stay away from him.” Tank grabbed the white containers and stormed off.

* * * *

“Do we leave him alone?” Cecil asked the other mates.

“No, no!” Keata cheered as he threw his arms in the air.

“Didn’t think so.”

“So then what’s your plan?” Oliver asked.

“I think I’ll have one of the warriors take me to the diner and then slip into the kitchen. If he’s mated to Tank, he can’t be that difficult, right?”

“I don’t know. He ran out of here pretty fast.” Blair rubbed his jaw.

“You know the warriors will forgive us.” Johnny giggled. “We all have a way of making them forget they’re angry.”

“You got that right.” Oliver chuckled. “Although I don’t want to

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push Micah too far. Those lectures make me want to pull my hair out.”

No matter how the warriors reacted or how far the cowboy ran, Cecil would get to George one way or another.

* * * *

George threw another plate up onto the counter, mad at the fact that Tank hadn’t shown up this morning. So what was he, a one-night stand? Was he only good for a roll in the hay, and then it was on to the next claiming? Did Tank even tell him the truth about the claiming? Was he just used and tossed aside?

George slammed the pots and pans. He was angry that he had given away his manhood only to be tossed aside like yesterday’s trash.

He felt used.


George spun around to see one of the guys from Tank’s house standing in the kitchen. He stood back, waiting to see what the little guy wanted.

“I’m Cecil.”

“Nice to meet you, Cecil.” George shook his hand, eyeing him warily.

“I got a proposition for you.” Cecil leaned against the counter, watching George.

“And what might that be?”
Oh hell, look at that evil ass grin the
man was sporting.
George had an urge to find holy water and dump it on this guy’s head.

“You see, us mates can’t go anywhere without a warrior tagging along. This whole vampire and rogue wolf thing…” Cecil spun his hands in the air. “I was thinking, since you’re tall enough, and from the looks of you, strong enough, that maybe you could be our escort.” George didn’t trust this guy. He had a gleam in his eye that he had
George’s Turn


seen bulls have right before they charged. He had to admit, though, he was intrigued. “So what are you proposing?”

“We want to go to a strip club.” Cecil gave him an innocent smile.

Like a snake right before he bit you.

“Is that right? And why would I take you guys there?” George was really starting to like this little guy. He had spunk. Maybe he had Cecil all wrong.

“’Cause you’re nice, and ’cause we’re going crazy sitting in the house, and the warriors would never in a million years take us.

Please.” He gave the best puppy dog eyes George had ever seen.

“I don’t know. Wouldn’t your
try and skin me alive for taking you?” George wasn’t into pain. He could hold his own with the best of them, but taking on those giants would be suicide.

“No, you’re a mate. They wouldn’t touch you. Yell, maybe.” Cecil clasped his hands together in a prayer, pleading with George.

“To hell with it. When do you want to go?” He’d never really had friends before. Being in the closet made him keep a distance from people for fear of them finding out. It was a new feeling, and he liked it.

“Yes! Thanks, G. How about tonight? We can sneak out the side entrance. There’s a male strip club in the city, and we’ll all pair up so were safe. Being on lockdown sucks.” Cecil danced around.

“All right. I’ll meet you at the side entrance at ten. I ain’t waitin’

around, so if you guys aren’t there, tumbleweeds will be rolling behind me.”

“Uh, okay. Whatever that means, we’ll be there. You don’t be late either. We have to be quick about it.” Cecil held up his fist, George just staring at it.

“Like this.” Cecil grabbed George’s hand. “Make a fist.” George curled his fingers in, and Cecil tapped theirs together.

“What does that mean? I ain’t joinin’ no damn gang.” George grabbed his hand back.

Cecil fell over the counter, laughing. “No, silly, it means we

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agree. Or hello.”

George eyed him curiously for a moment. “Ten. No later.”

“You got it. Now I have to get back out there before the warriors come hunt me down.” Cecil winked at him with that gleam still present and walked out of George’s kitchen.

He seemed to be agreeing to a lot of crazy shit lately.

* * * *

George pulled his pickup to the side entrance, and all seven men dove into the cab as George sped off. He had an extended cab, so the shorter men were sitting on the larger ones’ laps.

“We did it!” Johnny laughed as he high-fived Keata.

“What the hell did you guys get me into?” George steered the truck onto the highway, hightailing it out of there before he had a pack of wolves on his ass, trying to chew his tires off and eating him for a snack.

George pulled into the lot, everyone piling out like clowns coming out of a clown car.

“Everyone get a partner,” Blair yelled over the excited chatter.

Drew grabbed George’s hand. “Hi, I’m Drew. My mate is Remi.” He smiled shyly at George.

“Hi, Drew.” George tugged on Drew’s hand as they made their way into the club. Cecil pulled them all to the front row, yelling out catcalls as the first stripper danced to his number.

“You guys really don’t care who knows you’re gay?” George looked down at Drew. His head was puzzled by this.

“Nope, as long as we have our mates, the rest of the world can suck weenies.” Drew threw his head back laughing. “Get it?” George chuckled. “I got it.”

“Hey, G, get over here,” Oliver yelled from across the room.

George led Drew over, and the mates pushed George up onto the stage. He stumbled up, tripping but righting himself. He was surprised
George’s Turn


and unsure of how to handle this.

“What the hell are you guys doing?” He tried to climb down, but the mates blocked him. Taking a step left or right didn’t help, they just moved their bodies along with his, blocking his escape.

“Have a little fun,” Kyoshi yelled up at him while laughing.

George spun around when hands grabbed his hips. A male stripper was winking at him. He leaned forward and whispered in George’s ear. “They paid for me to dance with you. Just go with it.” George shot a glare at the mates as he stood still, not sure what he should do. The stripper began to dance around George, shimmying up and down George’s back. The male dancer removed his top and tossed it aside, grabbing George’s hips once again. “Loosen up.” The guy grinned.

George looked back at the mates. They all had their wide eyes on him, waiting for him to have fun.

Fuck it.

George started wiggling his hips as the guy stripped his pants off.

Nothing but a G-string on now. He tossed them aside and shimmied his ass so quickly George thought it looked like a bowl of Jell-O come to life.

“Go George, go George, go George.” The mates were chanting as Johnny and Keata did the robot, bumping into one another and laughing.

George got into the spirit of things, and he sashayed his hips as he strut across the stage. Even the stripper stepped aside, enjoying George’s performance.

He struck one hip out and slid his hand down the front of his shirt in a slow and suggestive manner. His eyebrow quirked, giving the mates his sexiest look.

They cheered and chanted, tossing bills at George. He was shocked to admit it, but he was having some dang fun up here.

* * * *


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“Your damn mate is at it again!” The mated warriors stormed Maverick’s office, their arms crossed over their chests, glaring at their Alpha.

Maverick pinched the bridge of his nose. Cecil was going to get him impeached. “Track them with the GPS.”

“Can’t, all the vehicles are accounted for and every room has been checked,” Hawk bit out.

“Then how the hell did they get away?” Maverick’s head fell back as he stared at the ceiling. It really needed to be dusted.

“George.” Maverick said the word with confidence.

“Can’t be. He doesn’t want anything to do with me right now,” Tank embarrassingly admitted.

“Call him Go there. I bet he isn’t home and his truck is gone.” Maverick stared Tank in his eyes, demanding he do it.

“If you say so.” Tank pulled out his phone and called his cowboy.

* * * *

“Thanks.” George panted as he jumped off the stage. “I had a good time.”

Cecil noticed how he said it as though he were shocked.

“You know George, we’re all mates, and we’re all men. Just because we allow our mates to take us doesn’t mean we’re girls or anything. They love us and would give their lives for us, same as we would do for them.” Cecil slid George an orange soda.

George eyed the glass. “I was driving so I guess I have to drink it, although a cold beer would hit the spot right about now.” Cecil smirked and sat back.

“When you hide it all your life, it’s kinda hard to let that go. I want to be with Tank, just… hell, I don’t know.” George downed the soda, wishing it was hard liquor.

“He’s a good guy with a kind heart, always looking out for us
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mates. Always nice. You couldn’t do any better.” Cecil hoped he was getting through because he really liked George and would love to have him as part of their makeshift family.

“You gave me a lot to think about. He is sweet.” George blushed.


Cecil’s head snapped up. Oh shit, his mate sounded pissed.

“Where’s my Keata?” Cody ran to Keata, pulling him into his arms as Hawk grabbed Johnny, peppering kisses all over his face.

“Relax, G got us. He wouldn’t let anything happen to us, right?” Cecil turned toward George and saw the seat was empty. Traitor.

“Can we stay?” Blair asked his mate.

“If that’s what you want, Sunshine.” Kota looked over his shoulder. “What do you say, Maverick? Have a little fun
our mates?”

Maverick eyed Cecil, never able to stay mad at him for more than two seconds. “Okay, but no touching, or I’ll have to kill some strippers.”

* * * *

George slid next to Tank, staring at the stage as he pushed his fingers into Tank’s hand.

Tank swallowed hard, not sure how to handle this. Did he pull his mate in his arms or let him make the moves? He decided to let George lead the way.

The warriors laughed as the mates whooped and hollered, crumbling the dollar bills up and tossing them on stage since they couldn’t put it in their G-strings.

Cecil leaned forward, and Maverick growled, pulling his mate back. “Cecil,” Maverick warned.

“What?” He looked at Maverick innocently.

“Having a good time?” Tank asked George, as he laughed at Cecil’s antics.


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“Yeah, I am.” George leaned over and kissed Tank. Not a peck, but a full-blown, blazing kiss. He knew his cowboy was a little nervous doing it in public—a lot of nervous, if his stiffness was anything to go by. Tank took the kiss deeper until his mate laughed.

Kind of an odd time to do that.

“What’s so funny?” Tank pulled George closer, wanting another taste. Those kiss swollen lips called to him.


“You’ll have to tell me about it sometime.” Tank placed the pad of his index finger under his mate’s chin, raising it, and kissed George again. “Will you stay the night with me?” He prayed he hadn’t stepped over an invisible line and pushed too fast again.


Tank wanted to grab his cowboy and run home. Instead, he sat back and enjoyed watching the little guys jump around and toss money at the performers. He wrapped his arm around his mate, thankful Cecil and the others didn’t listen to him when he warned them away from George.

George’s Turn


Chapter Six

“I want to top this time.”

Tank looked at George like he was the devil asking to barter his soul.

George waited for Tank to answer him, already feeling the animosity building inside of him. He knew Tank had never bottomed, but neither had he. He wasn’t saying he didn’t like it. It was different, and it had felt great, but it was his turn, dammit.

Tank nodded.

George wanted to chuckle. The man looked like he just agreed to go in front of a firing squad.

Tank must have thought he was sinking into George, please. Wait a minute, did Tank agree? “Really?” George stared at him openmouthed.

“Close your damn mouth, and I mean that literally. Nobody better find out.” Tank grabbed the lube from the drawer, slapping it into George’s hand.

They both fell over trying to get out of their clothes. George moved out of the way as Tank became unbalanced, tangled in his jeans, and nearly falling into him. The big galoot was too massive to catch. George would be scraping himself off of the wall.

“Swear.” George grinned from ear to ear as he climbed onto the bed with Tank. “Okay,
, bend over.”

“Don’t start, George.” Tank growled as he climbed onto the bed, rolled over onto his back and spreading his legs.

“A guy’s gotta have some fun…” He slapped Tank’s hip. “Bend over.”


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“No.” Tank crossed his arms over his chest.

“Why are you being so difficult? I gave it up without an argument.

Now hush and roll over onto your damn knees.” George slapped the lube bottle on Tank’s thigh.

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