Gentlemen Prefer Nerds (25 page)

BOOK: Gentlemen Prefer Nerds
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“Shall I leave so you can write about me in your diary?”

“Maybe you’d like to dictate to make sure I describe your attributes accurately.”

“You must have a thesaurus around somewhere.” He wound a finger in her red curls. “Just turn to the page of superlatives and copy it out.”

This was pillow talk. She loved pillow talk.

Maddie was about to respond with another joke. Despite his smile, he was watching her closely for her reactions. Fabian, vulnerable? Impossible. “You must have had lots of women. What does it matter what I think?”

He let the curl spring back. “Women come and go.” Now his eyes were intent and serious, his voice so soft she had to strain to hear. “You’re under my skin in a way I would never have imagined possible. I don’t want you to forget me, ever, no matter what happens.”

As if she could, in a million years, forget this moment and the way he made her feel. “I won’t.”

“I have obligations, work and family. But one day we will be together. Can you trust me on that? I love you, Maddie. Will you wait for me?”

She nodded, her throat full. “I-I love you too.”

His eyes darkened, and the strong planes and hollows of his face softened in the gathering dusk. He leaned forward and kissed her, long and lingeringly, full of tenderness.

He glanced at the bedside clock. “I have to go. My plane leaves in a couple of hours.”

“That soon.” Suddenly her calm self-control proved false as heat pricked the backs of her eyes. Maddie swiped at them with the heel of her hand. “I think I have something in my eye.”

“Maddie.” The vibration in his voice was heartrending. He brushed away the moisture with a touch as light as a feather. “I wish I didn’t have to leave.”

“But you do.” It was just the way things were. And she would accept it even though she hurt like hell.

“Unfortunately, yes.” He sat up and reached for his clothes. “I have a new assignment.”

“Assignment,” she repeated. “Are you—?”

He shook his head slightly to let her know he wouldn’t answer questions. Whether he was in the Secret Service or not was irrelevant; it was clear he was no ordinary man. Nor was their relationship, if she could call it that, ordinary. But he promised he’d be back. She would hang on to that.

He enclosed her in a fierce, wordless embrace. Then too soon, he released her and reached for his clothes. Maddie blinked furiously, praying her eyes would stay dry at least until he was gone.

They dressed in silence, almost in unison. Panties and boxers, blouse and shirt, trousers and skirt. Quietly domestic. Cuff links, glasses, wallet, watch.

He picked up her brush and brushed her hair, long strokes that crackled in the silence. “Are you going to stay a redhead?”

“I’m thinking about it.” She was smiling so hard her face hurt.

“I almost forgot.” Fabian reached into his breast pocket and pulled out a square white box.

“You didn’t need to buy me a present.”

“Open it.”

She lifted the lid. Pink diamond teardrop earrings sparkled up at her from a nest of black velvet. “They’re gorgeous.” Maddie tried to hand them back. “But I can’t accept them. They’re too valuable.”

“A genuine heroine deserves genuine diamonds.” Fabian closed her fingers around the box. “It will mean a lot to me to think of you wearing them.”

The tears she’d been holding back finally seeped out, wetting her cheeks. She hesitated, glanced at him. “They’re not—”

“From the Licciardo collection? No. Mother wouldn’t approve of me giving away her jewels.”

“Did you tell her about me?” Maddie asked shyly.


Something in the quality of his hesitation made her decide not to go there. Instead she turned to the mirror and put the earrings on, moving her head so they sparkled in the light.

Fabian slipped his hands around her waist and put his face next to hers, gazing at her in the glass. “I like you in your nerdy clothes. I like you in sexy dresses and high heels. But I think I like you best in pink diamonds.”

“Thank you. For everything.” She turned and went into his arms. He held her close, his breath warm on her neck, his hands splayed across her back.

Finally, he murmured, “I must go.”

Maddie’s heart faltered a beat then steadied. Of course he must. Here she was, clinging to him like a fool. Releasing him, she pushed him gently away. She still had her family, her work. She had friends she ought to spend more time with. She had Jinx. Heck, she had a stack of spy thrillers by her bed. Once upon a time that would have been plenty to look forward to.

“Goodbye then.” Thank goodness her voice was steady. Well, almost. She smiled, not wanting him to remember her crying.

He smiled, too, one side of his mouth tilting just a little higher than the other. His eyes held hers a moment longer. He took a step back. “Till next time.”

The door closed behind him, on the glint of a gold cuff link above a snowy cuff and an elegant hand.

And then his words registered.
Next time.

“Wait. What do you mean, ‘next time?’” Maddie hurried to her apartment door and fumbled it open, her eyes scanning the corridor. The elevator doors were closing. He was gone. For a moment she rose on her toes, poised to run. Then she sank back on her heels. No, she wasn’t going to chase after him. He said he’d be back, and he would.

She went back inside and curled up on the couch. Jinx, trilling her approval, leaped back through the open window and settled on her lap, purring. Maddie reached for her book and opened it to the bookmark. But the words danced in front of her eyes. Unable to focus, she gazed out the window to the bare branches of the elm. Buds were swelling and before many weeks passed they would burst into green.

Then she got it. He wasn’t talking about that nebulous time in the future when he was clear of obligations. He meant something much sooner.

Slowly, she smiled.

Till next time.

About the Author

Joan Kilby is the award-winning author of more than twenty romance novels. Before she became a writer, Joan did a master’s degree in marine biology and worked for many years as an environmental biologist. In mid-life she returned to her first love—writing—and never looked back.

Originally from Canada, Joan now lives in Melbourne, Australia, with her husband and three children. She loves to cook and grows her own herbs, fruit and vegetables. Other interests include hiking, yoga and travel. She once spent six months sailing the South Pacific on a fifty-five-foot sailboat built and skippered by her father. Joan belongs to Toastmasters International and is an accomplished speaker—teaching romance writing and giving talks to community organizations. When she’s not working on her latest book she can often be found in a sidewalk café, sipping a latte and indulging in her favorite occupation—people watching. For more information on Joan and her books go to


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ISBN: 978-1-4268-9337-7

Copyright © 2012 by Joan Kilby

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