Genteel Spirits (Daisy Gumm Majesty Books) (42 page)

BOOK: Genteel Spirits (Daisy Gumm Majesty Books)
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On Thursday and Friday of that week, I was happy—no. Elated—to stay home with my husband and father while Ma was at work
and Aunt Vi returned to the Pinkerton place to prepare for the homecoming of the happy couple.

The entire family
and Sam, too, went to the Pasanita Dog Obedience Training School’s last class on Saturday. That evening we were all going to dine with Monty Mountjoy—Monty had invited Sam as a thank-you for not arresting his grandmother—at the Hotel Castleton, and I was excited about
both the anticipated evening’s entertainment and
that day’s

Mrs. Hanratty had already explained to us that we were going to show off everything our dogs
were supposed to have
learned during the six weeks
class. I was almost certain that Spike would show up the competition, but you never knew how these things would turn out. Maybe he’d get nervous. Maybe
get nervous. Actually, the latter was more probable than the former, Spike being a most confident doggie, even if he was shorter than most of his fellow

There were about forty dogs all in all, and Mrs. Hanratty called out commands to us humans, which we then conveyed to our pets. We went one by one into the center ring, and darned if Spike didn’t perform to absolute perfection. I don’t think I’ve ever been as proud of anything
I was of Spike that day.
After our last event—s
it, stay, walk away, come, heel, sit;
which sounds more complicated than it was—Spike’s entire fan club
and even some of the other watchers
applauded, making both Spike and me very happy.

“That was perfect, Daisy,” Billy told me, looking happier than I’d seen him in months, if not years.

“How’d you get him to do all that stuff?” asked Sam. When I squinted at him, he appeared honestly
, so I acquitted him of being sarcastic.

“You just have to be firm,” I told him.

“And have some food handy,” added Pa.

“Yes,” said I. “That part is very important.” I glanced down at our happy dog. “I’m afraid we’re being slightly too generous with the food, though.” From my perspective, which was far above Spike
where I had a perfect view
his long body, I could tell he was developing a distinct paunch. Mrs. Hanratty had told me explicitly that dachshunds were greedy little hounds
that it was very important to keep their weight within reasonable limits, because their backs couldn’t support too much weight. The notion of losing Spike
worried me so much
, I decided then and there that he was going to go on a diet. How I’d convince the rest of the family to go along with my plans was a
matter I’d have to tackle later

None of the other dogs, in my admittedly biased opinion,
performed anywhere near
as well as Spike had done when their turns came. Little Tommy was
, and he made Hamlet nervous.
Tommy burst into tears when Hamlet loped for the comfort of his owner’s Model-T Ford during the heeling-without-a-leash process. Tommy’s father fetched Hamlet, and Mrs. Hanratty told Tommy that he’d done a wonderful job with such a huge dog as a great Dane, and Tommy felt better after that.

Fluffy led Mrs. Hinkledorn on a merry chase that ended with them both winded and none the wiser for having spent six weeks
and several dollars
at dog-obedience school. Mrs. Hanratty only shook her head sadly as the pair, Mrs. Hinkledorn carrying Fluffy, left the ring in disgrace.

After the last dog and master were finished, Mrs. Hanratty
prepared to hand us our
certificates of completion.

“I’m going to give these out in the order in which the dogs and their owners placed in the class. In other words, the first certificate goes to the teacher’s pet.” She laughed one of her honking laughs, and everyone else laughed with her.

All of us Gumms and Majestys—and the one Rotondo—braced ourselves. Here it came. Glory or infamy. Which was it to be?

Oh, very well, that’s a little dramatic. I’d been practically living with Lola de la Monica for weeks by that time. I think I des
erved the benefit of the doubt under

“In first place,” Mrs. Hanratty went on as my heart thundered in my chest, “I want to present this certificate to a person and a dog who
have both
worked very hard and who
profited greatly
from their diligence
. It is my pleasure to present the first certificate to Mrs. Majesty and Spike!”

I darned near screamed, “We won!” but I didn’t. Not quite, anyway. I was grinning from ear to ear, though, when Spike and I walked up to Mrs. Hanratty to receive our certificate. We had worked darned hard for it, and it was nice to be appreciated.

The whole family, and Sam too, were applauding like crazy people when Spike and
rejoined them.

“That’s my girl,” said Pa with honest pride.

“All that time and effort were worth it in the end,” said Ma.

“Well done,” said Vi. “I don’t know why a body can train a dog the way you’ve done and not be able to follow a recipe.”

I didn’t know, either.

“Good job,” said Sam. I think he meant it.

“You’re the best, Daisy,” said Billy. He patted his knee and Spike jumped into his lap. “And so are you, Spike.”

Spike licked his chin.

On the way home, I became a little melancholy, knowing I’d never again be able to take Spike to classes at Brookside Park again. Silly of me, but there you go.

There was nothing, however, to prevent me from driving Billy and Spike to Brookside Park on a Saturday morning and taking a good long walk. That thought perked me up again.



Chapter Twenty-Three


It had been decided among us that we would need two automobiles to transport all of us to the Hotel Castleton that evening, so Sam came to our house early. He looked quite respectable in a dark suit and tie. I’d sewn evening duds for the entire family a couple of years earlier—I loved to sew not merely for myself, but for everyone—so we were all more than presentable.

Ma wore the ankle-length black gown I’d made for her out of the same black silk I’d used for the gown I’d worn to last week’s séance. It was plain, that being one of Ma’s specifications, had long sleeves, another of Ma’s choices, and tied just below the waist with a black sash. Ma thought the sash too dashing, but I told her it wasn’t. She didn’t argue, since I was the acknowledged fashion leader in our household.

I’d made Aunt Vi’s gown out of a pretty lavender satin I’d found on sale at Maxime’s. Her dress was a trifle fuller than Ma’s, Vi being a little plump. Plumpness was a hazard of cooking so well, I guess, and she definitely wasn’t
fat. Only a little plump. Anyhow
, her gown was also straight, but I’d managed to disguise her slightly pudgy form by sewing it in layers. The result was beautiful, especially with the embroidery and the beading around the neck and three-quarter sleeves, if I do say so myself.

As for me, I wore a sleeveless blue satin dress with a scooped neckline. My gown
ended at
had a
tiered skirt with a matching blue corsage pinned at one side of the low waist. I’d made the corsage myself, needless to say, with bits and pieces I kept from my endless sewing sessions. What’s more, it was perfectly gorgeous. I had a light blue shawl to drape over my shoulders, although the June evening was warm.

Billy and Pa looked elegant in their black evening jackets, trousers and
ties I’d made for them.

“I feel like an undertaker,” said Billy to Sam at one point.

“You look great,” I said to him, feeling a trifle miffy, since I’d provided the garb for the entire family, and we
looked great.

Sam only laughed as he wheeled Billy’s foldable chair out to the Chevrolet. Ma and Aunt Vi were going to ride with Billy and Me, and Pa aimed to ride with Sam.
Sam appeared neat and sober in his own black suit. My heart twanged a bit when it occurred to me he’d probably bought it to wear at his late wife’s funeral.

The parking lot at the Hotel Castleton was crowded, but Monty had instructed Sam and me to drive right up to the entrance, under the canopy that had been draped from the marble columns of the vast hotel. I was a little nervous, but Monty had thought of everything. As soon as I’d
the Chevrolet
to a stop
, a young man in the hotel’s livery stepped up to the door and said, “Majesty?”

I blinked at him and said, “Um, yes.”

“Very good,” said he. “Mr. Mountjoy is awaiting you on the Palm Terrace.”

Whatever the Palm Terrace was. Nevertheless, I exited the motor while other liveried young men opened doors and escorted Ma and Aunt Vi from the auto. It soon became clear to all of us that Monty had done his homework, because before I could think to ask for help with Billy’s folding
bath chair
, yet another liveried gent rolled the chair right up to the passenger’s door and helped Billy into it.
It occurred to me that money might not be everything, but it could sure buy a lot of help, and Monty was a sweetheart to be spending so much of his on us.

Sam’s Hudson had
right behind our Chevrolet, and the same gang of liveried . . . footmen, I guess I should call them, although I don’t think we have footmen in the United States . . . assisted Sam and Pa from the Hudson. Pa, who used to be a chauffeur for rich folks
was accustomed to stuff like this, but it appeared to me as if Sam could have done without all the attention.

And then, darned if Monty Mountjoy himself
bound out of the hotel’s front doorway and hurry up to our group. “Daisy! It’s so good to see you again!”

“Thank you, Monty. This is very special for my family and me.”

He kissed my hand, believe it or not. Better that than my cheek or anything, or Billy might have been unhappy. “Believe me, you deserve more than this for helping out so much in the past weeks.” He glanced at Billy. “And this must be your husband.”

Before I could answer him, Monty stepped up to Billy and held out his hand. “
This is a singular pleasure for me
, Mr. Majesty. I only regret that you had to suffer for the sins of those monsters who wanted to enslave the world. It’s an honor to meet you.”

Billy’s mouth fell open. He hadn’t expected this gracious reception from a man who made his living via his pretty face. So to speak. After hesitating for a second, with his hand being firmly shaken by Monty, he said, “Pleased to meet you, too.”

I made the rest of the introductions, recalling my lessons in manners by introducing Ma and Aunt Vi before I introduced Pa. I thought it was swell of Monty to
greet Billy the way he had
, even though I suppose he should have waited for the lad
ies to be introduced first. But
darn it, Billy deserved all the thanks and appreciation he could get. All of our soldiers did.

After introductions
had concluded
, Monty led us into the hotel. Boy, what a place! Talk about elegance, the entire hotel reeked of it. Monty had a way with people, and chatted with us all as he guided us to the Palm Terrace.

“I’ve decided to take it for the evening so that our party can be private,” he said. “Things can get . . . ticklish sometimes when people recognize me.” He grimaced. “I like the money that comes with my job, but I could do without the recognition. Can’t go anywhere anymore
without people recognizing me

Billy and I exchanged a glance, and I’m pretty sure we were thinking along the same lines. I wouldn’t mind a little recognition if it paid as well as Monty’s. Mind you, I’m sure it got old to be swarmed by fans all the time, but it was clear to me by that time that Monty could well afford to pay for his privacy.

Anyhow, the evening was a grand success. No booze, since we were in a classy hotel, but that was all right with me. I knew, because I saw him, that Billy had secreted a flask on his person that I’m sure contained morphine syrup. He needed the stuff, and there wasn’t a darned thing I could do about it.
Twice during the evening, he took
sips out of that cursed flask.

I was pleased to see Mrs. Hanratty again, and reiterated how much I’d enjoy
her classes. I was less pleased to see Lola, but she’d evidently been instructed to behave herself, because she did. In fact, she went out of her way to be gracious to Billy, who was a little put off by her constant hovering.
Harold was there, too, which was slightly off-putting for Billy, too. But I figured that was his problem. I thoroughly enjoyed myself, and so did the rest of my family.

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