| Summer Cruising in the South Seas, 68, 69, 74-75;
| "Swallow Flights," 54, 55, 57, 85;
| "Taboo," 51, 59;
| "Thought-Book," 24, 25;
| "To George Sterling," 159;
| "To Lucifer, Star of the Morning," 90 ;
| Trip to Hawaii, A, 100;
| Troubled
| Heart, A, xxxiii, 103-6, 111, 119, 139;
| "Unrest," 34;
| Wonder Worker of Padua, The, 139
| Stoddard, Doctor (grandfather), 3, 4, 13-14
| Stoddard, Fred (brother), 4, 87, 102-3, 155, 165