Genius (43 page)

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Authors: James Gleick

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With waves, however, the result is very different, because of
. If the slits were opened one at a time, the pattern would resemble the pattern for bullets: two distinct peaks. But when the slits are open at the same time, the waves pass through both slits at once and interfere with each other: where they are in phase they reinforce each other; where they are out of phase they cancel each other out.

Now the quantum paradox: Particles, like bullets, strike the target one at a time. Yet, like waves, they create an interference pattern. If each particle passes individually through one slit, with what does it “interfere”? Although each electron arrives at the target at a single place and a single time, it seems that each has passed through—or somehow felt the presence of—both slits at once.

The Physical Review
had printed nothing by Feynman since his undergraduate thesis almost a decade before. To his dismay, the editors now rejected this paper. Bethe helped him rewrite it, showing him how to spell out for the reader what was old and what was new, and he tried the more retrospective journal
of Modern Physics
, where finally it appeared the next spring under the title “Space-Time Approach to Non-Relativistic Quantum Mechanics.” He plainly admitted that his reformulation of quantum mechanics contained nothing new in the way of results, and he stated even more plainly where he thought the merit lay: “There is a pleasure in recognizing old things from a new point of view. Also, there are problems for which the new point of view offers a distinct advantage.” (For example, when two particles interacted, it became possible to avoid the laborious bookkeeping of two different coordinate systems.) His readers—and at first they were few—found no fancy mathematics, just this shift of vision, a bit of physical intuition laid atop a foundation of clean, classical mechanics.

Few immediately recognized the power of Feynman’s vision. One who did was the Polish mathematician Mark Kac, who heard Feynman describe his path integrals at Cornell and immediately recognized a kinship with a problem in probability theory. He had been trying to extend the work of Norbert Wiener on Brownian motion, the herky-jerky random motion in the diffusion processes that so dominated Feynman’s theoretical work at Los Alamos. Wiener, too, had created integrals that summed many possible paths a particle could take, but with a crucial difference in the handling of time. Within days of Feynman’s talk, Kac had created a new formula, the Feynman-Kac Formula, that became one of the most ubiquitous of mathematical tools, linking the applications of probability and quantum mechanics. He later felt that he was better known as the K in F-K than for anything else in his career.

Even to physicists well accustomed to theoretical constructions with awkward philosophical implications, Feynman’s summings of paths—path integrals—seemed bizarre. They conjured a universe where no potential goes uncounted; where nothing is latent, everything alive; where every possibility makes itself felt in the outcome. He had expressed his conception to Dyson:

The electron does anything it likes. It just goes in any direction at any speed, forward or backward in time, however it likes, and then you add up the amplitudes and it gives you the wave function.

Dyson gleefully retorted that he was crazy. Still, Feynman had caught the intuitive essence of the two-slit experiment, where an electron seems aware of every possibility.

Feynman’s path-integral view of nature, his vision of a “sum over histories,” was also the principle of least action, the principle of least time, reborn. Feynman felt that he had uncovered the deep laws that gave rise to the centuries-old principles of mechanics and optics discovered by Christiaan Huygens, Pierre de Fermat, and Joseph-Louis Lagrange. How does a thrown ball know to find the particular arc whose path minimizes action? How does a ray of light know to find the path that minimizes time? Feynman answered these questions with images that served not only for the novel mysteries of quantum mechanics but for the treacherously innocent exercises posed for any beginning physics student. Light seems to angle neatly as it passes from air to water. It seems to bounce like a billiard ball off the surface of a mirror. It seems to travel in straight lines. These paths—the paths of least time—are special because they tend to be where the contributions of nearby paths are most closely in phase and most reinforce one another. Far from the path of least time—at the distant edge of a mirror, for example—paths tend to cancel one another out. Yet light does take every possible path, Feynman showed. The seemingly irrelevant paths are always lurking in the background, making their contributions, ready to make their presence felt in such phenomena as mirages and diffraction gratings.

Optics students learned alternative explanations for such phenomena in terms of waves like those undulating through water and air. Feynman was—with finality—eliminating the wave viewpoint altogether. Waviness was built into the phases carried by amplitudes, like little clocks. Once, with Wheeler, he had dreamed of eliminating the field itself. That idea had proved fanciful. The field had lodged itself deeply in the consciousness of physicists. It was indispensable and it was multiplying—a new particle, such as the meson, meant a new field, like a new plastic overlay, of which the particle was a quantized manifestation. Still, Feynman’s theory retained the mark of its original scaffolding, though the scaffolding was long discarded. The actors were, more clearly than ever, particles. That became an attractive feature for physicists seeking help in visualization, in an experimental world dominated more and more by the cloud trails, the nomenclature, the behaviorism of particles.

Schwinger’s Glory

Feynman’s path integrals belonged to a loose kit of ideas and methods, a private physics that he had assembled but not organized. Much relied on guesswork or, as he said, “semi-empirical shenanigans.” It was all hodgepodge and purpose-driven, and he could barely communicate it, let alone prove it, even to his most sympathetic listeners, Bethe and Dyson. In the fall of 1947 he attended a formal lecture by Bethe on his approach to the Lamb shift. When Bethe concluded by stressing the need for a more reliable way of making the theory finite, a way that would observe the requirements of relativity, Feynman realized that he could compute the necessary correction. He promised Bethe an answer by the next morning.

By morning he realized that he did not know enough about Bethe’s calculation of the electron’s self-energy to translate his correction into the normal language of physics. They stood together at the blackboard for a while, Bethe explaining his calculation, Feynman trying to translate his technique, and the best answer they could reach diverged not modestly, like Bethe’s, but horrendously. Feynman, thinking about the problem physically, was sure it should not diverge at all.

In the days that followed, he taught himself about self-energy all over again. When he reexpressed his equations in terms of the observed, “dressed” mass of the electron instead of the theoretical, “bare” mass, the correction came out just as he had thought, converging to a finite answer. Meanwhile, glowing news of Schwinger’s progress was reaching Ithaca from Cambridge via Weisskopf and Bethe. When Feynman heard late in the fall that Schwinger had worked out a calculation for the magnetic moment of the electron—another tiny experimental anomaly newly found in Rabi’s laboratory—he solved the problem, too. Schwinger’s elaborate piece of calculating gave leading physicists a conviction that theory was once again on the march. “God is great!” Rabi wrote Bethe with characteristic wryness, and Bethe replied: “It is certainly wonderful how these experiments of yours have given a completely new slant to a theory and how the theory has blossomed out in a relatively short time. It is as exciting as in the early days of quantum mechanics.”

Feynman felt increasingly competitive about Schwinger, and increasingly frustrated. He had his quantum electrodynamics, he believed, and what he now thought of as “the Schwinger-Weisskopf-Bethe camp” had another. In January the American Physical Society met in New York, and Schwinger was the star. His program was not complete, but he had integrated the new idea of renormalization into the standard quantum mechanics in a way that let him demonstrate a series of impressive derivations. He showed how the anomalous magnetic moment, like the Lamb shift, came from the electron’s interaction with its own field. His lecture drew a crowd that packed the hall. Too many physicists were forced to stand out in the corridors to hear the bursts of applause (and the embarrassed laughter that came when Schwinger finally said, “It is quite clear that …”). Hasty arrangements were made for Schwinger to repeat the lecture later the same day in Columbia’s McMillin Theater. Dyson attended. Oppenheimer smoked his pipe conspicuously in the front row. Feynman rose during the question period to say that he, too, had reached these results and that, in fact, he could offer a small correction. Immediately he regretted it. He thought he must have sounded like a little boy piping up with “I did it too, Daddy.” Few people that winter realized the depths of the rivalry he felt, but he made a bitter remark to a girlfriend, who understood the drift of his disappointment if not the exact circumstances.

“I’m so sorry that your long worked-on experiment was more or less stolen by someone else,” she wrote back. “I know it just makes you feel sick. But Dick dear, how could life or things be interesting if there was not competition?” She wondered, why couldn’t he and his competitor combine their ideas and work together?

Schwinger and Feynman were not alone in trying to produce the calculations—the explanation—required by the immediate experiments on the Lamb shift and the electron’s magnetic moment. Other theorists followed the lead provided by Bethe’s back-of-the-envelope approach. They saw no need to create a monumental new quantum electrodynamics, when they might generate the right numbers merely by patching the technique of renormalization onto the existing physics. Independently, two pairs of scientists succeeded in this, producing solutions that went beyond Bethe’s in that they took into account the way masses fattened at relativistic speeds. Before publishing, one team, Weisskopf and a graduate student, Bruce French, committed a fatal act of indecision by consulting both Schwinger and Feynman. Engrossed in their more ambitious programs, Schwinger and Feynman each warned Weisskopf off, saying that he was in error by a small factor. Weisskopf decided it was inconceivable that these brilliant upstarts could both be wrong, independently, and delayed his manuscript. Months passed before Feynman called apologetically to say that Weisskopf’s answer had been correct.

For Feynman’s own developing theory, a breakthrough came when he confronted the ticklish area of antimatter. The first antiparticle, the negative electron, or positron, had been born less than two decades earlier as a minus sign in Dirac’s equations—a consequence of a symmetry between positive and negative energy. Dirac had been forced to conceive of holes in a sea of energy, noting in 1931 that “a hole, if there were one, would be a new kind of particle, unknown to experimental physics.” Unknown for the next few months—then Carl Anderson, at Caltech, found the trail of one in a cloud chamber built to detect cosmic rays. It looked like an electron, but it swerved up through a magnetic field when it should have swerved down.

The vivid photographs, along with the lively name coined by a journal editor against Anderson’s will, gave the positron a legitimacy that theorists found hard to ignore. The collision of an electron with its antimatter cousin released energy in the form of gamma rays. Alternatively, in Dirac’s picture of the vacuum as a lively sea populated by occasional holes, or bubbles, one could say that the electron fell into a hole and filled it, so that both the hole and the electron would disappear. As experimentalists continued to study their cosmic-ray photographs, they also found the reverse process: a gamma ray, nothing more than a high-frequency particle of light, could spontaneously produce a pair of particles, one electron and one positron.

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