Generational Sins (14 page)

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Authors: Samantha Blair

BOOK: Generational Sins
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I took a deep breath and looked up at David.

"He looked right at me and told me very clearly that I was not a freak. He told me that I was beautiful and sexy, and he said that he wanted to prove it to me. He was eight years older than me so I was a little intimidated, but something in his voice made me want to understand what he was talking about. He invited me to a campfire party that they were having out at the ranch that night, and I went. The rest is kinda’ history. He was my Dom until I left for school, and then we called it quits. He collared another sub and now I have you."

David looked at me for a minute processing everything I had told him.

"Was he only your Dom or did you have an emotional relationship with him as well?"

"It was purely physical. He made it very clear to me from the start, that our relationship would be one of teacher and student. He showed me what my body needed, and I gave him physical pleasure. We never kissed and we very rarely talked unless we were discussing a session."

"You say he collared another sub. Did he collar you?"

"No, we realized that our arrangement had a time limit. He trained me, but I did not belong to him in the way that I wish to belong to you."

David's lips curved up into a smile. "Thank you for explaining that to me, Kat."

"You're welcome." I glanced at my watch. I needed to get going, I had another class soon and I needed to get back to my dorm to get my books.

"One more thing before you go," he said.


"I have an assignment for you." A playful smile crossed his lips, and I knew that I was in trouble.

"Am I to understand that you are giving me this assignment as my Dom?" I asked.

"Yes, Katlyn."

He called me Katlyn. I was instantly aroused. Cody's voice echoed in my head, different from David's but using my full name in the same context. My body understood the connection. Fuck. me. now.

I swallowed hard and lowered my eyes to the table. "How may I please you, Sir?"

"You recall the oral assignment we reviewed today in class, yes?" I nodded. "The presentations are due Friday, before we leave for the weekend."

He was correct. That was the Monday, Wednesday, Friday morning class that we shared. I hated oral presentations. He knew that. This could be difficult.

"The minimum required length of the presentation is five minutes. If I know you as well as I think I do, your presentation will be as close to five minutes as you can possibly manage."

He was right. I would say as little as I could and sit my ass back down.

"I want you to speak for seven minutes. The maximum length is eight, and I do not want you to go over, but I want you to use a full seven minutes. We both know that you have plenty to say, you simply choose not to remain in the spotlight any longer than you have to. You will endure the discomfort of public speaking for me."

I looked at the table. He made it sound so damn simple, but I really freaking hated being in front of a class.

"If you succeed," he continued. He leaned closer to me across the table and lowered his voice. "It will please me, and I will lick your pretty little cunt until you come all over my face."

I could feel the increase in my heart rate. God, the things he could do to me with just his voice.

"If you fail, you will scrub my mother's kitchen floor, naked, on your hands and knees."

He looked at me, his eyes stating a challenge. I thought about how it might feel to have his tongue on me. Was it worth an extra two minutes in front of a crowd to know what it was like? I was sure it was.

His punishment was creative. I had to give him that. To be honest though, it wasn't much of a punishment. That kitchen floor was incredibly clean anyway, so it was really a question of being naked and soapy on the floor under David's gaze. It was really quite erotic, and could be quite pleasurable if he wanted it to be.

I knew what he was trying to accomplish. I never scored as well on my verbal work as I did on my written work because my professors thought I should be able to do better, longer presentations. I took the lower grades without complaint because I still did fairly well, and I really didn't like verbal work.

David wanted to improve my score. This also meant that he probably wanted to lick my pussy, and he probably wanted to watch me wash the floor naked. This would work out well for him no matter what. I tried to keep my expression neutral, but I was sure I failed. I wanted to grin from ear to ear.

He was going to make an excellent Dom.

Chapter 19


We spent the rest of the weekend and the whole next week tiptoeing around each other. No one wanted to be the first to mention the elephant in the room. Its name was Richard, and it was one hell of an elephant.

David was adorably sweet to me, cooking meals, making my favorites, touching me gently, kissing me, and speaking words of affirmation and endearment in hushed tones. It was great, but it was painfully obvious that it was a result of our encounter with David's parents. He suddenly believed that I was made of glass, and he was handling me with extreme care.

I let it go for a week because I knew that he was not yet on stable ground. We didn't usually play in the middle of the week anyway because we were busy with work and school. Friday and Saturday, our usual days to vet our D/s relationship, came and went, but David never approached me as my Dom. When Sunday evening rolled around, I couldn't take it any more. I would not let that terrible man ruin my marriage, or my sex life. I wanted my husband back, and I wanted my Dom to come with him.

With the exception of the ten wimpy strokes he had given me last Friday, David hadn't spanked me in weeks. I was going positively mad. He was a fucking fabulous Dominant and he was allowing himself to atrophy because he was afraid of becoming his father. He was denying so many good things about himself because of his fear. Talk about throwing the baby out with the bath water.

I was going to have to do something. I just wasn't sure what.

I needed something that would flare his temper. Not enough to really piss him off, but something that was blatantly obvious. There were only a handful of things I could think of that really bugged him. He didn't like it when I interfered with his homework. He positively hated it when he thought I was being too flirtatious with another man. He couldn't stand to be called Dave. None of those things really seemed like good ideas right now though.

I paced around the house and considered my options. I stopped abruptly at the front door when I saw my answer lying on the welcome mat. I had a terrible habit of leaving my shoes all over the house, and it bugged the crap out of him. He was constantly complaining about tripping over them. I had gotten better about it because I knew it irritated him, but it was just what I needed right now.

He was in the living room watching the tail end of the Patriots game. There were a couple of minutes left - just enough time. I ran into the bedroom and pulled as many pairs of shoes out of the closet as I could find.

I really didn't have very many, at least not compared to some women, but it was enough for what I needed. I started by the door to the playroom and placed a shoe every four or five feet down the hallway. David was facing away from me, watching the game, so I crept as stealthily along behind him as I could. Knowing my clumsiness, I was sure to knock something over and ruin all of my efforts. I ended the shoe trail right beside the couch. There was no way he could miss this hint.

I made my way back up my shoe path to the bedrooms. I dropped my clothes in our room and pulled my hair up quickly into a messy ponytail. I put on a pair of fishnet thigh-high stockings and stepped into the only pair of shoes that I had not placed on the floor. They were my highest heels, a strappy pair that I had worn for New Years Eve last year. They drove David positively wild, or at least they had in the past.

I made my way into the playroom just as the game was ending. I put my hands above my head on the silver bar that we had mounted on one wall and waited. David would sometimes strap me to this bar to flog me standing up. He could do it this way or make me move. Either way, I couldn't send a clearer picture of what I wanted. I wanted him to punish me. Hard.

A moment later the tv shut off and the house was quiet. A moment after that, David swore. I felt a little guilty. I hadn't actually meant for him to hurt himself on my shoes. I hoped whichever one he tripped over was not a sharp heel.

"Kat?" I heard from down the hall. He had clearly found my breadcrumbs.

The house was quiet for a moment and then his beautiful laugh rang out. I didn't turn to look, but I knew he was standing in the doorway to the playroom laughing. I hadn't heard him laugh quiet so hard in a long time and it was absolutely infectious. I gave in and laughed with him as I turned to face him.

His laughter wasn't exactly the reaction that I had hoped for, but at least it was a reaction. He had to acknowledge now that we were missing something from our relationship. When his laughter finally subsided he looked up at me gasping and brushing the tears from his eyes.

"Oh God, Kat," he said, still clutching his stomach from his fit. His eyes raked over my body, naked except for the shoes and stockings. "Fuck, sweetheart. You couldn't have just asked me to spank you?"

I blushed and shrugged my shoulders. I hadn't really thought of that.

"Come here." I crossed the room to him. He pulled me out into the hall and kissed me gently on the lips.

"Oh, Kat, what am I to do with you?" he teased.

Tears stung my eyes. I felt a combination of embarrassment, fear, and relief. I didn't quite know how to process it all.

"I miss you," I said. "I need my husband and my Dominant. Please don't let him do this to us. Don't reject me." I clung to his soft cotton shirt and hid my face in his neck. I was so afraid that I was losing him, losing everything we'd built together.

"I know, baby," he whispered into my hair. "I'm here. I'll always be here. No one is going to take you away from me. I wasn't rejecting you. I just wanted to give you time before I placed unnecessary expectations on you. I can see how that was a mistake. You need a hard session don't you?"

I nodded my head and clung to him. His words brought such relief to me mentally, but physically I was a ball of nerves. I didn't know what to do, how to behave. I was horny and frustrated, and I was depending on him to lead me.

He held me for a moment longer and then nodded his head. He took another deep breath before he straightened his posture, physically putting on the form of my Dom. His muscles flexed around me, both his body and his demeanor hardening.

He stepped back from me.

"Go into the playroom," he commanded. "I want you in your pose on the floor when I come back." He lowered his eyes to my body and smirked. "Keep the stockings and the shoes."

He went into our bedroom and shut the door, leaving me slouching against the wall for support. I stood on wobbly legs and went into the playroom.

I knelt on the floor, my hands behind my back, my head bowed. After what seemed like an eternity, David came into the playroom. I couldn't see him, but he moved around the room rearranging things, opening drawers, and dragging furniture. I had caught him off guard with all of this, so he was probably still deciding what to do.

I'd had a few minutes to think, and now I was ashamed for my behavior. It really was childish of me to throw shoes all over the place when I should have just been open with him. He was my Dom. He had met my needs hundreds of times without my breathing a single word. How much more then would he be able to meet my needs if I did ask? I was wrong. I should have trusted him to do what was best for me instead of trying to trick him into behaving in the way I wanted. He might punish me for the shoes, but it was really my lack of faith that deserved punishing.

My legs were beginning to ache from my position on the floor, but I didn't dare move. Eventually his bare feet came into view on the patch of floor before me. He pulled my hair sharply forcing my head back.

"Wrists," he said.

I held my wrists out for him, and he bound them together. He had changed into a pair of black leather pants that fit him like a second skin, and a black t-shirt. His erection was clearly defined and the sight of it made me instantly wet. So fucking hot.

"See something you like, Katlyn?" he asked. It was not a rhetorical question.

"Yes, Sir," I answered.

He let go of my bound hands, and they fell limp in front of me.

He unbuttoned his pants and took his cock in his fist. It was directly at my eye level.

"Is this what you want, slut?" He smacked my cheek with his cock.

"Yes, Sir," I answered again.

"Open," he ordered.

I opened my mouth, and he filled it with his hard length. I moaned around him as he pulled on my ponytail and began to fuck me. I sucked and licked as much as I could while he used me. I wanted to pleasure him. I wanted to say that I was sorry with my mouth, but not with words.

I tried to relax and breathe through my nose. I could taste him as he drew closer to completion. He held me steady and thrust his hips forward again and again.

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