Gemini (2 page)

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Authors: Chris Owen

Tags: #erotic MM, #Romance MM

BOOK: Gemini
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by Chris Owen

"Christ, you're a surprise," I gasp as he sweeps his fingers over me, pulling hard and fast.

He grins and then swears as I do the same to him.

"You got anything?" I ask. "Not gonna last long." I really want to fuck, my hips are pushing, his are slamming against me, and I just want the real thing.

He shakes his head and thrusts into my fist. "No—I don't, I didn't usually do—oh God, I'm gonna come—"

I kiss him hard, thinking that it doesn't matter if we have anything, 'cause there's no way we can stop and we're just gonna have to settle for a quick hand job in an alley, fuck later, and then he shudders in my arms and shoots his load over my hand. I feel it hit my cock and that's it. I fucking cry out something, I don't know what, and then I shoot, too, all over us both.

We stand there panting for a bit and then try to clean up as best we can. I look at him, worried about what he's gonna think. He pretty much said that he hadn't planned on a quickie and I sure as hell hadn't, but I like him and don't want him running away.

It seems to be okay though, because he grins at me and kisses me, quick and hard, completely jazzed. "Fuck, that needs a follow-up."

I grin back and we start walking, not really caring where.

I keep looking at him. He's happy and relaxed and just

'Paul after being almost fucked'. I like it.

"So, how do you like your nipple rings?" I ask, more for something to say than anything else.



by Chris Owen

"Like 'em a lot. Got them as a surprise for a guy." He looks at me, his eyes suddenly weird. Sort of searching, sort of hopeful, sort of scared.

"He didn't like them?" Stupid idiot, not liking Paul with pierced nipples. His loss, my gain.

"He likes them fine," he says, his voice real quiet and hesitant.

I stop walking. "What the fuck? You're with someone and you do that with me?" Yeah, from happy and horny me to pissed off me in two seconds. You better fucking believe it.

"I'll be with him forever," Paul says and moves in front of me, staring into my eyes, trying to tell me something I don't get. "His name's Jamie. He's my twin."

I try to say 'What the fuck?' again, but what comes out is

"I beg your pardon?"

Paul's staring at me, and I can't read his eyes. He's telling me that he and his brother ... well, Goddamn. He's not saying anything, just looking at me with those green eyes, and I think I'm seeing hope.

"You and your twin ... you—?" I don't know what else to say. He nods at me, still staring, watching my face. "That's just so not what I was expecting." And whoa, is it hot, part of my brain yells out. I tell it to shut up.

I walk away a bit and he's right beside me, not saying anything.

"Paul, I don't know if I can do that," I finally say, looking at my feet. "I mean be with you and have you be with him, too." I look at him and he's shaking his head.



by Chris Owen

"It's not like that, it's—fuck, I knew I should have listened to him. Jamie said not to tell you until later, but if this is gonna work right you gotta know now."

"He knows you're out with me and he's okay with that?"

I'm not sure why that's the surprising part, but to me it is.

Paul stops walking and we're standing there on the sidewalk, facing each other. Like we're having a normal conversation instead of talking about him and his twin, and oh Christ, what is wrong with me that the very thought of it is making me hard again?

"We—we had a lover, for a long time. Three can work well, it's just a matter of finding the right three, and—"

I interrupt him. "Yeah, I get that, three doesn't bother me." And it doesn't. Really. Three can work fine, I've seen it.

"I'm not too sure about the twin thing though. I mean fuck, that's just too fucking much to think about." That part of my brain I told to shut up? It's sing-songing 'too fucking hot' at me. Stupid brain.

He nods and we start walking. "He wants to meet you."

"What?" Okay, now I'm just floundering, completely out of my depth.

"I haven't shut up about you for three weeks, and Jamie says that if you're that hot and if things go okay tonight, he'd like to meet you." He's really matter of fact about it, which I think is good. Someone has to be normal about the sheer abnormality of this, and I'm thinking it's not me.

So we walk. And I think. And I'm all confused. This is just so ... not what I was expecting. Easy to walk away now.

Would have been easier before tonight, before we talked and 12


by Chris Owen

got all twisted in the alley. And I can't get this picture out of my head, him and someone who looks like just like him, going at it. Fuck.

"Identical?" I want to stab out my eye. Why does my mouth do that?

Paul smiles, kind of dreamy. "Yeah. His hair is longer though, and real soft."

So I sigh and say, "Yeah, okay. Not promising anything, but what the fuck."

He grins at me and suddenly I think that this is going to be a very long night.



by Chris Owen

Chapter Two

We get to this building, one of those ones that look like utter shit outside but is full of reclaimed space. Up the elevator and into a fucking palace. High ceilings, lots of windows, and just space.

"Wow. Who all lives here? It's huge," I say, wandering around this big room full of overstuffed furniture and low tables.

"Just me and Jamie. We inherited it when our parents died."

I glance at him and he's smiling at me, watching me move through the room. "Want a drink? Kitchen's that way."

I follow him to the kitchen and sit down while he pulls a couple of beers out of the fridge. He hands one to me and leans back against the fridge, just smiling a little.

I don't have a fucking clue what to say.

"Jamie's out. Playing ball, I think. But he should be back any time."

I nod and just watch him. I still feel completely out of my depth, but he's just Paul, looking nervous and shy, which is just strange at this point. He's fucking got my come on his shirt and I look down at myself, see the stains on my own clothes. I glance up and he's grinning, and it really is kinda funny so I smile back.

"You two do this a lot?" I ask, 'cause I gotta know. In my head I'm adding up twins and guys and viruses and it's not looking so good.



by Chris Owen

"Do what?" He looks confused, and I guess he doesn't have a clue what I'm on about.

"Bring home other guys to play with." Man, that sounds bad just laid out like that, but it is what it is, and I'm not going to play stupid.

His face clears. "No. We don't. Like I said, there was someone but he left about a year ago. He was with us for three years, and before him there wasn't anybody. Not even Jamie." He's looking at me real serious, like he really wants me to understand. "The three of us sort of happened, and it worked. Then he left, and it was just us."

I raise a brow. "Why me? Why now?"

Paul shifts and looks down, and I can see an honest to fucking God blush creep up his face. "Wanted you," he mumbles.

I was gonna say something, but then the front door opens and closes out in the other room and a voice calls out, "Paul?

You home?"

"Kitchen!" Paul calls back, not moving.

This guy walks in, looking just like Paul except his hair is long, longer than mine even, and pulled back in a ponytail.

He's wearing a t-shirt and cut off sweatpants.

Oh fuck, I am so done.

He stops when he sees me and looks at Paul, one eyebrow up. Paul nods and Jamie turns to me and smiles. Same fucking sweet shy smile Paul has, but a bit more ... vibrant, maybe. "Hey. I'm Jamie."

I smile back and say, "Gent."



by Chris Owen

Jamie moves through the kitchen, heading to the cupboards just past the refrigerator. "You guys shoot some pool tonight?"

I say, "Yeah. Tied out at one game apiece."

He grins and reaches up for a glass and brushes past Paul.

If I wasn't watching for it, didn't know that they were fucking, I would have missed it. But I saw. Saw him flick a finger over Paul's nipple ring, saw Paul suck in air, saw Jamie shift and smile at him. Then it was over and they were apart.

"Have a good time, Paul?" he asks, getting some water from the sink.

Paul looks at me and says, "Yeah. Real good."

Jamie steps away from the sink and takes a good look at his twin and I can see his eyes widen at the stains. Then he smirks at him and grins at me. "Yeah, I guess you did. I'll leave you to it then." He starts to leave the kitchen.

"I told him." Paul's voice is soft, just above a whisper, but Jamie freezes and I see the muscles in his back working.

He turns around and looks at me, really looks. He smiles then, more cautiously than before, and says, "Well, you're here. That says something anyway." He comes over and sits down at the table and looks at me expectantly. Studying me.

I have no fucking idea what I'm supposed to do.

Jamie looks at Paul. "Like him?" he asks frankly.

Paul nods and gives me that shy smile again. "Yeah."

Jamie just settles back and looks at him. I think I've been dismissed.

"Talk to me, Paul."



by Chris Owen

So Paul talks. It's really weird, sitting there while Paul pretty much relays an hour and half of conversation in a few minutes. Tells Jamie what movies I like, what books I like to read, how long I've been inking. Tells him we all share a birthday, and that makes Jamie grin at me. Paul's saying stuff about me that I didn't even think I'd let out, like how I wanted to be an artist but my dad discouraged it, and how I'd thought art school wasn't for me 'cause I didn't really care about art history, but that I'd gone anyway and found out I was more into the academic side of it than I'd thought, although learning to copy someone else's technique seemed silly to me, and a bunch of other stuff. That I'm serious and intense, but funny, too, which is a bit of a surprise to me—I'm not funny. He says that I look him in the eye when he talks, but I say more with my posture and my hands than I do with words. Tells him about playing pool, and what my eyes did when he took off his jacket.

Jamie looks at me. "What do you think?"

I just shake my head and say, "I have no clue what to think. This is different, you know? Don't know."

He nods. "Yeah. For us, too. Never actively brought anyone in before. But I can tell you that if you just want to get your rocks off and say you were with twins you can go find yourself another set. I know Paul. He's into you. You want to see him, we're pretty much a package deal."

I translate this to mean, 'I share, but I'm not leaving, so don't even think it.' I look at Paul and he's watching me. Look at Jamie, see that his eyes are green, too, but a bit browner.

Need the difference.



by Chris Owen

"Don't know you," I finally say.

He smiles and nods. "Yeah, I don't know you either."

Then we're all smiling, and I don't know why. Jamie stands up and goes over to Paul, stands right in front of him. Jamie has a hand on the back of Paul's head and he leans in, presses their foreheads together. His other hand is tracing the stains on Paul's pants and shirt. "Ya wanna tell me how you got these?"

Paul puts an arm over Jamie's shoulder and kisses him, deep. I just stare. They're moving together, their hips rocking gently as Jamie's fingers keep tracing the patterns I made on Paul's clothes, kissing like they were trying to get into each other's skins.

And I'm sitting there on a kitchen chair getting harder and harder, wondering if I can just rub myself off through my jeans while I watch.

"Tell me about it, Paul. Make me see." Jamie's voice is low and husky, I can barely hear him from three feet away.

Paul looks at him, eyes shining, and then he glances at me, his smile less shy and sweet and more 'hey, watch what I can do'. He winks at me and pulls Jamie tight to him.

"Had him in an alley, Jamie, couldn't wait, didn't want to go anywhere, just needed to kiss him, touch him. Pushed him up against the wall."

Jamie moans and leans in more, forcing Paul into the fridge. "Like this?"

Paul kisses him and slips a hand under the waistband of Jamie's sweatpants, at the back so I can see. "Yeah, like this.

Kissed him hard, he tasted like beer and something rich and 18


by Chris Owen

deep. God, it's a great taste, Jamie. Needed him so bad, I was so fucking hard for him."

Jamie grinds into him and they both make some noise. I drop a hand to my lap and push at the base of my cock.

"Had a hand up his shirt to touch his chain, a hand in his pants jerking him off."

Jamie does to Paul what Paul's telling him, and it's my turn to whimper. They are so fucking hot together. Theory is one thing, and who hasn't had a secret fantasy about two at once, or even about twins? If you're into twins, these two could blow your mind. It suddenly dawns on me that this whole thing with Jamie is a sort of test, 'see how Gent reacts to twin action'. I'm not minding in the least, moving around on the chair, eyes fucking glued to Jamie's hands on Paul, to Paul's hand moving around to the front of Jamie's sweatpants, pulling them down where it's important.

"Yeah, like that Jamie," Paul says, his voice husky. "I was so fucking hard and his hand was hot and firm and his cock was heavy in my hand and I just wanted to fuck him right there in the alley, spin him around and push my way inside."

Someone moans, I think it's me. The twins are up against the fridge all over each other, kissing and humping and moaning and, oh fuck, it's hot. They've got each other's cocks out and are stroking and touching and I can't fucking take it.

I pop the button on my jeans and shove my hand in my pants, start to jerk off there in the kitchen.

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