Gemini (23 page)

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Authors: Rachel Billings

Tags: #Erotic Fiction, #Food Play, #Ménage à Quatre, #Romance

BOOK: Gemini
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Jace lay back against them. He was propped up, still in close reach of Gemini’s breasts, still getting a good view of her. But the change in angle slid her forward, lifting her ass for Clay.

“That’s better, baby. Take this.”

Clay pressed into her, and she bit back another whimper. Still, she moaned, adapting to the burning pleasure of being filled by two cocks. “Oh. Oh.”

Clay held her hips and rocked into her, slow thrusts at first, and shallow. Then faster, deeper.

Jace groaned and arched under her, beginning little thrusts in time to Clay’s. “Christ. I can feel that. I can feel him fucking you, honey.”

Apparently he liked it. With harsh breaths, both men fucked her. She was stretched so much, each thrust pulled at her, stimulating her clit and the ring of her ass. Jace’s hands were still busy at her tits, working her nipples until they stung with pleasure, too.

Quinn grasped her head and kissed her again, invading her with his tongue. He kept his gaze locked with hers as he tore his clothes off. With one hand clutching her head, he climbed up onto the bed. Standing, with one hand steadying himself at a post, he brought his cock to her mouth.

“Take me, baby. All of me.”

She looked up at him, already delirious with pleasure. Given over to it, she opened her mouth. Quinn pushed in, letting go of the post to hold her head with both hands. She closed her mouth over him, sucking and wetting him. With soft curses, almost like he couldn’t believe what he was doing, he went deep.

Gemini swallowed him down, opening her throat until she had all of him.

Clay paused, and then Jace, too, to watch. “That’s fucking hot, babe,” Clay said. “I didn’t know you could do that.”

“Told you,” Jace offered. “She’s a fucking porn star.”

Quinn drew back and pumped into her mouth a few times, but she could tell that deep-throating her had really turned him on. Turned all of them on.

Clay and Jace went back to fucking her but not so intently as they had. They were entranced again as Quinn went deep. All three men breathed out curses at the sight of it.

Quinn groaned, arching back as his pleasure rose. His grip on her head tightened, and she felt the rising tension in his fingers.

“Do it, Quinn,” Clay urged. “Fucking come in her mouth. I want to see that.”

Gemini didn’t think Quinn needed the encouragement. He pumped quickly into her mouth, a roar starting deep in his chest. She could feel the quickening of his cum as his cock began to quiver with it. A few more pumps and he let the roar free, howling out as he went deep, two, three more thrusts and then he was spilling into, his hot cum shooting to the back of her throat. He filled her mouth and she swallowed it down.

Quinn bent over, nearly collapsing, and panted harshly. He still held her head, his eyes blazing into hers. He went to his knees and took her mouth with his.

That wildly intense blow job seemed to inspire the others. Suddenly they were pounding into her again, grunting and groaning with passion. Quinn held her, watching, as the others took her up. He secured her head with one hand wrapped in her hair, and slid his other hand down to her clit.

It was almost too much. “No,” she whispered, not sure if she even said it out loud.

“Yes, baby,” Quinn said. “You’re going to come now.”

“Oh, God.” It was,
too much. She began to shake. “Quinn.”

“It’s good, baby. Let go.”

She arched back, letting Quinn have full access. Taking it, as Clay gripped her ass, spreading her so he could go even deeper. As Jace wedged his heels somewhere and fucked up into her, even as he pulled at her nipples.

She started shaking, and a wild moan escaped from her throat. It rose to a wail as they went harder, harder, and harder into her. She clutched at them, Jace’s wrist where he held her breast, the hard bulge of Quinn’s bicep.

Like a tsunami, it rolled over her, a rushing, unrelenting, endless orgasm. She cried out, feeling like she was being torn apart, her body jerking like a ragdoll, her consciousness splintering.

As if from a long distance, she heard Clay roar and felt the liquid heat deep within her body as he spurted his cum into her. He groaned hoarsely, collapsing his head onto her shoulder.

Within seconds, Jace forced his last thrusts into her, growling out rough breaths, lifting her off the bed as he fucked her hard and deep. He clutched down on her nipples, pulling her to him, rising up to graze his teeth against her shoulder.

Quinn let her go and she collapsed onto Jace, shivering and shuddering as he reached his own climax, filling her with his hot cum. It soothed her, somehow, that last deposit of semen, the symbol of her men’s life force.

She was moaning, rocked by Jace’s arms, aware of Clay’s hot breath where his head rested against her back, quieted by the soft strokes of Quinn’s hands along her hair.

“Mmm,” she said. “Mmm.”

“That was pretty good, babe.”

Clay had spoken, and it made her smile into Jace’s chest.

“Yeah,” Quinn said. “Not bad.”

She let out a little huff of breath, barely able to move.

“I need a minute before we go another round, though,” Jace put in.

Then she laughed, and soon they were all laughing. Quinn tucked an arm around her and tugged her further up on the bed, separating her from those cocks holding their place inside her. Jace pushed up, too, and Clay found room as well. Still laughing, they twined together, Gemini finding some part of each of them to hold or stroke. Their giggles finally stopped when Quinn turned her face to his for the sweetest of kisses. Jace followed with the same, and then even Clay.

She was safe and loved and bone-deep happy.


* * * *


The suite had a really nice hot tub. It was big enough for two, for sure, but not for four. So when Clay rousted himself after they’d all had a pretty good doze—he figured none of them had slept much the night before—and filled the tub, he did nothing more than carry Gemini into it. She looked a little bemused, like maybe she didn’t figure him for the nurturing, I’ll-run-you-a-bath-sweetheart type. But he set her in the tub with some girly bubbly stuff and left her there with nothing more than a soft kiss.

Maybe they
all some kind of type they hadn’t known about. He wasn’t going to stew about it. His plan was, do what felt right at the time. He left her there and went to the other bath to shower off.

When he’d taken Gem from the bed, Jace had rousted himself enough to wander off naked to a bed in the other room, and Quinn had rolled over and dug in where he was. It looked like the three of them were going to be seeing a lot of each other naked and even spending some time—maybe plenty of time—in the same bed. He wasn’t going to fret about that, either, though he couldn’t say he’d seen it coming.

He never would have called it, but he had to admit things felt just right. Clay loved his buddies. He wasn’t going to fuck them, but he surely didn’t mind fucking Gemini while they did, too. Without any difficulty, he could see spending his future with them and Gem. He figured she’d worry it to death, pestering them about details, and Jace would no doubt need to organize and box things up in some way. Quinn would fuss about taking advantage of Gemini but in the end he’d go along with it in his usual accepting way.

Clay was just fine with it. Right now. Right here.

The hotel had a great restaurant, so he ordered up some dinner with a couple bottles of wine. Since the tab was on Jace, he didn’t skimp. By the time the food arrived, Jace and Quinn had both rolled out of the sack and showered, and Gemini wandered into the living room all fresh and warm, wrapped in a hotel robe. They were going to have to get her some clothes again.

Then he took another look at her and thought,
maybe not

They sat at a small table for four and ate their dinners. Clay sat across from Gemini, which had the advantage of giving him a great view. As she got a little looser with her second glass of wine, so did the robe. Still, he was aware that stuff was going on under the table—Quinn was pretty much eating left-handed, and Jace wasn’t paying much attention to his food at all.

Gemini looked happy and relaxed, very different from just a few hours before when they’d walked into Tomlinson’s house. And when she leaned forward to take the bit of steak he offered, the view got even better. She ate quite a lot of his steak.

Quinn caught on quickly and pretty soon she was having a fair bit of his dinner, too. And then Jace’s. In the end, they split up her shrimp dish, because she just didn’t get around to it.

The robe wasn’t really hiding too much by the time they were done. And Gemini claimed to be full, professing she didn’t have room for the chocolate mousse he’d ordered for dessert.

“I’d like some. I’d like you to feed it to me,” Clay said. “With your nipple.”

That kind of changed the atmosphere around the table right quick.

“I could have a little, too,” Jace volunteered.

“Just the whipped cream for me, please,” Quinn said.

They all looked at Gemini expectantly. She sat for a moment while her lips twitched in a siren’s smile. Standing slowly, she acted like she didn’t have a care in the world. She picked up the crystal dessert cup and a spoon. Like a provocative witch, she scooped up some of the mousse and licked it from the spoon in a slow, suggestive way. Clay was sure his wasn’t the only cock that stood immediately to attention. He’d seen the way she used that mouth.

He and Quinn and Jace exchanged grins and settled back for the show.

Maybe there was a pole-dancer somewhere back in the Walker family tree. One way or another, their little girl had some wicked vamp skills. She took another spoonful of mousse and ran it down the center of her chest. The robe was open enough for them to just get a glimpse of the slopes of her breasts, and she’d formed a little runway in between.

She parked the spoon in her mouth like an innocent then, but sidled up to Jace. He didn’t waste any time but steadied her—or maybe himself—with his hands on her hips. He watched her eyes until he got close, and Clay could see the glimmer of excitement there, even from where he sat.

With a little murmur of pleasure, Jace tongued the mousse off her. As a reward, she fed him another spoonful from the dish. “Pretty good,” he said. “I like it best with a little bitch flavor.”

Gem’s eyes flared at that, and the three guys all kind of held their breath. Still watching Jace, she took the spoon and ran it down the right side of her robe. It was a long, slow stroke that pushed the robe aside, letting them see more of her breast—just fucking short of her nipple. With a challenge in her gaze for Jace, she took a scoop of the whipped cream and dolloped it onto her breast. She leaned into Jace in a wicked tease, then, just as he was going for her, she backed off and walked around the table for Quinn.

“That’s more like it,” that one said. He grabbed Gem at the waist and brought her in. He let her set the ground rules and didn’t go any further than she’d opened the robe, but he gave her tit a lot of attention. When he was finished, the cream was gone, but there was a little love bite in its place.

He looked up and they shared a smile that would have made Clay envious, if he were the jealous sort.
Oh yeah
, he was. But not in this case. Not when the woman shifted her gaze to him, and her smile took a mischievous turn.

Still held by Quinn, Gem ran the spoon down again, completely baring her right breast. Then she set the spoon on the table. Watching Clay, she took a scoop of the mousse on her finger and fed it to herself. She made kind of production of it, like you’d think it took some major suction to clean her finger.

Clay grinned and waited her out. He was a happy man.

She came through for him by taking another scoop and setting it right there on her nipple. She walked toward him, and, as soon as she got in range, he thrust his knee out. To take a step close, she was going to have to straddle him. While she hesitated, he lifted a brow in challenge.

Gem didn’t back down. She came forward, spreading her legs to get nice and close. She put her tit right in front of his face, just out of reach.

His cock was freaking dying, trying to punch its way out through the fly of his fatigues. And he didn’t have much more patience for play, either. He reached around her, not grabbing her hips but taking a good hold of her ass. Watching her, he slowly pulled her forward until he could just reach the chocolate.

He took his time licking it off her, just a little tongue at first, gentle strokes that picked up most of the dessert. Then he took her nipple in his mouth, drawing her in with more and more suction. He took all of her he could get, tugging hard on her and milking her with his tongue. He worked his hands on her ass, bringing her in so her pelvis came up against his chest.

She wasn’t teasing anymore. She was hot. He could hear her breath and feel the tension of her fingers on his shoulders. She let him suckle a good long time before she started to back off, and he could feel the reluctance in her hands even then. He was sure that was what he was feeling.

He held on for a bit—his hands on her ass, his mouth on her breast—just to let her know she wasn’t totally in charge. When he let her go, he let out a kind of growl. She seemed to like that.

With a little fluster in her walk, she moved back to Jace. Standing in front of him, she bared her other breast and dabbed mousse onto the nipple. He had his knee out this time, too, and when she moved close, he put his hand out, two fingers extended, and slid them between her legs under the robe. He seemed to just hold them there as their eyes clashed.

When she stepped forward, she impaled herself on his fingers. She shuddered and closed her eyes when Jace took her nipple into his mouth.

. Clay opened his fly and let himself out. It was that or risk major injury.

Jace had Gem pretty excited, grazing her nipple with his teeth, bracing his hand as she worked herself on his fingers. She was letting out sweet, hot moans, and he could hear she was wet.

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