Gastien Pt 1 (40 page)

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Authors: Caddy Rowland

BOOK: Gastien Pt 1
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Jean Luc argued, “But negotiations are two sided! Let’s agree that we have decided to move forward. You have now presented your wishes. I would like to come back with which of those I can accept and which I won’t. If you can’t accept that, then we may not have an agreement. Do you want the money or not?”

Gastien snapped, “Of course I want the money. I would not be considering sucking your
if I didn’t!”

“Well, that is nicely stated! Is that supposed to make me desire you?” Jean Luc said heatedly.

“You already do. I don’t have to work at it. Let’s not pretend otherwise.”

Now Jean Luc’s temper flared. “Ok, Gastien. Let’s not, as you say, pretend. I am offering you an unbelievable amount of money for your services. I would rather it was for love, but since you have made it clear that won’t happen, then let’s leave emotion out of it completely. From a business standpoint, there are some things I must insist on. Otherwise the investment does not match the gain.”

Gastien stared at him. Tears pooled up in his eyes, and he looked so scared that Jean Luc was afraid Gastien might faint. Jean Luc refused to look away.

“Listen closely, Gastien. Your future in Montmartre will depend upon your acceptance of my final offer. And make no mistake, it is my final offer. I will pay you the amount I offered every Tuesday, as you requested. My driver will take you to the bank, like he always has.

You can have your two day’s off to yourself. In fact, you can have Saturday night off, since you are off Sunday and Monday. You will probably want to do things with your friends that Saturday night. But, I expect you to be back and available to me on Monday night. Also, from Monday night until five o’clock Saturday afternoons, I expect you to be available to me at any time that I wish, as often as I wish. That means you don’t go to the city those nights. I might want you. I may not get home until two o’clock in the morning, but if I want you, then you better be available or the money stops.” Gastien gulped but remained silent. The tears were now flowing down his face.

Jean Luc paused. “There is more. I will agree to not being inside of you anywhere except your mouth. I understand that you are off limits in regard to other penetration. But, asking me not to kiss or fondle you is out of the question. Do you expect me to be like stone while you take care of my needs? If you wish, I will not touch your sex organs. Again, if that is something you cannot tolerate, I will respect that. But I do expect to be able to touch your face, your hair, and other parts of your body as I wish. I also expect to be able to kiss you. When I do, I expect you to not only accept it, but to respond.”

“I can’t – “

“You can, and you will, if you want the money! I also expect you to make me feel like you enjoy servicing me.” Gastien violently shook his head. Jean Luc put up his hand and continued, ”
, don’t protest! You want a strictly business arrangement? Well, if I hire a male prostitute in the city, they know that they have to act excited or they don’t get paid. The same will be true for you. I suggest you learn how to please a man, how to make him feel wanted. If you don’t, the money stops, and the arrangement is over.

You won’t be asked to leave, but you will lose the chance in life that you so desperately want. I also want you to wear the smoking jacket I gave you when you service me. Keep it by your bed, so that when I knock you can put it on before coming to the door. I don’t expect you to be dressed underneath it. If I want you to remove it, you will. In a manner that titillates me. I also want to be able to visit you for nonsexual purposes, just like before. I enjoy being with you for reasons other than sex. That is all I can think of right now, but like you expect of me, if I need to discuss changes, I expect you to be open to listening to them. Do I make myself clear?”

Gastien’s face was bright red. He felt like he might throw up any moment. But he would not back down now, he had made the decision.

. I understand. It is all agreed upon, except that I will not discuss other penetration at any time. End of subject. And I will not be naked in front of you.”

“Gastien, that is not fair! I want to see your beautiful body. I really don’t feel there is room for negotiation there.”

Gastien cried out, “Aren’t you going to humiliate me enough as it is? Must you also make me stand before you naked? Please, Jean Luc! Let me keep some shred of dignity! Please!”

Jean Luc sighed. He wanted to tell Gastien that if it upset him that badly he should not agree to any of it, but his desire was too strong. “Oh, Gastien. All right, you can wear your drawers. Will that help? I want to see your chest and back, but you can keep your genitals covered. Now, don’t ask me for any more exceptions!”

Gastien breathed a sigh of relief. That, and penetration, were two things he could not deal with. The kissing would be bad enough.

.” He remained motionless, eyes shut for a few minutes. He finally opened them, looking at Jean Luc. “We have an agreement.”

Jean Luc smiled. “Fabulous. Gastien, I will treat you kindly. You have no idea how badly I want you. I will treasure every episode we have together. Now, today is Tuesday, so it is payday. We will go into the city, since I don’t have that amount of money on me. After I withdraw the money at the bank, you can put it in your account. We will come back in time for lunch and painting this afternoon. I will expect you to be ready when I come at 10pm tonight. That will give you time to think about how you will make me feel like I am getting my money’s worth. If you have no other questions, let’s get going to the bank.”



 Gastien fought nausea the whole way to the bank. When Jean Luc got the money, Gastien told Jean Luc he had a few errands to run and would meet him back in front of his bank at half past eleven.

Jean Luc asked, “Don’t you want to put your money in your account here?”

Gastien looked at him coldly. Then he said, “I don’t bank here at your bank. I don’t trust anyone, including you.” He turned and walked away. Jean Luc shook his head. If he was not so crazy about the young man, he would have slapped him across the face for that insult.

Gastien went to his bank and put the money in the bank box. He kept enough out to go to the fragrance store. If Jean Luc wanted him to perform, well then dammit, he would be the best performer he could be. Either way he was going to have Jean Luc in his mouth. He may as well see how good of an acting job he could give him. It would be awful to have the money stop once he had gone through with the disgusting act.

Entering the fragrance store, he headed back to the owner. She remembered him and kissed his cheek in greeting. “Returning for more scent,
?” She asked. “Did you use it up already?”

Gastien looked away, coughed, and then returned her gaze. “I do want scent. However, this time, I need something different.”

“What exactly are you looking for,
?” She smiled. He was so handsome, but he looked troubled.

“I want something exotic and enticing. Something a whore would wear,” said Gastien flatly.

Her brows went up. “Oh! I thought it was for you! What in the world are you doing buying gifts for whores? I doubt you have to stoop that low to get your needs met.”

He smiled sadly. “It is not a gift for someone else. It would be something an expensive male prostitute would wear.”

She looked shocked. “I-I see.”

Gastien laughed. “Let’s just say I have landed the acting part of my young career.”

“But I thought you were a painter!” she exclaimed.

“Painter, actor, whatever I can get. I am going to play a very important part,
, and my painting life depends upon me doing a good job. Cost is not an issue. What do you suggest?”

“Right this way,” she said. When he smelled it, he knew she was right on the money. It was heavy, full of incense, and spoke of forbidden lusts. “Not many men can carry this off, but you could, in the right situation.”

“Well, that situation has arrived. I will take it.”

“It is very expensive,
,” she warned.

“So am I.”

Next he went to a department store and purchased a heavy gold chain for his neck. That, too, was expensive. He did not care. He would be submitting the bills to Jean Luc. If he wanted him to act like his whore, he would pay for it. Before leaving, he also purchased a length of shimmery gold satin with threads woven through that sparkled like diamonds.

When he got back to the carriage, Jean Luc was waiting. Gastien smiled sweetly. “Jean Luc, I needed a couple of things to make myself ready for tonight. I do feel you should pay for them, though, since it is for your entertainment, not mine. Here are the receipts. If you don’t agree, I can turn around and take them back.

Jean Luc looked at the receipts, not even flinching. He got out his wallet, and counted out the money.

“You are a fast learner, Gastien,” he smiled.

“I only want to make you happy with your purchase, Jean Luc. Now, let’s go home.”

When they got back, Gastien was all business. “Jean Luc, the play acting stops now. I will only submit to that when I am expected to entertain you. When I am working, or when you visit me for nonsexual purposes, I will not carry on that façade. I hope you understand that.”

“That is quite all right, Gastien. I think we will work it out fairly.”

The rest of the day was spent mostly in silence. A few times Jean Luc tried to make conversation, but Gastien did not respond much. He was concentrating on the painting. Jean Luc decided to leave him be. He was happy enough fantasizing about later that night.

Gastien had put it out of his mind. He was very good at doing that while painting. All that mattered to him while painting was his art. When it was time to stop for the day, he simply looked at Jean Luc, saying, “It is time for you to go. I will expect you at ten o’clock tonight.” He then looked back at his work to continue painting.

Jean Luc walked to the door. He hesitated, deciding to turn around. “Gastien?” he called quietly. There was no answer. Gastien just kept painting. “Gastien?” Louder this time.

Gastien jumped a bit. “Oh! What?”

Jean Luc inclined his head. “
. This means a lot to me.”

Gastien stared at him without expression. “There is no reason to thank me. I am being well paid.” He returned to painting.

“Gastien I – “

“Good bye Jean Luc,” Gastien said firmly.

Jean Luc sighed and walked out the door. He wished Gastien could be happier about it. But, at long last, he was going to know what it was like to touch him and feel Gastien’s mouth on him! He was hard already! It would take forever for ten o’clock to get there. He would make sure he was very clean and very kind. Jean Luc did not want to do anything to make it harder for his young lover.

Gastien stopped painting. He decided to curl up on his bed. He would rest until dinner came in about an hour. Right now the realization of what was going to occur that night began to overwhelm him. He curled up even tighter, and cried.


The knocking on the door signaled dinner had arrived. Gastien had fallen asleep.

“Please just leave it. I will be out for it soon.

He heard the servant leave. He retrieved his dinner and opened a bottle of wine. Gastien was determined to not let the situation overflow into other parts of his life. He had made the agreement, would do a good job living up to it, and in six months time he would be on his way to Montmartre. In the meantime, he could not let it ruin every waking hour of the next six months. He would eat. There should be no reason to get too thin again. He was naturally slender already, but had nice muscles. He wanted to keep his physique, not for Jean Luc, but for the women. Not eating would not benefit him in the least.

Dinner was delicious, as was the wine. He made sure not to drink too much, because he did not want to be dull minded. His performance tonight had to please Jean Luc. He wanted that money every week.

After dinner, he painted for awhile on his own paintings. Finally, he ran a bath. It was half past eight. He had ninety minutes yet. Gastien washed his hair, toweling it off so it would be dry in time. He sat thinking. What do I need to do to make Jean Luc happy? I have no clue what a man does to a man. Unsure, he thought about the fact that he knew the mechanics of what he was supposed to do, but not how to make it great.

Then, it hit him. Of course he knew! He had been serviced by women with their mouths many times! He knew what felt good to him, it should be the same for Jean Luc. He had often watched while women used their mouth on him. He would just do the things they did, especially Nath. She had been very skilled. Nath had been skilled not only in that, but in setting the scene. He realized some of that had rubbed off unconsciously earlier today, when he made his purchases.

Getting out of the tub, he rubbed himself with lotion from the bathroom. His skin felt like velvet. Next, his new scent was applied. He brushed his hair, put on the gold chain and looked in the mirror. As he had thought it would, the gold braid of the chain picked up the gold flecks in his eyes. He then took the gold fabric he had purchased earlier that day. Gastien wrapped it around his hips and between his legs, covering his genitals, while leaving his navel and thighs exposed. He looked at himself in the mirror.
, he thought. I do look very sexual. Very dirty!

He was right. The contrast of his hairy chest and arm muscles while sporting a woman’s braided chain and the makeshift wrap accentuated his sexuality more than if he stood naked. He eyes looked huge. He had the long, lean, defined muscles of a swimmer or gymnast instead of bulky muscles like a weightlifter. He looked graceful and dangerous, yet vulnerable because of his youth. “Get ready, Jean Luc,” Gastien whispered. “I am going to drive you crazy before I am done with you. We will see who has the power.”

He put on the smoking jacket, looking again in the mirror. He undid the jacket’s sash, exposing the dark hair that ran from his chest to inside the gold wrap. Gastien smiled, knowing by instinct how sexy he was. Oh, my. Naughty, naughty! Maybe he was meant to be a whore after all. He retied the sash.

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