Garrett's Choice (9 page)

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Authors: A.J. Jarrett

Tags: #Romance

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“When it comes to you, yes. I’m very jealous.” Garrett planted a hard kiss on Lachlan’s swollen lips. “Now get dressed and let’s head back to our house.”

Lachlan pulled up his shorts and took the outstretched hand Garrett offered. Hand in hand they walked back to

Lachlan never considered anywhere home other than the Warriors of the Light compounds they lived in. They moved around a lot, so one never stuck out. But living with Garrett felt like home.

Lachlan whistled softly as he walked alongside his mate. He hadn’t felt this content in ages.


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Chapter Seven

Garrett hummed softly to himself as he walked down the hallway to his office. He had a bounce to his step, and he felt like the ten-ton weight tied around his neck had been cut free. After the afternoon he just spent with his mate, things were starting to look up. Garrett knew for a fact he had a glow to his checks as he wandered around his house with a goofy grin plastered across his face. He was in love, and nothing could compare to this feeling radiating out of his chest.

When they reached the house earlier, Garrett walked Lachlan back to his room. They shared a few more kisses as they stood in the hallway not wanting to say good-bye. Garrett said the first thing that popped into his mind and that was for Lachlan to move back into Garrett’s room. Now that they were together for keeps this time, they should be able to share the same room. Lachlan agreed and promised to pack his things and be moved in by tonight.

Tonight! My mate will be in my bed, tucked in close to me. That’s
fucking fantastic.

Garrett pumped his fist into the air and did a little side jump and clicked his heels together. Life couldn’t get any better.

“What the fuck was that?”

Garrett turned around, grinning like a madman. “What was what?”

“You just jumped in the freaking air and clicked your heels like you were fucking Dorothy from
The Wizard of Oz
.” Wes crossed his arms over his chest and cocked his head to take closer look at Garrett.

“What? Can I not just be having a good day?” Garrett’s cheeks stung from all the smiling, but he couldn’t help it. His damn face

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muscles were out of his control, and Garrett couldn’t be upset about it.

“Good day, is that right?” Wes’s face split into a knowing grin and started to laugh. “I guess all those crazy howls and purring whimpers I heard coming from the woods were you and your mate knocking boots in the great wide open, huh?”

“Yeah.” Garrett’s smile fell from his face. “You heard us?”

Oh, shit!
If Wes had heard them, then other people probably heard them, too. Garrett didn’t want Lachlan to be embarrassed or upset. He didn’t think his mate would mind but he didn’t want to chance it.

They’d been apart for long enough, and Garrett couldn’t go back to living without Lachlan.

“Not only me but a few others.” Wes stepped closer and patted Garrett on the back. “Don’t sweat it, man. You’re a lot happier with Lachlan in your life, and it shows. I think your pack members are happy for you. I know I am.”

“You think?” Wes nodded yes. “Thanks, Wes.”

“Plus you’re a lot less of a dick while Lachlan’s around. That alone has probably got the pack members wanting to fall at the lion’s feet thanking him for pulling that stick out of your ass.”

“Hey now. It was because of trying to keep the peace within the pack that cost me Lachlan the first time.” It was true. He’d overlooked all the nasty comments thrown at his mate and all the dirty looks sent in Lachlan’s direction. It was like navigating through a minefield. He was trying to keep his mate happy but also the pack.

With a witch on the loose causing trouble, Garrett had to keep on the pack’s good side so he could get information. But as it was, none of the pack members knew anything or they just weren’t coming forward, and that scared Garrett the most. Not knowing if one of his wolves would turn on him at any minute was a frightening thing.

“It did and that lies completely on your shoulders. You’re the alpha and you lead us, not the other way around.” Garrett opened his mouth to explain, but Wes started speaking again. “I know why you
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did what you did. I’m just glad you figured it out before you lost the guy for good.”

“Me, too.” Settling matters within the pack was one thing, but Garrett still had to work on letting Lachlan have his freedom. Garrett didn’t think he’d ever be okay with Lachlan being a warrior, but he had to try.

Garrett turned and started back on his destination to his office, and Wes fell in sync beside him.

“Have you invited Lachlan to the moon run tonight?” Wes asked.

The moon run was just that. The first night of the full moon all pack members got together in the woods for a run. They treated it as a large get-together. Everyone brought a side dish, and they’d grill some type of meat. It was a good way for everyone to hang out, and it also gave the pack time to speak with the alpha and gave the alpha a chance to address the pack.

The myth behind the full moon causing werewolves to change from human form to wolf form was created for entertainment value by Hollywood. Garrett didn’t deny it made being a werewolf sound more interesting, being governed by the moon and losing all control during their shift. Yeah, it wasn’t like that at all. It didn’t matter if it was human form or wolf form, shifters were still the same people. Their minds didn’t change, and their control didn’t slip.

“No. I just assumed he was coming,” Garrett answered honestly.

Lachlan was his mate and co-alpha. Why wouldn’t he come along?

Garrett had reached his office and sat in the chair behind the desk, and Wes relaxed back in the chair in front of him.

“Damn, boy.” Wes shook his head. “Haven’t you learned anything? You need to invite Lachlan. He might like being asked and not told he is going. You know?”

Garrett hadn’t thought of it that way. It made sense. “You’re right.

That would be the considerate thing to do. Hell, he might not feel comfortable being the only lion among a pack of wolves.”



AJ Jarrett

“Possibly but I get the distinct impression your mate won’t give a shit. I just think he’d like the chance to agree to go or not.” Wes winked over at Garrett. “Plus your considerate behavior might get you lucky later.”

Not that he thought he’d have any issue getting Lachlan on his back, knees, or another position later, but he didn’t want to hedge his bet. His cock began to fill just imagining his mate down on all fours, ass high in the air, demanding Garrett fill him so full that Lachlan wouldn’t know where Garrett began and he ended.

“Lachlan,” Garrett shouted from his office.

The sound of heavy footfalls echoed down the hall. “Yeah?”

Lachlan asked as he poked his head into the office.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to yell like that.” Garrett felt like an ass.

He didn’t want Lachlan to think he had to come running every time Garrett called to him.

“It’s cool. I was heading this way anyways. What’s up, mate?”

Lachlan asked as he walked into Garrett’s office. He bumped fists with Wes then sat down in the chair opposite Wes.

Garrett’s heart actually fucking fluttered at hearing Lachlan call him
. Damn, he was going to melt right there in his chair.

“Umm…” Garrett coughed to clear his throat and get his emotions under control. “I was wondering if you’d liked to join us for the moon run tonight. We do it every month. It’s tradition.”

“That’s kind of why I was coming to see you.” Garrett watched as Lachlan mindlessly picked at a hole in his jeans. “Clara had mentioned it, and I’m actually thrilled to get the invite from you. I’d love to come if you think it won’t cause a problem.”

“No problems at all.” Garrett made a mental note to thank both Wes and Clara. Wes for his timely advice on extending an invite when one wasn’t needed because Lachlan was pack now, and to sweet, young Clara for befriending his mate. “This is your pack now, Lachlan. There are no restrictions on what you can and can’t do. I promise you that.”


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“Really?” Garrett could only nod. Lachlan’s face lit up like a summer’s day with the smile he beamed his way.

Lachlan rose to his feet and walked around Garrett’s desk to his side. “Then I’ll see you later, mate.” He bent at the waist and planted a quick kiss against Garrett’s lips. As he straightened Lachlan cupped the side of Garrett’s face and whispered, “I’m going to hold you to the no-restrictions promise.”

Garrett inwardly cringed at the mischief swirling in his mate’s amber-colored eyes.
What have I agreed to?

“Aw that’s so sweet,” Wes said when Lachlan had left the room.

“You guys are so smitten.”

“Oh, shut up.” Garrett threw a pen in Wes’s direction. The man easily dodged the flying missile. “Don’t you have work to do? Or in the very least someone else to go and harass?”

Wes chuckled as he climbed to his feet. “Okay, I’m out of here.

Holler if you need anything.”

Once alone, Garrett stared at the large expanse of windows that made up the far wall of his office. Garrett had been born a wolf and had always had a great appreciation for the outdoors. A wolf loved to run and hunt and those qualities had always been ingrained into Garrett’s DNA. He loved the creature comforts of indoor living, luxurious furniture, heating and air-conditioning, indoor plumbing, but nothing could take away from his love of grass-covered ground underfoot and wide-open skies overhead.

When Garrett had this house built some years ago, he made sure there were a lot of windows throughout the home. If he couldn’t be outside, at least the windows provided him an excellent view.

As he sat listening to birds chirp and watching leaves scatter across the lawn, he couldn’t wait until nightfall. It would be the first time Garrett and Lachlan would be running together with the pack.

The first time they made an official appearance as a mated pair.

Garrett relaxed back in his chair and placed his arms behind his head. He couldn’t have asked for a better day.



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Chapter Eight

Lachlan couldn’t believe his eyes as he came into the clearing.

Tables and lawn chairs flooded the area with a large bonfire smack-dab in the middle. What appeared to be every member of the pack wandered around talking and eating as if they were at a barbecue. It was amazing. Had any nonparanormal being come upon this group of people in the woods, they would just assume they stumbled upon a get-together between family and friends.

The only light came from the moon above and the fire sitting center stage of the gathering. Lachlan recognized most of the faces, but some were still new to him. No one gawked at him or gave him dirty looks. They all were too caught up in their merriment to even notice him. For that Lachlan was thankful.

Before he left with Garrett to come to the moon night run, Lachlan had been a ball of out-of-control nerves. He sat in his room and nearly chewed every fingernail down to the quick. It wasn’t that he cared if the wolves liked him or not, but he wanted to fit in. Garrett was his mate, and the Carrington Pack was Garrett’s family, and since Lachlan wanted to be with Garrett, it made this his home, too. He wanted everything to be in perfect harmony for once in his life.

“Lachlan.” He turned to see Aaron heading his way. They clasped hands, and Aaron pulled Lachlan into a one-arm hug. “Glad to see you here tonight.”

“This is my pack now, too.” Lachlan gestured to the surrounding crowd of people. “Even if some of them don’t like it. Tough shit.”

“Oh, come on, man.” Aaron nudged him in the shoulder. “I think a lot of them are just wary of you because you’re a newcomer. I think
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once they get to know you better, they will see what an awesome guy you truly are.”

“I hope so,” Lachlan mumbled under his breath.

Aaron wrapped an arm around Lachlan’s shoulders and pulled him into his side. “I know so. Sure, some of them are assholes, but if I remember correctly every species has that problem.”

“True that.” Lachlan had seen that firsthand from his own family of lion shifters. “Each faction of paranormals does have a few bad eggs.”

“Aaron, I know you and my mate are good friends, but could you please refrain from touching him so much?” Garrett’s request was followed by a low growl.

Aaron pulled his arm back and held his hands high in the air.

“Sure thing. I meant no disrespect, Alpha Garrett.”

Lachlan started to laugh, and Garrett turned his menacing stare on him. “Garrett, I’m sorry but you have nothing to worry about where Aaron’s concerned. We are just friends. Always have been, nothing more.” Lachlan squinted one eye in thought then looked from Garrett to Aaron then back again. “He did mess around with Lawson, but I had no part in that.”

“I wouldn’t call that messing around,” Aaron answered. “With us both being dominating tops, neither one of was willing to bend over and grab ankles for the other, our time together consisted mostly of blow jobs.”

“Dear god, man.” Disbelief clouded Garrett’s face. “How can you stand there and say that right in front of his brother?”

“Oh, it’s okay, really.” Lachlan shrugged his shoulders in indifference. “Lawson and I talk about everything and even on occasion shared a guy or two in the past. We’re twins, we like to share.”

“What the fuck did I just walk into?” Wes’s mouth gaped open as he looked at Lachlan.



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“Apparently Aaron has fucked around with my brother-in-law, and from there the conversation ventured into my mate and his brother having shared men in the past,” Garrett answered. His voice sounded aloof like it didn’t bother him, but Lachlan could see the slight tic in Garrett’s jaw.

“I don’t know whether to be in shock or extremely turned-on at the moment.” Wes ran a hand over his shaved head.

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