Games (Timeless Series) (33 page)

BOOK: Games (Timeless Series)
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Simon had been holding on to his restraint by a thin thread, working to gently woo Giselle’s response. But his plan backfired because Giselle clearly had ideas of her own. The beguiling, inexperienced girl turned into a sensual, demanding woman right in front of his eyes. He found he could no more fight her allure than stop breathing. She never once backed down from his challenges, meeting them head-on with challenges of her own. The thread finally snapped when he felt her tentative, searching hands stroking him, becoming bolder by the minute. His last rational thought before plunging into her was that this woman was his mate for life.

When it was over and the fog of sensual yearning lifted, Simon pushed up on his elbows
. Staring down into her face, he spied smugness along with a satisfied smile.

Laughing at her expression, he kissed the top of her nose and said, “God! I love how you make me feel
.” He pulled out of her and brought her next to him, lying with one arm around her shoulders, nestling her close to him. “I could lie here forever, if I had you to keep me company.”

Giselle chuckled and said playfully, “Yes, until your next case beckons
. Then you will be gone.”

He stiffened and his smile died
. He peered down at her, bestowing another kiss on her forehead, and said in a tone just above a whisper, “Giselle, we need to talk.”

!” Giselle put her hand to his lips and shook her head. “Not now, not here. The world outside stays outside. As long as we are here, we do not talk.”

He lifted up a little and said in an earnest voice, “But you need to know how I feel.”

“Shush.” Her finger rested on his bottom lip, rubbing it gently, causing him to lose his train of thought. “You have already told me how you feel, and I understand. All I want now is to love you.”

The n
ext thing Simon knew, she was kissing him again. He tried to break free—to tell her how he felt—but he was too swept away by what her mouth was doing to remember his words. His last sane thought right before plunging into her again was later. He’d tell her later.

When later came, Giselle was lying with her head on Simon’s chest
, one of his arms around her shoulders, his fingers lazily gliding up and down, with the other behind his head. She took a deep breath and stretched, appearing totally sated. He certainly was.

Simon was also lucid enough to try
to broach the subject again.

“Giselle, I meant what I said earlier
. We need to talk.”

She sat up and looked down at him with soulful brown eyes that spoke volumes
. “And I meant what I said. No words about tomorrow. Not now, not here. Do you understand?”

Recognizing her stubborn glower, he relented
. “Fine, but the minute we get back, we’re due for a long conversation. Since I can’t talk about the future, answer me this. Why were you following Black when I left you explicit instructions to stay away from the man?”

She shrugged and met his gaze with a defiant tilt to her chin
. “He had Fortuna.”

“So? I told you how dangerous the man was
. Why risk your life?”

A guilty blush filled her cheeks and she glanced at her hands, studying them intently
. “I saw him take the horse and I could not let him get away with it.”

Simon sighed
. “Why didn’t you tell Jake or Gus?”

“There was no time.”

“That’s no excuse. The next time I catch you doing anything so stupid, as God is my witness, I’ll haul you over my knees and give you the beating you deserve. Do you understand me, Giselle?”

His words had her sitting up straight in the bed with a fierce look in her eyes
. “
Monsieur Harrington, but you do not own me.” She gave him a strong set-down in French while moving out of his arms.

He laughed and pulled her back in, answering in fluent French, saying his name was Simon, and she’d damn well better use it or she’d never make it out of the cabin.

His use of her native tongue caught her by surprise. He grinned, adding to her surprise when he rolled on top of her, covering her mouth with his, effectively stopping any retort.

This time he intended to keep their love play deliberate and gentle
. As infuriating as the woman was, the moment his lips touched hers, Simon’s mind drained of everything except subduing her. While he loved her wild writhing beneath him, he now wanted something more solid. He wanted her love. The only way he knew how to obtain it was to draw it out of her, leisurely and sensuously. And thus he began his journey of loving her slowly, with his entire body. He began with her calves and feet, kissing and kneading every part before moving to her knees and thighs. When he got to her private area, Giselle put her hand there, trying to cover it. Simon lifted her hand and kissed it. He sat up a bit and peered into her face.

“Giselle, look at me!”

When her passion-filled gaze met his, he asked, “Do you trust me?”

A fiery red blush crept up her face at his question
. She closed her eyes and nodded.

“Then lie back and let me love you as I want to
. Just enjoy the sensations and come for me.”

Neither recovered from this bout of lovemaking
. Simon found he couldn’t move, didn’t want to move. His orgasm drained him. He turned in such a manner, so that Giselle was on top of him without breaking contact, then closed his eyes and smiled.

ust as he was drifting off to sleep, he felt her sobbing. Brushing her hair away from her face, he looked into her tear-filled eyes.

“Why the tears, sweetheart?” he whispered, keeping his voice soothing while rubbing her back with his hands in
a comforting manner. “Giselle?” he prodded, when she made no move to answer him.

have taken all I have to give, Simon.” Her eyes were closed and she appeared totally relaxed. “I have nothing left. My heart and soul are yours.”

“Just as you have taken all I have to give, Giselle
. You own me body and soul.” Her soft snores drew his gaze. Her even breathing made him realize she’d fallen asleep. Chuckling softly, he tightened his arms around her and kissed her forehead.


Chapter 23

Simon woke first the next morning
. Giselle had moved during the night and now had her back to him, her derrière nestled into his groin. Lust for her had him ready and willing, but she seemed so peaceful in sleep. He gently eased from the bed, careful not to disturb her.

Judging by the light spilling in from the window
, it looked to be late morning. The room was cold because the fire had long died. After dressing in his own dry clothes, he set to the task of making the fire roar to life again. He picked up Giselle’s now dried, mud-caked clothes, before heading outdoors to take care of business and the animals.

While Simon fed the horses, he thanked God all three, even Zeus, were behaving
. Once done, he brushed Giselle’s riding habit and rain slicker, trying to remove as much of the reddish-brown dust from it as he could. Satisfied, he put away the brushes and went back inside to make breakfast out of the available food stores.

He was hungry.

Used to cooking and being a fairly decent cook at that, he rustled up the ingredients for biscuits. He placed them in a pan and set it on a grill in the fire. While they baked, he pulled out a jar of peach preserves. He also found ground coffee and a big jug of water. After filling the pot with water, he added coffee and placed it next to the biscuits on the grill. In minutes, the scent of percolating coffee and cooking biscuits filled the air.

Giselle stirred
. She opened her eyes, stretching and appearing refreshed. For a split second, she froze. Her eyes scanned the room. Memories must have flooded back just then because a fiery blush stole up her face when her eyes landed on Simon’s amused gaze. Realizing the comforter was off of her shoulder, exposing one breast, she quickly covered it and turned her gaze straight up.

“What are you trying to hide from me that I haven’t already seen?” Simon teased, enjoying her embarrassment,

His answer was her diving under the covers and hiding her face.

Simon chuckled
. “I can’t believe you’d be shy after last night.” He strode over to the bed and pulled the comforter out of her hands and caught her gaze.

“Go away,” she shrieked and tried to dive under f
arther. “You are too distracting. I do not know why I put up with you!”

, you do.” Simon grinned. “Would you care for a demonstration?”

She laughed
. “
I need privacy first thing in the morning.”

Chuckling, he let go of the comforter and swatted her behind
. “Come on, love, it’s time to get moving. Breakfast will be served momentarily. There’s a bowl of water you can use to wash.”

“You made breakfast?”
She pulled her head out from the covers and looked over at the fireplace. “I am impressed.”

Using the comforter as a shawl, she sat up and put her bare feet on the cold floor.

Simon held out her undergarments and clothing. “I got as much of the mud off as I could. They’re not clean, but should be suitable until we get back.”

“How thoughtful
. Thank you, Simon.”

Her smile, so totally captivating, made him weak in the knees

“Now turn around so I can dress
.” Her command, spoken so seriously, drew another laugh from deep inside.

“Giselle, I’ve seen it all
. No need to hide from me. I love looking at your naked form. In fact, why bother dressing?”

“If you think I
am prancing around naked as a jaybird in front of you in the light of day, think again, Monsieur Harrington!”

He chuckled, but couldn’t ignore her taunt
. He walked the few steps separating them and sat down on the bed beside her.

“What do you think you
are doing?”

Her miffed question brought another laugh from hi
m. “If you think you can get away with taunting me this early in the day, you can think again. As hungry as I am, breakfast can burn for all I care.”

She giggled like a schoolgirl and dove under the covers, shrieking
. “I am sorry. I meant
.” When he grabbed for her, she laughed harder and said, “I meant Simon! You have to know I meant Simon.”

Grinning like an idiot, Simon stood up and said over his shoulder, “Just so we understand each other.”

“You are insufferable!”

Simon’s smile went from ear to ear
. “You’d best get used to it. I don’t plan on changing.”

He turned back to take the biscuits and coffee off the grill, missing her confused look
. He carried the items to the table and sat down, waiting for her to join him.

Giselle bounced off the bed and dressed before heading outside to take care of business
. Once back inside, she used the water Simon had poured into a bowl to wash her face and hands.

She sighed
. “I feel much more human.” She sauntered over to the table and asked in a sultry, teasing voice, “So, what is for breakfast, my love slave?”

With a slanted eyebrow
, he said, “You will be, if you don’t stop. Now sit and behave yourself.”

She giggled as she sat

“Now you’ve ruined the effect
.” Simon grinned. “How can I be your love slave, if you giggle like an innocent little girl?”

She giggled harder and countered, “Then I
will have to be yours.”

He shook his head, giving a disgusted grunt, but his wide grin negated his actions
. Trying to ignore the urge to take her back to bed, he proceeded to put a couple of biscuits on each plate, as well as some of the peach preserves and some jerky he found in the food stores. He filled two cups with coffee and handed one to her.

He couldn’t keep the amusement out of his voice when he said, “Just eat
. We’ll deal with which of us is the love slave later.”

They ate in companionable silence
. When Simon was done, he picked up his cup of coffee and leaned back in the chair, stretching out his long, muscular legs in the process. After taking a drink, his eyes focused on the small pistol and file he’d taken from her pockets. Picking up the gun, he palmed it and looked at her.

, how is it you are armed, my little spy?”

Giselle flashed an innocent smile and shrugged
. “I told you I was Marcus Franklin’s daughter.”

Do you know how to use this thing?”

“What do you think?”

He snorted. “Why I asked, I’ll never know. It’s no wonder I’m enchanted with you. You never cease to amaze me.”

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