Games (Timeless Series) (27 page)

BOOK: Games (Timeless Series)
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“Oh, Simon
. You are such a spoilsport. I will behave. You do not have to talk to Gus.”

Which means I’d better talk to him right after breakfast.”

She only smiled and shrugged
. “Suit yourself.”

Simon kept his uneasy gaze on hers, trying to discern her motives
. He finally went back to his breakfast, but not before saying, “I haven’t got time for this, Giselle. I’ll be extremely busy in the next two days, and since I can’t be here the entire time to ensure your well-being, I’m asking Jake to keep an eye on you too.”

“If it makes you feel better
, go ahead. I cannot believe you are such a worrywart. I have already promised not to ask any more questions. What else do you want?”

Simon sighed
. “Your safety is paramount. I let your pleas override my better judgment and involved you in this. From what I can discern, it’s turning nasty, and I don’t want you near it. Yet, somehow, I also feel you won’t abide by my wishes. Now, why is that?”

With a guileless look on her face, she answered, “I
do not have a clue.”

He chuckled
. “I’m sure you don’t, which does nothing to convince me.”

Shaking his head, he picked up his fork and finished eating
. When done, he got up from the table and said on his way out the door, “I’ve got a lot to do today. I’ll be back late, so I probably won’t see you until tomorrow.” At the door, he turned around. “I mean it, Giselle. Stay out of this.”


Holding on to her innocent smile, Giselle watched Simon go, then went back to her breakfast. The entire time, her mind focused on how she could spy on Isaac Black while he worked. The man was the key and he was up to no good. He was here for a reason and she meant to discover what it was. She would be safe enough. Black would never know she lurked nearby.

Excitement surged through her body
. Now she understood why men like her father and Simon did what they did. It was intriguing to try to figure out what was going on and why. She could no more stop herself from delving further into the mystery than she could stop breathing. She was Marcus Franklin’s daughter, after all. Patting the pocket of her riding habit, she felt her small weapon and file. She rose from the breakfast table, fully prepared to study her prey.


Before Simon left for the day, he searched out Gus in the stables, strode up to him, and nodded. “Gus, I need a favor.”

stopped and wiped his forehead. “
? I’ll do what I can.”

Simon rubbed the back of his neck, glancing past his shoulder, not meeting his gaze
. “I don’t know how to word this, but it seems Giselle has taken to the idea that she’s a spy.”

“Doesn’t surprise me
.” Gus’s chuckle rumbled forth. “Where’d she get such a notion?”

cleared his throat, feeling heat rush up his neck. “I might have had some hand in planting the seed, thinking it harmless. My case is turning more serious. Could become deadly and she’s in the middle of it. I’ve cautioned her about the dangers, but I’m not sure she’s hearing me.”

“I tried to warn you
. You’ve got your hands full with her.” Gus’s expression was full of merriment. “I’ll watch over her and try to keep her out of mischief.”

“Watch Black, too.”

Gus immediately sobered and his gaze searched Simon’s. “Is there something about Black you aren’t telling me?”

“There’s nothing to tell
. No proof, merely intuition. Just be wary of the man. I believe he’s involved up to his eyeballs in this and Giselle knows it. I appreciate your watching out for her for a couple of days. By then it should be over.”

, well, no need to worry. I’ll watch her.”

.” He turned and headed out of the stables only to find Jake waiting with a saddled horse.

, he said, “Since you have such keen eyesight, I’m asking you to keep it on Giselle while I’m gone and she’s working.”

“You think she could be in danger?”

His horse pranced, clearly impatient to go. Simon held him in place. “Not if you and Gus watch out for her. This is just between us, and I wouldn’t ask it if I didn’t think it necessary.”

“Consider it done
.” Jake nodded. “Like I said, Harrington. I got eyes and I see real good. A lot more than people think I do.”

Simon snorted, returning
his smile. “The news warms my heart, Jake.” He then turned his mount and galloped away, leaving Jake laughing in his dust.


Chapter 17

“What are you doing here?
I told you months ago we’re not to be seen together.”

“Yeah, I know, but I got a message from Black.”

A heavy sigh preceded the words, “Fools, the lot of you. Why I hired fools is beyond me.” There was dead silence until the irritated voice prompted, “Well? Since you’re here, what’s the message?”

“Black says someone
on the farm’s askin’ questions. He’s zeroed in on Black and is tryin’ to connect him somehow to the stallion’s death. He’s also askin’ questions ’bout Mathers.”

“Of course he’s asking questions
. That was all part of the plan. If he does his part the way he’s supposed to, everything will fall into place. You tell Black he was hired to do a job and he damn well better do it. Once it’s done, he just disappears. He’s not being paid to think and neither are you, which is a good thing because you two have no brains.”

“But what about the man with the questions?
What do we do ’bout him? Black says he’s smart. Are you sure we’re safe? You told me this was a sure thing.”

, you little weasel, stay away from Black for the time being. When this is over, you can disappear along with him and all the money you’re being paid. Until then, I expect you to follow orders. You understand?”

“Yeah, I understand, but I don’t like it
. Yer not the one takin’ the risk.”

Having second thoughts? If so, just return the money and I’ll find someone with bigger balls.”

ain’t returnin’ nothin’. I already done my part. I just don’t wanna get caught.”

“Then stay the hell away from Black
. Neither of you get your final payment until he finishes the job. You tell him I said so.”

“I’ll tell him, but he
ain’t gonna like it. He thinks it’s riskier than you let on.”

“Too bad
. If he wants to quit, tell him he can return the advance. Now, get the hell away from here before I lose my patience.”

“All right, I’m

“And one more thing
. Either of you mess this up, you’re dead men. Are we clear?”

, he got on his horse and rode away as fast as he could, trying to escape the sensation of being chased by the devil.


Chapter 18

Giselle spent the morning
in the paddock with Gus. When she could, she’d check the stables where Black worked, cleaning stalls along with some other hands. She was disappointed to learn during her spying that his behavior seemed normal. He wasn’t doing anything suspicious.

Walking up to Gus after one such visit to the stables, she sighed.

Gus caught the sigh, and grinned. “Don’t you think you’re being a little obvious?”

” she said as nonchalantly as she could.

He laughed, shaking his head
. “Simon was right, you do think you’re a spy.”

She drew her shoulders back
. “I do not know what you are talking about.”

? Well, if I were you, I’d be a little less conspicuous about it.”

Caught, she smiled
. “How do I do that?”

“I don’t know, but if he’s as dangerous as Simon thinks he is, I wouldn’t mess with him

“Black does
not appear dangerous. He is not doing anything, other than working. Somehow I thought spying would be more fun.”

Gus chuckled
. “I’ll watch out for him and so will Jake. You should mind what Simon told you and stay out of it.”

I will. Checking on him is not very exciting. Maybe Simon is wrong about him.”

. That’s not our worry. Our worry is the horses.”

Of course.” Disappointment was evident in her voice. “I guess I am better at training.”

“Come on
. We need to work with Asapurna and Fortuna out on the track since the weather is so beautiful. I have a feeling winter will be here too quickly. And when it comes, it usually hits with a vengeance.”

They worked until lunch
time, when they led Fortuna and Asapurna back to the stables. After handing Fortuna off to Jake, Giselle turned and noticed a horse and buggy speeding up the lane. The moment recognition set in, she ran toward the small carriage now stopping in front of the house.

stepped out of the buggy in a flash, holding out his arms. When Giselle reached him, she flung herself into his open arms. He twirled her around as if she were as light as air.

He set
her down to help Sophie climb out of the buggy.

Mama,” Giselle said excitedly. “What are you doing here?”

er father grinned and winked. “What? We can’t come visit our baby?”

am a grown woman, not a baby anymore.”

“Don’t tell me you don’t want us here?”

“You know better,” she said, stifling a giggle. “I am happy to see you, yet also surprised. You are just in time for lunch.”

Jake walked up
. “I’ll take care of the horse, sir.”

Marcus nodded
. “Thanks. I appreciate it.” He held out both arms for the ladies. “See, Sophie. I knew if we timed it right, lunch would be part of the visit.”

Giselle slapped at his shoulder. “Oh, Papa, you a
re such a tease and I love you so.”

Arm in arm, the three started for the house

“Minnie and Maizie will love the company
. How long are you staying?” Giselle asked.

“A couple of days
. Your mother grew tired of Shelbyville. She said she needed to visit a spot with no distractions.”

Sophie hit his arm
. “Hush. I said no such thing. We merely decided it was time to see where you live and work, is all.”

When they entered the dining room, Minnie and Maizie were already seated

“Look who
has come to visit,” Giselle gushed. “Minnie, Maizie, I’d like you to meet my parents, Marcus and Sophie Franklin.”

“How nice to meet you,” Minnie said
. “Please join us.”

jumped from her chair and rang for the servant to bring a couple of extra place settings. While sitting back down, she said, “We’ve heard so much about you from Giselle. It’s about time you came for a visit.”

The Franklins sat and
in no time they were served luncheon.

“How long will
you both be staying with us?” Minnie asked.

Marcus said,
“At least a couple of days, if that’s all right.”

“Of course.
You’re welcome to stay as long as you like,” Minnie said.

Giselle piped in, “
After lunch, I’ll get them situated.”

, who seemed put out, said, “No need to trouble yourself. We’ll take care of it. You just have a nice visit. It’s too bad that nice Mr. Harrington isn’t here for lunch.” Turning to Marcus and Sophie, she practically beamed. “You both would enjoy meeting him.”

, indeed. Simon is such a dear,” Minnie agreed.

Marcus and Sophie’s glances met and both faces lit in knowing smiles.

“I do not think he will be here tonight,” Giselle murmured, giving an unconcerned shrug. “This morning he said something about being out late.”

Sophie’s smile was still in place when she asked, “So
, Simon Harrington is staying here also?”

patted her rosy cheek. “Oh my, yes. We just love him. He’s been so helpful to entertain Giselle in the library after dinner so we could retire early.”

Marcus sat straighter in the chair, peering at Giselle with eyebrows high. “He’s been entertaining you?” he asked with a sparkle in his eye. “How odd. I thought you said he was an odious man.”

“Really, Papa!
I have to be polite. After all, he is a guest of the Thorpes. In their absence, it is my job to make him feel welcome.” She caught the look passing between her parents.

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