Read Games of Fire Online

Authors: Airicka Phoenix

Games of Fire (13 page)

BOOK: Games of Fire
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As if sensing their gaze on him, Spencer raised his head and caught her eye. A shiver stole through her, hot and unstoppable. She felt it all the way down to her toes.

“And from the way you look at him …” Brian continued slowly, making her flush at getting caught. “You like him back, so my question is this, why aren’t you with him tonight?”

Sophie shook her head, averting her eyes. “That would be a very bad idea.”

“Why’s that?”

She could still feel Spencer’s eyes on her, feel them moving over her, touching her, warming her flesh. She felt the heat rising up into her cheeks, swirling in the pit of her stomach and rushing excitedly to her brain, disorientating her.

“Because he hates me. Because he would rather inject himself with flesh melting venom than go anywhere with me. Because I’m not all together sure I like him.”

Brian snorted. “I’ve never seen two people more in denial.”

“I’m not in denial!”

laughed. “Trust me. No guy looking at a girl like that is thinking how much he hates her.”

Unconsciously, he
r gaze flickered back to Spencer. Her breath caught to find him still watching her. “W … what is he thinking?”

Brian leaned in close, almost touching her ear with his lips. “That he would like nothing better than to snatch you away from me and keep you to himself.” As if to prove
something, he glided the tips of his fingertips over the length of her forearm. Sophie was too distracted by the possibilities of his words and the heat in Spencer’s eyes to notice that her crush was touching her, whispering into her ear and sitting so close, his scent was tattooing onto her skin. “Do you see it in his eyes? That is a guy two seconds away from marching over here and killing me.”

It was on the tip of her tongue to laugh that nonsense thought away, to call Brian a hopeless romantic or a delusional nut. She even considered the possibility that Brian was drunk, but the proof was in the cold glare in Spencer’s eyes, in the hard set of his lips, the rapid dance of his jaw muscles. It was in the way he was slowly tearing the flesh from Brian’s body with
his eyes. Those eyes shifted and met hers and the heat in them changed to frustration.

Sophie gasped. “No. That isn’t right.
He doesn’t …”

Brian pulled back. “I know
guys.” He grinned. “I happen to be one.”

It would be so easy to believe, to really believe Spencer
… no! She couldn’t let herself dwell on those thoughts. The guy was a jerk. He’d been a jerk from day one without any cause or reasoning. She wasn’t about to lose herself to him and his sullen, gorgeous looks.

“I should go check on Jessie,” she said,
needing space to clear her thoughts.

“I’ll come with you!” He rose to his feet.

“No!” She winced at the sharpness in her voice. She forced a smile. “I have to use the washroom anyway and see when Lauren wants to leave.”

Lame. She was so freaking lame and such a horrible person.

If Brian picked up on her sudden need for distance, he never let on. He smiled at her kindly and nodded. “I’ll find you later then.”

She tried to think of something to say next, some way to soften the guilt clawing at her. “Thank you for tonight. I really had an amazing time.”

With a wave, she stalked over to where her friend stood, huddled under a giant, red and white lettermen jacket that was most definitely not hers. Lauren glanced over when Sophie joined her.

“Hey, girlie,” Lauren said in greeting. “What you doin’?”

Sophie tossed a once over on the guy standing next to her friend. Tall, about six feet, wide shoulders, broad chest, narrow waist, big hands. He practically smelled like a jock. He gave Sophie a head jerk nod thing.

Paul, this is my home girl Sophie,” Lauren introduced. “Paul goes to UV.”

It didn’t surprise Sophie he went to university. She had guessed as much. What surprised her was that the guy wasn’t giving her the shifty eye or predatory smile like some of the
other older guys checking out girls. His smile was genuine when he offered it.

“Hi,” she said.

He inclined his head. “Hey.”

Sophie turned back to Lauren. “I’m going to check on Jess.”

Lauren checked her watch. “I was going to go up in ten.” She lowered her hand, her dark eyes sweeping past Sophie to where Brian still sat, staring up at the rolling clouds. “Things not working out?”

Sophie shrugged, trying not to show just how hurt she really felt. “Joe was right. Odds are he’ll go back to Tiffany if the chance ever came up.”

Lauren clicked her tongue. “Ain’t that a shame? Well, boy don’t know what’s good for him.”

“When did you want to go?” she asked, needing to change the subject.

A pout pulled down Lauren’s shoulders. “Really?”

“Well, we can’t stay here forever!” Sophie said.

“I know, but … ” She gave a deft, signaling flick of her eyes towards Paul.

Sophie sighed. “I’m going to hang inside. Find me when you’re ready, okay?”

Beaming, Lauren nodded. “You got it!”

With a last glance towards
Paul, Sophie ducked through the patio doors. She weaved her way through the still raging crowd towards the stairs. Most of the dancing had turned to mindless groping, unsteady swaying and lots of howling. She could no longer tell if music was even playing. Gingerly, she made her way up the stairs, relieved to be alone for a change. Maybe she’d hang out with Jessie for a little while and take off her shoes. The damn things were killing her. She would have been rid of them hours ago, but between broken glass, gum, vomit and whatever else, the floor didn’t feel safe enough to walk around on with bare feet. She fished the key out of her jacket pocket and slipped it into Roy’s door.

The door behind her opened with a resounding
It echoed through the corridor a split second before the riotous laughter and coughing. A plume of sweet smelling smoke billowed overhead like a thick carpet as three men stumbled out of a bathroom, shoving each other and making a world of noise. An uneasy chill crept over Sophie’s skin, making her wish she’d taken Brian’s offer and let him walk her. It could have been paranoia, but she couldn’t shake the bone deep desire to run, an impossibility in those shoes. But she couldn’t stand there either. These boys were definitely not from Westwood nor were they sober.

Gingerly, careful not to draw attention, she turned the key in the lock, hoping to squeeze inside before they noticed her.

“Well, what do we have here?” The commotion quieted.

She could feel their eyes now fastened to her back, roaming over her, touching her in a way that made her want to take a shower. Sophie tried not to flinch, not to turn. Her fingers shook as she tried to twist the lock back into place, protecting Jessie.

“You shouldn’t be up here,” one said. “This is an adult area only.”

“Maybe she came up looking for a real party,” said another.

“Is that it?” the first one said. “Are you here looking for some real fun?”

The lock slipped soundlessly back into its latch. She dragged the key out slowly, curling her fingers around them to muffle any jingling.

“Hey, we’re talking to you!” another voice said, this one louder, meaner than the first two. A large, heavy hand slammed down on her shoulder, nearly knocking her knees out from beneath her. She bit back a scream as she was yanked around and slammed into the wall next to the door. “Cat got your tongue?”

He was the largest of the group, tall and menacing. Shiny black curls glistened in the soft light. Black pupils swallowed whatever color his eyes may have been, giving him an almost demonic appearance. His face was red, reminding her of a bull. He bore down
on Sophie.

“My friend will be up any minute,” she threatened, trying not to let her voice crack.

A thick eyebrow lifted. “Friend, eh?” He glanced over his shoulder at his friends. “She is up here for some fun!” He turned back to Sophie. “But you won’t need him. We’ll keep you entertained.”

Sophie didn’t let
the cold fear paralyze her. Her mind jackhammered even as her body threatened to shut down. The keys in her hand punctured through the spaces between each fingers, creating a weapon. Hesitation sent a tremor through her hand, slicking her fingers with sweat. Her eyes stayed fixed on the face leering down at her around a mouthful of crooked teeth.

“Get her in the bathroom!” one guy said, darting an anxious glance towards the stairway.

The Bull-Guy seemed to think this was a good idea when he grabbed Sophie by the arm, dragging her off the wall he’d thrown her against.

Her arm sprung forward instinctively. The jagged keys tore into Bull-Guy’s face like hot knives through cheese. It shredded the skin on his
cheek, splitting it open in three angry gashes that oozed blood down the front of his green polo shirt. His howl rang like music to her pounding ears. He clutched at his face, not noticing the knee she thrust straight up between his legs until it was too late. He went down like a two ton truck. His friends, confused and bogged down by alcohol and drugs, weren’t quick enough to stop her when she darted past them and bolted at a neck breaking pace towards the stairs.

“Get her!” She heard Bull-Guy roar.

At the landing, Sophie kicked off her shoes and stumbled down. Behind her, she heard one of them go down, tripping over her discarded heels. There was cursing and yelling, then pounding of feet as they thundered after her.

Sophie hit the bottom landing with a scream. She kept screaming as she ran down the hall, shouldering a faceless person without even pausing to see if they were okay when they crashed into the wall. At the kitchen opening, she whipped her head over her shoulder to see where
her pursuers were and slammed into something solid. Long arms enfolded her, trapping her. Her throat ripped as she released another shriek. She wedged her hands between their bodies and used both fists to slam into the chest she was now being cradled against.


Panting, sobbing, she jerked her head up at the familiar voice. “Spencer!”

“There she is!”
Two of the three guys appeared behind her, breathing hard, swaying slightly on their feet.

Panic lanced through her body as she feared that no one would help her
. What if no one stopped them from taking her? Terrified, her fingers closed around the soft fabric of Spencer’s shirt. “Please don’t let them take me, Spencer,” she begged, not sure if he would listen. He had a habit of doing the opposite of what she asked. “Please!”

He surprised her. His
arms tightened around her, pressing her deeper into his safe embrace as his eyes lifted to the men behind her.

“Give us the girl, kid!” one said.

Spencer snorted. “Right, like that’s going to happen.”

“We just want to talk to her!”

Looking at them as if they’d lost their minds, Spencer turned, taking Sophie with him, putting himself between her and the goons.

They couldn’t have taken more than a handful of steps when a hand slammed down on Spencer’s shoulder, nearly shoving him into Sophie.

He relinquished his hold on her, whipping around with both fists clenched. “Back off, man!” he growled.

“Hey! What’s going on?” Roy appeared at their side, his dark eyes narrowed. They shot from Spencer to Sophie to the trio blocking the entrance way into the kitchen. “You
two don’t go to Westwood and you weren’t invited.” There was finality in Roy’s voice.

The group guarding the keg stopped whatever drinking game they were playing and turned. Most of them did this by clutching the guy beside them to keep from spilling over, but they were now facing
the doorway leading into the kitchen the way Roy was.

“You need to leave,” Roy said evenly.

Before the two could respond, Bull-Guy charged into the room, his enraged expression marred by three bloody tears, eyes glinting wildly. Sophie reached over and clutched Spencer’s hand before she could stop herself, wrapping her chilled, unsteady fingers around his fist. The tightly clenched fingers unfurled and reclosed around her entire hand. She almost sagged in relief, having been so sure he’d push her away.

From over his shoulder, her gaze was caught by Bull-Guy. He sneered, but just as quickly, his face softened into a smile, transforming him into a
good-looking guy. He slanted a glance over the crowd watching him and his group.

“Honest mistake,” he said, putting his hands up. “We thought she was someone we knew. No harm done.”

“You still need to go.” Roy folded his arms over his chest.

Bull-Guy inclined his head. “Right you are! Come on, boys.”

While the others shuffled around him, turning to leave, his gaze shifted to Sophie again. The dark promise in them had her pressing closer to Spencer, who shifted himself completely in front of her, drawing Bull-Guy’s attention to him.

Bull-Guy smirked. “We’ll meet again
… soon.” With a wink for Sophie, he turned and followed his friends through the hall and out the door.

BOOK: Games of Fire
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