Game Over (The Baltimore Banners Book 2) (18 page)

BOOK: Game Over (The Baltimore Banners Book 2)
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     The woman pushed Nikolai once more in the shoulder, then turned to face Bobbi, a small smile on her sad face. "You must excuse my brother-in-law, for he is an ignorant stubborn mule. You must not hold that against him because even though he tries to hide it, he is in love with you. I fear this is a weakness that effects all Petrovich men."

     "Me, Mama?"

     Bobbi choked back a laugh as Dmitri peered up at his mother, his blue eyes wide with concern. Katerina dropped a kiss on his forehead, a fleeting smile lighting her face. "I am afraid so, my son. But I will teach you better so you will not be so bad as your uncle, yes? Good."

     Dmitri nodded, apparently satisfied with his mother's answer, then rested his head back on her shoulder and closed his eyes. Katerina turned so she could look at both of them, her dark eyes holding a hint of sadness. "Do not be a fool, Nikolai Petrovich. Do not waste what life has given you. And you, Ms. Reeves. Do not hold Nikolai's faults against him. Because even though Petrovich men can be stubborn mules, they are fierce in their love. They do not give it freely, but when they do give it, it is meant forever."

     Bobbi's eyes burned with unshed tears at Katerina's words, at the pain of loss that was still fresh under the surface of this beautiful woman. She stood and wrapped her arms around both Katerina and Dmitri, offering some small comfort, letting the woman know without words of her sympathy and her thanks.

     Katerina squeezed her close, then abruptly stepped back. "Now, I must get Dmitri into bed. Nikolai, you will stay here, and I will have the man drive us back."

     "I'm sorry. The man? Which man?" Bobbi followed Katerina to the door, her senses suddenly on high alert, and tried to step in front of her, to keep her from leaving.

     "The agent, Denny Lowe. He is a strong man, but I think one not to be trusted with the heart. I will be safe with him."

     "Wait, I don't understand. Denny brought you here?" Bobbi grabbed Katerina's arm just as she reached for the door knob, stopping her, pulling her back. She ignored Katerina's exclamation of surprise and kept pulling her away from the door, back to the living room where Nikolai was looking at her in confusion. "Denny brought you here?"

     "Yes. He is the one who said you thought Katerina was my wife. Why?"

     Bobbi shook her head, motioning for everyone to sit as she reached for her cell phone and turned it on. "Because Denny is the one who told me she was your wife. And because Denny never does anything without a reason." As she waited for the phone to power on, she went around the room and began turning off lights, leaving only the stove light and a small dim lamp on.

     The phone beeped several times, indicating waiting voice mail, but she ignored it and dialed a number. The phone rang twice before being answered with a simple greeting.

     "Denny. What's going on?"

     "I'm not sure what you mean, Bobbi."

     "It's been a really long day, Denny, and I'm not in the mood for games. Now what's going on? What are you up to?"

     A long silence, followed by a sigh. "I just thought I'd bring them over to see you. Petrovich was quite stunned when he learned you thought he was married."

     Bobbi tucked the phone between her ear and shoulder and walked to the door, peering out through the side window. She scanned the street and saw Denny's car parked several houses up. "Yeah, thanks to you. So you, what? Decided to wait? Out of the goodness of your heart?"

     "You know me."

     Her eyes continued to scan the street, her pulse pounding heavily, anger building. "Yeah, I do know you. That's the problem. Why the additional cars?"

     She had spotted at least two, but only because she had seen them before. To anyone else, they would look like they belonged in the neighborhood. Anxiety mingled with her anger and she stepped away from the window, tossing a look back over her shoulder.

     The living room was mostly dark, but she could see Katerina sitting on the edge of the sofa, tension in her tight shoulders as Dmitri curled in her lap. Nikolai stood close to both of them as he watched her.

     "Toomey disappeared before we could pick him up. We believe he could be heading here."

     Bobbi closed her eyes, cursing under her breath. She could sense Nikolai moving behind her but she waved him off with a quick motion, her mind spinning. "So you just brought all three of them here? What the hell was your plan, Denny? The more, the merrier? That makes it pretty damn convenient for him, now doesn't it? Not to mention pretty damned irresistible."

     There was a pause, and Bobbi could imagine Denny gritting his teeth in frustration. She turned back toward Nikolai and motioned for him to follow her, for all three of them to follow her.

     "Nothing is going to happen, Bobbi. Agents are watching the house. We'll get him before you even know it."

     "Yeah. Except Katerina almost walked out the door. Perfect target, don't you think?" She heard him swear under his breath, and knew that he hadn't expected for her to leave so soon.

     And she suddenly knew, with cold certainty, that Toomey wasn't just expected to head here—he was already here.

     Somewhere close, just outside her house.



     Bobbi led the trio toward the back hall and adjusted her grip on the phone, talking in a low hiss. "Damn you Denny. Where is he?"

     "Bobbi, it's under control."

     "Damn you to hell. You do
let anything happen. Do you hear me?"

     "I said it's under control."

let anything happen," she repeated before ending the call. Nikolai and Katerina stopped in the hallway, their eyes on her. Nikolai had heard everything she said and he knew something wasn't right. And while Katerina may not have understood what she was saying, Bobbi could see from the shadows in her eyes that she knew something was wrong.

     She turned and led them into her dark bedroom, walking over to pull the drapes completely shut before moving to her closet. It was a small walk-in, just big enough for what she needed.

     Bobbi leaned in and pulled a lock box from the shelf, then turned toward Nikolai and Katerina. Without saying a word, Katerina nodded and walked into the closet, bending over so she could lower the still-sleeping Dmitri to the floor against the back wall. She sat down next to him, positioned slightly in front, looking for all the world like a ferocious lioness ready to attack.

     Bobbi grabbed the bedspread and several pillows from her bed and handed them to Katerina, a look of apology on her face. She then pulled a flashlight from the top shelf and handed it to the woman. Katerina took it, then grabbed Bobbi's hand and squeezed.

"We will be okay."

     Bobbi squeezed her hand in return but said nothing, just turned and faced Nikolai, who looked like an immovable blockade standing at the entrance to the closet, his arms folded across his broad chest, his jaw tightly clenched, the look in his eyes ferocious.

     Bobbi swallowed and stepped out of the closet, firmly closing the door behind her as she faced Nikolai. "No, I'm not going to ask you to get into the closet." A brief flicker of surprise crossed his face but he said nothing, just watched her as she walked past him and grabbed the lock box. She opened the lid and pulled out the pistol and clip inside, quickly loaded it and chambered a round, then turned back to him.

     "Do you trust me, Nikolai?" Her voice was quiet in the silence surrounding them, barely a whisper. He didn't answer for a long time, long enough that she thought he hadn't heard her.

     Or that he couldn't answer yes. But it didn't matter, not for this. She opened her mouth again but was stopped when he stepped toward her, his hands closing over her arms. He pulled her against him and his mouth claimed hers in a deep kiss no less soul-searing for its briefness. He held her tightly for a brief second then stepped back just enough so he could frame her face with his hands.

     "I trust you,
moe krasivejshee
. I love you." He kissed her again, hard and fast, and she grabbed the front of his shirt, twisting it in her free hand for balance as tears filled her eyes.

     He finally pulled away, staring down at her with his clear eyes full of emotion. She reached out and ran a shaking finger across his lower lip. "I love you, Nikolai.
I love you, Nikolai Petrovich, with all my heart.

     His lips curled in a brief smile but he said nothing, and she cleared her throat and stepped away, holding the gun out to him butt-end first. "All you have to do is point and fire. Don't let anyone in here."

     "And you,
moe krasivejshee
? What is it you are doing?"

     "I'm putting an end to this once and for all."

     Nikolai watched her for another second, then reluctantly reached out and took the gun from her. Their gazes met and she offered him a small smile, then turned and walked out of the room, pulling the door closed behind her.

     The house was quiet as she walked down the hallway to the kitchen and pulled another gun from the drawer. Her cell phone rang as she was making sure it was loaded and ready to go, and she answered it with a brief hello.

     "We've got a visual on him. He's two houses down, heading to your place. Keep everyone inside."

     Bobbi's heart hammered as she walked over to the front door and peered out the side window again. She could just make out the figure of George Toomey coming up the sidewalk, and she looked around, searching for other shadow figures. "Where is everyone else? I don't see anyone."

     "They're in position."

     "Bullshit Denny. I don't want him anywhere near here. Take him down now."

     "Not yet."

     He was getting closer, stopping just before the walkway to her door, looking around him but no longer moving. "What are you waiting for? Take him down now!"

     "Not yet."

     Bobbi watched as Toomey stood in front of her house, his head still moving in that furtive back-and-forth look up and down the street. He went to turn onto her walkway then stopped, pausing. He backed up a step then turned around, heading in the opposite direction.

     Bobbi heard Denny's confused muttering, heard him talking to someone else on another phone or radio in the background. But there was no other movement, no sign of any other person outside. And she realized, with sudden clarity, that they were going to let him go, just let him walk away.

     They didn't just want to pick him up, they wanted to catch him in the middle of something.              

     "Damn you Denny!" She yelled into the phone even then threw it down and reached for the door. Not thinking, just acting, she pulled it open and stepped onto the front porch, watching as Toomey stopped and turned at the sudden noise.

     He was twenty feet away, yet she could see the anger and hatred on his face as clear as if he was right in front of her. He took a step toward her, his hand reaching behind him as he called out to her.

     "You ruined it! You ruined everything! We were making millions but you ruined it for both of us!" His arm swung around in front of him. Bobbi glimpsed the gun in his hand and lifted her own arm in response, her finger squeezing the trigger in one smooth motion as activity exploded around her. Shouts, pops, the pounding of feet and flashes of light.

     Then an unearthly silence for a long minute. Bobbi stared at the scene in front of her, at Toomey's body crumpled on the ground, surrounded by several men standing with their guns drawn. Denny was one of them, issuing soundless orders even as he turned to stare at her, a mixed expression of impatience and admiration on his face.

     Sound slowly reentered the world around her, layers at a time.

     Toomey's moans.

     The crackling of radios and barked orders.

     Dogs barking and the curious questions and exclamations from neighbors as they opened their doors.

     A whispered Russian epithet from behind her.

     Bobbi clicked the safety on then slowly turned toward Nikolai. He stared at the scene on the sidewalk for several long seconds then finally turned his gaze on her, his eyes dark with emotion, his face slightly pale. His chest rose and fell deeply, as if he had just finished a dozen cross-ice sprints.

     Bobbi reached out and placed her hand on his arm, giving it a light squeeze. "Are you okay?"

     Nikolai looked down at her for a quiet second, then slowly nodded as he reached for her and pulled her so tightly against him that he knocked the breath from her. She wrapped her arms around him and held him close in her own tight squeeze, then pulled back just enough so she could lean up and kiss him. His mouth closed over hers in a possessive kiss, and she felt herself melting into him, becoming one with him.

     He finally pulled away and looked down at her again. "I love you,
moe krasivejshee
. I think you scare me, but I love you all the same."

     Bobbi laughed, then leaned forward and placed a quick kiss on his chin. "I love you, Nikolai Petrovich. C'mon, let's go inside. Denny can clean up the mess."

     Nikolai looked back at the scene once more, his brow furrowed. "It is over now? They are safe?"

     "Everyone's safe now, Nikolai. Game over."

     He nodded, a smile on his face, then led her inside and closed the door behind them.




Game over

     Bobbi stood and cheered as the Banners skated around the ice, waving to the fans as the winning score flashed across the Jumbo-Tron. Workers were rolling a huge carpet out from the players' bench as part of the festivities of the last game of the season, and Bobbi knew that was her cue. She looked over and caught Katerina's eye, giving her a nod.

     Katerina stood and took Dmitri's hand, then followed the two agents from the owner's box. Nikolai had arranged for them to watch the final game from the luxurious suite, much to Dmitri's excitement. The boy may not have understood English, but he certainly understood hockey and was overjoyed to be able to watch his uncle play.

     Bobbi had arranged for the escorts, not willing to take any chances. Much to Denny's frustration, if the scowl on his face was still an indication. He stepped into place behind Katerina, but stopped and turned before Bobbi could follow.

     "You didn't need to have Howard send the other agents, not when you knew I was going to be here."

     Bobbi stepped around him, knowing he'd follow her. She looked at him out of the corner of her eye as they left the box and began the descent to the ice, not surprised that he had assigned himself as Katerina's personal escort.

     Even though, supposedly, the danger was completely over. Walter Jacobs had confessed to everything, and they had learned that the entire operation was run by him and George Toomey. There were no others waiting in line to take over, no possibility for someone on the sidelines stepping up.

     "Toomey was upgraded to serious condition," Denny told her. She said nothing, merely nodded. She hadn't been shooting to kill, even though she had been tempted to. Denny finally stopped, and she stopped as well, her face blank as she looked at him. "Listen, I was wrong. I shouldn't have kept you out like I did."

     Bobbi raised a brow at him, her skepticism clear. He had done much more than keep her out, but she still didn't say anything, just turned her gaze toward the ice. The players were lining up on the carpet as a group of fans huddled off to the side. Random seat numbers had been called throughout the game, and the lucky winners would receive one of the player's jerseys. Her eyes sought out Nikolai and a smile spread across her face. He had pulled Dmitri onto the ice with him, and was carrying him over to the carpet to stand with him.

     "Do you love him?"

     Bobbi pulled her eyes away from Nikolai and looked at Denny, surprised at the honest curiosity on his face. She studied him for several seconds then nodded, letting her feelings show clearly. "Yeah, I do."

     He nodded, then followed her to the area around the players' bench that had been reserved for family. Bobbi reached out and touched Denny's arm, stopping him before he could near Katerina. "I wanted to thank you. For getting immediate access to some of Nikolai's funds. It was important to him, so he could make arrangements for Katerina and Dmitri. So...thank you."

     Denny nodded, apparently at a loss for words. Bobbi laughed and stepped into the player's box, standing next to Katerina to watch the festivities, enjoying the excitement of the atmosphere surrounding them.

     Before she realized it, the event was winding down, the crowds thinning out around them. Nikolai skated to the bench, a laughing but obviously exhausted Dmitri in his arms. Katerina leaned forward to take him but Denny intercepted, accepting the boy from a shocked Nikolai. Bobbi watched in surprise, noticed the brief emotion flash on Denny's face before he could hide it.

     She was about to say something, make some bemused comment, but was stopped when Nikolai wrapped his arms around her from behind and pulled her over the boards. She let out a shout of surprise as her feet touched the ice, as Nikolai spun her around so they were face to face and then his lips were on hers, his hands buried in her hair. Bobbi wrapped her hands in his jersey and leaned against him, her body molding against his.

     He pulled away and adjusted his hold around her, lifting her against him so he could glide backwards along the ice with her. Bobbi wrapped her arms around his neck, supporting herself as she looked up at him. Nikolai was smiling down at her, his eyes clear and warm.

     "You had fun today?"

     She nodded, twirling her fingers in the hair at the back of his neck. She pressed her lips against his throat, felt his pulse jump under her lips as his arms tightened. "Yes, I did. Very much. I love you, Nikolai."

     He stopped the backward glide and lowered her feet to the ice, his arms still holding her in place. "And I love you,
moe krasivejshee

     He kissed her, deeply, thoroughly, completely. And Bobbi kissed him back just the same, showing him how she felt. Her eyes slowly opened as Nikolai pulled back just a few inches, and she saw the bright smile on his face. She cocked her head to the side, wondering at his expression, and saw that he had stopped them just outside the penalty box.

BOOK: Game Over (The Baltimore Banners Book 2)
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