Game for Tonight (9 page)

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Authors: Karen Erickson

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #General, #Game for It, #football, #Monica Murphy, #erotic romance, #quarterback, #laura kaye, #Karen Erickson, #brazen, #Game for Tonight, #Lauren Blakely, #entangled, #fake relationship

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That kiss had been all he’d thought about since he’d left her.

Now he stood on her front step, after getting her exact address from Harvey. And he was worried that she hadn’t replied to his earlier texts. He needed to know she was okay, that she was safe. The two of them were now in this together, and he wanted to protect her.

And if she didn’t answer the door right this very second, he was going to break it down and make sure she was all right. Where the hell could she be?

“Aubrey!” He pounded on her front door, not giving a crap if he caused a spectacle for her neighbors to see. Not the smartest way to think, considering he didn’t want the media to find him, but damn it, what if she was hurt? Or hell…what if she was with someone else? Like another guy? “Are you in there? Open the damn door!”

Within seconds, it swung open, a very startled—and very sleepy looking—Aubrey stood in front of him. She’d changed into little white shorts and an oversize Hawks T-shirt. Clearly she had on whatever she usually wore to bed.

Considering it was around eight at night, that surprised him. And aroused him because, holy hell, there was a lot of skin on display.

“What are you doing here?” she asked, her voice raspy.

“I was, uh…worried about you.” He scratched the back of his neck, feeling like an idiot. He’d overreacted when he should’ve just waited for her to text him back. Not come to her place and try to beat down her door.

“How did you know where I live?” She hid her yawn behind her hand, then smoothed her fingers through her hair, trying to tame it. He liked how rumpled she looked. Would like more than anything to be the one to get her all rumpled and naked in bed before they fell asleep in each other’s arms…

“Uh, Harvey gave me your address.” He shoved his hands in his jeans pockets, noticed that they were actually wearing the same T-shirt. Though it looked way better on her. “Can I come in for a minute?”

“Sure, yeah. Considering you’re my boyfriend now, I guess you’re entitled.” She laughed a little and opened the door wider, but he wasn’t in the mood for jokes.

He was wound up as tight as he’d ever felt. His skin itched and he felt ready to burst. Restlessness sizzled through him, making him want to find a way to channel all of that energy into something else.

Something like…Aubrey.

“Are you all right?” she asked once she’d shut the door, turned the lock, and then leaned against it, watching him with a wary gaze. “You seem a little…keyed up.”

“Keyed up” didn’t even begin to describe how he felt. And all the crap he’d been dealing with was coming at him tenfold, now that he was in Aubrey’s presence, with her looking as sexy as she did. Her feet were bare, her toenails were painted a bright red, and all he could do was stare at her long, pale legs.

What the hell was she doing wearing a pair of shorts like that? It was freaking January. She should not be walking around in little shorts that should be declared illegal. Yeah, she looked hot but damn, it was cold out here.

“I’m a little edgy, yeah.” He nodded, swallowed hard. How could he explain to her what was wrong with him, when he didn’t know himself?

“Don’t tell me you’re freaking out over everything.” She offered him a tentative smile. “You’re always so calm under pressure. I know you can handle this. The press hasn’t been so bad since we’ve talked to them. Hopefully, soon, they’ll leave you alone.”

“Yeah, they’ve been all right. My dad is pissed, though.” He sounded downright hostile, though he didn’t mean to.

She nodded slowly, the smile disappearing from her face. “Your dad?”

He took a deep breath. “He’s not happy about any of this.”

“Oh.” She pressed her lips together, her eyes full of…sadness? “I’m sorry if I’ve come between you and your father, Flynn. I never meant for that to happen.”

“It’s okay. Really. He’s never happy.” Ever. And it sucked.

Should he tell her how he was feeling? Hell, why not. Being honest with her, being real with her, he needed that. No more hiding, no more keeping his true feelings inside. Since their night together, he couldn’t focus on anything else. All that kept popping into his brain were images of her. Naked. In his bed.

“You need to understand something about me, Aubrey. When I commit to something, I’m all in.” Going on pure instinct, he went to her, wrapping his hands around her waist and hauling her up, pinning her against the door, her legs going automatically around his waist. Her eyes widened as she stared down at him, and she curled her hands around his shoulders to brace herself. Or cling to him, he couldn’t quite tell yet.

“All in?” she asked as she tightened her fingers on him. Damn, her touch felt good. Too good.

“Yeah. And you need to know something else.”

“What?” she asked warily, her legs loosening their grip around him.

Damn. He didn’t want her putting more distance between them. Not right now. He needed her close. As close as two people could get. “I’m referring to the fact that I can’t stop thinking about the kiss we shared earlier.”

She frowned. “What kiss?”

That she didn’t remember frustrated the hell out of him. “The one we performed for the cameras.”

“Oh.” Her brow furrowed. She looked damn cute all perplexed. “That was just a little kiss, Flynn.”

“A little kiss. Huh.” Leaning in, he brushed her mouth with his. Once. Twice. Soft, sweet kisses that sent a bolt of fiery lust straight through him, which settled in his twitching cock. “I like the way you taste, Aubrey. I want more of it.”

She audibly swallowed, releasing a shaky exhalation. “You say things like that, and I want to kiss you again,” she whispered.

Triumph surged through him. He needed to handle this significant moment unfolding between them just right. Yeah, they’d had sex. It had been a major moment, at least to him. But now he had an opportunity to make this real between them. Make it right.

And that’s what he wanted more than anything. More than football, he wanted Aubrey. Maybe he wouldn’t be able to have her for long, but he definitely wanted to see where this would go.

“I feel like a total jackass for how I treated you after our one night together,” he murmured against her soft lips. “Let me make it up to you.”

She parted her lips to say something, and he took advantage, kissing her hungrily before she could utter a word, his tongue sliding against hers. He clasped her head between his hands, his fingers buried in her silky hair, his body pressed firmly against hers. She tightened her legs around his waist, trying to draw him in as closely as possible, and he let her. Their hips collided, his erection rubbing against her belly, and she gasped against his mouth, a pleasurable little murmur escaping her. She grasped his shoulders so tight he could feel her fingernails cutting into his skin, even through his T-shirt.

Damn, he’d been hot before he’d even gotten into her apartment, which was why he hadn’t worn a jacket when he’d jumped into his new truck and sped over to Aubrey’s place. Now, having her in his arms, wiggling against him, her mouth fused with his, he felt as if he was burning up inside.

The only solution to find relief was getting naked. Together.

Chapter Eight

Aubrey was completely surrounded by a warm, big muscular man, and it felt so incredibly good to be in Flynn’s strong arms. He was kissing her as if his life depended on it, and she buried her fingers in his hair, holding him close.

This was the last thing she’d expected to happen. Finding Flynn on her doorstep, looking worried and irritated and hot as hell. Clad in jeans and a Hawks T-shirt like she wore, his hair still messy from his own hands. He’d stared at her as if he wanted to devour her.

And she’d never, ever seen him look at her so hungrily before. Not even the night they’d had sex, and he’d given her some pretty steamy looks then.

Holy hell, she liked it. The way he held her pinned against the door so she could feel every hard inch of him drove her crazy with wanting him. There was too much between them, though. She wanted to feel hot, bare skin, not clothes. Clothes ruined everything.

No. Clothes were good. They kept up that barrier she needed to stop her from going any further, because clearly she was weak. Weak and spineless and losing the fight to resist him. She needed to resist him because this could not happen between them. Not the sex thing, at least. If she fell into his arms, then she’d be right back where she started.

Over the moon for Flynn Foley. Yeah, he thought they were trying for a real relationship here, but the minute he found out about her deal with Harvey…

He’d hate her forever.

Flynn broke the kiss first, his mouth on her neck, his tongue licking her skin. She shivered beneath his ministrations, letting her hands fall to his sides so she could slip her fingers beneath the hem of his T-shirt. She touched his stomach, the muscles flinching beneath her fingertips, and she smiled. Whimpered, when he licked that particularly sensitive spot behind her ear.

It felt so good to give in. She’d missed his hands on her, his mouth on her…

There was no harm in being with him one more time. As though she could resist anyway. She wanted him too much.

“Damn Aubrey, you feel so good,” he murmured against her skin, his voice so deep, it seemed to vibrate straight through her. “I haven’t been able to get you out of my mind.”

When he said things like that… The lines were blurring, and it confused the hell out of her. She didn’t know what was real anymore.

“Me, either,” she confessed, her voice soft, her breath catching in her throat when he lifted his head, and his intense gaze locked on her face.

A little smile curled his swollen lips as he leaned in and dropped a lingering, damp kiss on her mouth. “Can you feel this? Feel how much I want you?” He thrust against her, his unmistakable erection nudging between her legs, and she groaned in answer, giving in to him so easily.

He didn’t say another word, just took the kiss deeper, his tongue circling hers, his hands searching her body, sliding beneath her T-shirt, much like she’d done to him only moments ago. His calloused fingertips sent shivers rippling through her as they moved up her sides, his hands stopping just under her breasts. Her nipples hardened beneath the satiny fabric of her bra, and she clung to him. Hoping he got the hint that she wanted more.

So much more.

She wanted to cry out in relief when he cupped her breasts, his wide palms engulfing her flesh. He smoothed his thumbs back and forth, teasing her nipples, and then his fingers were delving beneath the bra, touching bare, sensitive skin.

“Don’t stop,” she gasped out. He shoved the bra cups down roughly, circling her nipples with his fingers, and she bit her lip to keep from crying out.

God, his touch just felt so good, so perfect. She was lost in Flynn’s hands, his delicious mouth, the way he felt pressed up against her, all hard and unyielding.

“Where’s your bedroom?” he asked after he broke their kiss, his breathing accelerated.

She opened her eyes to find him staring down at her, a light sheen of sweat covering his forehead, his lips swollen from her kisses. Inclining her head toward the short hallway to her right, she answered, “Down the hall, last door on the right.”

Holding her close, he carried her to her bedroom, letting her go when he stood at the foot of her bed. She slid along the length of his body slowly, enjoying how he visibly reacted to her. His eyelids fluttered, and he released a shuddering breath before pressing his lips together.

He closed his eyes, looking as if he could barely keep control. She watched in fascination at this war he battled within himself. But what was he fighting against? Giving in to his primal urges? His hands clenched into fists, and he breathed deep, his wide chest expanding, making her want to reach out and touch him. Reassure him that everything would be all right, that they were in this together.

His mouth locked with hers, his hands everywhere, shedding her of her clothes as fast as he could. Pulling her T-shirt over her head, shoving at her shorts and panties. She helped him, breathless as she tore off her bra and kicked off her shorts and underwear. Until she stood before him completely naked while he was still fully clothed.

His eyes lit with golden fire, and he guided her toward the bed, gently pushing so she settled on the edge of the mattress. “Lay back,” he murmured, his soft voice edged with a steel that told her he would brook no argument.

Excitement buzzed through her veins as she crawled back on the bed, resting her head on the pile of pillows. The soft comforter rubbed her sensitive skin, making her shiver, and she watched with eager eyes as Flynn shed his shirt, then undid the snap on his jeans.

God, he had the most amazing chest ever. All firm, bulging muscle, without being too much. He had biceps that were out of this world. There was the lightest smattering of hair in the center of his chest, as well as a darkened trail of hair that ran from just beneath his navel into his jeans. A trail she wanted to map with her tongue right now, if he’d let her.

He’d better let her.

A smile curled his lips as he raked his gaze over her, his eyes settling on her breasts. “You sure look pretty waiting for me, lying there naked.”

Feeling bold, Aubrey slowly parted her legs, trailed her fingers across her stomach. “I’m getting cold though, Flynn. You’re going to join me, right?”

Hmm, that got him moving faster. He kicked off his shoes, pulled off his socks, and shucked his jeans, though he kept his underwear on, which she couldn’t help but think was cute. Besides, he looked damn good in those dark gray boxer briefs. The cotton fabric clung to his thick thighs, his thick cock…

He stretched out beside her and took her in his arms, his hands settling on her backside as he kissed her deeply. She plastered her body to his, wanting to feel him, needing that skin-on-skin contact. His groan lit an awakening fire deep within her, and she wrapped her arms around his middle, pulling him so he lay sprawled across her, their mouths never parting.

“Slow down,” he whispered against her lips when she slipped her hand between them and cupped his erection. “I want to enjoy you, baby.”

Aubrey didn’t let go of him. It was as if she couldn’t. And she really loved the way he’d just called her baby. “But I like touching you,” she murmured, stroking his erection nice and slow.

“I like touching you, too.” Chuckling, he nuzzled her cheek with his nose, then her neck, his hair tickling her face. She sighed and clung to him, her fingers digging into his hips. He was so tender, so sweet.

It would be so easy to fall for him.

Her eyes flying open, she stared at the ceiling, overcome with her own thoughts. All the while Flynn was oblivious, his hands roaming her body, his light caresses eliciting shivers, making her tremble. She couldn’t believe the way she was thinking. As if she could really fall for Flynn. Impossible. She couldn’t tell him Harvey had forced her into this arrangement by giving her an incentive. Flynn would flip if he knew the truth. Feeling something real for him would be a huge mistake. She couldn’t afford to give her heart away to him.

Maybe her mom hadn’t been too far off the mark, after all, saying that a man had the power to hurt her.

Aubrey was so beautiful, lying in the middle of her bed, completely naked, everything on display. Her ample breasts with the rosy pink nipples. Pale, creamy skin, flared hips, flat stomach, and a light patch of dark auburn hair curling between her thighs.

He broke out in a sweat, just looking at her. The woman made him damn near crazy with lust.

She had no idea the power she wielded over him, which turned him on even further. He went willingly when she tugged him on top of her. All those soft curves nestled up close, her long legs winding around his hips, the heels of her feet pressing into his ass, pressing him even closer to her.

“I want you,” he whispered against her ear just before he bit the lobe. Something about this woman made him want to be completely honest. No hiding, no pretending to be someone else. He just wanted to be…real. “You’re fucking killing me, Aubrey.”

She shoved at his shoulders hard, so he had no choice but to lift away from her to see her shocked gaze as she stared up at him. “What’s wrong?” he asked, because clearly something was bothering her, what with the wide-eyed way she stared at him.

Aubrey slowly shook her head. “You just said fuck.”

He frowned. “So?”

“You never,
say fuck. You rarely curse at all.” She touched his cheek, let her fingers drift down the side of his face. “I sort of like hearing bad words pass from those sexy lips of yours.”

He burst out laughing. “You think my lips are sexy?”

“Absolutely,” she said without hesitation. “Especially when they’re dropping f-bombs.”

“You’re crazy,” he said, his laughter dying when she lifted up and pressed her lips to his collarbone. Damn, he liked having her mouth on him. “I have an image to keep up, you know?”

Since spending more time with Aubrey, he’d let those careful, almost puritanical walls he’d erected so carefully around himself slowly fall. He felt…comfortable with her. More at ease.

More himself.

“You don’t have to keep up any sort of image with me,” she whispered, her lips moving over his skin. “I like you for who you are, Flynn. Not because you’re a football player or everyone’s Golden Boy.”

He closed his eyes, smoothing his hands up and down her back as she continued to run her lips along his chest. He couldn’t think when she said stuff like that. “Tell me you have condoms,” he murmured, lost in the way she touched him, in the way her body felt beneath his hands. “I don’t have any with me, and I can’t go anywhere to buy some without causing a riot with the paparazzi.”

“I have lots of condoms,” she said, whimpering when he tipped her chin up with his fingers and kissed her. “There’s an entire box in the drawer of my bedside table.”

Glancing at it, he contemplated making a grab for them. He should spend more time on Aubrey first. He was dying to kiss her, stroke her, lick her again. Watch her writhe beneath him, hear those sexy little whimpers she made when he touched her in a particular spot. Ratchet up the anticipation so high the both of them were gasping for satisfaction.

So he did. He ran his mouth along her neck, down her chest, licking at the fragrant valley between her breasts, swirling his tongue around her nipples. She squirmed, grabbing at his hair, whispering his name, urging him on with breathy pleas of “yes” and “please” and “more.”

“I want you inside me,” she whispered, sending a shiver down his spine. His balls, his cock, everything within him ached, and he reached for the bedside table, yanking open the drawer and digging inside. He pulled out a giant box of condoms, his eyebrows raised as he held it in between them.

“Want to be prepared, or what?” he asked, shaking the box.

She giggled, her eyes glowing. “I have high expectations, Foley.”

Damn. If he could, he’d remain buried inside her for the rest of the night. But he had practice tomorrow. Early. And she had to go to work…

His schedule would remain this way until the season was over. If they made it all the way to the Super Bowl—and nope, he couldn’t think this way or he’d jinx them all—he’d have no time but for the occasional few hours in bed here and there with Aubrey. And then, once the season was over, he might leave…

The thought of not being a Hawk anymore depressed him. His dad would freak the hell out. Everything he’d ever worked toward would go up in flames. He could hear his father now. It was all about his dad. It always had been.

But what about
expectations? What he really wanted? The only person who seemed to care about him was…this pretty girl lying beneath him, watching him with a dazed look in her eyes.

“You’re coming with us, right?” he asked as he reared up on his knees and tore open the box, pulling out a condom.

“Coming with you? I hope to be, real soon.” She laughed and he joined in, loving this joking side of her.

“I mean you need to go to the next play-off game. I want you with me for the rest of the season.” He couldn’t believe he was having a coherent conversation with her, and a serious one, at that. Considering he was minutes from being inside her, he was remarkably calm.

“But…” She bit her lip, her gaze going soft. “I have to work. You really want me to travel with the team?”

“I’ll tell Harvey tomorrow. Until the end of the season, you’re traveling with me.” He tore open the wrapper and rolled the condom onto his cock, wincing at how sensitive he was.

Her gaze dropped to watch him slip on the condom, her expression full of hunger. “Whatever I need to do to make my boyfriend happy, I’m on board.”

Damn. He liked how she used the word “boyfriend” so casually. Despite the pressures from work and his father, he wanted a fucking real life.

And he definitely wanted to spend more time with Aubrey.

Pushing all overwhelming thoughts aside, he leaned over her, bracing his hands on either side of her head, dipping down to give her a kiss. She opened up for him, their tongues tangling lazily, her hips lifting to nudge against his. His cock probed at her entrance, and she spread her legs, allowing him easier access. Access he took advantage of as he pushed inside her.

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