Game for Marriage

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Authors: Karen Erickson

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Game for Marriage

a Game for It novel

Karen Erickson

This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is coincidental.

Copyright © 2013 by
Karen Erickson
. All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce, distribute, or transmit in any form or by any means. For information regarding subsidiary rights, please contact the Publisher.

Entangled Publishing, LLC

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Brazen is an imprint of Entangled Publishing, LLC. For more information on our titles, visit

Edited by Stacy Abrams

Cover design by Heather Howland


Manufactured in the United States of America

First Edition
January 2013

The author acknowledges the copyrighted or trademarked status and trademark owners of the following wordmarks mentioned in this work of fiction:
Pepsi, NFL, MacBook, Google, Tiffany’s, GQ, TMZ, iPhone, Nike, Bailey’s, Kleenex, YouTube,
Star Wars,
Oakland Raiders, Miami Dolphins, Asscher.

To C. for putting up with me. And to Zero 7 for their song “Distractions” for the line that pretty much inspired this entire book: “So go on mister, make Miss me Mrs. you.”

Chapter One

“You’re good.”

Sheridan Harper flashed a quick smile, her gaze never leaving the canvas as her hand streaked across it, deftly creating the scene before her with delicate strokes of the paintbrush. “Thank you.”

“Seriously. It’s amazing how you made something out of absolutely nothing.” He had a sexy voice, her new admirer, rich and deep. And as soon as she finished capturing her friend Willow handing over a sample of blue cotton candy to a potential client, she’d check him out and see if the voice matched the rest of him.

But first, she had to work.

“It’s like a photograph,” he continued, sounding truly impressed.

Which warmed her giddy heart. It was the entire reason she was there that night: to impress people, to gain new clients, and to fill her art studio with students eager to learn how to paint. She doubted the guy beside her wanted to paint. But maybe he had a wife or a girlfriend who would be interested…

“Well, that’s why I’m here. I’m live painting the event,” Sheridan explained. She’d have a wrecked wrist by the end of the night, but she couldn’t complain. The mega-exposure at the Taste of Monterey was worth the pain alone.

The annual event featured almost one hundred booths from local businesses and drew thousands of people in attendance. It was held at the convention center, and the building was packed, people’s voices a dull roar in her ears.

“Live painting, huh? Never heard of such a thing.”

“Well, every artist live paints I suppose, but I’m trying to catch as much as I can of the event as it unfolds. Then when it’s over, I’ll give the painting to the organizers as a sort of memento.” Sheridan dabbed a quick spot of the palest turquoise blue with her brush, a satisfied smile curling her lips as she turned to face her admirer.

And stopped dead in her tracks when she saw all six-foot-plus, mouthwatering gorgeousness of him.

He slipped his hands into the pockets of his jeans, his full lips quirked in a not-quite smile. Everything about him read easygoing confidence, putting her immediately at ease despite his gargantuan size. He carried himself like a man who truly enjoyed women, one who knew exactly what they wanted even before they did.

And she recognized him, of course. She’d have to live under a rock not to. His reputation with women preceded him, in any case—he went through them as often as he changed underwear. Maybe even more.

“You’re…” She let the word die on her lips, too frazzled to continue when he flashed a brain cell–stealing grin at her.

“I am,” said Jared Quinn, star quarterback for the San Jose Hawks, with a slight shrug. She’d had no idea he’d be at the Taste of Monterey event that evening. “Have you ever considered live painting a football game?”

“I would love to,” she said automatically, her words tumbling out in a rush. She silently chastised herself. There was always being on the lookout for opportunities, and then there was being too eager and losing them because of it.

“My coach might like one.” His eyes crinkled at the corners when he smiled, his face burnished by the sun. His nose was sort of big, but it didn’t detract from his handsomeness. His crooked smile gave him a boyish charm. A faded scar stretched across the edge of his chin, roughing up the charm in the most appealing way. His hair was a rich brown, tinged with gold, and a tad overgrown so it waved at the nape. Movie-star handsome with the rabid female fans to confirm it, he was a major reason women watched football. “Actually, the owner would like one even more. You’re very talented.”

Her brain racked up the potential his words conjured. “I could create a painting for whoever wanted one; that wouldn’t be a problem.” Lord knew she needed the money. Just because she had an art studio on Ocean Avenue in Carmel didn’t mean she was rolling in it. She’d inherited the studio when her grandmother died more than a year ago. The location was prime, but so was the cost to maintain it. Sheridan was constantly busy, especially with the heavy load of classes she taught, but all that business was still barely able to pay the bills.

“I’d get first dibs, though, right?” He winked at her and her heart fluttered.

Stupid, reckless heart. It was a business transaction, not a flirtatious moment. And hadn’t Jared Quinn been involved in some sort of sordid scandal? She swore she’d read that recently in some gossip mag.

Not that she read gossip mags.

Okay, maybe she did, but it had been a while, since she was so busy. Usually she went to the local bookstore at least once a week with her friend Willow, where they both bought a latte and then sat side by side, flipping through the pages of the latest and greatest in gossipy news. Laughing, criticizing, and generally feeling better about themselves for at least a fleeting moment.

“Of course you’d get first dibs,” she said breathlessly. She winced. God, she sounded like a teenager with a mad crush on the captain of the football team.

“And a finder’s fee,” he added.

“Um…” She nibbled on her lower lip. Wasn’t this guy a multimillionaire? Not only did the Hawks pay him a ton of money, but he had plenty of endorsements, including one where he stood around in his underwear with the same smile he was directing toward her at that very moment.

A true panty-melter if she ever saw one.

He threw back his head and laughed, his beautiful, blue eyes sparkling when they finally landed on her. “Don’t worry, I was only kidding. I’m not that greedy.”

“Oh.” She laughed, feeling infinitely stupid. Blame it on the man—he unnerved her with his mere presence. It was much easier when she hadn’t looked at him, hadn’t known who he was.

“So, who exactly are you?”

Sheridan frowned. “What?” His rapid change of subject muddled her brain further.

He inclined his head in her direction. “Miss Live Painter, do you have a name?”

“Oh! Hold on.” She set her paintbrush on the table holding her supplies, and reached into the front pocket of her apron, pulling out a business card. She handed it to him. “Sheridan Harper.”

He took the card, his fingers grazing hers. The brief contact sent a scattering of gooseflesh over her skin, and she barely contained the shiver that threatened to take over. “Cute card, Sheridan Harper.”

Pride swelled in her chest. “I designed it myself.”

“I can tell.” His lids lifted, that stark gaze zeroed directly in on her.

A bazillion people surrounded them, the place packed and buzzing with restless energy. Yet the way Jared Quinn looked at her at that very moment, it was as if no one else existed in the room but the two of them. “You’re very talented,” he drawled.

“Thank you,” she said weakly. Why did it feel so good to hear the man’s praise? It gave her even more of a rush than when the average person admired her work. The way he looked at her, too. As if he liked what he saw…

“Nice shoes.”

She glanced down at her hot pink stilettos. They were her favorites, though far from comfortable. But her grandma always told her, “Beauty is pain…”

“You like them?” She held her foot out, turning it this way and that.

“Oh, yeah.” His deep voice was full of seductive appreciation. She couldn’t help but wonder if maybe he had a shoe fetish.

“I definitely want you to paint something for me.” No asking, just telling. And she really didn’t mind.

“I can do that,” she said breezily.

“Soon.” He smiled, easing the demand. “If that’s not a problem.”

He was impatient. And very charming. It was a most lethal combination. “Why don’t you call me tomorrow and make an appointment?”

“How about I come by and see you tomorrow? I’m free for the next few days before we begin practice.” When she frowned, he went on. “First pre-season game is scheduled next week.”

Oh. Her friends would just die if they saw her talking to Jared Quinn, if they knew she was going to have him come to her studio.

Her mind raced. Did she have any commitments tomorrow? It was a Saturday. A ladies’ night out class was scheduled but not ‘til the evening. Oh, and she had a private lesson in the afternoon. “That should work, though morning is best for me.”

“Good. Morning works for me, too.” He didn’t look necessarily relieved or worried she might tell him no. Had he ever heard the word “no” before? He was probably a man used to getting his way. “I should probably let you get back to your live painting.”

She glanced at the canvas. It wasn’t quite finished and there was still a lot to do before the night was over. “You’re right. I need to get back to work.” She offered him a smile. “Well, it was nice meeting you.”

“Nice meeting you, too. I’ll see you tomorrow. Is nine okay?”

“Sure, I’ll be at my studio. The address is on the card.”

“Got it. Great.” Flashing that devastating smile yet again, Jared left. She watched him go, her gaze lingering on his very fine backside. Not that she normally checked out men’s butts, but this one was particularly fine.

Everything about him was.

Shaking herself from the dream-like fog he’d put her under, she grabbed her brush and scanned the room, taking in each detail, trying to decide what to capture next. Her cell phone buzzed against her hip. She pulled it out of her skirt pocket to check the text message from Willow.

Were you just talking to star QB Jared Quinn??!!

Shaking her head, her fingers flew over the keyboard in reply.

Yep. He wants to buy a painting. An original work.

Less than a minute later came Willow’s response:

OMG that’s fantastic! Better share the deets later

Sheridan glanced up to see Willow giving her the thumbs-up from her booth down the aisle, which she returned with a subtle gesture. Willow ran a unique catering company, providing cotton candy and a few other sweet treats for birthday parties and small events. It was just starting to take off, her large variety of cotton candy flavors the biggest hit, especially among the younger set and at weddings.

Hence Willow’s appearance at A Taste of Monterey. With the various local vendors showcasing their stuff, Willow had jumped at the opportunity to grow her clientele.

Sheridan had been working her way around the event from the moment she arrived and her feet were killing her, especially in her ridiculous high heels. Scheduling a full day of classes on top of the event had been poor planning on her part.

She’d kill for a glass of wine and a foot massage. Could probably get both, considering the variety of businesses here. Didn’t seem people were too restricted by the “taste” aspect of the yearly event.

Enough daydreaming.
Standing straight, she grabbed her paintbrush, taking in everything in front of her. The doors would close in little over an hour, and the crowd was starting to thin. She caught sight of Jared Quinn not too far down the line of booths, and he wasn’t alone.

It appeared he’d brought another teammate with him, if his sheer size was any indication. They were both huge, built like…well, football players. And of course, they were both terribly handsome.

The other one couldn’t hold a candle to Jared in her eyes, though. He really was gorgeous. Like, out of her league gorgeous.

The people of Monterey County were pretty
when it came to celebrities, since there were so many who came to the area. Quite a few lived there as well, occupying the large, sprawling, beachside estates on 17-Mile Drive, or the quaint cottages with exquisite ocean views in Carmel-by-the-Sea. So no one really paid the Hawks players any mind, only an occasional glance in their direction here and there.

Deciding to include them in her painting, Sheridan got to work, knitting her eyebrows as she went into full concentration mode, chewing on her lower lip. Her hand dashed across the canvas, the brush stroking the thick paint onto the blank space a satisfying sound.

Follow your bliss
, her grandmother had always told her. Sheridan was lucky she loved her job so much. Painting was her life. She was consumed with her business, working hard to help it grow, and determined to become a huge success despite her mother’s doubts over her non-practical profession. Sheridan knew her mother thought she lived in a dream world, and would’ve preferred Sheridan sell the studio in such a lucrative neighborhood. That way, they’d make an enormous pot of money and they’d never have to worry again.

So not going to happen. At least, not yet.

Soon, she was caught up with her creation, carefully adding all of the minute details that helped make the painting that much more active. Trying to capture everything that unfolded all at once was tough, but she’d honed her skills over the years, becoming quicker with the brush, more observant of her surroundings. She didn’t do as many live paintings as she used to, but they were fun, if exhausting work.

“You look thirsty.”

A whispered shiver shot down her spine at the sound of the now-familiar voice. Arching her neck from side to side, she turned to find Jared standing before her once again, clutching a drink in his big hand.

Willow’s cotton candy cocktail was quickly becoming a major hit among the wedding reception customers. Sheridan had been lucky enough to help her create the cocktail, sampling one after another one late summer evening not that long ago, until they’d been more than a little tipsy. She smiled at the fond memory.

A particular drink she had a mad fondness for, luckily enough. He lifted it toward her as if he were toasting her.

“I really shouldn’t drink any alcohol while I’m working.”

“I won’t tell if you don’t.” The devilish expression on Jared’s face was irresistible. As was his offer. She
pretty thirsty, and though it wasn’t her earlier wished-for glass of wine, it would certainly do…

“It’ll be our secret.” She reached for the drink, their fingers brushing when he handed over the martini glass, and yet again, her body reacted. A jolt of awareness shot through her, making her extremely conscious of how close he stood to her. How big and muscular he was.

Whoa, boy.

He watched her drink, his gaze seemingly locked on her lips as they curved around the rim of the glass, and heat suffused her.
Could he be flirting?
Was he interested? Hard to believe, considering he could have any woman he wanted, and he surely knew it.

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