Game For Love: Love Games (Kindle Worlds) (20 page)

BOOK: Game For Love: Love Games (Kindle Worlds)
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“Give me your cock, Declan. Now. I want your cock inside me.”

She had never spoken so blatantly, so boldly, and she was shocked that the words hadn’t stuttered out, or that she hadn’t choked on them. No, they seemed to roll out, with a conviction she hadn’t even realized was inside her. Not even as much as a blush rose to her cheeks. The words were true. It was what she wanted, and that alone was what allowed her eyes to never waver from Declan’s as she made her request.

She knew the incongruity of such words coming from her conservative, reserved, seemingly repressed mouth was a thrill to Declan. The thought that he could make the professor talk dirty excited him. Truth was, it was as titillating to her as it was to him, and she suspected Declan knew that also.


Chapter Fourteen


o not take Marlee up on her desire was harder for Declan than remaining in the pocket with a 350-pound linebacker bearing down on him. In those situations, he had to stick to his plan and rely on his faith that one of his own linemen would come out of nowhere and take out the threat.

Just like that scenario, Declan now had to have faith that his plan of slow, tender lovemaking would allow Marlee and him to make it to the end zone. For him to make the ultimate score. Making Marlee admit she loved Declan as much as he loved her.

“It’ll happen, baby, all in good time.” His voice was gentle and he kept contact with her eyes. He tried to keep his growing arousal out of his voice, wanted it to have a calming effect on her, so unlike what he normally tried to evoke from her with his words and tone. “I need to touch you first, Marlee. I need to see you, all that sweet, soft, white skin you have underneath this suit.”

He slowly undid the buttons to her suit jacket. There were only three, but he paused after each one to place a tender kiss on her cheek, her eyes, her nose. He slid the jacket off of her and dropped it to the carpeted floor of the set beside the chair.

Her blouse was satin, a collarless confection in a deep, dusty rose color. Declan couldn’t help thinking that the color of her top was hauntingly reminiscent of Marlee’s nipples when he had sucked them for a long period of time.

He brushed the thought from his mind. If he was going to block out Marlee’s urgency, both in words and actions, he had to be able to rein in his own ruminations or she’d have her way and it would be over in a matter of minutes.

The blouse had several pearly buttons, and Declan once again paused after he undid each one for a kiss. This time they were all aimed at Marlee’s mouth.

When she saw where his aim was headed, she licked her lips in anticipation of some of their soul-deep, mouth-grinding kisses, but again he kept her off guard. Instead, his lips barely touched hers. His mouth was soft and warm as it grazed over Marlee’s, never daring to enter, only to entice. Button. Brush of lips. Button. Brush of lips. He was taking his time and she was losing her mind. And he liked it.

She tried again to force him to her, tugging at his neck, trying to invade his mouth with her tongue, but he was too strong for her. His strength was in the gentleness of his actions, the sweetness of his kisses, the delicate way his hand stroked her knees. His hand stayed there, never daring to rise to her heat.

“Mmmm. Isn’t this nice? You’ll see, baby. My way this time. It’ll be good, Marlee. Just enjoy the ride.”

Her head dropped back just as he undid her last button, and Declan knew that he’d chosen the right game plan. Her face showed it all. Her arousal was plain—the parting of her lips, the eyes open only to slits, the heat creeping up her pale neck.

But it was different. She was feeling, and, more importantly, she was thinking. It was deeper. Taking her there slowly was allowing her to grasp the emotions as they happened, not become overwhelmed with them, as it was when they normally came together so quickly.

He took off her blouse and set it on top of her jacket. Her lacy peach bra was similar to the one the first time Declan had seen her this way. Had it only been five days ago? It seemed like an eternity. He couldn’t remember a time before Marlee, any other woman before Marlee. Her breasts swelled above the cups of her bra, and he had to take another glance at her passion-filled face to reinforce his decision to go slow with her.

“Marlee, God, you’re so beautiful like this.” She slowly lifted her head where it had been arched and looked into his eyes. “Your breasts, so milky white; even now your nipples are hardening, waiting for my touch. The arousal, the anticipation, it’s climbing your neck, your sexy, classy neck, and resting in that incredible face. You’re burning up, Marlee.”

She was, she had flushed beyond pink.

“Put out the fire, Declan, please.” She reached behind her, undid her bra, and dropped it to the floor. She placed her hands under her breasts and held them up to Declan, offering herself to him, daring him to take her, begging him to.

He slightly raised the arm that had been around Marlee’s waist so that it was in the middle of her back and then pushed up, forcing her to arch her back.

God, what a vision. Marlee’s hands on herself, giving herself to him.

“Lie back, Marlee.”

The chairs were slightly oversized and the arms were overstuffed, acting more like side pillows than arms of a chair. Marlee’s head came to rest on the outside of it, just slightly hanging over the edge. Her back was supported by the upholstery of the arm and her bottom was still in Declan’s lap. It was a natural motion for her body when Declan placed his right hand under her knees and unbent her legs, draping them over the other arm of the chair.

His hand along her back slid down to undo the button and zipper at the back of her skirt, and she lifted her hips so he could shimmy her skirt down, off her legs to join all her other clothes.

She lay across him, naked except for her peach satin panties and her thigh-high stockings. The elastic band at the top of the stockings was edged with peach lace. Declan’s gaze traveled up her sinewy legs, over the panties that seemed to be growing darker with her moistness, along her firm tummy and farther up. Her hands were still under her breasts in silent offering. His eyes continued along the slender column of her graceful neck, to her mouth, which seemed to tremble ever so slightly, and to her eyes.

Behind her ever-present glasses, her bewitching eyes met his. They had been on him the whole time. They were filled with desire and passion and a need in her that Declan knew only he could fill.

He began mentally running over all his stats, beginning with his rookie season, in his head. It was the only way he knew to make this last. Having Marlee look at him like that, with such rocking emotion, he had to let his mind wander or he’d have her on the floor, buried in her to the hilt, in a matter of seconds.

“God, Marlee, you’re like a feast, all laid out in front of me. A bunch of tasty delights.” His eyes roved hungrily over her entire body again. “Let’s see, what do I nibble on first?” He heard the hitch in her breath and then the pattern changed, deeper and faster breaths, her breasts rising where she still held them up for him.

He took her hands in his and led them away from her breasts. “No. I won’t let you cheat and get there quicker. Only I get to touch you today. Only me. No one else.”

He wanted to add it, to feel her out, to start planting seeds, but he’d insisted on going slow with her, so he figured that included his end too.

He placed her arms over her head so that her forearms and hands dangled over the side of the chair. The position also caused her breasts to push farther into the air, and there was no way Declan could deny them, or himself, pleasure any longer.

He didn’t have to lean down far; the high upholstery of the chair allowed Marlee’s glorious body to be only inches from Declan. He put his face to her chest and placed a chaste kiss on Marlee’s heart, silently wishing that he would be touching it, on many levels, beyond today.

He let his lips glide down from her heart over the swell of her breast. His tongue followed the trail his lips blazed until he arrived at her nipple, already spear-like in its intensity. He circled her taut peak with his rough tongue and watched as her whole breast tightened and flushed. He held her other breast and he began gently playing with the nipple. His mouth, needing more than just a taste of her sweetness, took her in and began to tenderly suck. He knew he would never taste anything as delicious as Marlee if he lived to be a hundred.

She arched her back when he began to suckle her. She ground her bottom into Declan’s hard erection. She was trying to spur him on, her need apparent as she roughly brushed her thighs together. The movement pulled Declan out of idolatry of her breasts and he backed off, taking both his hand and mouth from her glistening globes.

He placed a hand on her thighs to still her. “No, baby. That’s a form of touching yourself. No cheating. Like I said, only me, Marlee. Only
touching you.”

Her forearms covered her eyes, her wrists crossed, and the palms of her hands were facing the ceiling, like she was trying to block out the world. Declan could only see pieces of her tortoiseshell frames peeking out. But he could see her mouth. See how heavily she was breathing. See her tongue dart out to wet her lips, which had suddenly gone dry. See her teeth grab and gnaw her bottom lip as the sensations overwhelmed her.

His left hand edged under her and began stroking the soft skin of her lower back. His fingers skimmed the waistband of her panties. Back and forth across the elastic, sometimes dipping in against the soft skin of her bottom, sometimes taking his fingers away completely. He kept the rhythm of the sweeping the same, but changed up the destination of his fingers to keep her guessing.

The touches were light for a reason, and Declan could see it was working. Though she had closed her eyes, there was no way to mask the fact that emotions were crashing through Marlee Reeves. Her mouth pursed, almost as if she were in pain, and her teeth pulled on her lower lip. The gentle caresses were getting to her.

While he continued with his left hand at her back, he let his right hand come to rest on the front of her panties, the palm of his hand cupping her mound, his fingers nearly touching her belly button. The contact was so weightless that Marlee raised her head and opened her eyes, almost as if to see if Declan had really finally touched her or if her aching body had needed the touch so much she had imagined it.

Declan could read her mind. “Yes, Marlee, it’s me touching you. Do you like that?” As he knew she would, Marlee nodded. She began to open her mouth to answer, but Declan cut her off. “Good. Lie back. Close your eyes, let me touch you like you want…only me, Marlee…only me touching you.”

Without moving the ball or palm of his hand, his fingers skimmed the waistband of her panties, spanning from one hipbone to the other. His left hand, at her back, was doing the same thing on her other side, and he knew that Marlee expected him to grab both sides and quickly slide the panties off her. Or even rip them off her, as he’d done their first night together.

But Declan didn’t want to give Marlee what she expected. He needed to keep her off-kilter. Their pattern needed to change. He wasn’t sure in what convoluted thought process he had correlated slow lovemaking with a breakthrough of Marlee’s feelings for him, but the equation was there and he couldn’t shake it. He knew it was irrational, but he was now single-minded in his quest.

He moved his hand down from her mound to her thigh. He stroked the soft skin that encased the strong muscles and once again thought about his underestimation of yoga. God, but it did great things to Marlee’s legs.

He slowly edged his hand down until the tips of his fingers were at the elastic of the leg entrance of her panties. The ball of his hands pressed down on her thigh, kneading the muscles, as he rubbed it back and forth. The entry of his fingers into her panties at the juncture of her thigh was seamless, and again Marlee began to raise her head to see if Declan had really touched her, the sensation was so feathery.

“Lie back, Marlee.” His tone was slightly more forceful this time, and she laid her head back and met his eyes. “Close your eyes. Just feel me, Marlee. You don’t need to see my hands on you, you can feel me. Can’t you?” He watched her face and saw the slow, almost imperceptible nod. “That’s right. Just feel me touching you. Only me, Marlee.”

“Declan. Declan…I…I need…”

“I know what you need. I’ll get you there.” His fingers moved further in, spreading her slick folds, feeling her throbbing heat, her crying need. Just a few sleek strokes was all it would take to shatter her.

He could tell it wasn’t what she wanted. Oh, she wanted him all right, but not this way. She began to struggle in his lap, fighting her way to sit up. Reading her movement as desperation for release, he began to stroke her faster while cooing sweet words to her.

“Declan, no, let me up, let me up.”

The words made him release his hold on her, taking his hand from her panties and pushing her up at the back with his other hand. Had he hurt her? Pushed her too far?

“I need you, Declan. I need you to be inside me when I come. Please.” She held his face as she spoke, and before he could register her words she had swung herself around so that she was straddling him. She let go of his face and began tugging at his shirt.

BOOK: Game For Love: Love Games (Kindle Worlds)
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