Gaia Dreams (Gaiaverse Book 1) (62 page)

BOOK: Gaia Dreams (Gaiaverse Book 1)
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"Hello! I'm Penny, Penny Perkins, and this is my
husband Bob, and our kids, Hank and Emma, and of course our dog, Goldie,
and--this is Cape Fair, right? We came to the right place?"

Rachel laughed and said, "Yes, you made it to
the right place. This is Cape Fair and welcome! I'm Rachel and this is--"

"Where's Sam?" the boy named Hank interjected.

"Yeah," his younger sister added, "we wanna see
Samantha. We dreamed about her so much. And Goldie wants to meet Harry, her
dog. So can we see her now?"

Rachel was rather stunned at first. They dreamed
of Sam? But then she noticed Black nodding his head and heard him saying, "I
dreamed of her, too, before I got here. She's a great kid. She's up at our
Headquarters, so if you folks'll just follow us on up there, you can meet her
right away."

Bob Perkins walked up to his wife and put an arm
around her shoulders. "You were right after all, Penny." Turning to Rachel and
Black, he continued, "I didn't really believe it--haven't had any dreams, but
the kids and Penny kept telling me this was where we had to go, kept talking
about Sam. I'm just amazed that the town really exists and that there really is
a Samantha!"

The large white owl swooped over the new
arrivals and to Black. He chuckled and said, "We'd better move along, folks,
seems like Sam is telling White here that she's anxious to meet you."

Bob's eyes widened. "You mean other people are
talking to their animals? You can talk to that owl?"

Rachel waved her hand at Black. "Oh, sure,
animal talkers all around these parts. No biggie."

Emma giggled and Hank grinned while their
parents just gazed at Rachel with mouths slightly open.

Rachel continued, "End of the world as we know
it and all that, but maybe the beginning of another one. Lots of changes. Now
get back in your car and follow us up to the Samuels' house. After all, Sam is

Waterfall behind the Samuels' House

Alexandra sat behind Sam on a large rock,
braiding the little girl's shining blonde hair with deft fingers. Since they
had arrived at the waterfall, Sam hadn't spoken at all. Harry lay at the little
girl's feet, napping. Alex was content to wait. She'd spoken with Jessica and
John earlier, and they agreed that Samantha could benefit from having someone
besides her parents (and Harry) to talk with. As she stared at the finished
braid, she wondered just what was going on in that head in front of her.

"Okay, kiddo, all done. And it looks great, if I
do say so myself," Alex announced.

Sam turned around and ran her hand over the
braid. "Ooh, thanks, Alex," she said softly. "One day will I learn how to do
it? If I grow up?"

Alex worked hard to keep her feelings from
showing as she questioned, "
you grow up, Sam? Honey, what do you mean
by that?"

"Oh, you know," she said vaguely in reply. "Things

Alex looked into the big, brown eyes staring
back at her. "Have you seen something happening to you? In the future? That
makes you think--" Her voice trailed off as Alex stopped, unsure of how to word
the question.

"That I'm gonna be dead? Well, ya know, a lot of
bad things can happen. Some things I know about, some things aren't like that.
Some things are, um, I don't know the word--"

Alex watched Sam's eyes glaze over a bit, and
then focus again.

"Drats! Perceval is sleeping," Sam stated. "He
could tell me the's, that's not it...pos...."

"Possibilities? Is that it?" Alex asked. "Some
things you see are possibilities? Some possible future event, but you aren't
sure yet if it will actually happen?"

"Yeah, you got it," Sam replied. "See some
things I know are gonna happen, and they always do. Some things are farther time, they are farther away. Then it's like, maybe this will happen
or maybe that will happen. Not sure yet."

"You don't seem scared by it, by knowing you
might die, or by some of the other things you see. Are you getting used to it?
To seeing things, knowing things, dreaming things that come true?"

"Not the dreams, those are scary--you have the
dreams, too, so you know--they are really, really, really bad." Sam shuddered
and then continued. "But other stuff, yeah, I'm sorta getting used to it. It's
like I always knew stuff, but I guess I didn't before, not like this. Now there's
bunches of stuff out there, stuff I can see if I want, stuff I can know. But--"

"But maybe some stuff you don't want to know?
Maybe some stuff is too grown-up for you just now?"

"Yeah, I guess," Sam answered slowly. "It's like...if
you know everything, there can't be no surprises. And I like surprises! And
some stuff...some stuff people think of is not fun. Bad stuff. I don't like
knowing that. Why are some people bad, Alex?"

"Hmm, that's a tough question, Samantha. People
choose to do bad things for all kinds of reasons. Sometimes they are mad at the
world, and sometimes they are scared, and they make really bad choices. Tell me
something, do you run into animals who think bad things too?"

"Bad animals? Oh, sure, yeah. They are sorta
like people, the animals, I mean. But they are different than people too. 'Cause
they are animals. But there are all different kinds with bunches of different
feelings. Some of them don't like people, so they will hurt people 'cause
people hurt them. And then some of them are nice like Harry and Perceval and
they just want to help out the people. Perceval says we can learn to live
together. Harry just says he likes people."

Alex watched as Samantha slowly approached a
small bird. It floated toward her in the still air, and then landed on the
child's outstretched hand. The girl touched its feathers gently, then nodded
and it took off.

"And what did that little bird want to say to
you? If you don't mind telling me," Alex asked.

"Oh, just that the Perkins family got here and
they are on the way to the house. I bet Doctor Mark will be happy."

"Mark? Happy about what?" Alex asked in

"Oh, you know, 'cause Mrs. Perkins is a nurse.
He'll like that. But the most exciting thing is for Harry."

Samantha was grinning widely as she continued, "They
got a dog that looks like Harry! Her name is Goldie and, well, I know a secret
about them."

"About the Perkins? Or about Harry and Goldie?"

"Oh, well, I guess if I thought about it I could
know some secrets about those Perkins people. But Mommy says I shouldn't just
look into people and know all their secrets all the time unless its nessary."

"Necessary...yes, that sounds like a good idea,"
Alex said, grateful to know all her deepest thoughts weren't being read by this
little psychic wunderkind.

"No, it's 'bout Harry and Goldie. Can you keep a
secret?" Sam asked, looking intently at Alex. Before the young woman could
speak, Sam nodded her head and said, "Yes, you can keep a secret. You're good
at it. Okay."

"Wait! Wait--Sam how did you know that if you
aren't reading my thoughts, aren't looking into me, how do you just know I can
keep a secret?" Alex demanded.

"'s like I can know about people...what
they are like. I don't know what it's called...oh, wait! Yes, I do, Perceval
just woke up. Characteristics. I can know their character, know things they
will be good at or bad at, just by thinking about them for a little while. It's
not like looking into people, finding out all their secrets. It's
just--knowing. That's all."

That's all, Alex thought, trying not to start
giggling wildly. She thought back over what Sam had said and had another
question. "So you and Perceval--he wakes up and automatically knows what we are
talking about? Or did you ask him to help you with the word you didn't know?"

Sam looked puzzled, and then waved her hands out
at her sides. "I dunno. I am kinda connected to Perceval. To a lot of things
and animals. So I know stuff he knows. Or he knows stuff I know. Sometimes I
ask him questions, sort of. I dunno."

Alex thought it might take some time to find a
vocabulary to describe all the new things that were occurring around animal to
human communication. Leave that for another day.

"Come on, we gotta get back to the house," Sam
said, tugging on Alex's hand. Alex noticed that Harry woke up quickly as soon
as Sam said they needed to leave. He padded next to them while they walked back
through the trees to the house.

Sam announced, "You gotta meet Emma and Hank.
They are really cool. I bet Emma will like my fancy braided hair too!"

Harry barked in affirmation.

"Emma and Hank? More animals?"

Sam giggled. "No, silly, they are in the Perkins
family. Emma is thirteen and Hank is fifteen."

"And how do you know this?"

"I just
! I mean, I've been dreaming
to them for days and days, so we've been talking already, but it's not the same
thing as getting to meet them."

them? Alex felt like she
should be taking notes on all the topics she wanted to cover with Samantha in
their next conversation.

"Anyways," Sam continued, "they talk to Goldie
like I talk to Harry. Well not as good maybe, not yet, but they know how. So
that's good."

"Ah, yes, I can see how that would be good,"
Alex said. "And the secret?"

"Oh, well," she stopped and leaned down to
Harry, saying, "You go on ahead, boy. Tell them I'll be there soon." Harry took
off racing for the house. "I didn't want Harry to hear me," Sam said with a
giggle. "He likes surprises too."

Alex looked perplexed and said, "So the secret
is about Harry?"

Sam nodded. "Yep. Harry and Goldie are gonna
fall in love and get married and have lots of puppies!" Sam laughed delightedly.

Alex laughed with her, and then reviewed their
conversation in her mind. Hmmm.

"Samantha, one last question before we go into
the house. You and I really haven't talked before today. Yet, you seemed
willing to talk to me quite openly just now. About how all this is for you. Why
is that? When you don't even know me very well?"

Samantha stopped walking and stared up at Alex. "You're
funny, Alex. You could know more stuff if you just thought about it harder. I
knew I could talk to you. I knew you talked to Mommy and Daddy. I know you are
gonna be my...advisor. You know lots of stuff that I am gonna need to know. And
I know you can keep secrets. So why wouldn't I talk to you? 'Sides, you and
Uncle Nathan worked together, and I like Uncle Nathan a lot. He's fun and
smart, too, like you. You're his friend, so I knew you would be my friend. You
are gonna help me and I'm gonna help you too. But--I'm not gonna tell you all
the secrets I know. Some of them are way far away in time. Possibilities." Sam
paused for moment, and then smiled a small, little mischievous smile. "Oh,
Alex? Tiknay is okay in Africa. Her tribe is gonna go to a safe zone."

Astonished, Alexandra watched Sam run up to the
house, peals of laughter echoing across the back yard. Tiknay? Africa? Sam
could see that far? Damn right, the kid was connected to a lot.

Hotel in Boston, Massachusetts

Maria stood near the phone bank lining the hotel
lobby wall. Leaning back against Zack, his arms wrapped around her, they both
listened to Mayor Dubois' expostulations with Dr. Sheffield Hutton on the other
end of the line.

"No, I'm not one of the 'crazies,' Dr. Hutton. I
want to know what you know about some bomb the President is planning to drop
off the coast of North America. No, no, it doesn't matter how I got my
information. I happen to know the information is correct. So start talking!"

Maria felt the tension in Zack's arms as they
waited. The lunchtime revelations of last night's dream had taken a while to
unravel. Margaret couldn't seem to believe Zack had a dream she didn't have.
And she still didn't seem ready to accept it. Fortunately, Dusty Dubois seemed
more willing to act on the information. The thing was, Maria thought, what
could they do? A part of her felt like they should be heading out of town, away
from the East Coast this very minute. Another part felt they had to try and
stop this insanity from happening. She focused on Mayor Dubois' conversation

"So you're telling me you knew he was going to
order this and you just let it happen? You didn't even try to talk him out of
it? All right, all right, calm down, man. Yes, I do know some people have gone
a little nuts during all this. So you just left town? That was your solution?
Dr. Hutton, do you have any idea of what kind of destruction is about to be
visited on this beleaguered country if that bomb goes off? No, no, you are wrong,
it's not just gonna make a big splash in the Atlantic. I have it on good
authority that the bomb is going to trigger an underwater landslide, which in
turn is going to create the conditions for a tsunami. Yes, you heard me right.
A big, old giant wave is going to come crashing in on the Eastern seaboard if
we don't stop this thing."

Maria felt Zack sigh heavily. He wanted so badly
to stop this, but without any standing in the government, how could they?

"I'm telling you that you need to get your ass
back to D.C. and start informing Congress, the Cabinet, anyone you can find to
talk to, and get the President removed from office, or at least get his orders
questioned due to mental instability. You need to...what? Oh, so this is all
about saving your own skin, is it? Dr. Hutton, tell me something--if you didn't
realize a tsunami could be the result of the insane bombing idea--why is it that
you are now inland? How come you left D.C.? I hear nothing but silence from
you, which I take to mean you did realize it. Just what the fuck did you think
you were doing abdicating your post in this way! This is criminal negligence,
this is outrageous, this is--hello? Dr. Hutton?"

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