Gabriel's Light (Doms of Chicago) (24 page)

BOOK: Gabriel's Light (Doms of Chicago)
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She nearly panted at the idea but held
on to her self-control by inches. “And what exactly do you think I’m going to
let you do?”

Keeping eye contact, he cupped her
between the legs, his palm pressing against the neediest part of her. “I want
to shave this pretty little pussy and then lick every fold until you’re
gleaming from my kisses.” He squeezed her gently. “But more than anything, I
want to love on you ‘til you’re no longer worried about tomorrow has in store,
and can only concentrate on the pleasure I can offer you.” He leaned in enough
to lick her ear. “So what do you say,
louloúdi mou.
Care to take a
journey back into my playroom?”

She whimpered with each squeeze of his
hand. She wanted what he offered, but there was a small part of her that wanted
more than just what he was offering. She wanted to feel him in her mouth, feel
his pleasure against her tongue. But all thoughts of it were driven out of her
head, as his fingers slipped under the lace edging of her panties to rub over
her wet sex. His fingers found her clit with unerring accuracy. “Come for me,
Zhenya. Take your pleasure.” Like a tent in a torrential downpour she collapsed
into his arms, letting him take her weight as the orgasm washed over her,
uncaring that he swept her up into his arms and headed down the hallway towards
his playroom.


Chapter Twenty-Four

Gabriel pushed through the
open glass door at the front of his building, every particle of him protesting
the idea of allowing this to happen. But he was a man of his word, and he told
her it was ultimately her decision.
But she has another thing coming if she thinks I’m going to
allow her to move back into
after this is
It had taken all his considerable control
to not bend her over and warm her bottom when she talked about leaving him.
True he hadn’t collared her yet, but he knew himself and that was where this was
leading: to the luscious brunette next to him sporting his collar around her
slender neck. Even as he flagged down the cab with one hand, his cock still
throbbed at the memory of her the night before, stretched across his bondage
table, her beautiful eyes covered with the dark scarf he’d use for a blindfold.
Every limb had been displayed just so when he’d finished his handiwork. Her
pretty little pussy, bare now and glistening from the massage oil he’d rubbed
over it after he’d finished shaving her, had been a sight he’d never forget.
Nor the way she writhed on the bed at the
first touch of ice against her flesh.

“Gabriel?” The sound of her voice next to him, drew him out of
his lusty thoughts.

He turned to look down at her. Dressed
warmly for the weather, she looked cute as a button in her long black wool
coat, faded blue jeans and red scarf and mittens. Her hair, which had been a
mess by the time he
’d finished with her delectable body the
night before, was now smooth and shiny where it laid on her shoulders. And
there was his other precious girl, snug in her car carrier, the handle nestled
in the crook of her mother’s arm. Under the fitted cover, he could hear her
cooing. Protective instincts tugged on him hard as he wrapped an arm around her
waist and drew both of them close. “You be safe you hear me,
louloúdi mou?
Listen to Ethan, he’ll
keep you safe for me.
If I find out
you risked yourself needlessly, my last punishment will seem like child’s

As the cab pulled up, he pressed his lips
to hers, smothering her surprised gasp. Tangling his fingers in her hair, he
kissed her as if his very life depended upon it. He probably would
’ve continued to ravish her mouth on the street, if Ethan who
was already in character, hadn’t rolled down the window and threatened to take
his cab elsewhere. Ripping his mouth free, he swallowed roughly before cupping
her cheek to smooth his thumb over it. Looking down into her eyes, he gave her
a slow smile. “Damned if I don’t want to haul your sexy ass back upstairs to my

on dude! The meters running! I don’t have time to sit here idling while you
play kissy-face with some broad. Either you want the cab or you don’t.” Ethan
hollered from the cab, his fake middle-eastern accent grating on Gabriel’s
nerves. The damn Indian was getting into his role to the point Gabriel wanted
to put his fist into the smug bastard’s face.

your pants on.” Gabriel pressed one last kiss to her temple before escorting
her to the cab. Taking Sophie from Zhenya, he waited until she slid into the
back seat before sliding the car seat in after her. It only took a few deft
moves of her hands to have Sophie secured safely. Pretending to lean in to give
the cabbie directions, he glared at Ethan.

it on a bit thick aren’t you?” He asked Jude’s top operative and former Ranger
teams buddy. The fool had the audacity to laugh at him.

tell Dickens you said that, when I give him my report.” Ethan retorted, his
eyes dark with merriment, under the white turban he was wearing on his head.
With his dark skin and eyes, from a distance they were hoping
would just assume Ethan was just another Indian who
chose to drive a cab. He blended in perfectly.

Just make sure you get my girls there safe and back.” He turned to Zhenya.
“When you get Dr.
office go about
business as usual. Jude has two operatives in the office, who will be posing as
a couple, for your protection. You’ll know both of them, but don’t approach
them. To the casual observer you need to be just going to your daughter’s
doctor appointment.”

nodded and gave him a trembling smile. “I’ll be fine.” Then a worried look
crossed her face. “Promise me you’ll take care of yourself. I’d feel horrible
if you got hurt because of me. Besides you need to stay upright and breathing,
so I can give you a piece of my mind when I get back, for not telling me Hark
was right across the hall, and has been ever since the day after I came to stay
with you.”

At her feisty show of concern, he wanted to
kiss her again but settled for cupping her cheek instead.
“You’re mine, remember? Just as much as I’m yours. I’ll try to
come out of this in one piece.” Then he backed out and shut the door of the
cab, before tapping the roof to let Ethan know he was free to go. He watched
‘til the cab disappeared around the corner before heading back into the
building. He nodded to the deskman before heading to the underground garage.
Once he was out of sight, he broke into a jog. Entering the darkened garage, he
approached his SUV. Next to him, Jude had parked the SUV he’d rented, so it was
merely a matter of pausing between the two vehicles, tossing the keys of his
SUV to the agent who was going to double for him, and trading his jacket and
coat for the other man’s.

to Poulanos, park in the parking garage a block down, and use the gold key with
the red ring around it to let yourself in the front door. The code is 128976
for the alarm.” Gabriel went over the directions once more.

other man smiled. “I know. We’ve gone over this several times. I won’t make a
mistake. If
is having you followed, he’ll think
I’m you.” He slid into the driver seat, leaving Gabriel to join Jude inside the
other SUV. Climbing into the backseat, Gabriel greeted both Jude and Hark.
They’d decided keeping up the story of Hark’s dilapidated van finally breaking
down, and was using the rental until his could be fixed.

know this has to be nerve racking for you.” Jude put the truck into reverse,
slowly backing out of the stall. “If it were Olivia, I’d be going nuts.”

laughed. “Please. If it were Olivia,
would be
running in fear. Your Mistress’s reputation precedes her. No man in Chicago
wants to tangle with her - other than you and Micah.”

still doesn’t mean she can’t get hurt.” Jude replied, as they approached the
gate, swiping the entry card Hark handed him. As the arm raised, Gabriel had to
admit the other man had a valid point, but kept his voice light.

heaven help the asshole who does. Because not only is the beating he’s going to
receive from you
hurt, he’ll be screaming in
agony when Olivia rips his ass open with her favorite crop or that single

gave a reluctant chuckle. “Yeah, that’s my Mistress. Which reminds me, Mr.
Poulanos, when this is over, Olivia is demanding to know when you’re returning
to the club. Evidently word has gotten out you’re back in the lifestyle, and
there’s been an uproar at the club about your wax play class. She’s already had
enough requests that you could run two classes a week for the next six months,
and still not have any openings.”

rubbed his neck. “We’ll see. I have always used my current submissive as the
model, but Zhenya is a bit leery about the hot wax. Let me get back to Olivia.
I need to talk to my submissive first, before I make any decisions.”

nodded, chuckling softly. “Now there’s the Dom I remember. ” Jude looked at him
the rear view mirror before turning onto the street. “Now just hang on to her.
She‘s perfect for you.

* * * *

looks great, Zhenya. Whatever you’re doing continue.” Dr.
blew bubbles on Sophie’s palms before handing her back to her mother. “I don’t
see any lingering signs of her earlier ear infection, and she’s gained nearly a
pound since her last visit.” He looked over her folder. “And other than some
updates on her shots, I’d say you’re good to go.” He smiled at Sophie again.
“Let me get my nurse in here, and we’ll see about getting this little button’s
shots updated. You can dress her in her jumper. Just keep one of her legs
free.” He pressed one last kiss to the baby’s palm before straightening. “You
can give her some Baby Tylenol or Baby Advil if she starts to run a low fever.
Anything above a hundred and one call the office.” He brushed a kiss over her
temple. “You take care of that baby and that man of yours.”

“Of course Dr.
Her cheeks grew red as the older man made another note in Sophie’s chart before
exiting the exam room. “This is what I get,
for letting
recommend me her pediatrician.” The good doctor and his wife were part of the
scene. In fact the last time she’d used a guest pass to visit Olivia’s she’d
seen Tammy leading her husband around by his cock ring - a sight she’d never
expected to see her daughter’s doctor in.

She’d just finished redressing Sophie when
a man, wearing a lab coat entered the room. He was good-looking in a rough sort
of way, his dark hair slicked back, and the slacks he wore under the white
jacket were neatly pressed. He turned around and gave her a good look as if he
were cataloging her every feature, inscribing it to memory. “Zhenya

Every instinct had her wanting to flee but
she calmed herself. This was her doctor
office. Perhaps she was mistaken and man in front of her was nothing more than
another doctor or lab tech. “Yes?” She asked fingering the necklace around her
neck. The backside of the round onyx and filigree pendant had a panic button on

your hands away from your necklace very slowly.” His voice was calm, as he
pulled a sleek black gun with a silencer on the end of it from the pocket of
his lab-coat. She slowly let her fingers drift over the panic button, wondering
if she had a chance to push it before he shot her. Then she remembered the
other panic button on Sophie’s binky.

There’s no need to get hostile.” She dropped the pendant. “I won’t fight.
Please just don’t hurt me or my baby.”

eyes darted towards the baby gurgling inches from her fingertips. “May I?” She
gestured to her daughter. “I’d hate for an accident to happen.” She was careful
to not mention the sex of Sophie. She wouldn’t put it past Sebastene to order
his man to harm Sophie, if it was found out the grandson he wanted, was
actually a granddaughter.

“You have something which belongs to my employer.”
He gestured with the gun. “Give him here.”

edged closer to Sophie, sliding her hands under her. Slowly she picked her up.
“Please, I’m nursing and there’s no formula in the bag. Take me with you. I
won’t cause any problems. I’m assuming you’re not
to Sebastene…I can change diapers, feed him, and take care of him.” She didn’t
know what was coming out of her mouth, all she knew is she was stalling for
time. Surely if she kept him busy long enough, the nurse or doctor would
eventually come back.

scowled at her. “There was no deal for you. Just the child. Why should I take a
thieving woman who has no right to her son.”

I’m his mother. Let me have as much time as possible with him.” She cuddled
Sophie closer, her fingers searching under the strap for the tracking chip. .
“Please, I’ll give him over to Sebastene, without a protest, and you won’t have
to deal with a fussy baby.” As if on cue, Sophie started to cry, protesting her
mother’s tight grip on her. Fumbling with the binky, she tried to hide the
pressing of the panic button, while she tried to place the pacifier in Sophie’s
mouth. “Please, I’m all he knows…” Her finger brushed over the slight indent.

Give me the baby.” He demanded, waving the gun at her. “I have no compunction
about shooting you. I am a good shot and will miss the baby - but you will be
dead. Think about it. There will be other children. This one does not belong to
you. Either hand him and live, or die - and I’ll still take him. The choice is

didn’t have to pretend to cause the tears to spill down her face, as she bent
over Sophie. “Just let me…one last kiss…” Using the bending motion to hide her
hands, she pressed the button, knowing it was sending out an electronic signal.
Whispering a prayer that she was doing the right thing, and that she loved her,
Zhenya pressed her trembling lips to Sophie’s forehead. She hoped her Master
was on the way to her.

Give me the child. I will shoot you, have no doubt of it.” To prove his point,
he gently squeezed the tripper. The long silencer on the end puffed, and it
wasn’t until she felt a burning across the top of her shoulder that she
realized he’d actually shot at her. She stumbled forward, nearly dropping

okay. Don’t shoot again.” She pleaded, depositing her screaming daughter into
his arms. The moment she transferred Sophie, she tried to grab his arm to
wrench the gun away from him. When that didn’t work, she bit him hard, hoping
the excruciating pain would send him to his knees, or at least stall him. She
dug her teeth even deeper, until she tasted blood in her mouth.

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