G-Man and Handcuffs

Read G-Man and Handcuffs Online

Authors: Abby Wood

Tags: #erotic romance romantic suspense

BOOK: G-Man and Handcuffs
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~ Look for these titles from
Abby Wood ~


Now Available:


Alpha Agents

Book 1 G-Man and

Book 2 Witness Bares

Book 3 Steel and Hardness


Coming Soon:


Finding Eternal Peace


G-man and

By Abby Wood




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Published By:


Etopia Press

P.O. Box 66

Medford, OR 97501


Smashwords Edition

All characters are 18 years or

G-man and Handcuffs

Copyright © 2010 by Abby

ISBN: 978-1-936751-01-3

Edited by Georgia Woods

Cover by Valerie Tibbs

All Rights Are Reserved. No part
of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever
without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations
embodied in critical articles and reviews.

First Etopia Press electronic
publication: December 2010


~ Dedication ~


To Fiona Vance and Shirin Dubbin for all the
hours of fun you've given me while we played P.I. Girls,
Powerpuffs, and Charlie's Angels. You both are the best!



Chapter One


“I can hear you.”

Jolene Connor groaned and hobbled the rest
of the way to the riverbank, where her G-man stood with his back
toward her. If she hadn’t stepped on the darned rock, she would
have made it. Wrapping her arms around his waist from behind, she
gave his cock a squeeze. “One of these days, I’ll be able to sneak
up and surprise you.”

He reached behind him. His fingers moved
over the bare skin on her hip. She giggled. “Surprise.”

In the fluid motion of one trained in
tactical maneuvers and accuracy, Tony Greer turned, lifted her up
and claimed her mouth. Jolene held onto his shoulders, wrapped her
legs around his waist and melted into his kiss. Despite the warm
temperature of the day, she shivered with pleasure. She’d planned
all day to shock him by showing up naked outside, and her body was
more than ready after running the scenario over and around in her

She ground her pussy against the flat of his
bare stomach and moaned. Catching his lower lip between her teeth,
she tugged then let go. She leaned back and smiled. He might have
the upper hand on her surprise attack, but he hadn’t expected her
to show up down at the river buck-naked and ready to play.

The evidence of his satisfaction pressed
against her. “The other men from your agency have already left.”
She stuck her breasts out and enjoyed the way his gaze dropped in
between their bodies. “I couldn’t pass up one more time with
you…alone, before you leave.”

His mouth opened, but no words came out. He
licked his bottom lip without taking his gaze from her chest. Her
nipples constricted tighter, sending a rush of warmth to her core.
She could almost feel his lips on her, sucking, biting and driving
her wild. He’d discovered how sensitive she was to any attention to
her nipples and spent every free moment this weekend making her

“The condoms are in my duffle bag at the
cabin.” Tony shifted his hold on her until she was pressed against
the front of his jeans. He squeezed her ass. His hips thrust
against her. His hard cock pressed against her moist heat. “Damn,
baby. You have no idea how much you turn me on.”

She raised her arms and unclipped her long,
blonde hair. Grinning, she shook her head and produced a small foil
square. “You’ve trained me well, G-man. I’ve come prepared.”

“That’s my girl.” He slid her down his body
and set her on her feet.

Stepping back, she gave him room to lose the
pistol tucked in the back of his jeans, and enough time to step out
of his black denims. Was there anything sexier than a man who went

His dark chest hair trailed down in a
straight line to frame his jutting cock. He kept himself neatly
manscaped for her pleasure. She loved the way the small patch of
hair tickled her clit.

She kneeled in the sand at his feet. Rubbing
the inside of his leg, she raised her hand to his sac. His balls
tightened as she trailed her finger from his anus, around his
scrotum, until finally she fisted the base of his cock. Lifting the
protection she brought with her, she used her teeth and ripped the
package open. Carefully, she rolled the condom onto him.

Lifting her chin, she gazed up into his
face. “I wanted to bring your handcuffs, but I couldn’t figure out
where to put them where they wouldn’t make any noise. I tried so
hard to surprise you.”

Tony growled. Clasping her upper arms, he
pulled her up in front of him, turned her around and positioned her
hands together at the small of her back. “You like it rough?”

She mewed.

With her wrists held together with one of
his large hands, Jolene tugged against his restraint. Her pussy
spasmed. He gently pushed her upper body forward until she was bent
over in front of him. His cock poked against her ass. Tony used his
knee to spread her legs further apart. The slight breeze caressed
her damp pussy.

She pushed back against him. “Fuck me,

Tony ran the head of his
cock over her clit and she flinched. Pleasure so intense, she
almost came from the contact. Moving her ass, she tried to match
his movements, but he kept changing direction. She sucked in her
bottom lip and bit down.
More, just a
little further…

She gasped. He thrust his
cock into her pussy, balls-deep, filling her completely. The inside
of her body rippled, and she tried to move against him, but with
her hands behind her back, he had her immobilized. She was at his
mercy. He controlled the situation.
And I
like it.

“Nice and easy.” He rocked back and forth
against her.

The warmth in her lower stomach grew. Her
pussy juice coated his cock, and he slid in, out, in, out, stoking
the flames. Her breasts, almost too big for her slim body, swung
back and forth, further heightening her arousal.

“Oh…oh…” She tossed her blonde hair down her
back, hoping he’d understand she wanted more. Her body craved
something rougher, harder, faster.

He let go of her hip and grabbed a handful
of her hair without losing his hold on her hands. “That’s it.” He
pulled her back harder against him. “Fuck, baby. You”—he
grunted—“feel”—his breath came out hard and heavy—“so g—ah…”

There was no set rhythm. Her body moved in
every direction. She arched her neck and closed her eyes, letting
him manipulate how her body rocked back to meet each plunge of his
cock. With every surface of her body caressed in some way, she
couldn’t concentrate on just one feeling, and yet, the tension in
her body rose, stretched, yearned, for release.

Tony let go of her hair, leaned over her
back, and squeezed her breasts. She pushed against him. “Oh God.”
He concentrated on her nipples, pinching the tight nubs between his
thumb and forefinger. His balls slapped against her clit, sending
her body over the edge, and all the wonderful sensations exploded
in her core and spread out through the rest of her body.

She screamed as her pussy clenched his cock,
and Tony added his own groan to the mix. He let go of her arms and
encircled her in his embrace. Together they stumbled backward, but
remained on their feet, locked together as one.

Without his support, she would have
collapsed on the ground. Her legs shook. “You are amazing.”

He chuckled and rubbed her lower stomach.
“I’m beginning to like these surprises of yours.” Pulling his cock
out of her, he removed the condom and set it by his clothes. “Let’s
go wash off, and then I better head back to the city.”

Her lower lip came out and she turned
around. “I wish you didn’t have to go. I like having you here—I
even enjoyed meeting the other guys you work with.”

Tony grabbed her hand and leaned over to
kiss her. “I’ll be back next week. I’ve got two days off, and I
plan on spending every minute of it finding out what else you’d
like to do with me.”


Chapter Two


“You bastard!” Jolene stood in the middle of
the raft, shaking her fist in the air. “You can’t just leave me
here.” She lost her balance and fell back against the inflated side
of the gray floating device. “The least you could have done is left
me the oars,” she muttered.

Looking over her shoulder, she eyed the
white rapids splashing over the rocks that peppered the Toutle
River. Smacking the side of the boat with the flat of her hand, she
turned back around. The man who’d paid her a day’s salary to take
him out on the water for some fly fishing—but instead had wanted to
fuck her in a boat—had just disappeared into the dense forest. “I
hope a black bear comes and rips your balls off!”

She’d floated this river
her whole life, and even without the means to steer the boat, she
wasn’t worried about navigating downstream until she landed in
front of her cabin. She’d jump ship, swim to shore, and have Tony
drive her back to her car at the starting point up at the ranger
station on Talley’s Point when he came out this evening.
Then, if I can track down the bastard who
attacked me, I’ll bill his stupid ass for all the supplies I’m
bound to lose to the river.

Stretching her legs out on the bottom of the
raft, she leaned back against the side and closed her eyes. She had
at least a twenty-minute float time, and it didn’t help her to
dwell on something she couldn’t control. There would always be men
who thought because she lived alone in the woods, ran a fishing
charter business, and surrounded herself with the opposite sex that
she’d be an easy target.

She was getting tired of
all the guys who hired her to take them fishing when all they
wanted to do was get in her pants, or her shorts in today’s case.
She frowned. This latest asshole was a real jerk too. She fingered
the front of her shirt where he’d ripped it practically down to her
stomach. He had become violent when he heard the word

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