Furious (14 page)

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Authors: Susan A. Bliler

BOOK: Furious
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“Why is that?”  Lucia asked raising a perfectly manicured brow. 

“Lord Shatan has been quite lonesome since the death of Lady Shatan…Ms. Arabella I mean.  His sister.” 

One of the other maids scolded Annie, “Annie it’s not your place.” 

Quickly, Lucia came to Annie’s defense wanting to hear more, “It’s fine.  I hope that one day you all feel as though you can confide in me.  I truly want only the best for Draken, and I would never do or say anything to hurt him, including allowing his staff to speak ill of him.  But that’s not the case here, Annie please tell me about Draken’s sadness.” 

Glancing around the room at the other maids before answering, Annie continued, “Well Ma’am, he and Ms. Arabella were very close.  The death of his parents was extremely difficult for him to bear, but when Ms. Arabella was killed, it nearly ended him. 

That’s when Nikolai came home.  Nikolai and Lord Shatan were never close; in fact, they barely spoke.  Lord Shatan was angered by the fact that Nikolai didn’t return when their parents, the Lord and Lady Shatan had passed.  Nikolai did come home when Ms. Arabella died and it helped Draken a little, but the day after they laid Ms. Arabella to rest, Nikolai asked Lord Shatan for Ms. Arabella’s share of the estate. 

This infuriated Lord Shatan, he assumed Nikolai came home for the money.  To test Nikolai, Lord Shatan told him that he wouldn’t give him Ms. Arabella’s share, but he would buy out Nikolai’s share of the estate.  Nikolai agreed and it broke Lord Shatan’s heart even more. 

Could you imagine all that to bear at one time?  Well, Lord Shatan paid Nikolai, and in the morning, Nikolai was gone.  He’d taken the money in return for his share of the estate, proving to Lord Shatan what truly meant the most to Nikolai. 

Nikolai returned recently and Lord Shatan was elated, but it didn’t last long.  Apparently, Nikolai had gambled away the small fortune Lord Shatan had paid him for his share of the estate and he came home wanting more money from Lord Shatan.  My Lord refused, but informed Nikolai that he would take care of him as long as he lived under Lord Shatan’s roof and obeyed his rules.” 

Lucia cut in, now listening so intently that she’d curled her fingers under and ruined the polish job one of the maids had just completed on her fingernails, earning her a look of condemnation. “What were the rules,” Lucia asked eagerly. 

“They seemed fair enough”, Annie responded looking to her co-worker’s who nodded their heads in agreement. “There was to be no gambling and no stealing.  Basically, no taking from Lord Shatan without asking.”  Annie paused for a moment to sigh dejectedly before continuing, “We’re not sure what happened with Nikolai’s recent stay.  He was here in the manor, and then my Lord gave most of the staff two-weeks off. 

When we returned to the manor, Nikolai was gone and Lord Shatan hasn’t spoken of him since.” 

Lucia sat back, expelling a loud sigh as she did so.  “Thank God,” she muttered to herself. “I thought
had ruined their relationship.” 

Annie asked, “You Ma’am?  Whatever you be thinking about any damage you could have possibly inflicted on that relationship, don’t fret.  As I said, there was no love loss between the brothers. 

Lord Shatan wanted a brother and Nikolai wanted money.  Because of the nature of their desires, it simply could not work.  Truly it’s no one’s fault except Nikolai’s…if I may say so.” 

“All done,” one of the maids exclaimed as she ran her hand over Lucia’s hair appreciatively. 

The maids stood back to gauge their work and Lucia smiled at them still playing the charade that hers was a normal wedding day. 

The maids smiled happily at each other and exited.  Before Annie left she turned to Lucia, “On behalf of the staff Ma’am, we offer our most heartfelt congratulations.” 

Lucia smiled back her appreciation, “Thank you Annie, thanks to all of you.  Please share my gratitude with the rest of the household staff.” 

Annie nodded and curtsied before closing the door behind her. 

Lucia turned to eye reflection in the mirror.  Draken had spared no expense in the gown that he’d selected.  It was a strapless masterpiece yet simple in design.  Emphasizing her tiny waist, it flared at the hips to cascade in layers of white and pearl down to the floor.  Her hair was pinned tightly atop her head with pearl and diamond encrusted combs.  Her long Spanish veil trailed down to the middle of her back, but didn't cover her face.  Her make-up was done perfectly, not too much, just enough to enhance her natural beauty, adding sheen to her eyelids, pronouncing her cheekbones, and giving her full pouty lips. 

Her eyes filled with tears as she wondered what it would feel like to truly be preparing for a wedding to Draken, a wedding that included love on both sides.  He had repeated to her several times that he ‘needed’ her, but she knew from her experience with men that needing her and loving her were two separate things altogether. 

Gazing at her reflection, she wondered if he was still using her to torture Warren.  Was this wedding all part of his great hatred for Warren?  Whatever the reason, Lucia had resigned herself to the fact that Draken was right.  With no money, no home, and no job, he was her life now, and she needed him more than she needed anything. 

She bowed her head, grateful that he didn’t know how much she had grown to trust him, to rely on him, to love him.  He was difficult, and harsh with an uncontrollable temper, but she could see his true nature.  His appreciation and respect for animals endeared him to her instantly, and regardless of his motives during her initial stay at the manor, he was exceedingly gentle and patient.  She felt safe in his home and even safer in his arms. 

She decided she would play his game.  Today they would be married, and she would stay by his side as long as he wanted her.  Glancing up at the clock, she saw that it was nearly time and decided to make her way down to the vineyard, where the ceremony was to take place.


Chapter 20

Descending the grandiose staircase, Lucia halted in mid-step at what she saw occurring in the foyer. 

Warren had his hands cuffed behind his back and was being escorted out the door by two policemen.  Draken shook hands with a third policeman and patted him on the back, while several other official looking men in dark suits milled about the foyer. 

“Warren!”  Lucia shrieked.  Hurrying down the stairs, she approached Warren and hugged him warmly, “Where have you been, what’s going on?” 

Warren said nothing, but merely looked over her head at Draken who approached behind her and grabbed her by the arms, pulling her from Warren.  The cops escorted Warren from the manor and closed the door behind them. 

Lucia’s skin paled as she spun on Draken, “What’s going on?  Why was he here?  Why is he being arrested?” 

Draken gave Lucia a stern look, “We need to talk.”  He grabbed her hand and they had to navigate the throng of police officials in the foyer to make it to the den.  After sitting on the sofa, Draken turned to her. “When we first met on the racetrack that night, it was no accident.  I went to the race that night because I knew Team Cutlass would be there.  I didn’t know you or that you were on the team, but I knew of Warren.”  He stood and paced the room stopping to stare up at the portrait of his sister, “You remember how I told you of Arabella’s death?  How she died in a car accident?”

“Yes.”  Lucia whispered, confusion furrowing her brow.

“She died like you almost did.  She was a street racer as well.  She was into street racing even before I was.  As a matter of fact she introduced me to the sport.”  Draken smiled up at the portrait before turning back to Lucia, his smile fading.  “She raced for Team Cutlass.  When I heard she’d died on the track, I couldn’t believe it.  She was an exceptional racer, much like you, but she was cautious.  She knew that it was only a race and it wasn’t worth dying over.  I grew doubtful and asked around.  Apparently after her death, Warren came into a large amount of money, which I naturally found to be extremely suspicious.” 

Lucia watched Draken pace the room, trying to piece together where he was going.

“My team, had been on the racing circuit for years,” he continued, “but we raced for large sums.  Rarely did we meet team Cutlass because Warren rarely had the money to setup the race. 

I decided that in order to find out what was going on, our teams would need to meet on the track.  I ensured that he never found out that I was Arabella's brother.   In fact no one on the racing circuit knows except for you. 

We raced several times without incident. I’d sent my teammates out before and after the race to ask about Team Cutlass.  That’s how I found out that Arabella’s wreck was caused by one of her own teammates.  Apparently, the race was going fine when one of Arabella’s teammates stopped short in front of her.  Most spectators thought it seemed intentional, but knew it couldn’t possibly have been because it was her teammate.” 

“It was intentional!”  Lucia whispered to herself, realization slowly sinking in. 

Draken glanced down at her, “Yes, it was intentional.  We backed off team Cutlass and waited a few years.  By the time I set up another race, you had joined the team. 

During our first race against them in years, I saw their plan clearly, when I saw you standing in the middle of the track, your skin charred from the accident. 

It broke my heart to see you like that, knowing my sister must have had that same look of confusion  and horror on her face before she died.”  He sat beside her and grabbed her hands as Lucia’s eyes swam with disbelief.

“After I brought you here, I paid quite handsomely to find Warren’s reasoning for turning teammate on teammate.  What I discovered sickened me. 

Warren would race for two years building up his team’s name and record, and then when everyone thought Team Cutlass was unbeatable, Warren would recruit a new racer.  He’d incorporate that racer into his team for several months, then when all were unsuspecting, he’d setup a race in which his team was highly favored to win and he’d bet against his own team.” 

Lucia pulled her hands free and doubled over, clutching her stomach. 

“Lucia don’t you see?  Kennedy, Vinnie, and Warren have been doing this for years.  They play the odds and take home a great deal of money when they bet against their own team that’s favored to win. 

Most racing enthusiasts knew that Team Cutlass was nearly unbeatable, so Warren had to find a way to make the race appear legit.  They caused the wrecks that killed their own teammates, knowing that no one would accuse them of anything as horrific as killing their own teammates for money.” 

Nauseated, Lucia looked up at Darken with questioning eyes. “But if you knew he’d killed Arabella, why not go to the police, why the deception, why wait?” 

Draken stood and again began pacing, “Because I couldn’t prove it.  I had nothing but the word of a few private detectives and my own suspicions, but no proof.  I knew that in order to stop him I’d have to find proof on my own.”  He stopped pacing and knelt in front of her, reclaiming her hands. “I called him and told him that you and I had fallen in love and that I would pay him to wipe you from his life forever.  I knew that scum like him couldn’t refuse money, that’s all people like him want,” his lip curled in disgust. 

Lucia shook her head, “Is that why he was here today?” 

“Yes.  I told him that I’d pay him off today, before the wedding.  I had to clear this up before we did anything we’d regret.” 

The words hurt Lucia more than knowing that her so-called friend had tried to kill her.  She pulled her hands free and Draken again took a seat beside her. 

“Once I got him in the room, I told him that I knew of his scam and that I thought it was ingenious.  He of course saw the opportunity and told me that if I didn’t give him double what I had offered that he’d seduce you back into his life and finish what he’d started on the track.

I coaxed him into explicit detail of what he’d do to you if I didn’t pay.  His greed blinded him and he came right out and promised to kill you if I didn’t pay the money.”  Draken smiled triumphantly, “This was my day, I knew I’d get him today…I’d been planning it.  I contacted the detectives and had them place surveillance equipment in the room.  When he said the words, the police rushed the room and arrested him on the spot.  They had his taped confession of attempted murder and his threat to finish the job.  No to mention the fact that he extorted money from me to prevent his threat.” 

Draken stood in elation and turned and smiled, his smile vanishing as he looked down at a distraught Lucia. 

Tears rolled down her cheeks as she stood trying to mask the pain in her eyes, “I’m glad you solved your mystery, and I’m sorry about Arabella.”  She made to leave, but was stopped by his gentle hand on her arm, “Lucia?  What’s wrong?” 

She turned her head from him and wiped at her tears before staring straight ahead, lifting her chin defiantly, “Nothing.  I’m fine.  Congratulations on your coup de’ grace.” 

He stepped in front of her and looked into her eyes, “I thought this would please you.” 

“Please me?” she scoffed. “Yes, I am delighted to have been used as a pawn by a man I thought was my friend.  To have him value my life so little that he was willing to throw it away for cash.  I’m even more pleased to have been made a fool of by the man that I lo…”  Her words died on her lips as her shoulders sagged.  She dropped her defiant chin as the fight left her, “This entire game you played with me was a rouse.  You used me to get to Warren.  He used me to get money.  I guess I’m the idiot for not recognizing my purpose in this situation.”  She lifted her head, “Did he say why it was so vital for you to believe that he and I were in love?” 

“He knew that if everyone thought you were lovers then there was no way that he could be guilty of trying to harm you.”  Pulling her arm free Lucia looked up at Draken with vacant eyes, “Now that your game is over, I’d like to go home.  Now.” 

He shook his head, “What about the wedding?”

“Like you said, we don’t want to do something we’d both regret.” She turned and strolled from the room, the train of her white gown flowing after her, as the detectives entered asking multiple questions of Draken all at once. 

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