Furever: BBW Paranormal Shapeshifter Romance (3 page)

BOOK: Furever: BBW Paranormal Shapeshifter Romance
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I got up from my desk and took a quick stretch break. It was getting close to five pm and my stomach was already growling, but I wasn’t going to my usual spot, the Bite Me Bar for something to eat. I really wanted to avoid that scene.

Last night the two skinny bitches, Linda and Diane, had practically thrown themselves at Franco and Marco. Despite the men’s protests, I had decided to exit before they dumped me for the other girls. I’d felt a twinge of sadness as I left the bar, but it was better than the sting of rejection they would eventually give me. I didn’t want to run into the group of them again.

I picked up my cell and auto dialed Nana. The phone rang at least eight times before she picked up. I could hear the TV blaring in the background. Nana was hard of hearing, and sometimes…well, most of the time, I had to shout to communicate with her. I noticed hesitation in her voice when she answered. “Nana,” I said affectionately, “What’s going on? Are you all set for dinner tonight?”

I heard a sigh of relief in her voice. “Oh, thank God it’s you,” Nana replied, “I thought it was someone else.”

“Uh, who did you think it was?”

“What did you say?” Nana asked.

“I said, who did you think it was?” I raised my voice. God, it was hard talking to her over the phone.

“Mr. Carlson.”

“Mr. Carlson? Is he calling to check up on you?” That was nice of Steve to personally call the residents and make sure they were doing well.

“Well, no…” Nana hesitated, then blurted out, “Mr. Carlson came to my apartment asking for donations for his girlfriend Angel Sue. She was in a car accident.”

“Yes, Mrs. Greenwood told me about her. Her car was hit by a tractor trailer in Thurmont.”

“That’s right. And I want to help her. I gave him a check for twenty-five dollars, but he keeps calling and asking for more.”

A chill washed over me. It was one thing to ask for donations to help someone, but showing up at someone’s door and calling them constantly; pressuring them? What the hell was Steve thinking? Something didn’t feel right. I would have to find out more about this.

“Are we still on for dinner tonight?” We had a standing dinner date every Thursday night. I looked at my watch. I could probably be at the retirement center in about ten minutes, give or take a few depending on traffic. “Can you be ready in about ten minutes?”

“Can you repeat that?” Nana asked. “Hold on, I can’t hear you. Let me turn down the TV.”

I loved seeing my nana and I knew she liked to get out, especially for a meal. Like me, she loved going out to eat.

I always let her pick the restaurant, and while I waited for her to turn down the TV and return to the phone, I debated if she would pick the “Chicken Delish” or the “Steak and Brew”. Either one was a winner. My mouth watered as I thought of the meals I had enjoyed at both restaurants. The “Steak and Brew” had a fork tender filet that was out of this world, but the “Chicken Delish” served up a sweet, honey BBQ chicken dish called the Chicken Q. The tender meat practically fell off the bone and melted in your mouth. I could almost taste the sweet mix of tangy BBQ and spices of the Chicken Q. I licked my lips in anticipation. Just as I was about to imagine savoring a huge, zillion calorie mouthful of Chicken Q, she came back on the line.

“Alright dear, I can hear you now. What did you say?”

“I said, I’ll be there in about ten minutes to pick you up for dinner.”

“Yes, I’ll be waiting dear. I’m starving.”

“What? Why are you hungry?” That was a surprise, Nana was not one to miss a meal, and her lunch would not have been that long ago. I could hear her hesitating on the phone.

“Nana… Tell me.”

I heard her sigh.

“Well, the food here has been just terrible lately.”

“Really?” I was surprised, Nana had never once complained about the food at Werewolf Haven.

“Oh my, yes, under-cooked chicken, boxed mashed potatoes, gravy that tastes like mud…the food is horrible and it’s always very cold.”

I knew how important a good meal was to Nana and most likely to many of the other residents who looked forward to their daily meals for the social aspect and taste. “Why didn’t you say anything?”

“I didn’t want to say anything since you were dating him, but ever since that Mr. Carlson man took over this place it has gone to the dogs.”

“Well, I’m not dating him anymore.”

“”I know, but I didn’t want to say anything in case you got back together…”

“That is not happening…ever,” I said firmly.

“Good. I never liked you with him and I don’t like how things are now that Mrs. Fellowes is no longer in charge.”

Mrs. Fellowes was a lovely, caring woman who had been the head of Werewolf Haven, but the board of directors had decided to bring in Steve Carlson to slash expenses and oversee the facility. Poor Mrs. Fellowes had been reassigned to an assistant management position.

“I didn’t know,” I replied softly. I felt terrible. I had been so wrapped up in my own problems I hadn’t realized that things weren’t as they once were and should be at the retirement community.

“Anyway dear,” Nana said, “I’ll be bringing Mrs. Greenwood with me tonight.”

“Of course, she’s always welcome,” Mrs. Greenwood had an open invitation to join us and she often did. “Let me see,” I glanced at my wristwatch, “we can go to the ‘Chicken Delish’ or the ‘Steak and Brew’ restaurant—whatever you two would like. Remember to wait inside the Werewolf Haven lobby for me and I’ll come pick you up.”

“That sounds wonderful, Alicia, we’ll meet you downstairs.”

“See you soon, Nana. I love you.” As I hung up the phone, I debated whether to change or not. My scoop neck red tee was in good condition, but I’d packed on a few pounds since I bought it and it was a little tight, showing a lot of boobage. The jeans I was wearing were an older pair with holes in them, but the only other pair that fit me was in the wash. I didn’t want to be late to pick up Nana. I glanced at the clock. I had just enough to time to put on a little pair of heels and some silver jewelry. I splashed on a few drops of perfume, grabbed my keys and headed for the door.

It was a quick drive to Werewolf Haven, and as always it was easy to find parking. Werewolf Haven was a large, brick complex with lush greenery and paved sidewalks. It looked very much like the college I had graduated from. In fact, at one time, it had been a women’s college that was converted into a popular retirement community.  As I parked the car, I could see the wooden scaffolding in the front section of the building was still there. It seemed like they had been working on that area for months, and I wondered when they would finish up. The boards, metal rods, nails, and other work material made it tricky and hazardous for the elderly residents to navigate around. I quickly walked to the entryway where I could see Nana and Mrs. Greenwood standing in front.

I shook my head as I noticed once again they had ignored my directions to wait inside the building. Though it was a safe neighborhood, they could get hurt in the work area or catch a chill if it was cold. But there they were, waiting just outside the building.

I smiled as I saw what they were wearing. Mrs. Greenwood had on her sensible shoes and a light purple suit. Nana, as usual, had decked herself out in a short skirt, flowery top, and lots of bangles. At eighty-one, she was still as sassy and outgoing as ever, whereas Marnie Greenwood was quiet and conservative. But even though the two seemed to be so different, they had a very close bond. After greeting them, I quickly popped in the retirement home and signed the book to check them out.

“Where’s it going to be ladies, ‘Chicken Delish’ or ‘Steak and Brew?’” I asked as I rejoined them.

“I’d like to go to the new seafood place on the Golden Mile,” Mrs. Greenwood said. New seafood place? I didn’t remember that as an option. I hadn’t heard anything about it, good or bad, which usually meant it wasn’t that great.

“That sounds wonderful, Marnie,” Nana said. “Alicia, take us there please.”

I glanced over at my grandmother, noticing the little smile that played on her ruby colored lips. The ‘Chicken Delish’ and ‘Steak and Brew’ were her favorite restaurants, but it wasn’t unusual for her to pick somewhere else. She liked to have new experiences and try different things. Well, if that’s what they wanted, that’s where I would take them. I knew my taste buds would be disappointed, but I loved food and could always find something to eat.

As we pulled into the restaurant parking lot, I almost pulled right back out again. There was a long line out the door with people crowded onto the porch.

“I’ll park and run in to see how long the wait is,” I said. There was no need for these two to have to get in and out of the car. I knew it was hard on their knees.

“We’ll be just fine going in now,” Mrs. Greenwood insisted.

“I see a lot of people standing around. It looks like a long wait. I can go in and put our name on the…”

Mrs. Greenwood shushed me. “We’ll all go in together.”

“Yes we will,” Nana said firmly.

The two of them smiled at one another as we got out of the car. They were very stubborn today. I sighed as we walked closer to the restaurant and I realized it was even worse than I had originally thought. There was a crowd of people spilling out the door and it was hard to even reach the hostess stand.

As I started to push my way through the throng, Mrs. Greenwood put one hand on my shoulder and pointed with her other one. “No need for that dear, we already have seats. Look over there.”

Confused, I looked where she was pointing. Seated at one of the large round tables near the door were two smoking hot weremen—Franco and Marco.




“Do you remember my grandson, Franco?” Mrs. Greenwood asked as we made our way over to the table. “He and his cousin Marco stopped by to visit me today. When I told him you were going to be taking me out tonight, they thought it would be a great idea for all of us to eat together and suggested we meet here.”

“Ok,” I said, “that’s fine.” I was surprised, but it was only natural that Mrs. Greenwood would want to spend time with her grandson while he was in town.

“And,” she continued, “they went ahead and made reservations so we wouldn’t have to wait!”

The two men jumped up and pulled seats out for Mrs. Greenwood and my nana. Franco rushed to my side to help me with my seat also.

“You look beautiful, ladies,” Franco said to the elderly women, who beamed as they sat down. “And of course, you look gorgeous as usual, Alicia.”

“And you smell delicious,” Marco chimed in from his seat near me. “Mmm, what is that scent?”

I felt myself blush. I was not used to having stud muffins like Franco and Marco tell me how gorgeous I was and how delicious I smelled.

Franco smiled, laying his hand gently on my shoulder as I settled into my chair. He returned to his seat, but not before I caught him looking at my breasts, which were spilling out of my too tight red top. It was obvious from the look on his face that he liked what he saw.

As much as I wished I had worn something a little fancier, the idea that he enjoyed looking at my curves excited me. I could feel myself blushing at his appreciative gaze.

“I think he likes you,” Nana whispered loudly, pointing at Franco.

“I think they both like her,” Mrs. Greenwood said, smiling brightly. “That one can’t take his eyes off of her,” she pointed at Marco.

Hmm, it seemed that my nana and Mrs. Greenwood were trying to do a little match making. I felt awkward but I knew they had the best of intentions. It was hard to be mad at them for trying to set me up. Those two ladies were something else.

I shyly glanced across the table at Marco who was studying me intently.

“Ooh, do you two happen to have a share-were pact?” Nana asked, her eyes gleaming mischievously as she looked from Marco to Franco.

“Yes we do,” Marco said quietly as he made eye contact with me. I could sense pure desire and meaning in his gaze.

A little rush rippled through my body. These two oh so hot and smart shifters had a share-were pact. Just one of them was enough to make your toes curl, but two at one time? I stifled a moan.

“Did you say something dear?” Nana asked.

“I’m just clearing my throat,” I murmured.

I had to admit that the idea that the two had a share-were pact excited me, but it was not surprising. In the shapeshifter community, it was not uncommon for male shifters to develop strong bonds with one another. These shifters had usually known each other since they were children. As adults, they would often form a share-were pact, which meant sharing a woman, emotionally and physically. I had wondered if they had a pact when I saw how close they were at the Bite Me Bar and from some of what they had said. But I hadn’t been sure, and it was not the sort of thing you asked, unless you were Nana Emma Morgan, of course.

“Nana!” I exclaimed. “That’s none of our business.”

“Now hush, Alicia. I think it’s thrilling. Think of all the fun the women who enjoy that arrangement must have. Sometimes I wish…”

My mouth dropped open.

Nana dismissed me. “Stop catching flies, Alicia. And don’t be so old-fashioned. It is the twentieth century after all. Live a little.”

Franco and Marco grinned, their wide smiles lighting up their handsome faces.

“I agree with Emma, Alicia,” Mrs. Greenwood said. “Franco and Marco are fine boys and very good looking. They will make a werewoman very happy one day—maybe you?” She looked at me, a pleased expression on her face.

Oh my gosh! Even prim Mrs. Greenwood thought having two men was just fine! I could feel my face flush again. As exciting as the prospect of these two hotties was, I knew they would never choose me for their life partner. They would want some perfect, skinny woman who always knew the right things to say and do…and of course, she would be someone that wasn’t branded, like me.

“And,” Franco said, nodding his head and gazing at me intently, “we believe our life partner is right here in Frederick. So we’ve decided to lease property for our business in the area—if she’ll have us.”

I could feel my face burning even hotter.

“That’s wonderful, Franco. I will get to see you and Marco more often.” Mrs. Greenwood put her hand on Marco’s shoulder. “Marco has always been like a grandson to me. I have a lot of grandchildren in the area and now I will have even more.”

“With Chad away at school, Alicia’s the only grandchild I have nearby,” Nana said, “it would kill me if she moved.”

“So,” I said clearing my throat and trying to change the topic, “what exactly is going on at the retirement center?”

“Ever since that Mr. Carlson’s taken over it’s been awful,” Nana replied.

The two women shared how unhappy they were with the new policies that were designed to save money and then explained how terrible the food had been lately.

“I think the food is cold because he cut staff and there aren’t enough people to do a proper job in the kitchen,” Mrs. Greenwood shook her head.

“That could be,” Franco said, “and that is just not going to fly. Marco and I will make an appointment to speak with Mr. Carlson as soon as possible.” Franco added firmly, “and I promise we will get to the bottom of this.”

As the elderly women moved on to discuss the latest gossip at the nursing home, I could feel the men’s eyes watching my every move. With their blue eyes burning into me I could barely focus on my crab cake dinner. I picked slowly at the meat and asparagus and barely touched my baked potato.

“Would you all like dessert?” Franco asked after we’d finished our main course. “I overheard someone say the chocolate dipped strawberries were delicious.”

“Mmm, I love chocolate,” I said.

“Yes, I gathered that.” Franco teased, flashing a sexy smile, “especially the candy coated ones.”

I thought back to my candy filled mouth on the day I met Franco. He seemed to notice and remember everything.

While the elderly women decided on lemon cake, Franco, Marco and I decided to split an order of the berries.

The waiter refilled our water glasses and brought our dessert. The strawberries were bright red, huge, and succulent looking, with a dark chocolate coating on the edge. As I selected one of the plump berries, Franco picked one up and sucked on the tip. I tried not to look, but my eyes were drawn to his full, soft lips as he slowly savored the fruit. He probably had the softest, lushest mouth I’d ever seen on a man.

I glanced over at Marco. He had taken a bite out of the side of one and was rolling it around his tongue. Damn, his lips were just as huge, though a little rough. He needed for them to be licked and softened...

The way they were eating the berries, it was obvious these were men who took their time enjoying the little pleasures in life. I had a quick flash of their full, sensuous mouths, one on each side of my body, sucking my nipples. They would tweak them with their lips and relish them like the tastiest of berries. I could just imagine them buck naked, their powerful chests pressed against me as their hands and mouths explored my body, touching, feeling, stroking, nibbling…

“Alicia, Alicia… So, will you?” Marco was grinning at me.

Wow, I had been so caught up in my naughty thoughts I hadn’t heard a word he’d said.

“Sorry…um, will I what?”

“Have a drink with us tonight?”

Before I had a chance to reply, Nana Emma piped up. “Of course she will!”


“Done!” Franco said, signaling for the bill.

It didn’t look like I had much of a choice with the two grandmas and men staring at me. “Well, alright … I live and work right near the Bite Me Bar so I’ll drop off my car and meet you there.”

“I’ll drive with you, Alicia,” Marco grinned as he added, “this way you can’t change your mind.”

“And I will take these beautiful ladies back to the retirement center, make sure they are safely home, and meet you two there,” Franco chimed in.

The men insisted on paying the bill, and promised they would contact Steve Carlson first thing in the morning to see what was going on. We said goodnight to Nana and Mrs. Greenwood, and then Marco and I walked to my car.

We chatted a little about the Frederick area as we drove to my place.

“Coming from a big city, it’s nice to get that small town feel. This would be a great place to raise a family.”

I grimaced. I didn’t even want to talk about having a family—something I wanted so much that wasn’t even close to being on my horizon. I slid the vehicle in the parking spot next to my building and we got out of the car.

“So, this is where you live and work? It’s nice!” Marco said as he admired the older, historic, brick building.

“It’s super convenient too. It’s zoned residential and commercial, so I can jump out of bed in the morning, get dressed, brush my teeth, go downstairs, and get right to work.”

“Can’t beat that,” Marco said, “but do you end up working more than you should?”

“Well…I…” The truth was, I was guilty as charged of working way too many hours. It wasn’t unusual for me to flip on the light late at night and mosey down to my office. I would start attacking one project or another, packing things up to ship, listing items on an auction site... It was so lonely in my bed that I would wake up often in the night.

“The Bite Me Bar is just a short walk up the street,” I said, changing the subject. I turned to start walking towards the Bite Me Bar, but Marco put his hand on my shoulder.

“I would love to see the office,” Marco gazed at the building. “I admire the architecture on these older buildings. Can you take a minute before we go to the bar to show it to me?”

“Well, it’s nothing fancy, come look.” We walked over to the building and I unlocked the door and pushed it open. “See—just a regular office.”

Marco walked over and picked up a tired looking stuffed bear. “You can sell this old toy?”

“Uh huh. See that paw—there are three circles.” I followed the lines of the circle on the plush animal’s foot with my finger. “They represent the eyes and ears of a very famous mouse—it’s called a ‘hidden Mickey’ and it’s very collectible.”

“Cool, I never would have guessed,” Marco put the bear down.

I picked it up and hugged it lightly. “Besides being a collectible, it’s very cuddly, even if it is old and a bit tired.” I placed it back on the counter, giving the tummy a squeeze.

Marco moved near me so close I could feel the heat of his breath. “I’d like to cuddle with you, Alicia,” he whispered, his voice low and guttural.

“I… I…” His words took me by surprise, but I had to admit I wanted to cuddle with him, too. Judging by how moist my panties were and the hot rush running through my body, I knew I wanted to do much more than cuddle.

After having failed at several relationships, I had avoided getting close to any man, emotionally or physically. And because of what Steve Carlson had done to me I didn’t think any man would be interested anyway. I guess all of them wanted a one-night stand, even with a branded werewoman. As much as I didn’t want to want Marco…I couldn’t help myself.

He lifted my face up to his and kissed me—lightly, at first, and then his tongue grew more insistent.

I knew I shouldn’t, but I felt almost powerless to resist. I had promised myself no one night stands, but my desire was so strong. So long as I kept my distance emotionally, I told myself, I would be ok.

Wrapping his strong arms around me, he pressed up close. His body was so large and enveloping, it felt so right to be in his arms. I ran my hand through his thick black hair, ruffling it.

At that moment, there was a knock on the door.

“That must be Franco,” Marco said, pulling away reluctantly to open the door.

“I stopped at the bar and didn’t see you, so I figured you two were here,” Franco said, eyeing Marco and me curiously as he walked into the room.

I tugged at my top to tidy myself, a move that did not go unnoticed by Franco. He looked at Marco’s rumpled hair and my untidy shirt again. “You were kissing,” he announced.

“Well…we,” I looked downward. There was certainly no shame in kissing, but did he have to announce it like he was the town crier?

“Yes, Franco, we were kissing, and Alicia is the one,” Marco said softly.

“I knew it!” Franco yelled.

“What is the one? What are you saying?”

“Like we said at the restaurant, Franco and I have a share-were pact. We have been looking for the perfect mate to join us.”

“Marco and I have been searching for that special person to be our life partner, and you, sweet, gorgeous Alicia, are it—if you will have us.”

“Life partner—just like that?” I snapped my fingers. “How can you say I’m the one when you hardly know me?” What kind of game were these two playing? Was this the line they fed all the ladies to get laid? Or were they just being overly cruel?

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