Fundamentalism in Comparative Perspective (63 page)

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Authors: Lawrence Kaplan

Tags: #Religion, #General, #Fundamentalism, #Comparative Religion, #Philosophy, #test

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See also
Edah Haredit; Neturei Karts ("Guardians of the City")
conservative Jewish fundamentalists and, 160-61
conservative Protestants and, 49-50
Jama'at. See
Voluntary associations (jama'at)
James, William, 17
Jerusalem, religious zeal in, 166-67
Jewish fundamentalism.
See also
Gush Emunim (GE); Neturei Karta ("Guardians of the City")
conservative vs, innovative, 159-69, 172-75
exile and redemption themes in, 153, 159-60, 168-75
passive vs. activist, 152-54
Jewish ultra-Orthodoxy, 163-65, 167-68, 173, 174
Jewish zealots, 165-67.

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