Fun With Rick and Jade (10 page)

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Authors: Kelli Scott

BOOK: Fun With Rick and Jade
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“Time,” she choked out.

He didn’t think there would be any more “time” being called. The clock had gone off to some alternate reality. Time stood still here in the little slice of sexual paradise they’d created.

She did a complete one-eighty, placing her pussy right back where it belonged, hovering an inch above his lips in his favorite position—sixty-nine. He groaned when she took his erect dick full in her mouth. So this is how it’s going to be. She’d changed the rules. Or manipulated his rules. More like borrowed a page from his playbook.

All’s fair

He cupped her ass in his hands and flicked his tongue hard against her clit. She gasped, even with his cock in her mouth, creating a new sensation. Between flicks, he caressed her nub with his lips. She didn’t miss a beat.
Damn, but she’s good
. He nearly couldn’t concentrate on the task at hand, with her swishing her tongue along the length of his cock like one of those drive-through car washes. The possibility of coming in her mouth and losing the game crossed his mind. Every time he felt himself slipping away into a fog of desire, Rick smacked her ass playfully with the palm of his hand, which probably helped her focus more than it helped him.

She’d flinch with every swat. Each flinch pushed him closer to the end. He never knew he was “that” guy, the guy who’d get off on inflicting a sting of pain on a sexual partner. If her ass stung half as much as his palm, he had her full attention. From her gasps, moans, and whimpers, she got off on it, too. Either that or she was playing him like a paying customer.

His balls tightened, bracing for the final curtain. The head of his cock butted up against the back of her throat again and again until he yelled, “Time.”

She slowly slid her lips along his cock until it was free. “Who’s a chicken now?” she asked, knowing full well they hadn’t made it the entire four minutes.

“Three minutes?” he asked.

“Change positions?” she suggested.

To what? Swinging from the chandelier? “Sure.”


“Yeah.” Together they managed to sort of roll across the bed, him on top, her on the bottom. “Time starts now.” He spread her outer lips again and dove back into her pussy, licking, flicking, and sucking. It had worked pretty well for him so far.

She dug her heels into the mattress, thrusting her hips to meet his licks and flicks in time as she swallowed his cock. Despite his determination to win, Rick couldn’t stop himself from thrusting his hips at her mouth, inching himself closer to a climax. He knew when his moves affected her because she’d stop sucking and her hand would squeeze tight around his dick.

“Mmm. I love your cock.” Her other hand massaged his balls, making them heavy and tighter.

He knew what she was trying to do. Word-fuck him. He wouldn’t fall for it. “I love your pussy.”
So much, I’m going to make you come. Right now
. He flattened his tongue against her clit, rubbing and pressing. His squeezing-the-toothpaste-out-of-the-tube theory. Press hard enough, long enough, and toothpaste would pop out. Same thing went for orgasms.

She abandoned his cock and surged against his invading mouth. “Oh,” she whispered. “Yes.” She gripped his thighs.

He drove two fingers into her pussy and massaged her passage as he pushed his tongue down on her clit.

“Ah. I hate you,” she choked out. “Bastard.”

He nearly laughed. Her body convulsed. The walls of Jade’s pussy squeezed around his fingers. Her clit pulsated beneath his tongue. Rick lapped at the rush of liquid heat. He continued pressing and massaging until her spasms dissipated. Rick lightly kissed at her thighs. “I think we have a winner,” he said between kisses.

“I think we have a cheater,” she said through ragged breaths.

“Don’t you mean a ringer?” He climbed off her to sit on the edge of the bed. His breathing was also labored. He hadn’t done that much work since the summer he’d started his own lawn mowing service and had a five-lawn day on the hottest day of the season. After opening a bedside drawer, he rummaged around. “You would not believe the contents of this dresser. A veritable smorgasbord of perversion.” Cuffs. Dildos. Blindfolds. Other things he didn’t know about or want to know about.

The important thing was they had condoms. Jade positioned herself in the center of the bed during his search, awaiting her fate.

“What do you have in store for me?” She feathered her burgeoning cleavage with her fingers. “Bring it,” she said defiantly.

“Nothing alarming.” Rick centered himself on top of her and kissed her sweetly, dipping his tongue into her mouth, sharing the sweetness of her juices. “Does that bother you?” He liked her taste, her scent, but understood if she didn’t.

She shook her head and licked her lips. “I like it, because I know how it got there.” Jade cradled him between her legs.

He didn’t know whether to believe her. She was a professional liar, telling guys they were good in bed when they weren’t. Touting their length and girth. He wondered what she really thought of his cock. Did she lie to him like she’d no doubt lied to her johns? He knew she didn’t fake that mother of all climaxes, though. He slipped gently into her opening with a caveman-like groan.

Placing one hand on her hip, he pushed down with his hand as he thrust up with his cock, filling her pussy with every inch of him. His lips fell on her cheek, jaw, and neck. “You’re so beautiful,” he whispered in her ear. “Anyone ever tell you that?” He claimed her mouth. Forcing his tongue into her mouth, he explored, searching, for some deeper meaning to sex or marriage or life, coming up empty. “Just beautiful,” he said against her lips.

“This is what you wanted to win?” She wrapped her legs around his hips, hugging him, holding him to her. “Missionary-position sex?”

He smiled. His game had nothing to do with him winning some ultimate freak-show sex. “Any and all sex is good.” Rick sprinkled kisses on her clavicle and cleavage.

She began grinding her pelvis into him and he knew she had it in her to climax again for him. For her. He thought about forbidding her from enjoying
prize, knowing it would make her all the more determined to come to spite him. Sometimes he felt playful. Other times raunchy. For reasons he couldn’t explain, sentiment for the woman in his arms overwhelmed him. Tomorrow he’d tell himself not to get sucked into the charade of matrimony. Right now, today, his heart and his head connected. He’d cut the cord later.

“Come for me, baby,” he begged between kisses. His climax floundered behind a logjam of inadequacies, stress, and regret. But it would break through and shoot into Jade, or into the condom, ending their lovemaking. Once apart, they’d be separated by lies and the simple fact they were two strangers using each other for their own personal gain and selfish pleasure. “That’s what I want to win. Come for me again.”

Her fingers combed through his freshly cut hair, her nails scraping along his scalp. “Don’t stop,” she said breathlessly.

“No. I won’t.”

He did pick up the pace, for her and for his own repressed need. He gripped both her hips, pressing and kneading his hands into her flesh. He slapped his body against her clit over and over.

“Shit.” That was her cue he was losing it. There would not be a long trail of clues. She’d tested his mettle. “Oh, damn.”

“Ah,” she whimpered. Her head rolled to the side and her eyes closed. She dug her nails into his shoulders. “Uhmm.” She ground her clit against him.

“Yes,” he mouthed, knowing he’d succeeded. He could feel her pussy constrict around his cock, pulling at his orgasm. She couldn’t fake that. His balls tightened like a fist surrounded them, squeezing. Rick drove deep one last time and groaned through his climax.

Jade covered his mouth with her hand to quiet his roar.




Stretched out on the futon in the baby’s room, Jade held Coral in her arms. When she wasn’t watching the baby, she admired the night sky dotted with bright stars. Reminded her of an elementary school art project of glitter scattered against black construction paper. When had her life been that innocent? When had it changed into the carnival sideshow of sex for money?
Where did I go wrong?
A tear crawled down her cheek. She’d never apologized or made excuses for her life choices, not even to herself. Until now.

Who would ever love her after the life she’d led? What if Coral ever found out, ten years from now, twenty? What would she think of her mother?

Jade had been raised right. Her lower-middle-class, suburban upbringing had smothered her spirit, along with her strict parents who’d tried to raise a demure child. She’d broken free from them to explore the darker side of life. With the help of a sleazy boyfriend, she’d spiraled into the seedy lifestyle of a call girl. She’d wanted things she’d always been denied. Makeup. Fashionable clothes. CDs. The things every teenage girl wanted had turned into bigger things. Cars. Jewelry. A condo. And now she had little to show for her life, having burned through most of her assets during her pregnancy.

Kissing Coral’s brow, she knew now was the time to leave behind the wrong turns of her past and make it all right. It wasn’t where a person had been that defined them, but where they ended up. She’d made a promise to her daughter and to herself when she’d decided to keep Coral. Jade would not end up an over-the-hill whore, slipping down one rung at a time until she ended up working the streets in a bad part of town.

Rick stumbled into the room wearing pajama bottoms, his hair mussed and sleep clouding his eyes. The partial moon and neighbor’s porch light bled into the space. She swiped the warm tear away.

“What’s wrong?” he croaked in a whisper.


“Something.” He leaned in to sneak a peek at the sleeping baby. “Let me put her back in bed.” Without waiting for her to reply, he swept her up in his embrace. She liked
about him. Jade liked too many things about him. But she wasn’t Candy and he wasn’t Bob. This wasn’t a fairy tale. Their marriage was built on a multi-level foundation of lies and deceit.

Rick headed for the bathroom after placing Coral in her crib. Jade heard the toilet flush and the water run. He surprised her by coming back, taking a seat on the opposite end of the futon. She’d expected him to return to bed. Wedging his feet under her bum for warmth, judging by the feel of his icy toes, he took her foot in his hand and began massaging her heel.

“Tell me what’s bothering you.” He gently rubbed her toes. “Was it the sex?”

Feeling too choked up to talk, Jade shook her head. The sex was a welcome diversion from her problems. He was a welcome diversion. His foot rub was a welcome diversion. She did not want to get used to him.

“Do I snore?”

How could she tell him that men paid her to leave? She comes, and then she goes. She does not stay all night and canoodle. She’d been right about Rick. He was a cuddler, spooning her after sex, trapping her in a tangle of arms and legs. Never had she received a foot massage except when paying for a pedicure, for which, by the looks of her toes, she was overdue.

“You have gorgeous feet.” He pressed his lips to her instep.

Shaking her head, Jade pushed him away with her words. “You’re one sick fuck, Rick.”

Squinting in her direction, he asked, “I didn’t cross a line tonight, did I?”

Rick was naive. Her line was so far off in the horizon he couldn’t see it with binoculars, much less cross it. The line he’d crossed was the line between attraction and infatuation. He was closing in on love, and she needed to shut that shit down.

“I had fun,” she admitted. “But I want to know how you won. You cheated somehow.”

He swapped feet to rub the other. “I’m that darn good.”

“No. The truth.”

“I beat off earlier,” he admitted with a one-shouldered shrug.

“Ah!” That explained part of his sexual talent. The longevity part. She’d sneaked into his room the night before, not expecting much, only the warmth and touch of another human being. She’d wanted an orgasm but hadn’t pinned her hopes on him. He’d surprised her then and again tonight, or last night, as it was now well after midnight. “How did you…you know…win?”

“I’m not a wealthy man,” he confessed. “I’m not particularly cool. I’m not a stud. I’m a regular guy. If a regular guy wants pussy, he’s got to bring

“You brought it all right.” She looked away, out the window. “And you’re not a regular guy.” He was the least regular guy she’d ever met. He made her want to laugh and cry, although she held both outbursts tightly inside. Every day, he became better-looking. “I’m sensing there’s more to the story.”

He breathed in, as if pondering. “I had a girlfriend who needed special attention in bed in order to cross the finish line. I got into the habit of making it happen, whatever it took. I’m dedicated.”

Jade laughed, but felt the unfamiliar twinge of jealousy for a woman in his past. A woman he’d probably adored and treasured like she’d never be treasured, not by him or anyone else. Jade had never been that important to any man that he’d do “whatever it took.”

“I always had the opposite problem.” She wrapped her arms protectively across her chest. “Look at me funny and I’d come. Clients love it. Loved it—past tense. Made them feel good in bed. Truth is I could squeeze my legs together on a public park bench and come. Or I used to be able to. Having a baby has wreaked havoc with my body.”

Rick gave her another one-shoulder shrug. “I don’t mind a little extra work. It’s fun. You look amazing. You taste great.” He smiled shyly. “You’ve got some wicked skills, yourself.”

His smile reeled her in. She nearly told him how sweet he was, but didn’t want him going and getting any funny ideas about the two of them. She had enough funny feelings for the both of them.

Kissing her other foot, he smiled. “Come back to bed.”

“We’re not married, Rick.”

He cocked his head to one side. “Well, technically, we sure are.”

“What happened last night can’t happen again,” she said. “I have a daughter who needs one hundred percent of my focus.” The selfish pursuit of pleasure would lose her her baby.

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