Full On (9 page)

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Authors: Caitlyn Willows

BOOK: Full On
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“Hurts too bad to move. Ribs.”

Valerie pulled the edge of the sundress aside. There wasn’t
a button left on the once pretty cornflower-blue dress. She swallowed her gasp
at the bruises covering Bev’s torso. “What the hell happened?”

“I pissed off the wrong person.”

Valerie tucked the dress closed. “Obviously. Care to tell us

Bev ignored the question. “Estelita, get some towels and a
basin of warm water.”

“Bullshit,” Casey snapped before the woman could take one
step away. “You can’t move. You have busted ribs. You’re bleeding from head to
toe, inside and out.” Without another word she dialed 9-1-1, then left to let
the paramedics into the place.

“You don’t understand what you’ve done.” Tears dripped to
the carpet below Bev’s cheek.

“It’s called saving your life,” Valerie replied. “This
wouldn’t happen to have anything to do with Teri Trent, would it?”

Bev closed her eyes. The answer was fairly clear. “I protect
those who’ve placed their trust in me. That will never change.”

“Even those who turn on you?”

“Especially those. They are the most dangerous.”

Chapter Nine


Dread crawled up Valerie’s spine. She sat immobilized in
Russell’s car, staring at her darkened house, afraid to leave the sanctuary of
a locked door for the unknown that might await her inside. Dusk had faded
thirty minutes before. She’d monitored every second, wishing Russell was back
then alternately wondering what took so long. Interspersed with those thoughts
were the images of Bev’s substantial injuries, her cries when the paramedics
loaded her onto the gurney and the mystery surrounding her attack.

Valerie couldn’t understand how Bev remained silent. If
she’d been the one hurt, only death would have kept her from telling anyone who
hurt her, and she couldn’t help wondering if that’s what happened to Teri.
Bev’s reputation for being close-mouthed was what had saved her life, but it
wouldn’t protect her from another attack. It chilled Valerie more to realize
this was one of their own, someone from that circle they guarded with care. How
else would he have gotten to Bev? Only those with the access code could get
beyond the security gates. The clandestine nature of the facility made him
anonymous, but Valerie couldn’t shake the fear it might be someone she knew.

Crippled. Paralyzed. Even opening the garage room was too
great a risk. It’d reveal she was home. Alone. Easy prey. A determined man
would break the glass and have her in less time than it took to—

Headlights swept in behind her. Valerie gripped the wheel.
Panic overwhelmed her. Then the lights clicked off and she saw Russell’s frown.
They left their vehicles at the same time, but Valerie threw herself against
him before he cleared the front tire. He locked his arms around her, never once
questioning what was wrong. She’d wasted no time telling him about Bev. He’d
know she’d be freaked out.

“I’m home now.” He kissed her temple. “And damn glad of it.
I pushed the speed limit all the way.”

Valerie lifted her head to look in the shadows cast on his
face by the streetlight. “Then what took you so long?”

His jaw tightened. “Chihuahuas have bigger bladders than
that man. And I use the word

“Cried, did he?” She looped her arm through his and dragged
him toward the car to retrieve her purse.

“Like a fucking baby the whole way there.” He clicked the
key fob to lock the rental. “We had to stop every thirty minutes so he could
pee. You should have seen him squirm when we made the turnoff to the high
desert. Not many places to pee between Cabazon and Morongo Valley. I don’t know
how you stood working with him.”

Neither did Valerie. “You’re here now. That’s all the
matters.” She released him long enough to grab her purse.

“You don’t want to use the garage?”

She shook her head. “I just want to get inside.”
with you.

He slipped his arm around her waist, guarding her while they
walked toward the house. Still, she monitored every shadow, every whisper of
leaves the soft breeze rustled. Stepping inside wasn’t any better until Russell
flooded the living room with light.

“I…I forgot to stop at your place to get your things.” She’d
been too focused on being there for Bev.

“I’ll manage.” He locked the door. Without prompting, he
hurried on to check the house. “It’s good, honey.” He cupped her shoulders.
“Want to talk about it?”

“Not really.” She wanted to forget it, if only for a while.

“I do need to know how she’s doing.”

It was only fair. Russell cared about Bev too. They all did.
When the others heard about what happened mystery man might not be so safe
after all. Now
lightened her fear and chased some of the goblins
away. “Stable for now. Four broken ribs. He kicked her. Internal injuries from
the beating. Black eyes, jaw fracture, welts and lash marks that will leave
scars all over her body. So many I couldn’t tell if he used a whip or a cane.
And Bev isn’t talking…about any of it.”

“We should advise those we know there’s been a breach. Codes
need to be changed.”

“Casey and I took care of that to some extent.” They’d
called who they knew and thought they could trust, passing the word that Bev
was hurt and the facility would be closed. As for the codes… Only Bev could
handle that issue. Although chain and padlock might not be a bad idea.

She pressed her palms against Russell’s hard chest, taking
comfort from the strong heartbeat calling to her. “I want to forget about all
of this for a while. I
to forget about it. I need to—”

His finger over her lips stopped her. “I know what you

He slipped his hand over her cheek while his mouth crept
closer. She parted her lips in anticipation of his kiss. A breath away, he
burrowed his fingers into her hair, cupped her head and pulled her up to him.
He traced his tongue around her lips, dropped kisses to each corner of her
mouth, then nipped her lips between his one by one. His free hand clamped on
her ass and anchored her against his erection. Valerie didn’t know which pulsed
harder—his cock or her heart. She clutched his shoulders and drew herself
higher, rubbing her stomach over his erection.

Russell sucked in a breath, then landed a hard smack against
her ass. Her gasp morphed into a moan as he slipped his tongue between her
lips. He clutched her hips in his hands, lifting her off her toes so she had to
grip his shoulders to keep from falling. He walked her as far as the sofa, then
pressed against her, pulled her legs to his waist and raked his cock over her
crotch while his lips still devoured hers. The rise to orgasm didn’t take long.
With each stroke she tightened her hold on him, damning the clothing that kept
her from feeling his flesh on her, in her. Too soon—way too soon—Russell
shifted away. Frustrated, she hit her fist against his shoulder, realizing her
error too late.

She opened her eyes to his arched eyebrow and eyes that
I can’t believe you did that
. Valerie knew what was coming and
relished it. His cool, calm appraisal banished the misgivings that had been
eating away at her. This was the Russell she’d fallen in love with, not the
asshole attorney she’d been dealing with for six months. And she’d been the
bitch he’d sparred with. The thought made her laugh. Out loud, unfortunately,
sealing her fate. She couldn’t wait.

Without a word he set her on her feet. His giant step back
gave her an exquisite view of the erection bulging his jeans. He idly stroked
the length, pulling it to a more comfortable position before walking away.

Valerie remained in place. No sense tempting fate by moving
when he’d not given her any instructions to do so. Russell wasn’t above putting
a halt to everything just to teach her who was in charge.
No harm in letting
him have his way.
Smiling, she closed her eyes, envisioning his walk to the
toy box in her closet. Like a kid with candy, she tried to imagine what he’d
bring to the table tonight. Whatever his selection, it didn’t take long. The
sound of his footsteps on the carpet opened her eyes again. His empty hands
generated instant confusion.

A devilish grin pulled up one corner of his mouth. “I have
something special for you in my pocket.”

Valerie narrowed her gaze. “It better not be that damn loopy

“Odd, I didn’t hear a safeword with that statement.” Before
she could draw breath to utter it, he pulled a black satin mask from his jeans
pocket. His smirk claimed triumph. He twirled the mask around his index finger
as he sauntered those last few steps toward her.

“What’s with this?” He pointed toward the arms she’d
unconsciously crossed over her chest. Valerie eased them to her sides.

“Much better.” Russell combed her hair back and slipped the
mask into place. He moved her until she butted against the sofa, then placed
her hands on it. It anchored her, made her feel more connected and less like
she might be tumbling into nothingness. Although, considering some of the
glorious, masked interactions in the past, nothingness often had a sweetness
all its own.

One finger touched her mouth. Russell’s lips replaced it as
he traced a slow path down her throat to the first blouse button. He toyed with
it while he danced his tongue around hers, exploring her cleavage, following
the path of her bra, returning to his original point. Then he flicked the
button open and slipped his hand to the next. Lazy fingers wandered to the
lower edge of her bra, tickling upward over her hard nipples, slipped around to
the hooks and released them. The bra sagged, another button fell at his demand,
his hot palm covered her torso.

Russell ended one kiss and dived into another when a moan
rumbled in her throat. He worked his thumb under the edge of her bra, tugged it
free of his goal. He cupped her breast, rolled her nipple between thumb and forefinger
until she strained into the hold for more…and got it for her other aching
breast. Another button opened. The last one followed.

His body heat poured over her from head to toe. The kiss
deepened, pushing her backward until her pelvis connected with his. Russell
shoved his knee between hers, ordering her legs to give him access while he
stripped her shirt and bra to her wrists, pulled them behind her and secured
them in a loose knot.

He raked his mouth from hers and latched on to her breast.
Valerie cried out with the hard suckle, writhing as best she could to get more
into his mouth. He braced one arm around her back, flashed his tongue around
her nipple and feathered his free hand to her capris. He wasted little time
stripping those down her body. She kicked them away the instant they hit her
feet. Russell yanked her legs to his hips, grinding his erection over her
pussy. Denim rasped over her clit. She spread her knees as far as they would
go, rocking with him, praying he’d let her have relief this time. When it came,
only his arms around her kept Valerie from melting into a puddle.

Russell gave her little time to recover. Before the last
quiver died, he hoisted her over his shoulder. Fingers invaded her pussy as he
carried her off, teasing her too-sensitive clit, rubbing her anus—a signal she
knew all too well. He intended to fuck her up the ass. Valerie wasn’t sure she
could take him. It’d been too long.

“Don’t worry,” he said as he draped her lovingly on the bed.

She must have tensed. How else would he know she was

He rolled her facedown. The mattress sagged as he crawled
astride her. He flashed his tongue down her spine to the very tip, spread her
buttocks and dipped even lower. Groaning, she lifted for more. He curled his
tongue around her clit, tunneled it deep inside, then raised her hips higher.
Fingers drew out her juices and rubbed them over her anus, each time going a
little deeper yet not penetrating. Pillows slid under her stomach, giving her
support and keeping her ass high for him. She whimpered a protest when he eased
away, then sighed with relief when he unbound her wrists. He rubbed the
sleep-needles away and helped her ease her arms into a more comfortable

Valerie monitored his steps, heart skittering when she heard
the tinkle of his belt buckle, the whisper of his clothes coming off, the soft
skid of the drawers in their toy chest opening. Then he was by her side once
more. She held her breath, waiting for the first touch of cold lube against her
ass, followed by the plunge of the biggest plug he could find. Intent on that
action, she started when he twirled something soft down her back.

“What is it?” His breath kissed her ear.

She racked her brain and came up with, “Flogger.” The
chamois falls were oh so soft.

“Guess again.” He ran the object over the inside of her
thighs, then flicked it up between her buttocks.

She smiled. “Feather.”

“Bingo. Now this.” He rubbed something over her ass. She’d
felt that enough to know.

“Leather paddle.”

“Very good. Now we’re going to combine the two.” He rubbed
her ass to a warm glow before he landed the first strike.

She sucked her breath between her teeth and lifted her ass
for more. Russell was slow and methodical, each smack not too light, not too
hard. They quickened as the fire bloomed and her clit swelled to explosive
proportions. Each time she tried to wiggle into a position on the pillows for
relief, Russell dragged her back into place.

When she knew she couldn’t bear another second, he pulled
her to all fours. “Knees wide, head on the pillows.” She complied through a
haze of want.

He spread her ass cheeks and tickled the feather down her
crack all the way to her clit. Flicks over the hard flesh stole what was left
of her breath. She closed her eyes and absorbed the sensation, the building
rise, the frustration when he wandered through the valleys of her labia and
away to tickle her anus. With each return trip, he played a little longer,
bringing her closer to heaven. Valerie fought the need to slam her thighs
closed on his hand to keep it right where she wanted. She fisted the bedspread,
alternately chewed on her lower lip through her moans and gasped when he found
a new angle.

“Oh…please…” she begged.

“Yes, honey. Come for me.” He danced the feather over her

Valerie shuddered under the orgasm that swept over her.
Kisses dotted down her back settled her back to earth. Russell removed the
pillows and helped her ease onto the mattress. She lay there too spent to move.
He spread her cheeks yet again. She didn’t have the energy to protest the cold
lube. He slicked her well, eased two fingers inside for a fucking that stirred
her libido to life. When he slipped their largest plug into place, all she felt
was pleasure. Then he bit her ass and moved away, only to return quickly. This
time there was no mistaking the kiss of chamois down her back.

She felt each thud of the flogger deep inside as he worked
it from shoulders to toes. It filled her heart, set her drifting to that place
no drug could touch. Warmed her completely. Then he rolled her to her back and
did a lighter flogging over her torso. Her clit swelled for attention. She
parted her legs as far as possible and raised her hips to show him. Russell
slapped the falls back and forth over her clit, stopping just short of making
her come.

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