Full Moon on the Lake (3 page)

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Authors: D. M. Angel

BOOK: Full Moon on the Lake
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Derrick inhaled deeply remembering, and then sighed, “Bad.  You will lose control as your wolf tries to take over with the relentless need to mate.”  Looking up at Jacob he continued, “You will be fighting the mating urges as well as fighting your wolf for that control.”

Jacob looked at Derrick, “I know that, the wolf has the need to mate.  The mating instinct is all he will think about but, how hard will it be to control our wolves. It can’t be much worse than what we go through now or went through during puberty.”

Laying his hand on Jacob's back as they rounded the cabin, “Oh it is much worse than trying to control your wolf in normal circumstance; this will be ten times worse. Your wolf will fight you more determine to gain that control. I will help you old friend. It could be worse. Think of it this way, how would you like to be a beta and suddenly have an alpha wolf you have no idea how to control.”

Jacob stopped, “You know after this I think I will have a healthier respect, patience and sympathy for the betas.” The smell of cooked bacon filled the air as they reached the front of the cabin,

“Looks like breakfast is on.” Derrick finished the conversation for now, smiling.

Kate slowly became aware of noises and could not remember where she was for a few seconds. Leaving her eyes closed she concentrated on the noises trying to figure out what was happening around her, when her head started pounding reminding her of what had happened. She inhaled sharply at the memory and smelled coffee. “It’s aright it is just you and me at the moment.” A warm feminine voice told her. Kate opened her eyes to see a woman over her stove cooking. She slowly sat up, placing her feet on the floor; the woman turned her head and smiled. “How are you feeling?” she asked.

Kyla took in the woman’s voice as she took stock in the question. “I’m fine except for the headache and slight nausea,” Kate stated, “Who are you?” 

Kyla went back to cooking introducing herself as she worked.  “I am Kyla, Derrick’s..maamaa..wife.  Derrick and Jacob are on their way back in, they went to turn the generator on.”  Kyla turned and looked at Kate with amusement in her eyes, “Why don’t you go get a shower and we can talk over food?”  Kate nodded then wished she did not as her head pounded harder at the movement. Kyla walked over to where Kate stood and handed her a glass of water and two pills. “Here take these they will help your headache.”  Kate complied then made her way to the bathroom.

Closing the door behind her, Kate felt just a little confused as to whom all these people were and how she was going to get rid of them.  ‘Yes, they were here to help but she needed to learn to be more independent if she was going to succeed in taking care of herself.’  Stripping down she stepped into the shower and turned the faucet. When the icy cold water hit her, she screamed in shock and jumped back screeching again at the cold shower wall she backed into, andand laughed at herself. 

“Well, I’m wide awake now!” she whispered.  “This should be refreshing.” She said sarcastically.

Derrick’s hand was on the doorknob when they heard a scream from inside the cabin.  Jacob pushed by him to see what was wrong.  Looking around the cabin for a problem when he heard Kyla snicker then said, “Cold water.” pointing to the door across the room as an explanation.  That was when he noticed the sound of the shower. Derrick smiled walkingwalking over to Kyla and hugged her, kissing her neck as Jacob sat at the table.  Derrick, stealing two pieces of bacon retreated to the table, as Kyla threatened him with the spatula in her hand and told him to “sit, breakfast is about ready.”

Swatting her playfully on the butt he saluted, “Yes Ma’am”  sat at the table next to Jacob and handed him a piece of the pilfered bacon while he bit into his.

As used to the cold water as she was ever going to be, Kate ducked under the spray getting her hair wet then lathered. The smell of lavender filled the shower relaxing her as she rinsed off.  Grabbing the conditioner, she thought of all the things she that still needed to be done.  She had to remember to use her new name and identity if she was going to stay hidden.  Her life had taken a turn for the worse when she found out what kind of man her ex-husband really was.  She took a deep breath and relaxed, they were divorced and she had a new identity he would never find her, she was finally free.   She rinsed the conditioner out of her hair, as if washing her past out of her mind and down the drain. She turned off the water grabbinggrabbing a towel as she stepped out of the shower and dried off.

She went to the closet as she wrapped the towel around her head after drying off and grabbed a pair of black jean cutoffs. Pulling her panties and shorts on she looked in and decided the black camisole would be good for working in.  Taking the towel off, she brushed out her hair hitting the spot on her head ‘ouch!’

She stopped for a moment then carefully, felt for the lump on her head remembering what had caused it.  Sighing she continued brushing out her long locks, mindful of the bump on her head she continued.  Looking in the mirror she set the brush down, loosened, and styled her hair from her head with her fingers.  Satisfied she turned and walked out the door and froze.

She vaguely remembered the two men from last night, now sitting at her table eating.  Kyla set a fourth plate down as she sat at the table,

“Come eat, you look hungry.” As Kate moved forward slowly to sit at the place left for her, Kyla continued,

“Feeling better?” 

Brought up by her military father, Kate hearing the warm commanding involuntarily responded, “Yes Ma’am, thank you.” She looked questioningly at the three sitting there and just as a question popped into her head, Kyla told her.

“Eat first we will talk later.” Kyla spoke as if reading her mind. Kate picked up her fork and scooped up some eggs put them in her mouth. 

She looked down at her plate as the flavors exploded in her mouth, surprised she was so hungry, started clearing her plate.  She had planned on eating when she finished late last night, when she decided on a swim first, then the wolf, then...

Kate’s halted her fork in mid-air and her head jerked up. “The wolf...There was a wolf last night.  Where did it go?  Did you find it? You didn’t hurt it did you!?” she rambled urgently looking from one to the other with each question landing on Jacob last.

Kyla stood and gathered the empty plates, putting them in the sink. She grabbed the coffee pot, filled everyone’s cups in the silence, and set it back down on the stove.  Sitting Kyla told Kate to eat as she looked over at Derrick patiently waiting for him to lead the conversation.

Derrick lifted his cup took a drink and settled into his seat.  “The wolf is fine,” He said in a deep strong voice, “I am Derrick,” laying a hand on Kyla's shoulder adoringly continued, “You met Kyla my mate,” nodding the other way, “This is Jacob; your mate.” Indicating the other man sitting at the table. 

Kate looked at him in recognition from last night, taking a sip from her coffee and blushed remembering they were nude when they met.  Kyla was just placing her hand over her face when what Derrick said hit Kate. Choking coffee, “WHAT!! MATE?” Kate slid her chair back.  Derrick laid a hand on Jacobs shoulder to keep him from rising.

“Well, that was subtle.” Kyla said exasperated. Kyla spoke soothingly, “Hmm, I’m sorry your name is?” She looked at Kate waiting for an answer.

It remained quiet as Kate gathered her thoughts, ‘What the hell?’ “Umm, Ka… Daniella.” She caught herself, “Daniella Casey.” She looked cautiously at the three of them hoping they thought she was going to say her last name first.

All three noticed the ‘deer caught in the headlights look’ but did not show it on their faces.  “Dani,…”

Kate interrupted, “Daniela.”

“Yes, thank you, Daniela,” Derrick continued cautiously, “we have a small settlement down the road from here.  We live there as a group, we welcome you here to our community.” 

“Umm, Thank you, and thank you for helping me last night.” She said slowly.  “I, um, really appreciate all you have done, but I came up here to be alone.”  She continued hurriedly, “Really appreciate all you have done for me.” She repeated nervously.  “I just…..”  She whispered unsure how to finish. She looked over to Jacob and noticed he was becoming agitated and seemed to; growl? In fear of the rapid change in his mood Kate stood from her chair and started to back away staring at him confused. 

Jacob jumped up abruptly at her movement, his chair flying back from the force, “NO,” he growled deeply, “you are mine!” he started to step toward her.

Derrick and Kyla moved fast, so fast they were but a blur. Derrick had a hold of Jacob while Kyla stood in front of Kate, before Kate even knew what was happening. Everything happened at once, Kyla moved back putting Kate in a protective circle against the wall, while Derrick and Jacob struggled with each other.  Seconds in which seemed like hours past when Derrick boomed out in a commanding voice,

“JACOB!” Jacob stopped and lowered his head. Derrick continued, “It is time for us to leave!”

Jacob nodded once angrily, turned abruptly toward the door. YankingYanking the door open roughly and flew out the door allowing it to slam against the wall.

Derrick relaxed and spoke to Kyla who sighed, as the tensionseemed to have calmedcalmed now that Jacob was gone.  “I will go with him. You can handle thingsthings from here?” 

Kyla walked over to Derrick leaving Kate frozen against the wall confused and pressed against the wall. “Yes, go help him.  I have already called and informed the council of the situation, they are sending the women here.  The men are waiting for you at the common house.”  Kate watched as Derrick placed a hand on Kyla’s face and kissed her gently.  Looking into each other’s eyes for a minute, he turned and left.  Kyla walked over and closed the door gently, stood silently gathering her thoughts.

Kyla turned and saw Kate stunned still in shock, standing against the wall.  Taking a deep breath she sighed and walked to the stove and retrieved the coffee pot,

“I hope you will listen to what we have to say, before you judge us.” 

Kyla requestedrequested as she poured more coffee in their cups, removed the other cups and walked back to the sink.  Kate stood speechless staring at KylaKyla, not moving, as Kyla emptied and remade another pot of coffee setting it on the stove. 

Pulling together her thoughts, Kate spoke the first words that came to her,

“What did I do?”

Kyla turned slowly and looked at Kate. Motioning to the chair, she told Kate to sit down, and sat in her chair.

Kate took a tentative step forward then stood immobileimmobile looking toward the door.  When she felt sure the men wouldwould not be coming back, she moved forward again sitting down slowly and hugged her coffee mug for strength. Looking at the coffee within the cup, she took a sip to clear her head.  Kyla took a slow sip as well watching her for a few seconds over the rim of the cup.  Both were quiet as thethe minutes ticked byby. Neither knowing who would break the silence first, enjoying their coffee, deep in thought. 

Kate looked up to Kyla for answers when she could not find a coherent question within herself to ask.  Something about Kyla was warm and welcoming.  Her dark hair and eyes seemed to see you even if you thought you were hiding.  Her face was young, yet she seemed wise beyond her years.  She was not tall and slender like some prize wife, but athletically built like a runner. She seemed confident and commanding of the company around her, like an old grandmother she had.  A matriarch, which is the feeling Kate got when looking at Kyla.

A wolf howled pitifully outside somewhere in the distance. Kyla tilted her head listening,stood and walked over towardtoward the cabinets.cabinets  In silence, she washed out two of the dirty cups sitting in the sink, dried them and grabbed another cup setting them on the table.  Kate watched her quietly move round the kitchen area, trying to mentally sort all the information she had already heard, out. Hoping to have some hint, some understanding of what was going on.  Kyla moved over to the stove and laid her hand against the coffee pot, just as Kate heard someone pullingpulling up outside the cabin.  Kyla nodded once as if something she had been pondering, had finally cumulated to a decision, then turned andand moved to open the door.

As Kyla held the door open, threethree women walked into the cabin.Kyla greeted them each in turn like old friends.  Closing the door and following them into the main part of the cabin, turned as all four-faced Kate sitting at the table seeming lost and confused.  Kyla cleared her throat gaining Kate’s attention and pointing to the oldest, she started introductions. 

“Daniela this is Emily, the eldest of us.” she spoke as she pointed to a stout elderly woman with her grey-silver hair piled up in a bun on her head. Her matching eyes wrinkled at the corners showed a smile on her face came from deep inside her soul. Turning slightly she continued pointing toward the next woman who looked about 20 years younger,

““Jasmine,” then gestured to the next woman, tall and slender but full of inner strength,

“and Leisa.  Ladies this is Daniela Casey.”

All four looked at Kate and she spoke softly,

“Hello. Ummm…..What’s going on?” KateKate continued feeling as though she was still losing ground on her sanity.

Emily moved to the head of the table and spoke first.

“I am the elder in this group and therefore lead even though Kyla is our alpha,” She stated matter of factly, “she leads in all other things.”

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