Read Fulfilling Her Fantasy Online

Authors: Tabitha Black

Fulfilling Her Fantasy (3 page)

BOOK: Fulfilling Her Fantasy
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Ellen patted her friend's arm. "Poor little Cinderella, always making
everyone else look gorgeous but never going to the ball herself."

be silly." Janice got up and drained the rest of her Mocha. "I don't
do pity parties. Anyway, we should get going."

I'll leave it there for now," Ellen grumbled, getting to her feet.
"We going to the gym tomorrow morning?" She lifted a perfectly toned,
slender arm and flexed her bicep. "I always have to be ultra-careful at
this time of year. So much temptation in December. Although," she shot a
cheeky smile at Janice, "I still believe you're craving a particular man
more than chocolate right now."

man could ever be better than chocolate," Janice responded tartly. "I’ll
meet you there at eight."

she headed back to Wardrobe, she suppressed another shiver of longing at the
memory of that evening in the dungeon. The Master had been so detached, so in
control, so menacing as he'd reduced his victim to a screaming, gasping, sodden
puddle of orgasmic bliss.
Vanilla men
don't know what they're missing out on
, she thought with a smile.
The way I feel when a man's dominating me…
controlling my body like he owns it… it doesn't even begin to compare to any of
the mainstream sexual encounters I've ever had

she began to unwrap the freshly laundered costumes from their plastic sheaths
and hang them back in the relevant sections of the Wardrobe, Janice wondered
how Ellen would have reacted had she told her the actual truth. The reason why
that scene in the dungeon had so captivated her. The thing that she'd never
experienced, not in two years of working in a fantasy BDSM resort, but that
she'd always, always wanted to. She simply hadn't known it yet…

pushed back her brown hair and sighed. She'd always had a spanking
fetish—ever since she could remember, anyway. And once she'd actually
been brave enough to step out into the big wide world and attend munches and
events with like-minded people, she'd soon discovered that she was a bit of a
masochist, as well. She'd been bent over, bottom bared and teeth clenched a
number of times; with a firm hand, wooden paddle, whippy riding crop or even a
nasty cane being applied vigorously to her backside… and no matter how much it
had hurt, or who the Top had been, she'd left with a gnawing, unfulfilled ache
deep inside her. And soaking wet panties. Until she'd been in the dungeon that
day, she'd never twigged exactly what it was she'd been missing. And now that
she knew, she wondered whether she'd ever be brave enough to ask for it.


Dominick suppressed a yawn as the man standing opposite him droned on and on.
He'd heard it all a thousand times before.

don't actually want you to whip her," he was saying, earnestly, pushing his
glasses back up his nose. "Just frighten her a bit. She's terrified of the
whip, is my wife. Maybe you could crack it once or twice, make that wonderful

if applied correctly, the bullwhip can be easier to take than several other
implements—depending on severity and force of application, of
course," Dominick said. "Including the cane. A lighter flick with the
tip of a whip is far less intense than a hard cane stroke across the naked

don't touch her anywhere. With your hands, I mean," the man continued, as
if Dominick hadn't even spoken.

Castle Dungeon Master was growing irritated. "How about my tongue? Or my

golly, no. No, no, no," the man replied with a frown. "Just do what
we agreed. Leave the touching to me. After all, she is my wife!"

you," Dominick said, barely able to conceal his sarcasm as he glanced over
his shoulder to where the woman was absent-mindedly scratching
her nose. Reaching for his trademark
leather hood, he tugged it over his head. "Was that all, or do you have
any other questions?"

don't think so. Just what we already discussed… you come in and act all scary,
and then when she's cowering against me, let me take over. Once I've
started…" the man actually blushed to the tip of his receding hairline,
"you know… touching her, then you can discreetly leave us to it."

his tongue, Dominick managed to restrict his response to a firm nod, then he
squared his shoulders and turned around to face the woman—who, in all
actuality, seemed far less frightened of him than her husband obviously was.
Let the show begin
, he thought, letting
his lip curl into a sneer and narrowing his eyes. "Your husband tells me
you've been a naughty girl," he growled, brandishing the bullwhip.
"Now, what do you think should happen to naughty girls like you?"

very short time later, having closed the private door behind the frantically
necking couple, Dominick made his rounds through the rest of the dungeon, his
eagle eye roving over every piece of equipment, every hook, coil of rope, and
checking in on the scenes taking place in the public spaces. A lean young man
was licking his Mistress's boots while she raked over his scalp with long,
pointed fingernails, and in another corner, a young woman was on her knees,
enthusiastically sucking one man's cock while another stood behind her, tapping
her upturned backside encouragingly with a switch.

had been too long since anyone had sucked him off, Dom thought ruefully,
feeling himself harden just at the thought of it. Since he'd had any kind of
sex, come to think of it. Maybe that was why he'd been feeling so tense and
tired lately.

door to the last private chamber was ajar, so he pushed it open to make sure it
had been cleaned and re-equipped properly.

Masters Travis and Trevor both glanced over at him in surprise. The middle-aged
woman lying spread-eagled on a table between them had less restraint. As soon
as she saw Dominick, she raised her head. "
men, I said," she exclaimed, loudly, "I don't want

standing behind her, rolled his eyes.

left the door open," Dominick said, by way of explanation. "I do

a problem." Travis grinned. "We haven't actually started yet."
He ripped open a condom packet with his teeth. "Sure you don't wanna join
in?" Then, as the woman opened her mouth to protest, "Oh shush,
sweetheart, I was only kidding."

not paying you to kid around," the woman snapped. She twisted around to
look at Trevor. "And don't pull my hair that hard again. I don't like

back his laughter at Trevor's pained expression, Dominick backed through the
archway, pulling the heavy wooden door firmly shut after him. Slumping against
it, he took a deep breath and shoved a hand through his thick hair.
Is there anyone left in this place who
doesn't top from the fucking bottom? Christ, what's a guy got to do to get a
real, submissive fucking painslut around here? They can't all be taken, surely?


Dominick looked up to see Eric and Reeve
standing in front of him, grinning. He didn't return their smiles.
"Good," he said curtly. "I'm in the mood to throttle someone.
Follow me."


you actually going to lift that, or are you going to stare at it?"

jumped. "I hate working out," she retorted, sliding her ankles
half-heartedly under the padded black bar.

looked like a fitness model, clad in hot pink lycra, her cheeks flushing a
pretty rose to match her outfit as she worked the thigh press diligently.
"I love it."

there's something wrong with you." With a grimace, Janice pushed a stray
curl from her face and began her set. She always felt so plain and dowdy beside
her friend; especially today, as her usual workout clothes were in the laundry
and she was, therefore, wearing a hastily-grabbed combination of black
tracksuit pants and a wrinkled t-shirt which read, 'For God's sake don't give
me any drugs'.

do you come to the gym with me, then?"

you make me."

do no such thing! I merely ask whether you would like to accompany me!"

honey, I love you, but you never 'merely ask' anything. Don't think you ever have
once in your life. And besides…" Janice trailed off as she caught sight of
the man who had just stalked into the gym.

was huge; his dark eyes blazing, his wide mouth set in a grim line, his dark
hair tousled and, when he tugged off his shirt, she found herself biting her
lip at the sight of his ripped, honed stomach. Idly she wondered whether his
cock was as wide around as the rest of him… then, when Ellen flapped a hand in
front of her face, she pulled herself together and looked away, certain she was

My. God. It's him, isn't it?
one!" Ellen looked from Janice, to the man, then back to Janice again.
"I would never have thought… not in a million years, that of
the men here in the Castle,

say his name," Janice hissed, resuming her thigh curls in double time.
"It's not him, okay?"

too!" Ellen whistled. "Well, well, well. Now I really am gonna need
all the sordid details." She shook her head. "I knew you were a bit
of a maso, but jeez Louise, not

I should have stayed in bed
, Janice thought grimly, staring at the
floor. "It's not what you think," she mumbled instead. "Look,
can we just drop it?"

I'm sorry." Ellen laid a perfectly manicured hand on her arm. "I love
you. I'm only teasing. Do you want to go?"

I think I will. Don't feel as though you have to come with me, though. I know
you're very particular about your routine."

is way more important." Ellen slid off the machine, wiping it down with a
towel. "Come on, let's go to my room and really talk about this."

Janice picked up her own towel and water bottle, the man turned and looked at
her. Humiliatingly slowly, his eyes travelled up and down the length of her
body before returning to meet hers. Then, he gave her a lazy, predatory smile.
Flushing to the roots of her hair, she spun on her sneakered heel and hotfooted
it out of the gym.

short while later, they were back in Ellen's room. Janice hadn't said a word;
when Ellen had offered her a coffee or 'a stiff one', she'd merely shaken her
head and sat down on the edge of the bed, still reeling.

not in all the books she'd read or the films she'd watched, had she ever
imagined that a simple eye-meet could have such an impact on her loins. Just
the memory of those intense, dark eyes on hers, looking at her with such
detachment, turned her desire to liquid, and she found herself digging her
fingers into her thighs in an attempt to quell the pulsing need between them.

right, sunshine," Ellen said bossily, setting two mugs of coffee down on
the table in front of them. "I've been patient enough. You are going to
tell me what the hell's going on now, whether you like it or not."

can't," Janice whispered. "It's too embarrassing."

Have it your way. I don't like resorting to threats, but for you I'll make an
exception." Then, as Janice simply stared at her, wide-eyed, Ellen
shrugged. "I asked Master Marshall. He said you're still owed time off and
you're welcome to take part in the auction if you want."

No! I don't want to take part in the auction!"

what I thought. So I'll make a deal with you. Either you tell me what's been
bothering you ever since I came back from Texas, or I'll fill in an application
form on your behalf." Ellen paused. "And I'll be extra sure to check
'no hard limits'," she added, with a grin.

down, Janice was ninety-nine percent sure her friend was bluffing. But the temptation
to get everything off her chest, and possibly get some advice in the process,
was too much for her. "Fine," she muttered eventually. "God, if
only to shut you up!"

was the aim," Ellen took her hand. "Sweetie," she softened her
tone, "I know we work here and all, but that doesn't mean we don't have
needs and desires as well. I meant what I said about Cinderella. So what is it
with you and the legendary Dungeon Master? Love? Do you want to have big, burly
babies with him?"

herself, Janice burst out laughing. "Oh Christ, no. I don't think it's
that at all. If anything, it's more of a lust thing."

what way? What exactly did you see him doing in the dungeon that you hadn't
already seen a million times over the past two years?"

I said, he wasn't doing anything that unusual. It was just… I had a kind of
epiphany. I've experienced pleasure in my life, and I've experienced
pain—in this case, I'm talking about the kinky kind, of course, spanking
and stuff. But I've never, ever, experienced both
at the same time
." Janice hung her head, trying once again to
suppress the heat which threatened to prickle across her face at the mere
thought. "I just can't help wondering… if I find each element on its own
so awesome, how mind-blowing must they be combined?"

BOOK: Fulfilling Her Fantasy
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