Fulfilled (18 page)

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Authors: Allyson Young

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Trevor’s body heat increased as she instinctively pushed into him, warming and driving all previous thoughts from her mind. God, the draw of them made her brain swim and her body beg for their touch. Trevor chuckled and swept her up and away to Jonathon’s quarters.

He set her down just inside the door. She divested herself of her clothes without a word from either of her men and dropped to her knees. Her men. Decided.

They were close to the same height, give or take a couple of inches. She knew their cocks were different, and they tasted different. Lois speculated as to who she would sample first. Trevor’s cock twitched, visible even through his clothing, as though picking up on her thoughts. She knee walked to him, drifting her fingertips down Jonathon’s muscled thigh to entice him closer. She looked up to ask permission, but Trevor was already there, his fingers releasing his shaft. It bobbed free and sprang upward against his abdomen, the head glazed with pre-cum, throbbing in anticipation. Jonathon allowed her to release his, and it, too, burst up and out before her fascinated gaze. She took Trevor into her mouth, sucking gently, tantalizing him with her tongue, taking her time. Jonathon’s shaft pulsed beneath her questing fingers, and he muttered a complaint when her nail coasted along the underside and worried gently at the tiny notch in the base of the broad head.

“You make me come with a hand job and you’ll get nothing,” he warned.

She smiled around her mouthful and sucked Trevor hard to the back of her throat. His hands grasped her hair and pulled her back.

“She’s pushing tonight, Jon. I’m thinking she gets nothing anyhow.”

Lois submissively gentled her suction, whirled her tongue around Trevor’s cock, and let him slip from her mouth, an easy ride on her saliva. She immediately placed her free hand on him and squeezed. He narrowed his eyes at her, and she gave him her sweetest smile before placing her lips around Jonathon.

He groaned his pleasure. “She does this so well, buddy. Seems she deserves a reward.”

“It’s fucking hot watching her take you, Jon. She’s great at this.”

“Good at other things, too.”

Their dirty, suggestive talk above her, spoken as though she wasn’t even in the room made her wetter. She slipped her other hand to cup Jonathon’s sac, and he vocalized again, incoherently, then stepped back. She set her lips hard as he withdrew, allowing her teeth to barely graze him and sensed how she nearly took his control.

They stared down at her, and she quickly averted her eyes. It seemed there was a little part in her ready to come out to play. A part hardly submissive. It disconcerted her and probably them and the anticipation of their response was delectable.

Jonathon moved first, away from her, and she tensed. Trevor placed a big hand on her head, and she relaxed. Doors and drawers opened and closed, objects clattered and jingled. Oh oh. A blindfold slipped down over the crown of her head and was tied off snugly. When one of them swept her up to carry her across the room, Lois thought of flying. She scented Trevor and gave over.

A rattle of chains made her lift her head from his shoulder in an automatic response, her face straining toward the sound.

“Shhh, Lois.”

A piece of flexible leather rubbed sensuously down one leg, then the other, clasping and spreading them apart. Yet another wrapped around her waist, and Trevor eased away while big hands gently pulled her arms above her head and secured them. Chains jangled. She was somehow supported in midair, a somewhat disconcerting sensation, except she could feel her men close by. Foil tore, and cool lube anointed her anus, a thick finger pressing inside, past the ring of muscle guarding the entrance, followed by another as she was stretched. Jonathon stepped between her widespread legs, his unique scent identifying him, and his kiss served to distract her from the persistent invasion. She opened for him, and he kissed her dizzy, the loss of sight compounding the effect.

Trevor withdrew his fingers and immediately replaced them with the head of his cock. Jonathon
her, and she swung backward onto Trevor’s shaft, the motion effectively impaling her, stealing her breath and setting off sizzling fireworks in her head as her back channel stretched and dragged wider to accommodate him. She gasped and Trevor kissed her hair, holding her steady by her waist. Jonathon cupped and held her breasts, his thumbs rubbing over the nipples suggestively.

“Okay, sweetheart?”

Her body adjusted, and she nodded, not trusting her voice.


“I’m okay.” Her voice was faint, far off. She clamped down on Trevor, reaching for something, her sex swelling with arousal, her juices flowing.

“Fuck’s sake, Jon! She’s like a vise. Join me.”

Jonathon’s cock nestled familiarly against her pussy, slipping and sliding in her moisture, then notching at her entrance. He pulled her forward onto him, his hands now at her ribcage, and Trevor’s cock dragged out. When Jonathon came up against her cervix, he pushed back. The rhythm was set and increased in increments of equal pacing.

Lois understood she was resting in a swing, and the little alternate pushes, first Jonathon, then Trevor, controlled the depth and speed of the fucking in and out of both her orifices. She was warmed by their big bodies yet not crushed between them. It was a very different experience, and she let them have their way with her. Not that she had any choice!

“I want to see.”

The blindfold was instantly removed, and Lois blinked in the light. Jonathon’s features looked hewn from stone as he struggled for self-control, his eyes hot with desire yet tender with love and affection. She rested her head back on Trevor’s shoulder and he nuzzled her cheek and temple, murmuring his pleasure, telling her how much he loved her.

The movements never ceased, and she felt one, then the other in the depths of her body. She shivered and fought the climax bearing down on her like a freight train, never wanting this to end. It was a crackling, nearly blistering awareness, an acceptance of both these big men. Trevor froze, tight against her, and Jonathon surged to fill her completely. Lois shuddered right over the cliff without enough breath to share her ecstasy. Their scalding jets of cum, felt right through the latex, completed her, and she sagged, done.

The aftercare was perfunctory, if thorough, and Lois was made comfortable before being bundled off to bed. She snuggled into Jonathon’s arms while Trevor spooned against her back. Bliss.

“When will you be back from Houston?”

“Leave it alone, buddy. Suck it up.”

She smiled, careful not to let the upward turn of her lips register against Jonathon’s firm pec.
could work it out, just as they’d worked her out, almost wordlessly. She was done mediating. It wasn’t her role any longer. They bickered amiably above her for a few minutes, and she sank boneless and sated into slumber.

Chapter Nineteen


“Your friend is expecting me? Him and his wife?”

“He is, Lois. They are. I haven’t seen him in years and it’s time we caught up. I met his wife in the other club and at their wedding, and I hope you connect with her. Joel is ass over heels in love with her. Now I know what he’s been going on about.”

“Oh, Trevor. Silver tongue,” she gently teased him as her heart pounded madly.

“Nope. Just honest.”

They pulled into the outskirts of their destination, and she sat quietly as Trevor negotiated the route to the Andersons. Joel and Tara were expecting them in the early afternoon, and while the men toured Joel’s new building, she and Tara were supposed to visit. Lois was a bit apprehensive and hoped they liked one another. Trevor’s parents were both gone, but he had a whole network of friends he wanted to introduce her and Jonathon to, and Jonathon wanted to take them home for Christmas to meet his family. Apparently the Spence family were used to Jonathon’s Lifestyle, and he’d already alerted them to the fact he was in a ménage. Getting a little ahead of himself. Lois wondered if he was correct in his interpretation of his family’s acceptance, but again, she decided to let go of what she couldn’t control.

The trip here had been a pleasure. Jonathon kissed her good-bye masterfully and ensured she was buckled into the passenger seat. He wrung Trevor’s hand and said something she couldn’t hear, but it elicited a laugh and shoulder shot from Trevor. They took their time, the three-hour trip stretching into five, primarily because Trevor stopped whenever she expressed an interest in something. He was patient, and it reflected in his response to her. They chatted, and she shared, much as she had with Jonathon. Trevor listened and displayed the same interest as he did their first night together. Well, their first full night.

They pulled up in front of a house similar in size and appearance to Kennedy and Graham’s. The neighborhood was much the same, suburban homes with well-manicured lawns, landscaping suitable for dry climates, redwood fences. The door flew open, and a short, stocky man charged out. He and Trevor bumped chests and thumped one another on the back before Trevor turned to introduce her.

“Joel, this is Lois. She’s my Tara.”

Joel stepped right into her space and wrapped her up. This man had no issues with being demonstrative, and she felt his sincerity as he hugged the breath right out of her. “Welcome, little lady. Old Trevor finally did it. You’ll be something special.”

Trevor hauled their bags out of the trunk while Joel hustled her up the steps. As soon as she got her breath back, she was going to say something nice. She really was.

A slender blonde waited for them in the foyer. She looked poised yet welcoming, a serene look on her face, a pleasant smile on her lips. “Hello, Trevor.” A musical voice and beautiful face didn’t distract from her distended belly.

Was everyone in the world pregnant? Lois figured the fates were out to either torture her or push the issue.

“And you’ll be Lois. It’s wonderful to meet you. Joel couldn’t believe it, but I imagine Trevor waited until he found his One.”

Lois melted before the other woman’s sincere kindness. And if her ears hadn’t deceived her, Tara referenced Trevor finding his One. She looked at Tara questioningly.

“Yup. Me sub, him Dom.” The vernacular sounded so campy, coming from such a sophisticated, beautiful face. Lois laughed, and Tara joined her.

“Come in and we’ll get to know one another. They need to go and do the run-through of the building so we can have the evening together. Trevor can put your things in the guest suite.”

Lois watched Trevor and Joel charge out the door after Trevor hastily renewed his acquaintance with Tara. He kissed her good-bye with a hint of what might transpire when he returned. She and Tara made themselves comfortable in the well-appointed living room. Tara served cold drinks and tiny sandwiches, accompanied by a cheese tray. A little fancy, but clearly welcoming and without pretention. Lois continued to count her blessings.

The two of them talked about everything under the sun. Tara had known about her propensity, knew she wanted a dominant man since high school and met Joel while at the university in Austin, although at a different club from Club Pleasure. Joel and Trevor went way back but attended different clubs, visiting one another’s. Their courtship wasn’t without difficulty, primarily because Joel didn’t want to commit. Tara left him to his own devices, to sort it out, and moved here, where she found employment as an instructor at the college. Joel followed her, and they worked things out. Hence the lack of contact with Trevor because neither of them had a driving need to return to Austin, the scene of their bad memories. Joel was in IT, apparently, and did very well. Tara professed to know little and care less.

Lois was slightly befuddled by the amount of information Tara shared, but she felt a kindred spirit. She told Tara about how she and Trevor came to meet, including the fact they were in a ménage and shocked the other woman into a brief silence. Then she giggled.

“I knew Trevor was a third. Joel was to invite him, actually, but we had our-falling out beforehand.”

Oh my god. How would she feel to be in the same room with a woman who had sex with Trevor? Even before she met him? Although she supposed there were any number of subs at Pleasure who’d had the pleasure.

Tara placed a cool hand on her forearm. “Sweetie, it didn’t happen and I’m glad now I’ve met you. Not that I don’t sometimes indulge, or did before Junior here. And Trevor’s clearly moved on. Good for him. Now tell me about Jonathon. Joel and I’ll compare notes later, and I want the goods.”

The rest of the afternoon passed in feminine gossip and laughter. Lois eyed Tara’s belly from time to time, but there was never a mention about whether a child might be in her future. Maybe she looked too old. Or maybe Tara just assumed it was too early in the relationship. Which it was.

Trevor and Joel came home in time to get ready to go out for dinner. They went to their respective rooms. Lois put their clothing away while he showered. It felt quite domestic and had her thinking about where the three of them would live in the future. Trevor had an apartment and of course Jonathon his quarters at the club, but Lois decided they should find a place for them all. She wouldn’t broach the subject until they were back with Jonathon in Austin, but she thought about the options.

“Honey?” Trevor stood in the doorway of the attached bathroom. He rubbed a towel over his thick brown hair and another was slung carelessly around his hips. He looked good enough to eat, and she reminded herself they were going out for dinner and had no time for appetizers. She giggled out loud at her thought.



“How was your afternoon with Tara? You seemed to get along.”

“We did. She’s really nice and so open.”

“Subs united, eh?”

“I suppose, although she reminds me more of Kennedy once you get past her poise.”

“Yup. Joel had his hands full with her.” He moved swiftly to pull her against him. “I prefer your sweet, submissive nature.”

Lois leaned into him, soaking up the scent of clean, fresh male. “I hear you were lined up as their third.”

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