Frozen Holidays 1& 2 Eudorus and Zelus (9 page)

Read Frozen Holidays 1& 2 Eudorus and Zelus Online

Authors: Crystal Dawn

Tags: #romance, #erotic, #christmas, #action adventure, #alien, #sci fi, #dna

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Sierra, one of the team sent in to free them,
and Zeus, the leader of the gods, are the first to mate and have

Frozen Origin 2-Hermes

Hermes is captured by rogue Origin agents and
meets his future mate under the worst possible conditions. He had
hoped to mate a fierce warrior like Zeus did, but is drawn to the
timid mousy girl despite his wishes to the contrary. When she helps
him escape, he begins to discover she isn’t anything like he
thought her to be.

Origin continues to try to bring the gods
back under their control and rogue agents with their own plans are
added to the mix. The gods deal with the US military, spies in
their midst, and are offered another captured Origin lab to use for
their own needs. Zeus offers this to the demons but Lu wants to
think about it.

Several of the other gods suspect they’ve
found their mates but they aren’t sure yet. Some of them wonder if
they’ll ever be truly free of Origin and if they’ll ever have the
things that other people take for granted.

Frozen Origin 3-Hades

In Hades, more gods are freed and brought
home. A new trend is developing with Origin. They are farming gods
out singly to small groups and individuals making it harder to
track them. Hades and Doc search for a god that was verified in the
possession of an unidentified party. Their mission was largely
unsuccessful and they returned to Olympus without the god they had
searched for. Was he still alive? They believed he was but the
search would have to start all over from scratch. They refused to
give up until he was free or confirmed dead.

Frozen Origin Quickies-Morpheus

Farmed out to a particularly loathsome female
researcher, Morpheus only wants to die so he can be free from the
pain and the desire of the vindictive female who tortures him when
he refuses to service her. Eventually his fellow gods find him but
there are so many more out there in situations similar or even
worse than his.


Emma Norton, Dr. Emma Norton, looked into the
eyes of the two year old child she had been raising as if she were
her own. It was only fair since it was her fault that that her
mother had died giving birth. It was just one of a long list of
sins that she had to atone for and with the break down of Origin
and the development of these
small research groups
as they
were being called, now was the time to begin to plan the end. She’d
not ever thought of herself as cold, but now she saw she had been
and distant as well. It was like she’d thought nothing bad was
going on if she chose not to acknowledge it.

Her parents had been the academic types
completely absorbed by their work. She had been an accident but
they had chosen to have her hoping she would take their work to the
next generation and beyond. A living legacy of sorts but they would
have been disappointed because she had gone into another field
entirely, DNA. They had died when she was barely a teenager. Their
study had turned deadly and they hadn’t left the volcano fast
enough and their passion had literally burned them up.

She herself had also been a victim of their
research. While they studied a volcano near a small primitive
village, she had gotten an illness unknown of in the rest of the
world. She had survived, but she was almost completely deaf. It may
have been part of the reason she rejected their life’s work. An
implant later in life had aided in her struggle to be part of the
world around her.

Joy said, “Mommy.” She looked into that
precious face and knew it was time. Now, before another moment
passed. She picked up her cell phone. Not the one she usually used
but the burner cell she had bought just for this purpose. She
almost dropped it when someone answered.

“Hello, gods of Olympus hotline. This is
Zelus speaking.”


Chapter 1


Zelus sat at his desk in the room where the
hotlines were manned and his mouth was slightly open. The look of
surprise was plastered on his face. The first thought was, this was
a joke of some sort, but what if it wasn’t?

“Ma’am, I can give you immunity if your
information and assistance leads us to reclaim two gods. The
situation with the child is more than I personally can guarantee
but I can get someone here that does have that power.”

“I’ll have to call you back. Tomorrow at the
same time, okay? What’s your extension?” she sounded worried and

That was no surprise if she was betraying a
group like Origin. All their high level officers were vicious and
cold. As far as Zelus was concerned they were soulless fiends,
capable of anything. Part of that observation probably came from
being at their mercy most of his life. There were things he refused
to do regardless of the encouragement and he had the scars to prove

“You can talk to anyone at this number.”

“No, you. I want to talk to
I’ll just forget about it.”

“Don’t do that. It’s extension Z. I’ll be
here,” he reassured her quickly.

“Thank you,” she said just before the line
went dead.

Hades came running into the room and everyone
looked up but it was Zelus he approached. “I want to hear it,” he
demanded as he held out his hand.

Hades was responding to the button Zelus had
pushed indicating they had a possible lead on a god. All the
stations in the call center had such a button. The alarm was routed
to whichever command level god was on duty at the time. Zelus
handed him his ear phones so he could replay the conversation
without interrupting the others taking calls from all around the
world. While they had up to ten gods manning phones at any given
time and they were kept busy, only a handful of calls in a week,
led to anything worth investigating. Often, all the calls of worth
were about the same case. This call was different since people just
didn’t betray Origin. Once they were caught, that was different but
this woman was free. It made no sense.

Zelus was sure, down to his bones, that the
call was legitimate. His mind was like a runaway train as
questioned ran through it and he couldn’t find a way to slow them
down. Her voice had aroused him which made him ashamed. She had
said she was bad, too dark a soul to redeem. What if it was true
but he wanted her anyway? What if only part of what she said was
true and she was trying to use him against his brothers? He knew so
little except her voice called to him. Could he really want a
female so morally corrupt that she sat by or even assisted in the
torture of his brothers?

He looked at Hades who had set down the
headphones and was looking at him thoughtfully. It was never good
to draw Hades’s full attention. He pushed his worry to the side for
now. Hades would make all the decisions on this case. His only part
would be talking to her and even then, Hades or another higher
level god, maybe even Zeus, would make all the decisions on any
deal struck. He would just follow orders, something he was very
good at.

“You make sure you’re here early tomorrow,”
Hades said in his usual no nonsense way. The thought of bringing
home two gods and a small girl child who was part god, was
heartwarming. The thoughts he had about a female who wanted to
betray Origin and hide among them, not so much.

Everyone made mistakes, but there were some
mistakes so big and bad that you couldn’t come back from them,
weren’t there? How bad had she been? Had she killed gods and
innocents? Had she only helped and not killed them herself? Or was
she only guilty of turning a blind eye and overlooking the pain and
suffering others caused? He was glad he wasn’t in charge because
they would be walking a fine line on the deal they needed to make.
She would be suspicious, hell, she already was. He could just
imagine the conversation in Zeus’s office right about now. He was
glad he hadn’t been invited.

“Who the hell is she and do you think she
really knows where two gods are?” Zeus growled. They were searching
for the lost gods, but it was taking so much time, too much time.
Teams of gods and humans were spending weeks sometimes chasing
leads with little or no results. “What about this girl child? Do
you think she’s really part god?” Zeus looked around waiting for
someone to answer.

“It wouldn’t be surprising to find that the
girl is part god. She certainly wouldn’t be the first,” Doc said.
“There was something about the way that the woman spoke at the
start of the conversation. I think she might be a doctor or an
assistant.” The gods present all looked angrier. They blamed the
doctors more than any except the top managers and owner of Origin.
“All of you need to realize a doctor coming to us would be
invaluable. She would know things we’ve only guessed at. She might
be able to help save even more gods before they have time to switch
them all around on us.”

“I understand you guys are resentful. You’d
rather deal out vengeance than reward. That won’t work this time,
we need anything she can give us. If you get her to come to you,
others from Origin may see you treated her fairly and come to you
also. The organization needs to crumble and the fastest way is to
raid their people and turn them to your side. Being connected with
Origin isn’t a popular place to be, put some pressure on them. Your
searches haven’t been successful enough, get more information by
recruiting former Origin managers. I know it seems like you’re
rewarding their bad behavior, but the lives of some of your lost
gods may depend on it. Start with her because it sounds like she
has the reason she needs to change,” Sierra said adding her

“Enough, you two have made your point. We’ll
go forward with a deal for the female when she calls Zelus. Anyone
disagree?” Zeus took the time to look each person in the eyes as he
went around the table. “Very well, dismissed until then.”

Gods jumped up and hurried out the door
trying to get away before Zeus changed his mind. Sierra watched
with a smirk on her face. It was fuckin’ hilarious the way these
big tough gods hated to talk about anything but fighting and sex.
She looked at Doc seeing a similar look on her face. She noticed
Cherish just shook her head. She was still trying to figure the
guys out, as if that was even possible. Zeus put his arm around his
mate and lead her back to their room. Tomorrow would move the
situation along and the decisions would be made as things

Sierra had noticed the female seemed to trust
Zelus. She would be recommending he joined the team. She was sure
he wouldn’t be pleased since he never went into the outer world nor
did he like dealing with humans. It was good to push a god’s
comfort zone and she did it often. She didn’t mind being called a
pushy bitch, in fact she was rather proud of it. Now that he was on
her radar, Zelus would find he was pushed often. It was a busy time
with Thanksgiving behind them and Christmas ahead. They had
celebrated an American style Thanksgiving on the same day as the US
since most mates were American.

With today being the first of December, all
the decorations and the tree were being put up with haste. She
didn’t want to decorate for Christmas until the start of the month
because the holidays tended to run together as it was. She liked
each to have it’s own time so the reason for each holiday was clear
and celebrated properly. Maybe she was being silly, but when it
came to holidays, these gods were a lot like kids. They hadn’t been
able to enjoy any of the holidays when they were growing up. She
wanted to help them enjoy them now.

They were all so tense and worried about the
lost gods and the possible children of the gods that were out
there. There was Cronos too, who seemed to be on the verge of
waking. It was exciting but scary too since no one knew what to
expect. Sierra had a friend coming in who worked with ancient
languages among other things. She would help figure out what to
expect by translating the images around Cronos’s body. It wouldn’t
be long since she was coming at Christmas break, the day after
Christmas precisely. She was a professor and had duties to see to
until then.

They were stepping up the missions to recover
the lost gods because the longer they were gone, the less likely
they would ever come home. They were using an untapped pool of a
few hundred younger gods that didn’t run missions often. It was a
calculated risk sending so many inexperienced gods into the outer
world. Each team would have two experienced members, Hades and Doc
were the two for the second team, a team made up of some surprised
and even a few less than willing members but they had to help with
team one as well. They were gods, they would suck it up and do
their best.

They had been gone now for a handful of days.
Team one was nearly ready to make their move and an unhappy Hermes,
who had not wanted to leave his mate so she had insisted on going
too, headed it. They had found out some information that team two
needed. It seemed that Raker was using employees to breed more
gods. These women were being used without their knowledge and would
have to be helped somehow.

She went to the communications room and
checked on the progress of all the teams in the field. Team one
would be attacking the facility today. Hopefully they would find
information that would help the teams still out in the field. They
would all have to react fast once team one got their gods out. The
clock would be ticking and every team would have to act quickly or
risk losing their gods. No one was willing to risk that. A special
team was assembling that would go after Raker and any of the other
managers they knew about. Emma would be helpful when it came to
identifying and tracking these people down.

Chapter 2

Making a deal

Emma had been as nervous as a whore in church
all day no matter how hard she tried to relax. Her jumpiness would
draw attention if it hadn’t already. Her change of heart was making
her see everything in a different light and her need to change the
way things were just grew steadily. Raker was pressing her to make
some progress on an antiaging drug. She tried to explain that the
god she was using for the study couldn’t give more samples without
risking permanent damage or death. Raker didn’t care. She got a
message from his assistant saying the she had a schedule to keep
and she’d best keep it.

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