Frostbite (Last Call #5) (4 page)

Read Frostbite (Last Call #5) Online

Authors: Moira Rogers

Tags: #paranormal romance, #paranormal, #paranormal erotica

BOOK: Frostbite (Last Call #5)
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And he wanted to see her come.

Gritting his teeth, he pushed down his own
need, wrapped himself in the same dispassionate protections that
kept him strong in the face of grief and rage. Then he lowered
himself to his knees and pushed her legs wide. “Say it again.”

I ache.” She arched off
the chair with a tiny groan. “Lick me, Cain.”

He did. Just a taste, tormenting them both
as he flicked his tongue over her clit. Her hands twitched, stopped
short by the chains, and a shudder ran through her.

So ready. He stroked both thumbs through her
folds before parting her. He only touched her with his breath this
time, feathering it over her exposed clitoris. “Have you ever had
to wait this long before?”

No, damn you.” She braced
her toes on his knees and rocked toward his mouth. “It’s

Perfect. Had he ever been called that
before? Hardly, and it made him smile as he slicked his tongue over
her cunt, savoring the taste of her as much as the way she moaned
through gritted teeth and thrashed against the chains binding

Her thighs quivered. The
chair scraped over the floor as she jerked. Soon—impossibly
soon—she began to beg. “Right—right there.

Release was the one thing he wouldn’t deny
her. He concentrated his attention on the rhythm that made her body
shake, and she rewarded him with gasps and shudders that built to a
silent moment of interminable tension. She twisted above him, took
one more sharp breath—and screamed.

Pleasure. Need. A Siren’s wordless command.
Her voice shredded his defenses as fast as he could build them.
Cain reeled back as her pleasure crested, staggered to his feet and
caught his balance by bracing his hands on the wall on either side
of her arms.

He looked down. Kelsey was flushed and
dazed. Beautiful. His cock ached. His body burned.

She was a Siren, and he wanted to drown in



Kelsey’s vision blurred. She blinked, still
trembling with the last rough pulses of pleasure. Cain stood over
her, his chest heaving, his gaze focused on her like a compass
snapping to north.

He was hard, his cock only inches from her
face, and she could feel the heat wafting off him in waves.

Oh hell,” she whispered,
her voice husky from crying out. “I should have known better than
to keep talking.”

Cain bared his teeth at her, the expression
a growling sort of challenge. “My mind may not be under your
control, but my body has other ideas.”

She was still bound, powerless to move.
“Take the control back. Tell me what to do.”

Wordlessly, he moved forward, until the head
of his cock bumped her lower lip. She opened her mouth, fluttered
her tongue against his ridged flesh...and waited.

This time, he definitely growled. “Suck

He was so intent, so
. “Do you want to

For a long time, he didn’t
answer. His chest lifted with each panting breath, and his gaze
burned her with its unwavering intensity. When the word finally
ripped free of his throat, it sounded both ashamed and defiant.


This was no place for shame. Kelsey rubbed
her cheek along his shaft and stretched up far enough to bite his
stomach. “I want it too.” One more teasing lick, and she took him
in her mouth. A different sort of hunger drove her now, the desire
to please, to satisfy. To see her lover undone.

He shuddered. His hips began to move, tiny
rocking movements at first, as if testing her willingness. Kelsey
leaned closer when he pulled away, then sat up straight, still, and
hummed in invitation.

.” He stroked his thumbs along
her arms. “You want this, sweetheart?”

Anything and everything. Part of it was the denial, but the
rest of it was an awakening attraction that shocked her with its
depth. Cain wasn’t hot because he possessed the willpower and
self-control to deny her superficial needs long enough to fulfill
her deeper ones.

He was just fucking hot.

As if he could see the answer in her face,
he clenched his teeth and eased forward in small advances,
thrusting deeper into her mouth with his gaze fixed on hers, alert
to her reactions.

Not enough. She opened her legs wide enough
to brace her feet on either side of the chair and shifted her body
until she could rub against the smooth, polished seat beneath

Cain dropped one hand to the back of her
head, fingers gentle but unyielding. “You want something to rub

She whimpered helplessly.

Grasping her hair, he pulled free of her
mouth. “Answer me, sweet Kelsey. Do you want something inside

No.” Not until she had

you want?”

I want you.” It felt like
a confession.

He smiled. “Close your eyes.”

She sighed, relaxing as she obeyed. He
rubbed her mouth with his thumb before pushing it between her lips.
He thrust in and out lazily, stroking over her tongue. “Do you want
my cock?”

She couldn’t let herself whimper again, so
she quelled a shudder and nodded.

His hand disappeared, replaced by the blunt
head of his erection. “This is what you do to my body,” he
whispered, tracing the slick head over her lips. “Not just your
voice. You.”

Kelsey opened her eyes as she licked her
lips. He was so close that she licked him too, and she looked up at
him as she did it again, this time on purpose.

He groaned and thrust between her lips, both
hands returning to her hair. “I find it fitting irony that I’ve
become obsessed with your mouth. You don’t need to speak to render
me helpless.”

And she was the one
hypnotized by his voice, by the rough rise and fall of every word.
They had meaning, of course, but beneath that was the
, the way every
syllable rasped up her spine like a caress.

She pulled away, just until he was about to
pop free of her mouth, then took him deeper in a single slow
advance. When she eased back again, she sucked him hard for just a
heartbeat. His entire body shuddered as he surged forward,
thrusting into her mouth with a telling lack of control.

Not enough, not nearly—for either of them.
Kelsey twisted her wrists, lifting her body as she caught hold of
the chains binding her, and moaned in encouragement. His eyes
blazed as he tightened his hands, gripping her head to hold her in
place for his next thrust.

So careful, even this close to the edge.

His breathing turned heavy, sharp, and his
fingertips dug into the back of her head. His hips rocked a final
time, short and uncontrolled, and he stumbled back, eyes

The sense of loss was instantaneous, and so
severe that Kelsey barely managed to catch her breath. “Why did you

Cain smiled, and he seemed more composed
now. More like the man who’d brought her to this room. He touched
the stiff tip of her nipple. “Even ice melts sometimes.”

She shivered. “Yeah, and last I checked, it
was melting in my mouth. What’s the problem?”

Not yet,” was all he said.
He stepped aside and freed the chain from the wall. “I want to melt
somewhere else.”

The delicate chain fell, sliding over her
skin as she lowered her hands. “We have all night.”

One of his eyebrows lifted in a perfect
arch. “Are you disappointed?”

He obviously found the idea unbelievable.
“Is it so hard to fathom?” she whispered, rising. “That I might
want you to come in my mouth?”

A little,” he admitted,
disbelief melting into naked hunger. “It’s the sort of thing one
imagines men want to hear more than women want to say.”

You said you like the way
a woman tastes when she’s coming. Was that a line? A

No.” He stroked her cheek
before reaching down to tangle his hand in the chain connecting her
wrists. “I never doubted your willingness, or even your enjoyment.
Perhaps it’s your craving that has taken me aback.”

He was delicious, untouchable—but not for
the night. “I crave a lot of things, Cain. Right now, your
pleasure’s damn high on the list.”

Then perhaps we should
both take what we want.” He kicked free of his pants and pulled her
toward the bed. “At the same time.”

Dirty.” She pulled the
long chain free of his grasp and stepped over it, leaving her hands
bound, though loosely, behind her back. “There.”

Amusement shone in Cain’s eyes as he
stretched out on the rumpled sheets. “You’re an impossible brat.
And lucky I find unquestioning obedience more tedious than

Fond words, as out of place in a night of
purely physical debauchery as her desire to see him laugh. “Neither
of us plays very well by the rules, I’ve learned that already.”

He tucked one arm behind his head and
smiled, utterly relaxed aside from his jutting erection. “Rules
have never mattered to me. Only the universal one.”

And what is that?” Kelsey
gathered the chain, then dropped it on his chest as she settled
over him, facing his feet.

The one by which you still
don’t have to live. That all good things come to an

How dreary.” She leaned
over, rested her hands on his thighs and drew her tongue up the top
of his cock. “Feel different?”

The chain snapped tight, almost wrenching
her arms back behind her, and he laughed hoarsely. “I can’t decide
which view is better. Though this one provides more interesting

He didn’t have to decide. They could have it
all—at least until the sun peeked over the horizon. “Show me one,”
she murmured, then slid her lips around him with a hum.

He tugged at the chain, pulling her hands
back slowly enough to allow her to catch her balance without
bracing her weight on them. “Like this,” he said, twisting the
extra length before looping it around her wrists.

With her hands bound tight at the small of
her back, Kelsey had to move carefully. She glided her tongue
around the head of his erection. “Now I want to tease you.”

You could.” His thumb
stroked through her folds and pushed into her. “If you

She bit her lip to hold back a moan, but it
didn’t work. “What if I give as good as I get?”

He plunged deeper. “A battle of wits?”

She licked him again. “Is that what this

Isn’t everything?” Before
she could answer, his palm cracked across the swell of her

Kelsey jerked against the
chains. “Oh

Warm fingers smoothed gently over burning
skin. “What happened to giving me as good as you get?”

Cocky words, the kind that sparked with
challenge. “Careful what you ask for,” she whispered, then lowered
her head and sucked him hard and deep.

He groaned and thrust up, a jolting thrust
he paired with another slap. “Harder.”

She gave it to him, without teasing or
holding back. Her skin burned, and she wanted him to take it
further, send that tingling warmth spinning through her whole body.
If he wanted to know how good it felt to have his hands on her,
she’d show him.

She’d show him all night long.



It was better to have Kelsey facing away
from him. With her attention occupied, she might not realize how
tenuous his control was. How close to the edge she’d brought him,
how even her moans now held an edge of power, a whisper of

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