Front Man 3 : Full Frontal (Part #3 of the Front Man series) (6 page)

BOOK: Front Man 3 : Full Frontal (Part #3 of the Front Man series)
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"Bastard. I
knew he was jealous of me, that much was obvious, but I never thought
he'd stoop to this."

"I'm so sorry,

"Sorry? What
have you got to be sorry for? If it wasn't for you, I might still be
none the wiser. I owe you everything, Sara. And if you'll let me, I'm
going to try my hardest to make it up to you."

"Well, I have
to say, I like the sound of that. Listen, Jack...can I ask you
something? Something personal?"

"Of course.

"Backtrack...the's about Laura, isn't it."

The haunted look
returned for a moment, before Jack smiled.

"Yeah, yeah it
is. I wrote it for her, just before she went missing. Nobody ever got
it before." He looked at her with something like admiration.


At the hospital,
Sara was cleaned up. A kindly doctor stitched and bandaged her hand,
and a nurse applied an ice pack to her swollen cheek. Jack hovered
around her the entire time, much to the delight of all the female
staff. He was clearly agitated, checking his phone every five seconds
for news of Laura. But he still took the time to sign autographs, and
popped up to the children's ward to say hello to the awestruck

"I should do
this more often." He sighed, as he returned to Sara's side. "I
don't give enough back, I really don't. But anyway, how are you

"Almost human
again, " Sara said, smiling bravely. "Although I must look

"You look
beautiful, as always," Jack whispered. Leaning towards her, he
pressed his lips gently to hers, and Sara's heart melted.

"Sorry, is
that allowed? " Jack asked.

"Well, you did
just rescue me, so I'd say I can allow it."

"Sara. It's
you who rescued me. I know it's cheesy, but its true. I was so stupid
to let you get away."

"You sent me
away." Sara hadn't meant to say it, but all the hurt of the past
months welled up inside her, and it just slipped out.

"I know, and
I'm sorry. I was scared. Scared that I'd hurt you, that I couldn't
make you happy. I'm still scared, to tell you the truth. But if you
can find it in you heart to give me another chance, I will try to
make you the happiest woman on earth."

Sara answered him
with a kiss, deeper this time, their tongues caressing eachother as
Jack ran his fingers through her hair. He pulled her gently on to his
lap, wrapping one arm around her waist as the other gently cupped her

A pointed cough
interuppted their happy reunion, and Jack looked up to see Jared
hovering in the doorway.

"I see you two
are getting on okay." He said with a grin.

"We were for Sara's discharge papers," Jack mumbled,
blushing, "but are you okay? Is there any news."

fine. In fact, there's somebody here to see you."

A young policeman
wheeled a chair into the room. The girl sat there looked a lot
younger without all her stage makeup. Sara spotted a couple of
scrapes and bruises, but she didn't seem seriously hurt, and she felt
a wave of relief. She looked over at Jack, and saw his lip was

he said, and his voice cracked with emotion. Setting Sara down
gently, he approached his sister cautiously, as if she might flee
again at any moment.

"Oh Laura, I
thought I'd never see you again."

"Jacky, I'm so
sorry. I thought I was doing the right thing, I thought you didn't
want me any more." Laura began to sob, and her big brother took
her in his arms and held her tight. Sara saw there were tears in
Jared's eyes as well; they'd all been imagining this moment for a
long time.

"I should give
you two some time to catch up," Sara said softly, heading
towards the door.

"No, Sara,
wait!" Laura reached out and caught her by the arm. "I'm so
sorry you got mixed up in all this. I didn't know...I guess I didn't
know what Michael was capable of. Or Dan...he hit you,d idn't he?"
Sara nodded and Laura shook her head angrily. "Man, I trusted
those guys...if you hadn't come along, I don't know what would have
happened to me. Now I'm here, Jack's here...thank you Sara. Thank you
so much."

"It was
nothing, honestly," Sara shrugged, embarrassed. It was pure luck
that the story had a happy ending; it could all have gone down very

Jared said warmly, putting his arm around Sara's shoulders, "you're
the hero of the hour. These two are back together, Michael's been
exposed as the rat he is. You did good, kid. Now come on, let me take
you for a cup of coffee. Then as soon as the doctor gets you signed
out, we can go home."

They traipsed down
to the cafeteria, and sat comfortably with two steaming cups of
watery brown liquid that claimed to be a latte.

"They picked
up that Dan guy's car on the highway," Jared explained. "He
was doing over 100, would probably have got pulled over even without
the licence plate. He had poor Laura in the trunk."

"Oh my god,
that guy's a psycho. Poor Laura. Is she going to be okay?"

she'll be fine, she was just a little bashed up. Mentally...she'll
get there. We'll make sure of it. From what she told me, Michael's
been supplying her drugs since way back in the day. I guess that's
how he's had such a hold over her for all this time."

"He told her
Jack wanted her out of his life. That Michael was the only one who
cared about her." Sara added.

"Hah! Michael
doesn't give a crap about anything except hurting Jack. Do you know
what he said to the police? They asked him what he planned to do with
Laura. And he replied, " I dunno. I thought that little whore
would have overdosed by now." Can you believe that? I trusted
that boy..."

"He's good at
hiding it. Charming. He had everyone taken in, Jared."

"I know. I
just feel guilty. I've been with the band every step of the way, I've
looked out for them, kept them away from bad influences. And all
along, there's been someone sabotaging them from the inside."

"Well, it's
all out now. We can make it right."

"I hope so.
God, the press are going to love this. They're already camped outside
the hospital. We'll have to sneak out through the ambulance bay."

"Sounds like
fun." Sara smiled at him, taking a sip of her 'latte.' It tasted
even worse than it looked.

"Laura's going
to be kept in overnight. Then tomorrow, she's agreed to go straight
into a rehab centre, ninety day program. One of the best. Jack will
be able to visit once a week, give them a chance to start getting to
know each other again."

"That's great,

"Isn't it
just?" Jack said, sneaking up behind her and planting a kiss on
her cheek. "Considering everything she's been through, Laura
seems really positive. It's better than I could have hoped. Plus,
Sara, the doctors are done with you. Erica's waiting for you at home,
I called her to let her know we're leaving. "


"Darling, it's
the least I can do."


"Sara! Oh my
god, I've been so worried." As she came through the door, Erica
threw her arms around her friend. Jack followed her sheepishly into
the apartment.

"Nice place
you guys have here," he ventured, still a little worried that
Erica was about to give him a dressing down.

"Well, it's
not quite a rock star penthouse, but it does us pretty nicely."
Erica smiled. She touched him gently on the arm; it seemed that all
was forgiven. Erica yawned widely; it was almost 7am and none of them
had slept.

"Sara, do you
need anything? Otherwise I might hit the hay, I'm asleep on my feet."

"I'll be fine,
" Sara reassured her, giving her friend another quick hug, "
you get to bed."

"I'm sure
Jack's got it covered." Erica gave them both a sly wink as she
left the room.

"So. Here we
are," Jack said shyly, running his fingers through his hair.

"I guess so. "
Sara smiled up at him. She couldn't believe that after all these
months of longing, Jack Carter was standing in her own living room.
He looked tired and a little rough around the edges, messy hair and a
decent sprinkling of stubble. Real. Sexy. Sara reached out and traced
the fingers of her uninjured hand along his jaw line, looking deep
into his eyes.

"I can't
believe this is happening." She said at last.

neither,"Jack replied, "but I'm glad it is."

"You'll stay,
won't you? I...I don't want to be alone tonight." Sara winced at
how vulnerable she sounded, but figured under the circumstances, he
would understand.

"That would be
amazing...but are you sure that's what you want? I know I've still
got a lot of making up to do."

"Well then,
you should start tonight. I'll show you where my room is." She
took his hand and led him down the corridor.

Jack sat on the end
of Sara's bed as she undressed, sliding her jeans down her long, slim
legs. Her bandaged hand was slowing her down, and she struggled to
slip her shirt over her head.

"Can I help
you with that?" he asked. Sara laughed.

"Yeah, maybe
that's a good idea, we could be here all night!"

He approached her
tentatively, and lifted the soft cotton fabric from the waist, gently
maneuvering around her injuries. He savored the smell of her skin as
he slowly unveiled her taut stomach and the swell of her breasts.
Jack could hear he breathing quicken, echoing the longing he felt

"Oh Sara.
You're not making this easy for me."

"Making what

myself...I really want to take things slow, you know. I want you to
know that this isn't just about sex."

let's make a deal then. No sex. There are other things we can do..."

Jack grinned. He
liked the sound of other things. Placing one strong hand in the small
of Sara's back, he bent to kiss her. She responded with passion,
pulling him closer and kissing him with an intensity that took his
breath away. He scooped her up and carried her carefully to the bed,
where they lay entwined, making out like a pair of horny teenagers.

Sara gasped as Jack
cupped her breast and squeezed just hard enough to be a little
painful. The move sent a jolt of pleasure through her, and she sighed
with pleasure as he unhooked her bra and brought his mouth to her
pert nipples.

"Oh god, that
feels so good," she panted as he teased them with his tongue.

"Oh yeah?"
Jack teased, "well this is going to feel even better." He
ran his fingers over her stomach, moving lower and lower until her
slipped his hand underneath her lace underwear. The pads of his
fingers traced the soft, neatly trimmed hair that framed her pussy.
Sara moaned, already dripping wet, every cell of her body crying out
to be pleasured.

"I've been
dreaming about you," Jack whispered seductively, in between
planting soft kisses on her neck. Too aroused to think of an answer,
Sara waited breathlessly for him to continue.

"In my dream,
I'm staying at a really fancy hotel in Paris. I'm lying in bed, early
one morning, my dick really hard because I've just woken up."
The thought of his hard cock sent a shiver through Sara. Jack's
fingers continued to stroke her pussy lips, ever so gently, teasing

"Then all of a
sudden there's a knock at the door, and you walk into the room,
wearing this tiny little French Maid outfit. Seems you're my
housekeeper for the day, but you don't seem to recognize me. And you
start dusting the room, bending right over so I can see your tight
little ass in your white lacy panties. I'm so hot for you, but every
time I open my mouth to talk to you, no sound comes out." Sara
couldn't hold back her own groan as he finally slipped his finger
into her folds, circling her engorged, throbbing clitoris. He
continued talking as he rubbed her, tantalizingly slowly, sending
wave after wave of intense pleasure washing over her

"Then all of a
sudden you turn to me, and you give me one of your sexy little
smiles. You say something in French, and I can't understand it, but
it sounds so goddamn sexy, and then you start to walk slowly towards
the bed. It's like I'm hypnotized, I can't speak, I can't move, I'm
just sat there watching you as you peel off that tiny little French
Maid outfit. You're standing in front of me in just lingerie and
stockings. Then you climb onto the bed and straddle me, putting those
gorgeous breasts of yours right in my face."

Jack's fingers
increased their pace, applying just a little more pressure to Sara's
clit as she moaned with pleasure. He slipped just the tip of his
index finger into her dripping opening, relishing the proof of her

"And then you
get up on your knees, and you pull those white lace panties aside so
I can see your beautiful pussy, all shaved and glistening wet. And
you pull back the sheets, and you spread your legs wide, and then all
of a sudden I'm inside of you."

As he spoke, Jack
slid two fingers fully inside her, and Sara cried out at the sudden
feeling of fullness. He slid his fingers in and out, making her moan
even louder, caressing her swollen g-spot until she hovered on the
brink of orgasm.

"So you're
riding me hard, your head thrown back, and it feels so good I'm
almost ready to pass out. Then you pick up the pace, and you look me
dead in the eye and just whisper, "come for me baby." And
I'm gone, I'm coming inside you, and you're screaming my name."

Jack moved his
fingers faster, using the pad of his thumb to circle Sara's clitoris,
and she pushed desperately against his fingers as she started to come
hard, harder than she ever had before. She thought the orgasm would
never end, each new wave seemingly more intense than the last.
Finally she lay still, and he eased his fingers gently out of her
throbbing pussy.

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